//------------------------------// // Chapter 16 // Story: My Little Pony: Infinite Night [ENG] // by Claud Melchior //------------------------------// Twilight sat silently in her new armor with Spike in the Starswirl the Bearded section and worked on the spell. Nobody said anything, even though the glances both gave each other said more than enough, and the even scratching of Twilight's feather made them both just more nervous. "What was that supposed to be?!" Spike broke through the unbearable silence. "I really don’t understand what you mean by that." Twilight replied focused in her work. "Oh no?!?" Spike exclaimed furiously. "She gives you such a gift in her so-called most secret chamber and you do not know what I mean?!?" Twilight stopped writing and turned to Spike. "And what does that mean now?" Twilight replied annoyed. "That you let her turn your head around, that's what it means!" "Spike," Twilight said quietly, "I know what she was up to with this armor, but I also find it a bit sad that it's the most beautiful gift anyone has ever made me, do you understand me there?" "Well, somehow yes, Twilight," Spike hesitantly admitted. "Okay, and now I have to concentrate! I have a lot to do before we can get home!" As soon as Twilight got back into her work, she heard Nightmare Moon shouting through the library, "Twilight Moon. Are you here?" Twilight sighed, hiding the scroll in its usual place and attempting to step out of the section, but when she opened the door, she was startled, as Nightmare Moon was already standing right behind the door, "I thought you were here, my student." said the queen amused. "I know it was a hard day today but I still wanted to teach you that one spell you asked me for. If you do not mind.” "Of course not, Master." Twilight replied quickly. "Since your dragon may now be privy to everything, he may now be present at our lesson, if he wishes." came unexpectedly from Nightmare Moon. "Why am I allowed to join in everything now?" Spike asked skeptically. "Simple, Spike. I want to try to trust you like Twilight." Admittedly Spike thought Twilight's magic training would be much more exciting. But after all, he can now mentally support Twilight and take care that something like the star bolt does not happen again. He has never seen the spell Twilight is learning. Nightmare Moon literally bends the magic beam around her and throws it back to Twilight. A bow around Twilight later it lands again at Nightmare Moon and repeat. Must be an exciting spell and it has something in it, to see a normal magic beam that does not behave like a magic beam. But only after two hours, this becomes monotonous because the only thing that changes, is sometimes the size of the spell. "May I ask you something personal?" Nightmare Moon asked cautiously. "Of course, Master, what do you want to know?" "I hope it's not too early for that, but I'd like to ask who the other elements, your friends, were." Twilight almost lost control of the spell. "Concentrate, Twilight Moon, do not lose control!" admonished Nightmare Moon. Twilight focused again on the spell and got him back under control. "In combat, you have to pay more to more things attention than just a spell. Be always of that." "Of course, Master." replied Twilight. "But if you do not want to talk about it, it's fine. I was just curious." "No, no, Master, I like to talk about it." Twilight replied hesitantly. "Well, if so, who were they?" "Well, the element of laughter was Pinkie Pie." The queen broke immediately the spell and began to laugh. "The Pink Earth Pony of the Pie Family?!? Never!" Exclaimed Nightmare Moon in disbelief. "You know her?" Twilight asked in surprise. "The whole Pie family was involved in the reconstruction of the palace. She is the complete opposite of the element. Who else? Spitfire the traitor, as the element of loyalty?" Nightmare Moon asked, still laughing. "The element of loyalty was Rainbow Dash. " replied Twilight. Nightmare Moon stopped laughing in and started to thinking. "Rainbow Dash ... I've heard that name somewhere before. Please continue." "Flutter Shy was the element of kindness." "Never heard of her." "Apple Jack was the element of honesty." "Almost the entire Apple family rebelled against me. All captured and banished on the other side of the world." "By Celestia, why?!?" Spike exclaimed, shocked. "Because, my dear dragon, they didn't like my moon apples." "Sounds ridiculous, but then: These ponies love their apples." Spike thought out loud. "So true!" agreed Nightmare Moon, eying. "And the element of generosity?" Nightmare Moon turned back to Twilight. "Rarity." Nightmare Moon looked at Twilight in astonishment. "White unicorn with purple, perfectly styled mane and tail? Very good with everything about fabric and clothes?" Drama queen?" "Yeah, that sounds like the right Rarity," Twilight replied confused, "My indoor decorator, I'll meet her in 20 minutes.”