My Little Pony: Infinite Night [ENG]

by Claud Melchior

Chapter 27

Spike happily kissed the ground.

"One castle of friendship, check!" Behind Spike the door opened

"What, in Equestria was that?" He heard Rarity ask in the room.

"Is every pony ok?" Flutter shy asked worriedly.

"Can you do it again?" Pinkie squealed excitedly.

"One group of fantastic friends, check!"

"Yes, Spike, it looks like we're home." Twilight happily concluded,

"Uhm, what's she doing here?" Applejack asked Starlight with a suspicious look,

"Well, that's a long story."

Twilight put her hoof on Starlight's shoulder. Starlight did not know what to make of it, after all, she had just tried to destroy Twilight's existence, so she just smiled sheepishly.

Starlight's embarrassment quickly became nervousness, which now waited her the throne room for the decision of the Main Six.

The muffled voices from the throne room and her constant ups and downs only made you even more nervous, but you could not let it either. She could in no way estimate what will happen now. Will they take you to Canterlot to Princess Celestia to judge her? Or maybe worse? Starlight gave herself a jolt and stopped, but she couldn't resist to take a worried look to the door.

"I mean, I knew my rain boom was awesome, but I never thought that all of Equestria depended on it!"

"Or on us!" added Pinkie Pie Rainbows statement. Rainbow Dash barely believed Twilight's story. But in the past, even crazier stories of Twilight have come true.

"I think it's more than that!" Twilight continued. "Friendship connects all of Equestria and undoing one group of friends made his magic less powerful."

"I can not believe you could just travel through time like that!" Applejack was still processing Twilight's story, just like Pinkie Pie.

"That Starlight must be pretty magical!" She exclaimed,

"She obviously has more talent for magic than almost any pony I've seen! My magic couldn't stop her. I had to convince her to stop on her own! Once i realized that, everything fell into place!"

"But ... If she's as powerful as all that, we can’t just send her on her way, can we?" Applejack said uncertainly.

"Actually, I kinda have something else in mind!" Twilight replied calmly.

Spike opened the door and waved Starlight in. She swallowed and sighed. The decision was probably made. Starlight entered the room, staring at the Main Six.

"I know there's no excuse for what I did," Starlight began, "But I want you to know that I'm ready for whatever punishment you think fair."

"I've been thinking a lot about how badly Equestria forth without just one group of friends, because even when one friendship dies, the result can be disastrous." explained Twilight.

"I know first hove how true that can be." Starlight said sad.

"And that's why I asked you here! If you're willing to learn, I'm ready to teach you what I know and you'll have the power to make Equestria an even better place!" Twilight announced joyfully.

"How do I start?" Starlight whispered to her uncertainly.

"Starting is easy, all you have to do is make a friend ..." explained Twilight "... and you've got seven of them right here."

Starlight never thought that the day would end so that she would become the official pupil of Twilight and even life in her castle.

Feeling even more guilty for what she did, she was determined not to disappoint Twilight and be the best student she can be. Although the other ponies were much more restrained, they too welcomed her despite past events. Starlight went to bed in her new room feeling as peaceful as she had ever been in her life.

For her, a new chapter had begun today, which could mean something like becoming a completely new pony. Who knows what she will experience and learn with Twilight and her friends? But whatever challenges she may face, she knows that she has the greatest friends at her side and with them she will be able to overcome any obstacle.

Starlight's thoughts slowly calmed down, eventually giving way to a good night's sleep. She could not notice what happened after that.

A shapeless figure, patiently waiting for her sleep, began to scour her consciousness.

Starlight did not wake up even as the figure went deeper and ultimately found what she was looking for and then withdrew from Starlight's consciousness.