Dear Feather Fall

by Keywii_Cookies55


Dear Feather Fall,

And also everyone else from town, I hope you’re all doing great! It was another good week for me and Sun, we went to see the zoo like I said we would, and I loved it! I had no idea that there was so many animals to see! I thought it’d just be penguins, but that’s okay, I loved it, and Sun liked seeing the horses.

She says it’s interesting to see what we came from, and I don’t really get it, but I was really happy to see the smile on her face. She’s really cute when she smiles.

There was also a flower shop at the zoo! Sun didn’t understand why and questioned it, but I told her it was okay and that she shouldn’t overthink it, and so we went in and bought a bouquet of trilliums. They smell nice, and I like the way the look on our table.

Nothing much happened after that, but the next day Sun and Edge started work on their big project! They still won’t tell me what it is, but it isn’t anything villainy, so that’s good. Maybe it’s a new apartment building? Or even a time machine! I’ve never seen one, despite all the mad scientist inventors everywhere, and I’ve always wondered why.

Lyra thinks that they’re working on a portal of some kind, but we don’t know.

OH! Also, Lyra and I have been hanging out more again! She came over on Friday to eat lunch finally and she may have forgotten why she was avoiding me since last month. I hope so, I already forgave her for liking me, but she wouldn’t forgive herself and kept hiding anytime I went to talk to her. I hate having to wait, but good friends should always be there for each other, and that means waiting for them to stop being silly and talk to you again.

She was drunk when she admitted that anyway, so I don’t know how much that counts. I think what you say only counts if you’re able to remember it.

But that’s okay, she’s my friend, and I love her.

Then I was called to clean up another big mess, this one needed ten of us to pick up. It was a meltdown in some storehouse and the heroes weren’t able to stop it from happening, even if they saved everyone anyway. Sun said it reminded her of when she was younger, and Edge agreed. I think it’s part of their history together.

They still won’t tell me anything that happened, but I’ve been piecing it together. You already know how they met, and last year when they fought robots, but I still don’t know why they didn’t like each other. I think Hard Edge worked with the hero bureau to fight Sun, maybe, I don’t know.

After cleaning up the mess, I went to the Warm Roast and had my iced tea. There’s a new employee there. Her name is Dust Pan, and she’s like me! Well, no, not exactly, she has OCD, but it’s still interesting.

She doesn’t really seem like she fits in, she’s anxious, and afraid and has a really bad sleep schedule. But she’s figuring out the coffee makers and I like her. I talked to her a couple times, and she likes me too, at least a little bit. I hope we can be good friends, because that means I’ll have someone to talk to when everyone else is asleep.

Has sleeping changed? I miss it, and hope everyone gets good sleep.

Last night was pretty bad for me. I was laying with Sun when the walls fell away and I was outside myself. Sun talked with me for a few hours and eventually pulled me back, but I didn’t like it. It was awful! I don’t like when that happens, it’s like I’m empty.

Dr. Acute was happy to talk on the phone with me, but I didn’t like having to call her so late. She was asleep, and Sun made me. I still hope she isn’t mad that I woke her up.

Today though not a lot happened. Breakfast was nice, and Sun looked for a job in the newspaper again. I think she’d make a good janitor, what better way is there to clean up the city? But she wants to do something that challenges her.

I don’t think it’s important to have a hard time doing work, but if she does then that’s okay, it’s what she wants.

I loved the quilt your sister made for me and Sun, it’s perfect and I love how she made our cutie marks dance together. You two should visit us some time. I bet you and Care would love Hoovington.

Have a good week!

-Your Friend Forever