My Little Treekicker - Fanfiction is Magic

by ShrimpShogun

4 - Dancing in the Moonlight

I had to admit, bein’ inside one of these things the humans called cars was much nicer than bein’ outside of ‘em. Twi must’ve felt bashful, she said it was used and was made by somebody named Hyundai, whoever that was, but this here was lavish even by Rarity’s standards. Soft cloth seats stitched by the curve that’d make Rarity jealous for sure, built-in air conditioning, a crazy lookin’ radio, and it could clock over forty five miles an hour! I wasn’t quite sure if that was literal or some fancy jargon, but this here machine sure had a kick to it.

Over the radio, Twi had been playin’ a hot boogie, which again was more Rarity’s swing, but I couldn’t help jivin’ to it. A jazzy gig ice-skatin’ down a mysterious alleyway with wild strings, brass and sharp keys alongside the voice of an angel. I asked her what it was, but she must’ve gotten embarrassed, sayin’ it was from some video game. It was probably its own conversation, which was absolutely nothin’ compared to the one I’d just sat through.

We’d just driven thru a place called Chick Fillet. Twi got me a bag of fries and a salad, which I wasn’t looking forward to given my experience with human food, but was gracious all the same. “Thanks,” I had a lot of questions, “So... Let me get this straight. My life, is a cartoon show in this world? And ya’ll humans watch me and my friends on some giant thing called an internet?”

“A worldwide computer network that allows people to communicate over thousands of miles apart in mere seconds, yep.” She was mockin’ me now.

“Yeah, t-that, and this show is supposedly real popular?” I tried out what she called a waffle fry; and it wasn’t actually half bad.

“Eh, it used to be a few years ago,” She took a bite out of some sort of hayburger, “but people are flocking back to it now since the last season is about to end.” it was kinda’ cute watchin’ her talk with her mouth full.

“About to end?”

Twi woofed down her bitie with a hard gulp and cleared her throat, “It’s been like, almost ten years now. They’ve done nine seasons and the show’s finale is supposed to be nuts.”

“I didn’t realize my whole life could be condensed into some cartoon...” it was a joke, but it was also humblin’. I wasn’t sure if I was eatin’ the waffle fries because they tasted good, or out of feelin’ sorry for myself, “So, what does all this mean? Is my whole life a lie? Ain’t I real?” That box was gettin’ empty.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, “Don’t get like that, Aj... You’re as real and as strong as they come.” Twi tried to reassure me, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about what happened...? Like why, and how you ended up here? Maybe it’d make you feel better.”

I really didn’t. It was such a blur, and I still don’t know why that thing appeared in Twilight’s classroom. What did it even want with us? But most of all - why wasn’t I good enough to help?

We pulled up to a nearby lot facing a valley and parked. It was dark, but the lights on the mountains were lit up like a Hearth’s Warming Eve tree. Twi twisted a dial on the radio and the music dimmed. She turned to me, with a hand against my back as if I had somethin’ meaningful to say, “Applejack, talk to me. Just vent if you have to. I want to listen. I want to be here for you...”

I’d only just met her today, and she already knew everythin’ about me and my friends. It felt so strange. Like I wasn’t sure if I could trust her or not, but every chance she got she kept provin’ me wrong. Oh Celestia, there went a tear. Being this homesick was really doin’ a number on me. It wasn’t like me to doubt the goodwill of others, and I hated it.

“...I-It’s okay if you still don’t want to talk about it. I just want you to feel-”

I opened my mouth, but I had to drag the words out, “I-I don’t... I don’t really know what happened.” I had her full attention, but I couldn’t even look her in the eye, “There was so much screamin’ at the school. I ran in to help, but nothin’ made any sense.” It didn’t hit me until I really stopped and thought about it, “There were a lot of youngin’s runnin’ away but, it felt kinda’ empty actually, as if a lot of ponies had disappeared all a of sudden. I went to Rainbow Dash’s classroom, but she was gone.” My muzzle was gettin’ runny, “T-Twilight always had answers, even when she was, ya’ know, Twilightin’. I ran to one of the labs, and some weird monster had shown up that I’d never seen before. Twilight and Starlight were there tryin’ to do somethin’ about it. I remember Starlight floatin’ up into the air and Twilight was panickin’.” I was havin’ a hard time maintainin’ my composure, “I asked her what was goin’ on, I-I was just tryin’ to help, but she just zapped me with some kinda’ teleportation spell...” I was tremblin’ so much, I must’ve looked like such a fool, “Th-They’re in trouble. I just know it, and I-”

Twi grabbed me, almost yankin’ me outta’ my seat.

“S-Stop. I-I’m gonna’ get your shirt dirty...” I was so ashamed, but I couldn’t get free of her arms and subconsciously, I probably couldn’t do anything about it anyway. I held on tight like a lost puppy, and cried out, “I just wanna’ see ‘em again! Even if I’m not good enough!”

I heard her glasses hit the dashboard, and her arm runnin’ over my head. I was contagious, “Don’t you ever say that. Y-You are good enough, Applejack.”

I let it all out like a big idiot, and I ruined her nice shirt.

She held onto my hoof for the entire drive back to her place. We didn’t talk much, but she made me feel like I could count on her for anything.

It must’ve been late. The car drove up another hill and then to the parking lot of an old apartment complex, “It’s uh, a bit dirty by the way. Wasn’t expecting guests today.” Twi chuckled, tryin’ to brighten the mood.

I wiped the soggy look off of my face, determined not to be such a sourpuss, “You should see the barn after the family comes over for the cider festival.”

The car came to a stop near a dimly lit concrete staircase. Together with my big book of friendship tied around my caboose, we hiked up the stairs and after a few turns we made it to her front door. Twi fiddled through her pocket for a key until she eventually got the door open, “Try not to step on anything.”

“Aw, it can’t be that-” but it was. Albeit not nearly as clammy as ‘ol charmin’ Charlie’s abode, there was still plenty to sweep. Her home was cramped, and cramped even by pony standards, which I found odd. There wasn’t a single wall in between the livin’ room, the bedroom, or even the kitchen. It was as if she’d just moved into a closet and called it a day. At least the toilet had its own room, which I found funny for some reason.

She wasn’t much better off than Charlie though when it came to merchandise, she had plenty, but unlike Charlie, she had the common sense to keep her collectibles of us ponyfolk in a fancy glass case. It was a mighty fine display. Sadly, the trash bags, bras, and pizza boxes on the floor didn’t do it any favors. I was honestly strugglin’ for compliments, “W-Well...!”

Twi cut me off at the pass with a laugh, “It’s a sty, I know. Don’t worry, just make yourself at home.” She tossed the bag of Chick Fillet onto the kitchen counter, right next a couple of other bags of Chick Fillet. “Oh hey, I left JoJo on.” Some weird show was playin’ in mute on what I imagined was supposed to be a TeeVee. Big strappin’ young men were havin’ at it, and apparently shoutin’ all kinds of things at each other by the looks of it.

I did some more explorin’ while she settled. Something that definitely helped with the smell were all the frilly candles she had everywhere. I came to a desk, and there were four glass jars covered in wax stains. It looked like she’d refilled and reused them several times. Beside them sat what I was told earlier was a compewter, “Is this what ya’ll use for that internet thing?” It had a bright window covered in conversations and a locomotive’s worth of buttons in front of it.

“Oh, yeah that’s my rig. Sorry, I left Fimfiction on. Was wri-, reading some fics last night...”

Now that sounded familiar, “Charlie mentioned one of them there ficks. Talkin’ about how he was gonna’ finish his dark fickabout me and the girls and make us pay, whatever that meant.”

“Oh god, what a quack.” she laughed, “I’m so sorry you had to deal with that idiot. He has a bit of a reputation on that site. CrimsonAlicornBladeX95...” there was a visible cringe, “Or Charlie as he’s more commonly known. He’s a total Lol-cow, and his fanfics are almost as bad as his ego.”

“So what’s a fick anyway? Like some kinda’ magic?”

I was killin’ Twi with the jokes apparently. She caught her breath after a second, “N-No, no. Not at all. Think of it like a story that a fan writes about something that they enjoy.”

“Oh,” It made a lot more sense in retrospect, not that it made me feel better knowin’ that fat quad was writin’ up saucy stories about molestin’ me. What kind of weirdo would even do somethin’ like that?

Twi opened her fridge and took a long swig of orange juice, right out of the jug, “By the way, if you’re curious about watching your show, I’ll put it on for you.”

“Oh, this I gotta’ see.”

She pointed at her couch, “Have a seat.” and pressed a button on some black doo-hickey. The window to the Tv suddenly changed from big burly men to little technicolor ponies, which I also found amusin’ for some reason. “I’ll put on one of my favorite Applejack episodes for you. Way back from the first season.”

I wasn’t sure how to prepare myself for it, but I was watchin’ that cartoon one way or another, “This outta’ be interestin’. Can’t wait to see what ya’ll humans got wrong.”

I was really startin’ to enjoy that laugh of her’s. She clicked a few more buttons and soon enough I was watchin’ a commercial for somethin’ called Discovery Family, with Twilight’s face sittin’ dead center of the screen, “I’m going to take a shower. Enjoy.” and she disappeared behind a door.

There I was, sittin’ pretty on a couch between a bra and giant stuffed toy of your’s truly. I gazed over at my fuzzy stunt double while my voice began to play off of the Tv.

“I got my work cut out for me. That there’s the biggest bumper crop of apples I ever laid eyes on.”

“E’yup. Too big for you to handle on your own.”

I grabbed the applebuckin’ doll and held it in my hooves, takin’ a glimpse into those cold dead eyes of her’s.

“C’mon, big brother. You need to rest up and get yourself better. I haven’t met an apple orchard yet I can’t handle. Oops! Sorry... I’ll take a bite out of this job by day’s end.”

“Bitin’ off more than you can chew is just what I’m afraid of.”

“Are you sayin’ my mouth is makin’ promises my legs can’t keep?”


It looked exactly like the stubborn mare on Tv, fixin’ to prove herself to everypony, and make a mess of things all over again.

“Why of all the... This is your sister Applejack, remember? The loyalest of friends and most dependable of ponies!”

“But still only one pony, and one pony plus hundreds of apple trees just doesn’t add up.”

“Don’t use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue! I said I could handle this harvest and I’m gonna’ prove it to you! I’m gonna’ get every last one of those apples this applebuck season all by myself!”

I hated her. I hated her so much. That useless insecure mare didn’t care one bit about applebuck season or the farm! She just wanted to satisfy that ego of her’s, and prove that she was worthy of inheritin’’ that farm one day.

There went my hooves, rattlin’ again. I tossed away that awful lookin’ doll against a trash bag. I must’ve looked so pitiful, I felt my eyes soggin’ up again. I went to wipe away my misery, and then kept waitin’ for my hoof to drive by, “What the-?” I waved my hoof right in front of my face, and somehow I could still see a puny purple pony floatin’ down to Earth in a hot air balloon, “What in the world..?” My heart began racin’ faster than a rabbit at the derby.

“W-What’s goin on?” My whole body was flickerin’ like a light bulb. ”Ouch...!” I winced, throwin’ my hat away to an awful migraine, “Dang’it! Ow...!”

Somethin’ was wrong, really wrong. The throbbing was gettin’ so bad, I couldn’t even see straight. All I could grasp was some awful song about friendship and water splashing against the bathroom tile until I couldn’t tell either of them apart no more.

I threw myself onto my back, grippin’ the sides of my skull, “S-Stop it! Ouch...! Please, Twi! Help-!” With a sudden crash, everything went silent all at once. It felt like my eardrums had both popped at the same time.

I managed to squeeze open an eye, and I couldn’t believe it, “Wha-!?” Turquoise cobblestones beneath my hooves, a bavarian town for as far as I could see, and a bright sunny sky without a single cloud, “P-Ponyville!? What in tarnation is goin’ on!?” I was standin’ in the middle of the street, as suddenly as I’d arrived in California. The atmosphere was the same as it always was, warm and cheerful.

“Hey there, Applejack!” greeted a friendly smile trottin’ past.

“H-Hey,” I was a mess, but before I could ask anything, the pony had already past around a corner, and then there they were, that laughter that I loved so much. “Girls...?”

I was gettin’ sick of crying like a baby, but I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so happy to see them. “Twilight! Rarity! Fluttershy! Pinkie! Dash! Starlight!” I cried at the top of my lungs, throwin’ myself at them, but the only thing that caught me was asphalt, “Ouf-!”

“Oh, uh, hey there, Applejack.” I’d wanted to hear Twilight’s voice for so long, but somethin’ was different, “S-Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you.”

I wiped the dirt off of my face and tried to pick out their faces with the sun in my eye, “W-Wha...?”

Dash floated in, “Erm, is anyone going to tell her? Because we might as well...”

“Darling! Don’t be so brash!” barked Rarity, “We wouldn’t want to hurt her feelings.”

Fluttershy tried to mumble somethin’, but I couldn’t hear it over Pinkie’s hollerin’, “Yeah! It’s not Applejack’s fault! She was gone, and we needed an extra pony to stop Erebus from terrifying the town!”

This wasn’t the Twilight I knew, “I-I really don’t know if now’s the best time for explanations, but-!” and then I noticed the golden glimmer shinin’ off of the sunlight. Why were they wearin’ the Elements of Harmony? What had happened? Who was Erebus?

A pair of lavender hooves suddenly split the group into two, “Sorry, Aj, but I’m the Element of Honesty now.”

“Starlight!!” the girls cried out.

“What? None of you were going to tell her. I was just being honest.” that Starlight rolled her eyes and trotted off, wearin’ my amulet. The others followed suit. Not a single one of them could bare to look at me, and I probably couldn’t blame them.

I hid my sorry face under my hat, “I-I’m sorry that I wasn’t here for ya’ll... You needed me, and I let ya’ll down, again.”

Twilight glanced back at me, scratchin’ the back of her head, “Look Applejack, it’s fine. Everyone’s safe now. That’s all that matters. We’re still friends, alright?”

“Of course!” I desperately coughed up, “I’ll always be there for ya’ll!”

“I-It’s just that, well,” Twilight got that wild look in her eye when it came to spells, “Starlight Glimmer’s magic actually amplifiedthe Elements! It was amazing! They’re so much more potent now than they were before. I don’t know how or why, but the Elements choose her! It was-!”

Rarity saved my breakin’ heart, “Darling, you’re making things worse.”

“I-It’s okay! I understand!” I begged, holdin’ back every tear I could, “I-I’m just glad that ya’ll are safe.”

“Yeah,” I could tell Twilight was tryin’ to reconcile, but a tug of Dash’s hoof got her attention.

“We, uh, we should probably get going. This is getting awkward...”

“Yeah, we’ve, uh, we have to check on the School.“ Twilight sputtered, “It should be safe to wander around town now. Bye!” she followed behind a hesitant Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Pinkie waved with the saddest smile I’d ever seen her sport before doing the same.

Fluttershy helped me up from the ground, “You know, Applejack. If it makes you feel any better, I told them that we should look for you first before trying to stop Erebus, but the girls said that we didn’t have time for that.” My chest felt so cold and tight, “You should head home and get some rest, Applejack. You look awfully tired.”

“Th-Thanks, Fluttershy...”

“Goodbye, Applejack.” She gave me a weak smile, and turned away to follow the others who were clearly waiting for her.

I took a seat in the middle of the road like someone who’d just been thrown out of a bar. My hooves were shakin’ again. I tried to make sense of them, but they just kept gettin’ wet.

“What’s wrong with her?” I heard someone ask down the block.

“Let’s leave her be. She’s just having another bad day.”

I bit my lip, hopin’ Id draw some blood. Anything at all to make everything stop, anything I could do to just stop breathin’ I desperately wanted to try.

“What is she doing...? Is she-?”

“Applejack!” there was a sudden ring in my ear, and the whole world dimmed all at once.

My ears popped ,“Twi!?” My eyes darted around the room I’d just been sitting on, the asphalt turned to old leather and the warm spring air replaced with the smell of day old pizza. I seized up, grippin’ the sides of my head and clenchin’ my eyelids tight. I didn’t want to know where I’d end up next if I opened them again.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” an echo called out.

I felt like I was stuck in an apple tree in the middle of a hurricane, “That wasn’t them, that wasn’t real, that wasn’t them, that wasn’t real, that wasn’t them, that wasn’t real...” I couldn’t stop. I was filled with loud worry and I had no idea how to climb down.

I felt a pair of grips on my shoulders and the distant shouts of Twi callin’ out to me, but somethin’ in me didn’t want to answer. I wanted to just leave and never bother that poor soul again. All I was, was a waste of time and effort, not even my best friends needed me around anymore. I was better off thrown into a trash heap, just like that doll.

Something furry and damp met my forehead, and all of a sudden, the world got a lot softer, “Breathe... One... Two... Three... Four... Five... Just breathe...” I took a long breath with the aid of her hands rubbing up and down my arms, and my heart began to calm. “Keep going... follow my voice... I’m right here, Applejack.”

I let out a sigh, and slowly I opened my eyes to a face only a mother could make.

“Applejack, are you alright?” poor thing, I’d made her so worried, “You looked like a ghost.”

“I-I don’t know... It felt like I was back in ponyville again, and everythin’ was fine but... My friends. They... They were awful to me...” she fell into me, holdin’ me tight between her arms, “I-I’m so sorry for bein’ so dumb. This ain’t like me. I-I just keep dumpin’ my baggage on ya’ and you keep carryin’ everything without a word. I just don’t wanna’ bother you with all of my useless nonsense anymore...”

“Stop. Don’t you dare talk like that. You’re not bothering me one bit.” Honestly, I had no idea where I’d be if I hadn’t met her. She threw off some couch debris, took a seat next to me and sighed, “You must’ve had some sort of night terror or something. I know your-Well, I know of your friends, and I know that they would never treat you poorly, ever. No matter what you did.”

I wanted to believe her, but after the last couple of days, heck, the last couple of minutes, I wasn’t sure what to believe anymore.

She pointed her remote to the Tv, and silenced it, “Listen, uh, Can I tell you a story, Applejack? It’s important.”

“Of course you can, Twi...”

Twi reached over to a nightstand that was by her bed and grabbed a small orange bottle with a white cap on it. She shook it, but it didn’t make a sound. She then twisted off the cap like her life depended on it and sank an eye right through it, “Damnit... my meds better come in tomorrow...” she cursed before throwin’ the empty bottle across the room.

“You, uh, alright?”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m good.” she didn’t sound very convincing, “Anyway...” She sunk the back of her head into the headrest and put her feet up, “A long time ago, when I was still in highschool, I used to know a girl named Abigail. I was a freshman, and she was a sophomore. I was a pretty big loser back then,” she chuckled, “Abby was tall, blonde, and a total bombshell, and I was this meek kid who was into pink girly thing and cartoons. She was so strong and brave. She wore her heart on her sleeve.She always told you what was on her mind. She was blunt, but she told you what you needed to hear, even if you didn’t like it.”

She curled up, “One day, me being the dumb loner that I was, found myself getting picked on by these senior chicks. It was nothing new, I’d gotten used to being the butt of a lot of jokes, but it was bad this time. They started shoving me around and picking at my hair, trying to take my pink backpack, and here comes Abby. She doesn’t even know me yet, but without a thought she slugs one of the bullies hard, cursing up a storm, talking about how she was gonna’ kick all of their asses if they didn’t leave me alone.” she let out another giggle, “Of course, she only got so far until she was just taking hits for me.”

“They ended up taking my backpack in the end, and left me with a black eye, but there was Abby, laughing with a bloody lip. Ya’ alright there, Clementine? Offering me her hand with that hot country accent of her’s.” she sighed, “I guess I have her to thank for being into girls. I had no idea what falling in love was like, but she became my world after that day. She took her shirt off and wiped the blood and tears off of my face with it. I’ll never forget those cute freckles she had on her shoulders and how that sports bra made her look like badass.” she snorted again, blushin’ like a schoolgirl, “God, I remember so many late nights thinking about her.”

“Anyway, we became friends after that. Everyday we’d sit together for lunch and chat about how much school sucked, about boys and about how much she hated being at home with her awful family. Little did she know about how I felt. Every single day before lunch, I’d rehearse how I was going to ask her out at the table, but I was such a dork back then. I’d always end up doing stupid little things like giving her my chocolate milk or making myself look like an idiot trying to compliment her. I figured by now the damage was already done, and there was no way she was going to want to date some scrawny flat-chested girl like me.”

“One day though, I finally managed to work up the courage. I’ll never forget it. The bell had rang and we were about to return to class. I grabbed her arm and stopped her. I could see it all over her face. She knew what was coming, and I already knew the answer, but I did it anyway. I told her exactly how I felt, that I’d always admired her.” she sniffed back a tear, “That I wanted to be with her. Would you want to go out to a movie with me sometime?”

“It was so awkward, and out of nowhere she just started laughing at me, saying that it took me long enough to ask.” she fluttered, “I was so happy, and I jumped at it like an idiot just for her to go back on it. Woah! Ah’ didn’t mean it like that. Ah’ knew you were into me, but sorry, Ah ain’t into girls. Yer’ one of my best friends anyway, Shurley. There’s no way it’d work out.”

I could feel her heart breakin’ all over again, “I-I’m so sorry...”

“It gets worse. I was such a dumbass back then, and I couldn’t control myself. I started shouting at her, right in the middle of the cafeteria, calling her a selfish bitch for friendzoning me. Asking how she could laugh at me like that. We started screaming at each other like an old married couple. Abby told me that if I ever stalked her that she’d knock my lights out and I told her to go ‘ef herself. Hah! Ah bet you’d like to watch that, creep!

“Abby and I didn’t talk for almost two weeks. We’d make awkward eye contact across the cafeteria, but we never spoke. I went back to being a loser, and she moved on to other friends. If I wasn’t obsessed with her before, I definitely was now. I was so in love with her that I hated her.” Twi dried her eyes with the towel over her head.

“One night, I’m laying in bed, and as usual I can’t get her out of my head. Out of the blue, my cell phone starts ringing. It’s her, but I’m still mad at her and I silence it. I was so bitter, but I had no idea how to just be normal and talk to her about it, let alone apologize. She calls me again and again, and I keep silencing my phone. A minute passes, and now I’m waiting for the ring this time with a one-liner loaded, until it finally rings again. I answer, and all she gets in is a nervous breath before I shout, Leave me alone, you bitch! I didn’t want to hear anything she had to say, and so I hung up my phone as quickly as I could. Like an actual bitch, I toss my phone across my room and not even a second went by before I started regretting it. But of course, I’m a total loser, and so I leave it at that, bawling up and crying myself to sleep.”

“I went back to school the next day. Same routine, lunch bell goes off and there I am with my Abby radar out so I could avoid her at all costs. I had my nasty looks ready to shoot at her, but I couldn’t find her anywhere.”

“A few more days went by, and they have this dickhead councilor come into our class and tell us that Abby committed suicide. This lady starts going on like she’s Abby’s best friend, about how her family had abused her and that she could’ve talked to someone about it like it was any of her goddamned business.” her voice trembled. I could see the teeth marks in her lips a mile away. “I didn’t want to believe it. I remember running to the bathroom, feeling like I was going to throw up. I went through my cracked phone, looking for a voicemail, a new message from her, anything at all, but they were all the same old conversations that we used to have.” She shook her head, “I... I could’ve answered. I-I could’ve saved Abby, and she’d still be here, but I had to be such a piece of garbage just because I didn’t get what I wanted...”

Twi must’ve been so ashamed, she couldn’t even look at me, nor did I have a single word to meet her with. She clenched her fists over her lap, and underneath I caught a glimpse of the scars she’d left over her wrists. The last thing I dared say was that I knew the feelin’, but I did, especially over the last few days. There was just no shakin’ that guilt. I protected her fists with a hoof and rested my head against her arm.

Twi pulled me in, “I murdered that girl... and I promised that I’d never forgive myself for as long as I lived.” She built up a bit of courage to glance over at me, pruned cheeks and all, “But I stuck around long enough to enjoy that dumb show about those slittle ponies and their cute little friendship adventures. God, this is embarrassing...” she bit her lip one more time, “You were always one of my favorite ponies. You were like the big sister to Twilight and all of her friends. Brave, smart, resourceful, and as honest a friend as they came. You reminded me so much of Abby... Like she’d died and went on to greener pastures over in Ponyville.”

“God, this is so lame, but, watching you... I guess it really helped me cope. I grew up after highschool, came out of my shell, went to college, made some new friends, dropped out, made some more friends and even got a job at that dumb farm, and every saturday morning I’d watch your show and smile. I have you to thank for helping me become a better person.” she hugged me so tight, we were starting to lose track of which tears belonged to who, “So don’t you ever say that you’re dumb or useless. You’ve done so much for me, and so many other people. You’re an inspiration, Applejack, and you’re a wonderful little pony.”

That last part got a chuckle out of me. I must’ve really been crazy, or maybe I’d died in an accident and reincarnated someplace else. This couldn’t be real, but Twi sure did have a knack for spoilin’ me, “I think I really needed to hear that.” I curled up against her, “Thankyou Twi.”

We sat together as Twilight Sparkle, preflight surgery, recited a letter to Princess Celestia about the importance of bein’ honest and askin’ for help. It was pretty cheesy for a cartoon, even if I remembered every second of it like it was yesterday, but it sure as heck was fittin’.

“I never understood, but why did Spike pick those nasty looking muffins out of the trash like that? Even Pinkie looks grossed out.” Twi tried breakin’ the tension, the least I could do is oblige.

“...H-He’s a dragon. It’s just gonna’ get cooked in his stomach anyway.” I forced a chuckle, and bless her heart, she didn’t let me down.

Eventually, we both decided that we’d ‘ought to hit the hay. One way or another, tomorrow was goin’ to be a might strange. I was already havin’ second thoughts about Ms. Faust given she wasn’t much more than a writer at this point, but Twi told me to trust her, that she had help and more importantly, a plan.

She’d cleared off the couch for me. Twi didn’t have any spare blankets, but she did give me some pillows and a sweater made for a yak to sleep under, “Goodnight, Twi, and uh, thanks again, Twi. Really, for everythin’ you’re doin’ for me.”

She turned out the lights with the flip of a switch, “Don’t mention it, we’ll go over everything tomorrow. Just make sure you get your beauty sleep.” she walked past me and fluffed up my mane. You’d think I’d have been a tad annoyed, but she knew how to pamper me just right, “Night, kiddo.” Twi hopped onto her bed and turned herself over with a blanket.

I sighed, countin’ the kernels of popcorn on the ceiling. I wondered if I’d ever make it back home. Thankfully, I’d tripped into the final stages of grief. Worst came to shove, I had a great friend right here.

That orchard grass never grew tired of bein’ cozy. The sun was settin’ and I had the tallest apple tree around watchin’ over me. I elbowed him for a hint, and the big root passed me another apple. I sunk my teeth in and copped a mouthful of crisp. That rich flavor never got old, and it’d been the ninety seventh apple I’d had that day.

I was so proud. I’d finally put Sweet Apple Acres on the map. All it took was lying here under this tree, eatin’ my way to victory. The farm was set for the next ten years, and all I had to do was sit back and enjoy.

I gave the trunk another clue, and caught an apple in my mouth without even lookin’. “W-What the-?” my body shuttered, and before I knew it, I felt my backside burstin’ with somethin’ fierce. I leapt to my hooves, and found myself questionin’ the natural laws of biology, “W-When did those get there...!?”

Two galant wings had sprung up out of my back like a pair of celery stalks in the middle of July. “Hoo’ doggie! I’m gonna’ give Rainbow Dash a run for her money with these babies.” I didn’t even need to wear them in. Flappin’ and foldin’ them came as natural as applebuckin’. Speakin’ of which, I gave that tree another one-four, and big delicious delivered onto me yet another beautiful bright red apple. I took a proud bite, and my whole head shook with a vengeance. “Huh!?”

I saw a shadow over my nose, long and conical shaped, fashioned for a true ruler of Equestria. it was unmistakable, “You’ve gotta’ be kiddin’ me!” I took off my desperado, and there it was. Somehow a noble alicorn horn had grown right out of the crown of my hat, “Well, I’ll be...” It sure looked sharp, and could probably zap somepony into next week. I gave it a good spit shine before tossin’ the adorned hat back onto my noggin, adjustin’ it to make sure that my new scepter was facin’ forward.

Not only could I fly circles around Dash, but I was a direct threat to the Royal Throne of Canterlot. “Now this here’s a game changer, but wait... If Twilight’s the Princess of Friendship, then what am I the princess of?”

Makin’ bits, I thought with a hearty chuckle. Or maybe accounting’? Diplomacy? Trade negotiations? Heck, as long as it made me an honest bit at the end of the day, they could’ve called me the Queen of County Finance for all I cared.

This called for a celebration. I took the Givin’ Tree in my sights, and gave it a light singe. Like clockwork, another apple fell before my authority, except this apple was much larger than usual.

“Applejack!” her red bow perked up to grab my attention.

“Applebloom? Have you been up in that tree this entire time?”

“Heya’ big sis!” She wore a pitiful smile, like the world had just crumbled around her and she’d already accepted it. “Just wanted to stop by and say - Thanks for tryin’!”

“Wha..?” and then it got worse. Dozens of Appleblooms all came tumblin’ down from the branches above, all shoutin’, “Thanks for tryin’!” over and over.

“Con’sarnit! Pull yourself together, Applebloom! This is no time for witchcraft!” but they just kept droppin’ barkin’ nonsense like a broken record. It got so bad that the ground beneath me began to quake, “Whoa-!” My hooves shook as the Earth grew more and more ornery.

“Ahh-!” I rolled off of the couch in a fright, tangled in the world’s thickest sweater, “I-I’m gettin’ real sick of these weird dreams and visions, I tell ya’.” I mumbled to myself, but somethin’ was wrong. Somethin’ was still shakin’, even without the herd of fallin’ Applebloom’s.

The boxspring beside my couch had had gone off the deep end, rattlin’ somethin’ fierce, but it was too dark to see properly, “Twi? What’s wrong?” I called out, but she just kept sleepin’ under a wild torrent of blankets.

“Twi! Say somethin’! Wake up!” I pinched her covers in between my teeth, and yanked them off, “T-Twi?” She just laid there, flat on her stomach, twitchin’ uncontrollably. “Twi!!” I scrambled onto the bed and shook her shoulder, but all she could do was sputter, “Wake up, Twi!”

I had no idea what was wrong with her, and even less of an idea of how to help. “No, No, please...! Cut it out, Twi!” I pulled her shoulder, tryin’ to turn her over. I’d underestimated how much humans weighed, and had to put my legs into it, but eventually I turned her onto her side.

I winced at the sight, “Oh Luna...!” She was as stiff as a two by four, flexin’ her arms and legs straight out. Her eyes had rolled into the back of her skull and she was grittin’ her teeth. There were blood stains all over her mouth and cheek. I feared the worst, and wiped some of it away, stretchin’ out her lips and inspectin’ her teeth, but they were still pearly white. It didn’t look like she’d bitten off her tongue thankfully, so she must’ve had a gusher go off in her nose.

I was tryin’ my darndest not to panic, but I’d never seen a condition like this before in Equestria. Was this normal? Did she have some sort of condition? I’d be lying if I’d said I’d been all out of tears that night, but somehow I still had some left over, “Twi, please! Yer’ scarin’ me. Please, wake up.” I kept shovin’ her shoulder, but to avail.

A loud crash hit the floor behind me, which didn’t help me one bit. It was one of Twi’s candles that had been knocked off of her nightstand from the comotion, “That’s it!“ I was certainly no doctor, but I didn’t exactly have much else to work with. I grabbed one of her big scented candles and took a whiff. It had a pungent apple crisp smell to it that hit me like a freight train.

I laid the rim of the candle jar right in front of her nose, hopin’ a strong scent might calm her down a notch, “Twi, please wake up. Please!”

It must’ve been dumb luck, or maybe whatever nightmare she was havin’ had finally run its course, but to my relief her body finally eased itself, “Oh thank Luna...” Her tense joints began to soften and she sank back into her mattress with a heavy sigh.

I reckoned I’d help clean up a bit. So I headed to her bathroom and returned with a towel to wipe up the turmoil from her face, and a clean one for her to rest on, which didn’t exactly last long.

“Gah-!” her hands shot up to her forehead, “Uhnng...!”

I cradled her shoulder, “You alright there, Clementine? Had me scared...”

“Applejack...” Twi squinted up at me with a sour look and a goofy smile, like she was about to start sobbin’ all over again, “I-I’m so sorry that I put you through that-Ouch...” her head must’ve been killin’ her, “S-Stupid pharmacy... Closing before I can pick up my meds.”

I ran the top of my hoof past her cheek, wipin’ away a lone tear, “I’m just glad yer’ alright. Don’t think I could stomach losin’ you after everything I’ve been through lately...”

Twi wrapped her arm around my backside, tryin’ to pull herself closer to me. I wasn’t sure what had happened, but I could tell that deep down she was scared.

I nestled in beside her, “Do you want me to stay with ya’ while you sleep?”

She put her head against my chest, “Please...”

I put a hoof around her back, and rested my head against her’s, “Get some rest, Clementine. I’ll watch over ya’.”