//------------------------------// // How Was Your Day? // Story: Rarity Gets Enslaved // by MagicS //------------------------------// With one last day before the Grand Festival and the start of our revolution I decided that it really would do us all well to just relax. As I had seen to last night the dresses were completely finished and the fashion show was completely planned out, everything was ready and everyone knew exactly what they were doing. So instead of worrying all day about what might go wrong and being anxious I and all my friends were not going to think about that kind of stuff one bit. Instead we were all enjoying ourselves in Duke Terluff’s home, getting to sit on his comfortable furniture and eat and drink whatever we wanted while chatting with each other. It reminded me of spa day with my friends back home. Minus the spa. Perhaps the spa would be my first stop when I got home, after checking in with Sweetie Belle of course. Duke Terluff and his wife were both with us as well, I was happy to see them partaking in the fun and really getting along with everyone else. His wife was reticent as always but she was enjoying herself. And Duke Terluff joked and ribbed with Gertrude as if they were old friends, it was charming if not a bit weird to see. “And so there I was, stuck with the golden idol, surrounded by locals with absolutely no way to talk my way out of things, and my friends nowhere in sight to help me.” Daylight was currently regaling us about one of her old treasure-hunting adventures. Rainbow Dash would probably get a kick out of this. “So what happened? How’d you escape?” Spine asked, the quiet dragon was so totally intrigued and on the edge of her seat that she was surprising me and Cinder. “Well if I could teleport it would have been easy but instead I just got lucky.” She grinned sheepishly and started rubbing the back of her head. “The locals were a really superstitious folk and right as they were about to attack me there was an earthquake. It scared them and sent them running for the hills so I was able to escape and find my friends again, just in time to save them from the tar pit they had somehow gotten stuck in in the meantime.” “Wow. Sounds like that was a really tiring day.” Soleil said. “One of many I’ve had.” Daylight chuckled uneasily. “I had hoped to have things be more relaxing after I retired from that but then this all happened.” “Uh, sorry about that… I guess.” Duke Terluff chimed in. “Don’t worry about it, not like I ever blamed anyone in particular.” Daylight just shrugged. “Yeah unlike me she’s not the type to hold grudges.” Gertrude said and playfully elbowed Duke Terluff in the side. “Speaking of you Gertrude you must have plenty of stories to tell? Anything interesting you want to share with the rest of us?” Daylight asked our griffon friend. “Ehhh...” Gertrude scratched her head under the beret I made. As I knew from earlier with her she wasn’t much for talking about her past. “Come on Gertrude, Spine and I have known you the longest and we still don’t really know anything about you. I mean we only just learned you had brothers because of when you told Rarity about them back when we headed into town.” Cinder said. “Yeah come on! Let’s hear a griffon story!” Soleil joined in. Gertrude seemed thoroughly embarrassed and uncomfortable but I was hardly going to save her. She might as well loosen up a little more. There were plenty of embarrassing stores in my past I’d like to keep hidden but I’m sure she must have something she’d like to share about herself. In part it was because we had been so busy but I just didn’t know these five as much as I wanted to, now that we had this whole day to just spend like this it would be a good opportunity to rectify that. “Come now Gertrude.” I said. “I’ve never shied away from speaking about myself, you must have some small anecdote to tell us about?” “Ughhh, fine.” Gertrude finally relented. “But I really don’t have anything interesting to tell. Griffonstone was a mess before I left it and nothing ever happened there. Since my brothers had already left a long time ago I finally decided to up and leave too, not like there was any reason to stay.” She crossed her arms and shifted in her seat, trying to get comfortable. “So you all know how the Dragon Lands are right to the south of Griffonstone right? Well when I first left Griffonstone I… uh… didn’t.” She blushed in embarrassment. “And so I ended up flying straight into the middle of dragon territory, all alone and having no idea what I had just done. I wasn’t some stooge looking for adventure like my brothers either, I just wanted to go somewhere else. But what followed was weeks of me being chased by dragons and trying not to get eaten.” As she finished up she covered her face and sighed deeply. “Pff! Hahaha!” Cinder started laughing, holding her belly and kicking her feet against the couch. “You mean you just flew right into dragon territory without even knowing?!” Gertrude’s blush deepened and she glared at the dragon. “It was my first time leaving home okay? Sue me. I didn’t see any dragons until I was already a ways in, not my fault there weren’t any flying about where I was.” I couldn’t help but also giggle at her story. “I’m sorry Gertrude but you must admit it’s rather funny.” “So what happened next?” Cinder asked, wiping a tear from her eye. “Nothing much. I flew and flew until the dragons didn’t feel like chasing me anymore. After that I ended up in all kinds of places. Mostly got into a bunch of trouble and got chased around by monsters or bad guys wherever I went.” Gertrude shrugged. “In fact the reason I got enslaved here was because I was trying to get away from some debt collectors after making a… couple of poor decisions. And not knowing where I was going again my wings took me here and the rest is history.” Gertrude rested her chin in her talon and seemed to ponder something for a second. “Honestly I think I really just have bad luck. I don’t think anything I’ve done qualifies as an adventure or much of a good story, just a bunch of misadventures. Wonder if it’s the same for my brothers.” “Well I hope things turn out for you better after we all get out of here.” I said. The griffon just shrugged at my words. “Eh, I’m sure I’ll get by regardless anyways.” But then she scowled and her eyes narrowed at Soleil. “And since the hippogriff wanted to hear a story so bad I think it’s only fair that she shares one in return. So, Soleil, got any interesting stories from back home?” Unlike Gertrude Soleil didn’t seem bothered at all about being put on the spot. “I don’t mind sharing but there’s not much to share. I never really did anything special, just hung out and messed around with the other kids from the orphanage.” Soleil said, leaning back in her chair. “I’m sorry to hear that you’re an orphan, dear.” I said with sincerity. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do for a while now. “Not a big deal.” She said nonchalantly. “Not like I know what I’m missing and I’ve had a good life anyways.” “A good life?” Daylight asked disbelievingly. “You do realize you’ve been a slave for however long right?” “Yeah and things could still be worse.” Soleil’s carefree attitude was somewhat inspiring in a way. “I guess so.” Daylight relented, not bothering with raining on Soleil’s parade. Gertrude however wasn’t quite done. “Come on Soleil, you have to have something that you’d like to tell us about? Even just something dumb that happened when you were a kid.” “Well we occasionally did some mischievous stuff, just the kind of stuff kids do and all.” Soleil said. “And then there was a lot of chaos when the Storm King started doing his thing, I wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on and all that, and long story short I ended up lost at sea and found by trolls. And now I’m here!” “You’re awful at telling stories.” Gertrude just rolled her eyes and shook her head. “You’re not the best either you know?” Daylight remarked. Gertrude just glared at her while the rest of us laughed. Duke Terluff chuckled along in his usual way as well, finding great humor at Gertrude’s expense. Even his wife joined in a little bit. How nice it was that we could laugh like this together. I never would’ve thought such a thing was possible when I first came here, my opinion on not just the trolls but most of my fellow slaves was rather low. And here we were now. I know Gertrude wasn’t really bothered by any of this joking either, she could take it just as well as she could dish it out. “Since it seems like we’re all sharing today how about our two dragons tell us something about themselves?” I asked, moving us on to a new subject. Spine’s ears perked up and she looked to Cinder, who merely gave her a shrug in response. “Well-” Cinder began. “We’re kind of like Soleil I guess, there isn’t really anything to tell. We grew up around a bunch of other dragons and most of them were jerks. Dragons like us need to prove we’re tough and can handle the rough lifestyle but we didn’t get any respect cause the two of us are still young.” “And short.” Spine cut in. Cinder deflated, dragging her palm down her face and sighing deeply. “Yeah… that too.” Now it was Cinder’s turn to receive a round of chuckles and giggles. “Anyways.” She started again. “The two of us have always been together so when I got the bright idea to go adventuring off somewhere to beat up some monsters and prove myself I just had to drag Spine along with me. And here we are.” She grimaced and sent an embarrassed glance at Spine. “Sorry about all this by the way. Guess I know how the Duke feels too.” “Just like Daylight said, don’t worry about it. I don’t hold anything against you.” Spine said. “I’d rather be here with you than back there all alone anyways.” How sweet. “Okay fine but dragons don’t hug so don’t expect anything mushy like that.” Cinder said to her friend and crossed her arms. I shot a quick glance to Duke Terluff, who quickly looked away. Coward. He should stop fronting already and embrace his nice side. Not like he isn’t already sweet and mushy with his wife. “You got anything to say, Duke? Any stories to tell?” Gertrude asked him. He coughed into his hand and looked about nervously. “Mm, nothing interesting really. At least nothing that would be appropriate for this discussion. I was born into my position like the other nobles and have spent my whole life in the castle. And frankly I’d rather not talk about my past duties and work considering how it often relates to your predicaments, I don’t want to put a damper on things.” The Duke folded his arms across his chest and leaned back. “As I’ve told Rarity many times I find this castle to be very boring and there’s not much to say about my life inside of it, my wife and I go to parties, work, and relax. It was dreadfully stale before I met Rarity.” He smiled at me. “Darling I still don’t see how you could ever get tired of such a glamorous life… aside from the bad fashion and decorations.” I said. “But I at least could always fix that on my own of course.” “Yes, yes, enough about how great you are.” Duke Terluff dismissively rolled his eyes at me. The others started snickering and I could only huff in annoyance. “So what about you then?” Daylight finally asked me. “I’m sure you have a lot of stories to tell. And we all already know how much you love talking about yourself.” “Hmph.” I closed my eyes indignantly. “There is nothing wrong with liking to let others get to know you. I am simply a passionate person who enjoys the attention.” I opened my eyes back up and gave my friends a smile. “As for stories, oh yes, I have plenty of those to tell.” Now that was the truth if there ever was one. So told and told I did about all the fun adventures I had been on with my friends before coming here, it was a lovely experience getting to entertain my new friends with these old tales. While also making me look as good as possible of course. Not that that was difficult in the first place. Since no one else apparently felt like talking about themselves any more I spent the next few hours carrying the conversation myself. It was easy enough with everything that’s happened to me since Twilight first arrived in Ponyville. Everyone seemed to be enjoying it as I regaled them. I left out any parts that were embarrassing for me and basically ended up telling my whole life story until late into the evening. They all seemed impressed with how much I’ve done and all that’s happened to me, Soleil though said she was glad that her life was mostly a lot quieter than mine. Well I wouldn’t hold that against anyone. I was going to miss everyone when this was all over. “Well it’s a big day tomorrow.” I said after a long evening of talking. Sitting up and stretching my whole body I couldn’t help but let a yawn escape from me. “I think we should probably call it a night and get some rest. How’s that sound?” “Works for me.” Gertrude said and similarly stretched her wings, hopping off the couch she was on. “Yes, it’ll be important that we’re all at the top of our game.” Duke Terluff said, also rising from his seat and nudging his wife who had fallen asleep without me noticing. “We have the first day of the festival where we can just mess around I guess. But you probably want to use that to get everything ready and make sure it’s gonna go off perfectly?” Daylight asked me. I hummed to myself and scratched my chin, thinking. “Actually I wouldn’t mind seeing what the Grand Festival has in store, I’d like to see the plays and other events Duke Terluff mentioned, and what kinds of things merchants bring to the castle to sell.” I said. “Maybe we can spend most of tomorrow together having some fun too?” “Again, works for me.” Gertrude shrugged. “Yeah let’s party!” Soleil said and ecstatically pumped her fist in the air. “Considering it’s a troll festival I don’t think they’ll be too keen on us “partying” or being very exuberant.” Daylight Gleam hesitantly put down the hippogriff, a pitying smile on her face. “Be that as it may I can still make sure you enjoy yourselves.” Duke Terluff said. “I’ll make sure no one causes any trouble for you that first day and I can guide you through the events if you want.” “I think we have our plan for tomorrow then!” I said. “But that’s enough for now, come along then, let’s get back to the office to sleep.” Duke Terluff looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “You don’t want your bed here?” I smiled at my benefactor but shook my head. “It’s a lovely bed but I’d like to be with the others. Thank you, Duke.” “Suit yourself.” He shrugged and began to lead his wife by the hand towards their bedroom. “I’ll see you all early tomorrow morning.” The six of us left his home and went our way back through the castle to my office. It was quiet this evening and there was no more than the usual guards out, no noble off doing some last-minute work or slave running an errand. The six of us walked slowly and quietly, tired from the day spent talking and needing rest. I welcomed the thought of sleep right now. My throat was a little sore from how long I spoke and a good night’s rest before things began tomorrow would be good. Finally we had made it back to that large room that was now all too familiar. But there was something out of place this time. “Hey Rarity, there’s something on the door to your office.” Daylight Gleam said. It was true, it looked like an envelope had been tacked on the door. Gertrude plucked it off the door and eyeballed it. “It’s addressed to you.” She said, handing it to me. I took the envelope in my magic and looked at it. Sure enough, my name was written on it. “It’s probably just a job request some noble left, you all head inside and I’ll join you shortly.” I told them, ushering my friends through the door while I opened up the envelope. What it contained was quite the surprise. I’ll transcribe it here: Dear Rarity, Harlequin Black here, sorry to not tell you this in person but things are just easier this way. Anyways I’m not needed here anymore so I’ve taken my leave. Don’t worry about the revolution, Birdseed and Captain Anchor will make sure things go off without a hitch down in the coliseums and I know you’ll do your part perfectly as well. It was nice meeting you, you’re a wonderful pony. We likely will not be seeing each other again much to my disappointment. So goodbye, I wanted to say that much to you at least since you deserve to know that I’m going. I have other things to attend to unfortunately and those who need my help. You and the rest will be fine without me. Your friend, Harlequin Black P.S. If you remember, if you see Starlight’s friend Trixie anytime soon can you tell her to start packing extra fireworks for the near future? That would really help me out, thank you. P.P.S. Tell Birdseed to stop being such a grouch and be a good pony already. One can make up for past mistakes as you well know. What a peculiar pony.