//------------------------------// // The Grand Festival // Story: Rarity Gets Enslaved // by MagicS //------------------------------// Compared to the normal relatively desolate state of the palace grounds they were now absolutely bustling with activity. The extensive grounds were covered with an array of tents, stalls and stages that thousands of trolls swam through. I was not as in awe of it as the first time I had seen the castle itself nor some of its larger halls but this was still as if an entire fair had been brought to the city of Canterlot, the size and spectacle of it was that immense. It was amazing how it had all sprung up so quickly too. The merchants set up their stalls in their area while the more leisurely activities had their zone. While I’m sure my friends wanted to go see some of the games and other fun stuff I wanted to see the merchant stalls first, that was just as fun to me. It was strange to think it would all be over tomorrow. But forget about that. I promised this would be a day of fun and I meant it. “So trolls put on plays here? I kind of wonder what a troll play is like.” Soleil said from beside me as our large group wandered down the hastily made temporary roads for the Grand Festival that stretched all throughout the grounds. “Forget about some play. I want to see a joust.” Gertrude said before cocking an eye at Duke Terluff. “You said you had jousts right?” “Yes. Troll warriors ride the large wild boars found at the southern tip of the kingdom for the jousts.” Duke Terluff nodded. “You know there was jousting back in the Crystal Empire north of Equestria too.” I chimed in. I guess jousting was a popular sport. Daylight Gleam yawned as she looked out over the paths and I went to stand beside her. My first friend here. I don’t know if I’ve adequately conveyed how helpful it was to have her there with me from the beginning. And she’s been just as helpful ever since. The only other pony in our group but aside from that first day where she told me how she ended up here I didn’t learn much about her until just yesterday, it was funny to think that despite how standoffish she was at first I ended up knowing Gertrude the best of everyone. Daylight however seemed disinterested in what was going on at the festival. Perhaps she just wanted it to be tomorrow already so we could get this whole thing over with. “Anything in particular you’re interested in?” I asked her. “Hm, not really.” She answered. “I’m more hungry than anything.” “We have plenty of apple dishes if you’d like some of that?” Duke Terluff asked. “Oh yeah!” Soleil shouted. “Apple pies, apple turnovers, apple juice, sounds great!” Applejack would’ve enjoyed this festival. Rainbow Dash too considering the jousting. Twilight would love to see another culture’s ways, Pinkie Pie all the fun and partying that was to be had out here today. I’m sure even Fluttershy could find something here she would enjoy. They would’ve had to get used to the whole being slaves thing first though. “So it’s a bite to eat first then? Lead the way, Duke.” I said and our party followed Duke Terluff as he led us down the paths that wounds through and between all of the stalls. There was no rhyme or reason to how things were set up besides the general areas being separated, it seems that whoever found a spot they liked would put up shop there and that was that. It led to a rather chaotic state of affairs. In short order we found ourselves in a large circular clearing surrounded by a variety of stalls and tents and filled up with benches and tables. Trolls sat by the dozens all eating together. We were most definitely the odd ones out even though there were numerous slaves working here and others that were personal attendants of some trolls. More than a few heads turned to look at our out of place group that merrily walked around without a care in the world. It was obvious that most of the trolls here didn’t know who I was or the situation of our group but Duke Terluff’s presence was more than enough to halt any confrontations. After we sat down all it took was a snap of the Duke’s fingers and we had food placed before us. Gertrude and Soleil had absolutely atrocious eating habits. Oh well, it was a festival after all and I might as well allow them to enjoy themselves. I still sent quite the glare at Gertrude after a large belch from her. “Ahh~” Soleil sighed in satisfaction after filling up her stomach. “That was delicious. Where to now?” “Well if we’re going to see some of the entertainment I’d prefer something a little quiet after eating that much.” I said. “How about a play then?” Daylight suggested and turned to Duke Terluff. “Are there any being put on now?” “There should be.” He said. “If you’re all not too weighed down from overeating we can head over to where they should be performing now.” “Very funny, I could eat twice as much as this.” Gertrude said as she pushed herself off the bench, wheezing in exertion. “Ugh, maybe half as much again.” We made our way from the dining area, and I use the term dining loosely considering how rustic it was, and headed over to the entertainment section. Already I could see some large theaters, stages, and open air halls. Right at this moment Tulepule was somewhere among these stages. One of them would be used for our fashion show tomorrow. Duke Terluff has given him the “honor” of getting everything ready, he loved a spectacle after all and said he would gladly make sure the show would be perfect. I hope it didn’t rain tomorrow. That would delay everything if not outright ruin a lot of it. Looking at the sky I saw that while it looked as dreary as ever it wasn’t quite as dark as it got when it would be raining here. Considering the commonness of rain here and the timing of the Grand Festival I wondered if maybe it was put on at this time because they knew it actually wouldn’t be raining these few days? Anyways the eight of us were once more led by Duke Terluff to a large auditorium where we were told that a play was starting up in just a few minutes. Because we had gotten to it relatively late our seats weren’t the best but we still had an adequate view of things. “Can’t say I’ve ever seen a play or whatever. Dragons don’t really do that.” Cinder said. “I’ve seen a number. But I’m intrigued about what a troll play will be like.” I said. Duke Terluff sighed and sunk in his seat. “Don’t get your hopes up.” I suppose I should have expected that. The play was… oh dear Celestia it was boring! It was just two trolls on stage talking to one another the whole time! I’m not even exaggerating! Gertrude and Cinder fell asleep, Soleil dumbly looked on like she was hypnotized, Spine just seemed confused. Daylight was the only one who seemed to take some interest in it. I have no idea how. “That was… something.” I said to everyone as the play ended and we got up from our seats. Despite watching the whole thing my mind was a blank mess of what actually happened in it. “Okay!” Gertrude said. “Let’s do something exciting now, huh?” “There’s a large melee that should be being held about now.” Duke Terluff said. Ugh. Fighting. “Please tell me there aren’t any slaves involved with that?” I asked. “No, no, this is just for troll warriors.” He answered, shaking his head. “Good, that sounds like my kind of fun.” Gertrude said. “Let’s check it out.” She gave a joking glare to Duke Terluff. “Also some warning on how boring that play was gonna be would’ve been nice.” The Duke just shrugged. “Wanted you to go into it with eyes open.” I will admit that despite my distaste for fighting the “melee” as it was called proved to be far more exciting to watch. It was rather brutal but the warriors used blunted weapons specifically made for entertainment purposes so that made it not quite as bad. Gertrude and Duke Terluff seemed to practically get in a competition on which of them could cheer harder while the fighting was going on, that scene was more amusing to me than the actual melee itself. Cinder and Soleil got really into it too but Spine and Daylight seemed a little bored. I don’t know how Daylight was apparently enjoying this less than the play but that’s how it was. The jousting was much more fun for me but the wild boars were absolutely ghastly. Huge beasts the size of manticores. I can hardly believe that the trolls were able to control and ride them like they did. We saw tilt after tilt until there was finally a solitary victor and Gertrude gloated over the fact that the one she was rooting for won instead of who Duke Terluff was rooting for. They’re like children. Since we wanted to wind down a bit after all that Duke Terluff took his wife to a professional portrait painter and the rest of us spent the time waiting in an adjacent tent listening to a small orchestra’s performance. The music was very much the same as what was played at the parties held in the castle, that is to say boring and slow, but I didn’t mind so much at this point. In its own way it was calm and relaxing. “I’m surprised we aren’t getting more stares or anyone trying to start something with us.” Daylight Gleam said from the seat next to me. “Meh. They probably just figure we have to be here for an important enough reason or something.” Gertrude shrugged. “Let’s not dwell on it, darlings. It’s such an unpleasant topic. For now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the music until Duke Terluff and his wife are finished.” I said. “Okay, but what are we doing after this?” Cinder asked. I shrugged. “I, if none of you mind, would like to go the merchant’s section of the festival. I know it will probably be boring for you but you got to have quite a bit of fun watching the melee and the jousting didn’t you?” “Fine with me.” Soleil said after a moment of consideration. The others didn’t mind either, even Gertrude didn’t make a fuss considering we had spent the past few hours doing what she wanted to do. My friends were content with appeasing me for a little bit even if they will likely be bored out of their minds while I see what kinds of things are sold and advertised here. And who knows, maybe there will actually be a vendor that interests them. It still took a little while for Duke Terluff and his wife to be finished but once they rejoined us we made our way to the merchant’s area. I personally found it much more fun than the “entertainment” parts of the Grand Festival. There really were all kinds of things being sold here. Funnily enough one of the first things I noticed was a stall selling fabrics manned by the same tailor Duke Terluff had thrown out of his home before I took over the job of making his wife’s dress. The quality of fabric was quite nice, I could’ve spent hours looking through this one stall but I doubt my friends would appreciate that too much. Alas, I merely browsed and we went on to another vendor. “What are these? Lanterns?” Gertrude said as she held up what was indeed a lantern while we made our way through another tent selling wares. “Congratulations on finding the tent of trinkets.” Duke Terluff said as he walked by a row of scented candles and candle holders. “There’s nothing wrong with knickknacks as long as they’re tasteful.” I huffed at them. Really now. Ooh, they had lavender scented soap here too. Some rather nice picture frames, mirrors, wallpaper, lamps. Not bad. All in all I couldn’t help being reminded of that one swap meet we had all gone to a while back. The quality of the goods here was actually quite high though, the King or whoever probably only wanted the top merchants to be able to sell at their Grand Festival after all. Despite the variety here though it really was just a tent full of things you would find at a flea market. I feel like if anyone actually bought something here they would look decidedly low class. Especially if it was a noble. So after a couple more minutes of browsing we moved on to the next place. “I have a friend back home who would absolutely love this.” I said to the others as we walked down rows of bookcases filled with all manner of… well, books. “Never been much of a reader.” Soleil said as she drew her fingers across the volumes while she walked by. “There’s usually always something interesting in old bookstores.” Daylight Gleam said as her eyes traveled up and down the bookcases. “Obviously now’s not the best time to find something you like but next time you see one I’d say give it a shot. Fiction or non-fiction, just gotta find something that catches your interest. Even if it’s just cause of a cool cover or title.” Twilight would certainly agree with her. “Books are boring.” Gertrude yawned, causing Daylight to roll her eyes. “Why am I not surprised you think that?” She said to the griffon. Their friendly argument continued as the rest of us kept looking through things, and from the bookstore we went to a large outdoor area that was showing off all sorts of potted plants and everything else needed for gardening. Was a little odd to me considering that the trolls living in the castle had no way to garden themselves. The grounds seemed to be entirely for the farms, orchards, and now this festival, and their personal residences didn’t afford them a garden. I saw one more tent that seemed to be selling a wide variety of paints, knowing that my friends would have no interest whatsoever in it I told them to just keep looking through the gardening area and I’d be right back to join them. The owner of the tent didn’t pay me much mind as I entered although I couldn’t help but think that he must be surprised to see me walk in all by my lonesome self. Unfortunately right as I began perusing the large selection of paints (chalk white and eggshell white are very different) a very unwelcome voice called out to me. “Well. Look who it is.” I turned around to see Berten standing there, glaring at me through narrowed eyes from the entrance to this aisle of paints. I didn’t know what to do, I was afraid of course but I didn’t want him to know that so I stood still and returned his gaze, my expression an unchanging mask. I would not be the first to speak up again. Let him say what he wanted to say if it was so important. Finally he seemed to run out of patience and grumbled. “You slave, you got lucky.” He stalked towards me until we were almost touching. “I know you’re up to something and I’m going to enjoy throwing you and Duke Terluff into the dungeon as soon as I get the chance. You may have been able to temporarily fool some of the arbitrators with that little show but I know there’s more going on, Tylark wasn’t just making things up even if he didn’t know it. I’ll drag you and all your little friends out into the light and put a stop to it.” He glared at me some more, trying to make me flinch. But I would not give him that satisfaction. “Feh, dumb pony.” He spat on the ground next to me and turned to leave, walking out of the tent. You know what? I’m really going to enjoy seeing the look on his face tomorrow when he realizes how outmatched he is. The second day of the festival had arrived. It was the big day. The main event. The grand finale! And it started with me frantically running around backstage making sure everything was ready. I would not have my fashion show disappoint in any way shape or form even if it was not the main purpose of what was going on today. Tulepule had fortunately turned out to be quite capable in getting everything together and ready for me at least but I still needed to make sure the dresses were in top form and all the models knew exactly what to do and how to show off the best. Everyone else was here too, getting ready. Cinder, Spine and Soleil were going to be “caterers” in the crowd while Gertrude and Daylight would be helping me back here with the models. Duke Terluff and his wife would be sitting in the stands close to where the King and High Priest would be seated. Everyone would be waiting for the right moment when I announced our revolution in the middle of the show. The guards at the show that had been bought by Duke Terluff would take care of the King and High Priest’s personal guards while the slaves catering the show (and the rest of the festival for that matter) would also join up with the guards and subdue/intimidate the unfriendly nobles Duke Terluff had marked. It would hopefully be a quick and pleasant coup without any fighting or violence. With the unpopular King and High Priest deposed the trolls could do whatever they want after. Terluff and Tulepule along with the allied and sympathetic nobles would start a new government, one far kinder that totally abolishes slavery. Yes, I do completely trust them to do this. They’re my friends. “I’m hungry, can’t we just jump the King and whoever as soon as they show up?” Gertrude whined. I sighed and shook my head. “Gertrude, please. I am not losing the opportunity to show off my work like this. Besides it will be better if they’re all settled in and surrounded anyways.” Gertrude scratched her head and sheepishly looked away. “I feel like your priorities might be just a little self-serving right now.” Daylight Gleam coughed from behind me but I chose to ignore that. “Really now.” I said. “After all I’ve done you can’t allow me a little bit of glory and satisfaction before the thimble drops?” “No, no, you’re right.” Gertrude rolled her eyes. “That’s what I thought.” I giggled and winked at her so she knew I was joking. But honestly nothing I was doing was going to put anything at risk after all. And I had put so much work into the fashion show I was hardly going to let that all go to waste. I may have been a little selfish about all this but it would be fine in the end, we were all about to become free after all. I enjoyed spectacle and wanted to end things appropriately, so what? Tulepule had gotten us a good stage for the show as well, it was large and functioned just like an actual runway would with a broad stage at the back and the middle part that extended out into the crowd where the audience could sit around and watch from. Lights ran down the entirety of the stage so even in the darkness all would be seen clearly. The King and High Priest had seats reserved that sat right at the end of the runway. I’d be looking right at them when I walked down there. For now the curtain was still down but once it was raised the models and my fashion line would be revealed and the show would begin. For a multitude of reasons I couldn’t wait! “The King should be arriving soon and then the show starts right?” Daylight asked me while she helped dress one of the troll models. “Exactly.” I said. “It’s almost evening so according to Duke Terluff and Tulepule he’ll be here very soon.” I’ll peek out from the curtain in a second and see if everyone is settled in for the show. “Well here’s to good luck then.” Gertrude said as she tied the laces on the back of a model’s dress. “It won’t be luck that wins the day here, it’ll be friendship.” And fashion. But I left that out. Gertrude just shrugged at my words but Daylight gave me an encouraging smile The models and dresses totaled one dozen and it’s a testament to my great skill that every single outfit has turned out so well. Since it was almost time we were getting them set up in order and making sure they all would walk out at the right time and take things slow enough so the whole crowd would get plenty of time to see each dress. I was starting with a very vibrant and eye-catching red ensemble. It would make the crowd’s jaws drop for sure. The King must’ve seen the dress I made for the High Priest’s wife but let’s see how he reacts to even grander work from me? All in all the actual display of my troll fashion line would be over fairly quickly and then I would take center stage. So Gertrude and the rest really didn’t have room to complain. A voice cut through my silent musings. “I’d say it’s just about time.” Daylight said. Indeed, it was evening now. The King and High Priest should be here. Telling Gertrude and Daylight to finish up their work I trotted over to the side of the stage and just barely peeked out the edge of the curtain to see the audience. Hundreds of trolls were in attendance, more than I had seen at any single play or concert yesterday. It made my pride swell of course. In that sea I could make out slaves and servants going through the crowd while carrying plates of food and drink. Armored guards stood at attention around the seated nobles, their stony faces betraying nothing. Duke Terluff and his wife sat pleasantly in their seats as if waiting for just any other old show to begin. Lastly my eyes centered in on the most important attendees. It was my first time seeing the King. He was an imposing looking troll, wearing a simple white cape and a large gray-iron crown that almost made me throw up from the fact that something so ugly was on the head of royalty. His wife sat beside him and they were ringed by his own set of royal guards, who I hoped wouldn’t put up a fight when things began. The High Priest, his wife, and that troll Termyne were also all seated next to the King and his wife. As I noticed with great joy the High Priest’s wife was wearing the dress I had made. So it was time. In the castle and down below in the stadiums the revolt was likely just beginning already. “Alright girls.” I said, turning to Gertrude, Daylight and the stoic models that had been lined up. “Let’s get this fashion show underway!” With a nod to the stagehands the curtain was raised. Immediately there were waves of gasps and “oohs and ahhs” from the audience. I smiled in delight as my models took to the stage, perfectly flaunting and showing off the excellently designed dresses I had made as they walked one by one down the runway. From behind it all at the back wall of the stage I looked out to gauge the reactions of the nobles and especially the King and High Priest. Most seemed to be absolutely enraptured by the presentation, there was clapping and murmurs of delight throughout the crowd and many more who sat with their eyes glued to the models and clothes, too awed to give any other response. “Seems to be going well.” Daylight said from beside me. I only nodded in agreement, too focused on the show to make conversation. Soon it would be time for me to head out there. The High Priest didn’t seem to be paying much attention but it may have partly been due to his age, he seemed tired. The King however seemed particularly interested, leaning forward on the edge of his seat so he was practically climbing out of it. I was quite flattered that he liked what he was seeing so much. It almost, almost, made me feel bad for what was about to happen. But really, it’s not my fault that he and this place are the way they are. Half of the models had finished their lap up and down the runway, the show was a hit and I was anxiously waiting for the big moment. The atmosphere in the crowd was one of respect, wonder, and delight and it only grew and grew as each new model took center stage. I started shaking a bit. Nerves were getting to me. “Hey, calm down.” Gertrude saw and laid a comforting wing across my back. Daylight Gleam joined in with her hoof. “Everything’s gonna be fine, right?” Daylight winked at me. Yes, yes it would be. I just had to go out there and do my thing. I’ve never shied away from something like this in the past have I? The last model was finishing up her round now, she was on the return trip down the runway and already the crowd was cheering and clapping in appreciation. Clearly they wanted more. I knew there were quite a few “friends” of mine in that crowd, noble allies of myself and Duke Terluff who were waiting for us to make our move but didn’t know exactly what was coming next. There were shouts for an encore, shouts for more, shouts for all the models to come out again and put everything on display once more. Maybe if I had more time this show could’ve gone on for hours. I could’ve had even more dresses to show off and then some. As it was, the last model made her way back here and the runway was left open for me. “My time to shine.” I said and shared a smile with my two friends before walking out there, the lights now illuminating me as I went down the runway. The nobles knew who I was and that I was responsible for all of this, even the King and High Priest knew it. I can’t imagine they were happy with a slave doing this and now walking out here like I was (in fact I was almost certain the High Priest did not approve of me at all) but even they knew how valuable I was and how so many respected me. As I made my way to the end of the runway where I would be standing before the King and High Priest I noticed a certain troll out of the corner of my eye. Berten was sitting in the crowd as well, in stark contrast to the other trolls here he was glaring at me with his arms crossed over his chest. Let him. The crowd was quiet as I finally made my way to the end of the runway, the King and High Priest practically right in front of me. “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.” I stood up tall and projected my voice as well as I could. “I would like to thank you all for coming out here to see my show, especially the most esteemed of you of all.” I gave a smile and a quick bow to the King and High Priest. “I take a lot of pride in my work and it warms my heart that you would all come to see a fashion show put on by a lowly slave such as myself.” There were some surprised looks and murmurs of discontent in the crowd after I said that, they were surprised I would bring this up. “Yes, just a lowly downtrodden slave unfairly oppressed by this kingdom along with so many others.” Now there was just plain shock. The King and High Priest stared at me in open confusion, Termyne on the other hand was glancing around nervously as if he understood that something wrong was going on. Out of the corner of my eye I even saw Berten staring at me with pure unbridled rage. “However I have made many friends here, else I would not have been able to put on this show.” I continued. “I have found many trolls, nobles and otherwise, who want to change things and make this kingdom better for all.” Termyne was motioning the royal guards to come over to him and with a quick glance I saw Berten rise from his seat and try to elbow his way through the crowd towards me. No matter. My friends were already in position. “I just wanted to say that my name is Rarity, and I along with my friends and some of the wonderful trolls I’ve met here could simply not abide by the way things are anymore. Right this moment it’s already changing.” I stared down at the King and High Priest with the most pleasant of smiles. “My status as a slave is no more.” There was a somewhat awkward pause as despite the murmuring and the movement of many in the crowd quite a few didn’t seem to grasp the situation just yet. Including the glassy-eyed King and High Priest. I coughed. “In other words it’s a coup and the slaves are rebelling.” That did it.