The One Thing That All Can’t See, Except One

by ThoraxFictions

Taking Yellow

“Psst! Pssst! Inky!” I blinked from a nap, but it was night out when I awoken. It was blurry, that happens when I wake up earlier than I do normally.

“Wha-huh??” I mumbled. It was Spike. I was wondered what Spike was doing up. I shook my head, and the blur went away.

“Spike? W-What are you doing here?” I looked around. Spike grabbed my hoof and pulled me off my bed. I stumbled to the floor and got up. I followed Spike and points outside. I look and a shine of yellow near the home of Rarity. I gasp and back up.

“Is something happening to Rarity?!” I asked, in lots of worry. Spike says he doesn’t know. I started to panic. Is there a fire? Is somepony robbing her home?
Spike and I go to investigate. He’s worried. I’m freaking out. I flew to her home and look around. Then, I see a flashlight beam zooming about. I back up and climb up her roof. I peek around and the beam flashes my eyes. I cry out and fall down. I shake my head and rub my eyes.

“You ok?” Spike asks. I nod and get up. We look around one last time. I keep my eyes on a certain yellow figure. It looked like a human, but without the legs. I feel something in my chest. I put my hoof on my chest and start shaking.

“Uh... Inky?” ok?” I turn to see Spike, staring at me. I nod, giving a fake smile. Then, we hear Rarity scream. We hurry to her home. I climb the wall and bang on it.

“Uhhh, who is it? I am very busy” She said. We sighed in relief. Then all of the sudden, sounds blurred out.

“Rarity! I was so worried about....” I couldn’t hear anything. Then the strange voice came back, but more of a cowboy accent.

The light? Heh! Was just a ceiling light being changed, that’s why it moved about. It burned Rarity’s poor, poor hooves, and that’s why she screamed so loud. Nothin’ to worry about

Things were getting confusing. I heard 3 voices this week. I didn’t know where they were coming from? It drove me crazy! I shook, and started hyperventilating. It took me a second to feel Spike trying to snap me out of it. Things...were becoming...normal again.

“Inky? Inky?! Are you listening to me?!” I blinked, and looked about, still looking shocked. I huffed a little bit. Rarity tapped my horn, it sparked. I looked at her and asked what was up.

“You've been acting weird all week! Darling, we want to make sure if you’re ok?” She said. I shivered, and nodded. Honestly, I couldn’t tell them anything.

“I....I...I-I’m fine! Okay!” I yelled. I backed away. I apologized and flew off, in a panic.
What’s....What’s happening to me?! I thought. I flew off to find someone I could trust...

“I gotta....I gotta rest here.” I panted. All that panicking tired me out, and I lost all of my energy. I decided to lay on a cliffside.

Get up soon, we have a long way to go if you want to get to Thorax’s Hive.” I looked up in horror. I looked around. I look straight to see two green figures. One looking like a pony, and another like a human.

Oh! He’s already here!” The green figure disappeared in front of my eyes, and it left the one green pony figure. It was Thorax. He was taking a break from his Royal Duties.

“Inky?! W-What are you doing here?!” He sped up. He tried picking me up, but nothing happened. I tried getting up myself, but I was weak from the cold. I collapsed, and shivered.

“I-ah!” I cried. My hoof had a crack from the cold, the ink was all dried up, and it was falling apart.

“I need....w-warm!..” I mumbled. Thorax looked about. He gained his strength and lifted me up. I started to work my wings. We were able to fly off. I was falling behind.

When we were at the Hive, I fell and laid there. I struggled to get up. The changelings stared for a minute. Thorax looked about, and ignored the eyes. I walked to the warmest part of the Hive. I sat there and melted. It felt relaxing. I sighed and smiled. Thorax smiled too. All of the sudden, Pharynx walks in.

“Is he ok?” He asked normally. Thorax nodded in a little bit of worry. Another changeling peeked behind.

“What got you to this state?” They asked, holding up a dry, cracked up hoof. I didn’t say anything. He sat there and patted my wet, melty head. He shook the ink off their hoof. It slithered back to me. I started feeling sleepy. In a minute, I was asleep.

The next morning, I woke up in Twilight’s Castle. I felt better. I could remember everything that happened last night. I heard Spike, Rarity, and Thorax talking to Twilight.

“Okay! Okay, don’t worry. He’ll be fine.” She reassured them. I sat in the room and sighed. I didn’t come out of the room until I felt comfortable.