//------------------------------// // 195. Gentle Breeze. // Story: Short Shorts // by Coranth //------------------------------// Her magenta eyes hardened, cold chips of ice - from where she sat upon her throne - Princess Celestia gazed down at the Unicorn Mare called Gentle Breeze with an expression of utter contempt. Then, as something dark shifted behind her gaze, she whispered, "Was there a reason, Gentle Breeze, as to why you invited the human, David, over to your house, gave him permission to pet you--and then promptly broke his hands with your magic?!" As she stood shaking before her Princess, Gentle Breeze - though terrified beyond belief - inhaled a breath for courage, took a hoofstep forward, and shouted, "BECAUSE I WAS SICK OF HIM TREATING US LIKE ANIMALS!" For a moment, her voice echoed around the great throne room; but then, all faded to cold silence as Celestia - her teeth clenched so hard one might hear them grind - hissed, "In what way has he treated us like common animals?!" "IT'S THE PETTING!" Gentle Breeze shouted, then calmer, she continued, "He's always petting and stroking ponies like... like as if we're common dogs, or uncivilized animals! How can you allow him to do it--to you, to Luna... Once I even saw him doing it to one of your own Guards; he was in the Barracks, with the Guard on his bunk, petting him, rubbing his belly--treating this fully grown stallion like he was a FOAL! A FOAL! How can you let him do-- It's perverse, it's disgusting, it's--" Now, Celestia had had enough! "SILENCE!" she thundered with Royal Canterlot Voice. Then, descending from her throne, the Solar Diarch stalked around Gentle Breeze like a leopard sizing up its prey before the kill... "Did it ever occur to you," the Sun Mare whispered icily, "that that guard was working his way through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the Changeling Invasion? Did it ever occur to you that that guard asked to be petted, that he asked the human, David, to pet and stroke and rub him all over?" As Gentle Breeze stood there before her, jaw dropped, the question in her eyes, Princess Celestia barked, "DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT MANY PONIES - INCLUDING LUNA AND I - LIKE TO BE PETTED?! THAT WE ADORE THE HUMAN'S TOUCH; THAT IT HELPS US DE-STRESS WHEN OUR DAYS ARE LONG AND THANKLESS BECAUSE WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH PONIES LIKE YOU?!" "I--but, I--" Gentle Breeze stuttered, but Celestia - apoplectic - stomped a hoof, cracking the floor, startling the unicorn to silence. Then, poor Gentle Breeze's heart dropped into her stomach as the Sun Princess spoke again, very cold and formal. "Gentle Breeze: Thou hath invoked a casting most dark. With thy invocation Thou hath caused grievous damage most foul - of nerve, of muscle, of bone - damage possibly irreparable, to the hands of Our Licensed Affection Therapist. David may never again be able to pet Our Ponies, nor giveth the same affections to Mine Sister and I. Not only was His Career in this cut brutally short, but now We must explain to the People of Earth why it was that Their Ambassador to Us and Our Ponies was brutally harmed by one of us! Explain - perhaps even beg - them that they aren't to make War on Us for your wholly, utterly callous act! Worse...." and here she whispered into Gentle Breeze's ear, as the unicorn mare sobbed openly... "I must explain to my sister why I and my Day Guard - and she and her Night Guard - cannot. Be petted. Anymore." With those words - as two very angry Guards made to take Gentle Breeze away to whatever fate awaited her - Celestia teleported to her quarters. Therein, she saw her human friend David being assisted by the best Unicorn physicians as he struggled painfully with the rehabilitation devices attached to his scarred hands and fingers. Even Twilight Sparkle was there, a hoof under one of his wrecked hands, healing spell 'attacking' the other as she pored through book after book, trying to figure out just what Gentle Breeze had cast to cause such terrible damage. Twilight moved as Celestia took her place beside the bed, the purple Alicorn resting her head on his chest whilst poor Celestia nosed her head under his hand, tears filling her eyes as she stuttered, "A-Any progress?" "Very little..." the head physician replied. "We've been able to restore the barest of movement and sensation to his hands your Highness - he can feel your fur with, and twitch his fingertips, barely if at all, but whatever magic was used it's been fighting us all the way. It doesn't look..." He trailed off; he knew when she wasn't listening. All the poor doctor could do was watch as his Princess moved her head such that her ears lay beneath the human's fingers; then, as David twitched his fingertips - barely if at all 'scratching' behind them - poor Celestia nuzzled into her friend and cried.