My Little Pony: Infinite Night [ENG]

by Claud Melchior

Chapter 26

After the landing, Spike immediately kissed the ground.

"We're back! Everything is just as it was before!" Spike shouted overjoyed, Twilight released the illusion and regained her normal look.

"I KNEW, IT WAS ONLY A CHEAP TRICK! " Starlight shouted to Twilight. Twilight just looked unimpressed.

"QUIET!" Twilight shouted, throwing Starlight at the wall with her magic.

When Starlight hit the ground, she lost consciousness.

"Twilight, that was not really necessary." said Spike surprised.

"It was! This mad mare wanted to erase my past!" Twilight hissed coldly.

"Twilight, ..."

"Write a letter to Princess Celestia!" interrupted She Spike quickly. "We have to talk about what happened!"

"But just talk, right?" Spike asked cautiously.

"Of course! What else?"

Spike did not answer, looking for a blank scroll and quill. When he found both, Twilight began dictating:

"Dear Princess Celestia,

I've traveled through time and done extraordinary things, some of which must be discussed as quickly as possible, as they are critical about the fate of Equestria. I ask you to come to Ponyville as soon as possible!

Princess Twilight Sparkle "

Spike immediately sent the scroll.

"It sounds so strange to me when I call myself Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said thoughtfully,

"What do you think Celestia will say about all this?" Spike asked.

"We'll know soon enough!" Twilight replied.

As if on command, Spike spit out a scroll from Princess Celestia. Twilight immediately grabbed it with her magic and hurriedly read Celestia's answer. Spike watched with growing concern as Twilight began to shake with rage all over. The scroll went up in blue flames.

"TOO BUSY?!?!?!? I CAN’T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!!" Twilight yelled in rage."SPIKE !! SCROLL AND INK !!!"

Spike hastily brought her the desired objects.

Twilight emptied the whole inkwell over the scroll. But before Spike could ask what she was doing, Twilight put her hoof on the scroll and conjured a message.

Before Twilight rolled up the scroll, Spike caught a quick glimpse of the news. The scroll was completely black with ink except for a thin line that formed the symbol of Nightmare Moon and written under it: Come or you'll never see the sun again!

Twilight gave him the scroll.

"Send it!" She ordered.

"Twilight, I do not think that's a good idea ..."

"SEND IT!" Screamed Twilight.

Spike sent the scroll without hesitation. Something in Twilight's eyes scared him. He just hoped that Celestia could calm her down.

Luckily for Spike, Twilight slowly began to calm down again.
One minute passed.
There was no answer from Celestia so far. Twilight began to step on the spot impatiently. Spike scratched the back of his head.

"Twilight? Do you think that you ..."

Celestia and Luna teleported into the throne room before Spike could finish.

"Twilight! What was this stupid message about?!?" Celestia's annoyance turned to confusion when she saw Twilight.
"Since when do you wear an armor? she asked.

"Why were you too busy!?" Twilight asked back.

"Important paperwork, because after all, I rule about Equestria and you know that's why I rarely have time." Twilight almost thought this answer.

"And if I'm writing to you that I've traveled through time and need to talk about what's happening, is that less important to you than some paperwork?!" Celestia waved her hoof.

"Please, Twilight, that's not the first time you traveled through time..."

"I was stuck for almost a month! In an Equestria of the night, dominated by Nightmare Moon!"

Celestia and Luna looked at each other in astonishment.

"And all thanks to her there!"

Twilight nodded to the unconscious Starlight.

"Wow, that sounds like you've been through a lot! I'm sorry I did not take it seriously."

Celestia's shamed look was excuse enough for Twilight." But in the end, this adventure was a valuable insight."

"What insight, if I may ask?" Asked Celestia curiously.

"You tell me!"

Twilight pulled out the bangle and threw Celestia in front of his hooves.

Celestia picked him up and the princesses eyed him attentively. Luna didn't recognize anything special about the small, primitive gold bracelet, but Celestia froze the blood in her veins. She remembered the bracelet and where she left it thousands of years ago!

"Where did you find it?" Asked Celestia shocked.

"Where you probably lost it, on the red world!"

"Sounds like a very interesting place ..."

"Don’t play with me! I know about the nectar and its effect! The only question I have is what you really meant to do with me?"

"What's that question, what am I planning to do with you? You always wanted to be like us."

"Then Nightmare Moon was right! You would let me drink the nectar to step in your place forever!!!" Twilight exclaimed angrily.

"That's absurd, the nectar was our burden and we would never force such a thing on another pony!" The royal sisters were baffled.

"And I am supposed believe that? You have never been able to protect Equestria! I've saved Equestria countless times!"

"I do not know what Nightmare Moon put into your head, but I'll always protect Equestria, even from you!" cried Celestia decided!

Twilight laughed.

"You can not! I'm not your little Sparkle anymore! I do not even need to use my horn for magic! Whatever happens now, I will not continue to smile and wave!!!"

Twilight raged inwardly. All these years for a hoof full of lies! Tied forever to this world just to watch over this land. But to outlive friends, family and acquaintances?!? She will never pay this price! She had only returned for her friends and not because of her! To Tartarus with Celestia! She will never give her the chance for that!

Twilight attacked Celestia and Luna with a powerful spell of magic. As fast as lightning, the siblings pulled up a common protective shield, which just barely stopped the beam.

"Focus, sister!" Cried Celestia over the noise of the spell.

They combined their magical powers and transformed the shield into their own magic beam, pushing Twilight's spell back piece by piece. Celestia and Luna gave it all and although Twilight was losing the showdown slowly, she stayed calm. The magic beam approached her slowly. But when the spell almost reached Twilight, she grabbed the energy reserve in her element and struck back! Now it was the royal sisters who were almost overwhelmed!
Twilight grinned victoriously.

There she noticed something out of the corner of her eye. But she did not see the spell coming from the side.
Twilight blackened. The overwhelming power of Twilight's spell suddenly disappeared and Celestia and Luna's magic beam hit the mark.

Twilight was thrown against the wall of the throne room and a fall later he lay motionless on the floor.

"TWILIGHT!" Spike shouted and ran to her, followed by the two sisters.

Spike pulled Twilight's armor off and listened for her heartbeat, a stone falling from his heart as he heard it.

"She's alive!" Spike said relieved.

"Spike, please!" Celestia pleaded with watery eyes.

"What happened to Twilight? It could never have been her!"

"That's what Nightmare Moon did to her, she's not the Twilight we all knew!"

Spike felt terrible for not seeing it coming.

"NO! I do not believe that! Twilight would never do such a thing!" Celestia looked at the unconscious Twilight, then she cast a spell and tried to touch Twilight with her horn. But Luna stopped her.

"Sister, no!" Luna warned.

"Please, I need to know what happened to her!" Celestia pleaded, Luna could not stand Celestia's look and reluctantly moved away.

She watched with the others as Celestia held her horn on Twilight's forehead and scoured her memories.

"I see darkness ... Nightmare Moon ... Starswirl's time magic ... She was terrible to Twilight ... I knew it! She is under a spell! ... "

Celestia suddenly recoiled from Twilight. Her face reflected stark horror!"

"What did you see, sister? " Luna asked carefully,

"A spell that can destroy entire cities!"

Silence fell over the throne room. No one knew what to do with Twilight.

"Oh yes, she can do that too!" Spike noticed and caught a stunned look from the two sisters. Celestia whimpered while staring at Twilight.

Luna walked over to Starlight.

"I hope you give us clarity on this matter ..."

"No!" Celestia interrupted her sister. Celestia threatened Starlight.

"I've seen enough of what happened and you'll do anything to fix it or you'll spend the rest of your life in the depths of Tartarus! Do you understand me?!?"

Starlight nodded in shock.

"I will give you, Spike and Twilight new memories and block Twilight's abilities! I do not care what you did! But you'll help me get my Twilight back! "Luna had never seen Celestia like this. Starlight just nodded in shock."

"Sister, ... "

"No, Luna! There is no other way!

"Celestia blocked." We have to talk about what happened!"

"You still want to talk?!? She almost destroyed us!"

"And you want to change her memories, you know that's not a good idea!"

"Please, ... I just want to have our Twilight back."

Luna wanted to argue, but Celestia's desperate look silenced her.

"Spike, can I ask you for it, too?"

"The spell should only give her the armors power!"

"And you're sure of that?" Celestia asked back.

"Well, no. But she has ... "Spike did not know either,

"If you're sure it's the right thing to do, then I'll do it." Spike said,

"Thanks, Spike." Celestia turned to the still unconscious Twilight.

"What now?" Luna asked.

"Shhht! I’m thinking ..." Celestia hissed hard.

"I think I have a story together! It does not make any sense, but you've experienced it so it will seem as real as as this moment! And Luna please take the spell and this armor!"

Luna did as I said and the royal sisters got on the map while Spike and Starlight dragged Twilight to the table.

"She has to be awake for the spell to work!" Celestia stated,

"Luna, I'm preparing the spell, if I say go, give Twilight enough energy to wake her up!" Luna nodded uncontrollably. Celestia began to do her magic.

Her horn began to shine.

Luna gave Twilight as much energy as she could, Twilight moaned sleepily and stood up slowly.

At that moment, Celestia released the spell, and within seconds the whole castle was brightly lit.

Twilights, Starlights and Spikes memories of the journey were changed in an instant. It was suddenly not a month but not even a day.
A crazy adventure through all the time lines that always came from a single point, as it really couldn't be. From Nightmare Moon to the Flim Flam brothers, Twilight and Spike have all encountered many bad guys in their own time lines, while Starlight always sabotaged Rainbow Dash's rain boom, making the time lines possible.

And after countless attempts, Twilight finally convinced Starlight to ignore her past. So Starlight did not destroy the scroll and let the rain boom happen.

They came safely back to their world and the time spell was sucked before their eyes in the time portal and is lost forever.