My Little Pony: Infinite Night [ENG]

by Claud Melchior

Chapter 17

It sounded like the right Rarity, but the pony who was waiting for the Trio in the throne room was in no way like the Rarity she had known for years. A snooty pony with tied mane in a uniform with Nightmare Moon's Crescent.

"Ah, Queen Nightmare Moon. Thank you for taking the time to discuss the new design I’ve planned..."

"No changes. The usual as always." cut Nightmare Moon her off.

Rarity sighed. This pony knows no changes.

"Let's leave the aesthetics aside, Rarity. I wanted to introduce you to someone. This is Twilight Moon, my student and her dragon Spike."

"It is such an honor to meet the student of our Queen and her dragon, of whom one hears so much but knows so little." Rarity bowed low. Nightmare Moon looked at Twilight with an insidious smug.

"Twilight Moon has actually heard a lot more from you. She told me you were best friends in another dimension. But unfortunately I have other things to attend to and I have to leave you for now."

Nightmare Moon left the room grinning. Well thanks a lot! Thought Twilight annoyed.

"Best friends in another dimension?!? She didn't really mean it, did she?" Rarity asked with an unsettled laugh.
Twilight sighed.

"Yes, she did. Where I come from, we have known each other for years."

"Wow. Who would have thought that!" Rarity marveled.

"But let's not talk about it, I'd rather wonder how it came about that you're working for Nightmare Moon now?" Rarity waved.

"I do not work directly for her Majesty. My boutique in Ponyville gets regularly the order for the interior of the palace."

"Also in my "dimension" you have a boutique, actually three. Through the Sonic Rainboom you found your passion for fashion, dresses and gemstones."

"Three boutiques?!?" Rarity asked impressed.
"One night maybe. But I do not know what that Sonic Rainboom should be, of which you speak, and gems never interested me personally. I started working on fabrics and clothes when I was very small and ended up getting my cutie mark."

Rarity pointed to her flank where instead of her usual three jewels there was a spool of thread and needle." I see, but in the end not far from the Rarity of my world." said Twilight.

"Indeed? Well, then, let me ask how the other Rarity ... "

She paused when she saw the Queen running with a guard.

"Rarity! Spike! My guard will accompany you to the Tower for your protection! Twilight, you come with me! " called Nightmare Moon in turmoil.

She ran, followed by Twilight.

"Wait, Master? What is going on?" asked Twilight at the race.
Nightmare Moon stopped, turned and looked at Twilight with that dangerous, piercing look.

"Your brother is here!" She said shortly.

"My brother? You mean Shining Armor?" Twilight asked, puzzled.

Nightmare Moon did not answer but guided her to a nearby balcony. Twilight did not see anything conspicuous at first. But there she saw countless armed ponies marching out of the forest. And right at the top was a white unicorn with a blue mane.

"Incredible, isn't it?" Said Nightmare Moon hatefully.
"Lured my armies to the other end of Equestria and then just show up here in and beliefs that I surrender!"

The ponies formed in front of the palace, provoking with all sorts of gestures, shouting curses and insults at the Queen.
"Twilight, I want you to teleport to Ponyville and wait for me there, you're not ready for this!"

Twilight thought she heard a hint of worry in her voice.

"And what will you do?" Asked Twilight tense.

Nightmare Moon's answer was to jump off the balcony and attack alone with an impressive battle cry.

Twilight had to leave her one thing: this evil alicorn does not show his enormous courage.

She watched fascinated as her master dived toward the army. But just before Nightmare Moon crashed into the first line, Twilight saw Shining Armor pulling something out of a bag and pointing it at the queen. Seconds later, Nightmare Moon was sucked into the object with a whirlwind before it even reached the army.

This immediately burst into cheers while Twilight got a panic attack.

"That's not good!" She thought loud,

These sun warriors will surely burn down the palace and with it the spell! Better not to be in the palace right now!

Twilight teleported to Ponyville in the hope that the spell was hidden well enough.