//------------------------------// // Losing and Having Hope // Story: Pinkie & the Candy Factory // by Zenitram Nadroj //------------------------------// In the rock farm, Cloudy is digging up some more rocks and putting them in her cart. She’s then interrupted by the sound of her daughter. “Hi, Mom.”, she says. “Pinkie, why are thou still here? Aren’t thou going to be late for you newest shindig?”, her mother asks. “I thought I’d stay and talk to you for a bit before I go.” “Very well. Here, you can assist me in taking this boulders to our cellar.” Pinkie puts her own reins on and pulls the cart with her mother. “How has everything been at your friend’s school?”, she asks. “Everypony is doing fine. All of the students have been talking non stop about finding those passes.”, her daughter answers. “And how has thy other job of delivering cupcakes been?” “Well, not as good as before. Everypony has been busy looking for pieces of candy to open, that Mrs. Cake barely has any customers left.” “I see.” “Not to mention, today the third pass was found.” “What? Already?” She nods. “Ok, I’ll be going now.”, she says as they finish loading the cellar. “Pinkie, art thou feeling alright?”, her mother asks. “Mom, I’m just not sure if I still have a chance. The third pass was found. And who knows when the fourth one will be found. Everyday I’m starting to lose more and more hope in myself. It’s very odd considering I eat candy almost every single day. But wait, what if there is a possibility that I ate one of the passes and never noticed it. I may have to make an appointment at the Ponyville Health Center to have the doctor do an x-ray on me. But I can’t imagine how expensive the bill will be. I mean I barely have enough to purchase two three foot long baguettes. That means I’ll have to work extra hard to keep my pay up and...” “Pinkie.”, her mother interrupts. She then blushes, “Oh, sorry. I was rambling again. I swear the author of this story wants to make me a chatterbox.” “Pinkie, there are millions, maybe billions of ponies who are looking for those passes. And only five of them will actually find them. Thou probably wouldn’t find one even if thou hath purchased a dungeon full of candy. Even when the event has concluded, thou won’t be any different from the other ponies who couldn’t find one.” “But, Mom. I am different. I really want to find a pass. But I’m not sure if I ever will.” Her ears droop and her mane and tail wither. “Pinkie.” She looks into her mother’s eyes and she smiles to her. “You will get your chance. Like your grandmother said, we all believe in you. And you should believe in you too.” “You really think there’s still hope for me?” “Of course. You didn’t give up, have you?” She shakes her head. “Then there you have it. As long as you never give up, your hope will be realized.” Her mane and tail curl again and she smiles. “Thanks, Mom.” Her mother kisses her cheek. “Now go. You’re gonna be late for your party.” “Oh, you’re right. Bye, Mom. See you when I get home.” She then gallops off the farm as her mother looks at her daughter’s enthusiasm. She gives a warm smiles at how happy she is. (Song for This Scene Here) “Come on, Cloudy, it’s getting late.”, her mother calls out. “Coming, Mother.” She turns back and sees her daughter is gone. “Goodnight, Pinkie.”, she says before going inside the house. The next day, the news mare does another update. “News flash. The fourth pass has been found. I repeat the fourth pass has been found.”, she says. “We’re now receiving a call from the Crystal Empire. Caller, you’re on the air.” “Hello there. My name is Stygievee.” “Hello there. Tell me, how did you find a golden factory pass?” “I was invited to attend an annual recruitment ceremony and after that we stopped from a feast. But then a kind little colt offered me his own candy bar out of respect for me.” “Well, that’s very thoughtful of him.”, the mare says. “Indeed it was. I just hope that Star Swirl and the other Pillars don’t think I’m stroking my own ego. Oh, I better get going. Princess Cadance is about to start the recruitment ceremony.” “OK. Goodbye.” The line then cuts off. “Alright, everpony, four passes down. Only one to go. Who will be the lucky mare or stallion to find the final golden factory pass?” In the Crystal Empire, Stygievee approaches the prince and princesses as they are approaching their newest recruit. But then, the same creature from Cloudsdale, Manehattan and Rainbow Falls appears. “What are you doing here? This is an important ceremony.”, Stygievee says. The creature lowers and whispers into his ear. Later that night. Pinkie is fast asleep in her bed, when her grandmother quietly calls for her. “Pinkie.”, she quietly calls. Her snoring keeps her from hearing the other mare. “Pinkie.”, her grandmother calls again. She continues to snore. Her grandmother thinks and gets an idea. “Pinkie, somepony’s calling you to schedule a party.” Pinkie bolts up at the sound of scheduling a party. The then tip hooves down to the living room where she sees Nana in her mattress. “Nana. Where’s the pony who wants a party?”, she asks excited. “Pinkie, nopony’s asking for a party. I just wanted to wake you up.”, Nana says. Pinkie then deflates and composes herself. “Sorry. So why did you wake me up?” “I have something for you.” “What is it? A new can of seltzer? A new flavor of pie? Brand new wrapping paper?” Her grandmother reaches under her pillow and pulls out a Blonka bar. “A Blonka bar? How did you get that?” “I asked your sisters to go to Ponyville and purchase it just for you.” “How did they purchase it?” “I gave them the bit you gave me that I was saving.” Her granddaughter is in disbelief. “But, Nana, that was for your rent.” “Pinkie, it doesn’t matter where I’m living. What matters is that you’ll always be there for me. Come on, there’s only one pass left. Let’s see if this is the bar that has it.” Pinkie shakes her head. “No. How about you open it?” “Pinkie, you’re just as excited as anypony else.” She thinks about what her grandmother just said and makes her decision. “How about we both open it together?” “Are you sure?”, her grandmother asks. She nods. “Ok, here goes nothing.” They each grab one end of the wrapper and carefully unwrap the bar. They take a look and see the bar, but no pass. “Well, there’s nothing. You got that part right.” “Pinkie, now’s not the time.” “Sorry. I just had a thought. I think those passes make the candy taste like metal.” They both chuckle. They both frown and hug each other. “I’m sorry, Pinkie. I know how much you wanted to find a pass.” “It’s ok, Nana. As long as I got to be here with you, that’s more important.” They then both yawn. “Ok, you better go back to bed.”, Nana says. “Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.” “I hope so, too. Goodnight, Nana.” “Goodnight, Pinkie.” Pinkie walks up the stairs while Nana goes back to sleep.