//------------------------------// // Chapter 7 // Story: My Little Pony: Infinite Night [ENG] // by Claud Melchior //------------------------------// "Can you tell me what you're up to, Twilight?" Spike asked. "Starlight has never stolen the scroll in this time line! It's still in the library at Canterlot Castle. We can go home soon!" she called through the wind. The duo quickly left Ponyville behind and was in Canterlot after a short flight. But unlike Ponyville, Canterlot was anything but abandoned. There were a lot of ponies on the streets and Nightmare Moons were soldiers everywhere. Getting unseen in the castle seemed hardly possible. But she had another idea. "Spike, I need your help!" she said determinedly. Twilight managed to land unseen in an alley near the castle. Spike stepped outside immediately began his part of the plan. He ran to the guards in front of the castle and shouted "HELP, HELP AN CHANGELING! I SAW A CHANGELING!" Panic broke out immediately around them, and while the guards tried to keep things in order, Twilight seized the opportunity and slipped unseen through the gate. Her plan was simple. Spike distracts the guards and Twilight gets Starswirl's spell from the castle. She knew exactly where to look because the library had its own section only for Starswirl's books and spells. And by the way, she knew the castle so well, since she had spent half of her life here. But before she went on thinking about her great idol and her time in the castle, Twilight noticed that the castle was almost empty. Apart from a few statues, there was nothing left, and the thick layer of dust on the floor was proof, that this place had been abandoned for a long time. Please do not let it be true! Twilight thought desperately as she raced through the empty corridors. But when Twilight came to the library, she found it as empty as the entire castle. She expected this because why should someone leave all the valuable books behind, if one already clears the whole castle. But it was too much despite this foresight and Twilight burst into tears. It was her only chance to put the past right again and return home. Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Apple Jack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, her esteemed mentor Celestia and all her other friends. She will never see them again! She and Spike would spend the rest of their lives in this new present, and the very thought almost drove them out of their minds. She did not know how long she was lying there and cried eventually Twilight gave a jerk and went to the library. Maybe something was overlooked. Maybe she can find a secret closet with something important. Perhaps ... She heard the rustle of paper as she passed an empty shelf. There was a lonely piece of paper. She took a closer look at the find. To the 7th Command Immediately clear the castle of Canterlot and bring all the items to the Palace of the Night. Special priority is given to the secret closets. Command directly from the queen. General Tempest She had brought everything away and according to the document that was already 3 years ago. She's smarter than she looks, Twilight thought as she walked out from the library defeated. What should become of her and Spike? Twilight wondered. She saw no other options. Maybe they should crawl into the Badlands, where no one can find them. Or in the ice desert of the Crystal Kingdom ... Twilight heard a sound that brought her out of her thoughts. She stopped and listened, but she could not tell what it was. It wasn't steps or voices. She was sure. She kept walking toward the exit and the closer she got, the more clearly she could hear the sound. Definitely wild ringing bells. Twilight looked carefully out of the gate of the castle. There was nobody to see. The alarm bells continued to ring. They take the “changeling threat” very seriously thought Twilight. She just hoped that Spike was fine. “WE FOUND THE CHANGELING!” Twilight looked up startled and saw three guards flying down from the roof of the castle, standing between her and the entrance, but as if that was not enough, guards were now coming from everywhere and formed a circle around Twilight. And as if that was not enough to be surrounded by a bunch of angry guards who look like they just want to tear Twilight to pieces, two of them made way for a big guard with particularly magnificent armor which has to be the captain. And as if that was not enough, he held a chained spike with his magic, which he ruthlessly threw at Twilight's Hooves. "Surrender, Changeling! There is no escape!" screamed the captain. Twilight's heard her heartbeat. She had to find some escape route but she could not think of anyone. But as the captain took a step towards her, Twilight got a short-circuit reaction and she tried to teleport herself and Spike away. But as soon as her horn began to glow, she got hit a lightning spell from the captain and fell to the ground. She blushed. She just saw how the guards bent over her in surprise. "... it does not change ... is it possible that it ...." She didn't hear the rest.