Time Heals All Wounds

by Brony4Ever1992

Chapter 4

It was time for Winter Wrap-up in Ponyville. In their castle, Twilight and Sunset where getting things ready. Twilight was checking up her schedule when Sunset arrived.

"You stressed?" asked Sunset.

"There's so much to do." answered Twilight frantic.

Sunset walked over.

"The others where right, you're really prone to freak outs." mused Sunset.

"Well, I'd feel better if Starlight was caught." sighed Twilight.

"I know it sucks we haven't found Starlight and her followers yet, but the army is searching all of Equestria." replied Sunset.

Twilight gave a worried murmur in response.

"How are Sugar Belle and Night Glider?" asked Sunset.

"They're doing okay. The twenty-four seven guard protection has kept them safe for now." answered Twilight.

"It was nice of you to let them stay at your old tower." stated Sunset.

"Ever since I moved to Ponyville, I haven't been back. Better they use it than it remains empty." shrugged Twilight.

Twilight began tapping her right front hoof.

"But, what happens when Starlight and her followers return?" asked Twilight.

"Sugar Belle and Night Glider are being protected by the royal guard." answered Sunset.

"I don't know if you you've noticed, but the royal guard aren't exactly the most competent." noted Twilight bluntly.

"They where easily beaten by Sombra's force." admitted Sunset.

"And they where useless against Chrysalis...and Discord...and Tirek...and pretty much any real threat." said Twilight flatly.

"I have an idea: let's go out and see how Winter Wrap-up is going. It'll get your mind off Starlight." proposed Sunset.

"Okay." agreed Twilight hopeful.

The two headed out and saw things where coming along nice for Winter Wrap-up. Sunset noticed Rainbow Dash in the sky with Tank. Twilight flew up and realized she was worried. They talked then three landed.

"Does Tank seem more lethargic than normal?" asked Twilight.

Tank yawned again.

"It could be." admitted Sunset.

Sunset rubbed her chin with her foreleg.

"But, tortoises are naturally slow." added Sunset.

"Neither of us know that much about animals. Maybe, you should ask somepony who does." suggested Twilight.

Rainbow took off with Tank. Twilight and Sunset shrugged as it was out of their hooves...for now. Twilight and Sunset continued checking on Winter Wrap-up and found things where going on perfectly. Mayor Mare thanked the two for their help making sure things went smoothly. The two then returned to the castle and sat on their thrones.

"I gotta admit, this is a damn nice castle." said Sunset.

"But, I still miss Golden Oaks Library." sighed Twilight.

"You still have me." noted Sunset.

Twilight smiled.

"For better or for worse." added Sunset.

Now Twilight giggled.

"There's my Twilight." cooed Sunset.

"I know my friends would probably try and cheer me up to. As long as they don't fight over ideas." said Twilight.

"Twilight...we need to talk." said Sunset, in a serious tone.

"What about?" asked Twilight uneasy.

"Are you still feeling guilty about what happened with Sombra?" asked Sunset bluntly.

"What. No. That's silly." answered Twilight, lying poorly.

"If you are..." began Sunset.

"There you are!" declared Spike.

The baby dragon walked over to the two ponies interrupting the conversation.

"What's going on Spike?" asked Twilight, clearly trying to change the subject.

"Rainbow Dash came by earlier tried to ask me about hibernating. I think Tank needs to and she isn't taking it well." answered Spike.

"That would explain Tank's lethargy." mused Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer shook her head.

"Spike, Twilight and I where talking..." began Sunset.

Before Sunset could finish, the castle doors opened and Rarity entered.

"There you are darlings." said Rarity.

"This isn't a good time." said Sunset annoyed.

"Oh. I was hoping you would join your friends in raking up leaves." replied Rarity.

"Great idea!" declared Twilight.

Twilight quickly raced to Rarity's side.

"Spike, please help me." begged Sunset.

Alas, Spike had already joined Rarity in a crush educed zombie state.

"Son of a bitch." muttered Sunset.

Sunset walked down and joined the others.

"This is such a magnificent castle darlings." said Rarity awestruck.

"We where just talking about that and trying to adjust after losing the library." noted Sunset.

"Once more, my condolences." offered Rarity.

"Thanks." replied Twilight.

"Hey Twilight, this castle could be worse." said Sunset.

"How?" asked Twilight skeptical.

"It could be some playset." answered Sunset

Twilight and Sunset left with Rarity, They began cleaning up leaves that had fallen from the trees. Twilight and Sunset used their magic to rake the leaves up. They noticed Tank and Rainbow landed. Pinkie noted it was cute and brought up the h word (hibernate) which angered Rainbow. Rainbow snapped at Pinkie then turned her attention to her friends.

"What are you looking at?! Pinkie and I are just having a conversation!" snapped Rainbow.

"Yelling at somepony isn't exactly a conversation." noted Sunset.

"Look Rainbow Dash.." began Twilight, "We all know how upset you are at Tank hiber..."

Pinkie Pie quickly cut Twilight off.

"Don't say that word! That's what started all this!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"We all know how upset you about Tank." said Twilight.

"Hibernating." muttered Sunset.

"But you shouldn't take your anger out on your friends." concluded Twilight.

"Who said anything about anger?! I didn't say anything about anger! I'm not upset! And I'm not angry!" ranted Rainbow, "Do I look angry?!"

Rainbow gave a very angry expression.

"Not at all." said Sunset sarcastically.

"Come on Tank!" snapped Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash stormed off with Tank.

"Well that could have gone better." sighed Sunset.

"Rainbow really doesn't want Tank to do the H word." noted Pinkie.

"She denied he needed to hibernate when I told her." added Fluttershy concerned.

"We need to help her get through this." stated Applejack.

"Not the only who needs to talk." muttered Sunset.

"What was that darling?" asked Rarity.

"Nothing. We need to focus on Rainbow." answered Twilight quickly.

Sunset Shimmer merely rolled her eyes.

"But, we just can't abandon Winter Wrap-up." said Applejack.

"Waiting would give Rainbow sometime to cool off." noted Sunset.

The girls agreed to let Rainbow cool off and finish their duties with Winter Wrap-up. However, they soon noticed the weather factory acting out of control.

"What in the name of Celestia is going on up there?" asked Applejack concerned.

"I'm pretty sure Rainbow Dash can tell us" answered Sunset flatly.

"Prepare yourself everypony! Winter is coming!" exclaimed Twilight.

"Okay Miss Lannister." chuckled Sunset.

The weather factory was in chaos. Noteworthy was blown away while Parasol struggled to keep herself from being blown away. A giant snowball was expelled from the factory.

"Everypony, look out!" cried Twilight.

The ponies on the ground ran as the snowball hit the ground. It caused an explosion covering Ponyville and the area around it in snow. The ponies, including Rainbow Dash and Tank, emerged from the snow.

"Just as I thought." said Sunset.

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?" asked Twilight concerned.

"No." answered Rainbow sadly.

Rainbow took Tank and left. The girls asked if helped was needed in cleaning up, but they where reassured the situation was under control. The six girls then left and went to Rainbow's home. They opened the door and entered...save Pinkie.

"Knock knock." said Pinkie, coming in through the wall.

"Whatever." answered Rainbow despondent.

"The poor thing looks so sad." noted Rarity concerned, "Just what are we going to do?"

"I don't know what we can do." answered Twilight.

"Buck up sugarcube, you just ain't yourself these days." said Applejack.

"Whatever." replied Rainbow despondent.

"How can I say this tactfully?" asked Rarity, "You've lost your sparkle Rainbow Dash.

"I hate to say this, but, well..." began Pinkie.

Pinkie covered her mouth, but made her way to Rainbow.

"You've become a party pooper!" declared Pinkie hushed.

"Didn't you hear me? I said 'whatever'." began Rainbow.

"That's clearly not the case." replied Sunset.

"I don't know if you're here to cheer me up or what, but I'm fine." said Rainbow firmly.

Twilight gulped anxiously.

"Rainbow Dash, I know how you feel." began Twilight.

"You've never lost a pet!" snapped Rainbow.

"I lost all my friends and had everyone in Equestria hate me because I fell under dark magic and served Sombra." noted Twilight hurt.

Rainbow winced.

"I'm sorry." muttered Rainbow.

"Let me handle this." said Fluttershy.

Fluttershy stepped forward.

"Rainbow Dash, your winter is going to be pet-less." said Fluttershy firmly.

The brunt facts forced Rainbow to start sobbing as she hugged Tank.

"Whatever did you do that for?" asked Rarity surprised.

"Because she'll never get passed this until she lets it all out." answered Fluttershy.

"I didn't think you had it in you." admitted Sunset surprised.

Applejack stepped forward of her own accord.

"Uh...It's okay. Tank'll come back in a few months." said Applejack awkwardly.

"Months?! I don't want him to go!" sobbed Rainbow.

"Alright. Alright. There, there." said Applejack.

Applejack turned to Fluttershy.

"Nice going, Fluttershy." said Applejack hushed, "How do we get her to stop?"

"She's gotta be done by now. Can't be too much left in there." answered Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash continued sobbing for a little bit before stopping.

"Feeling better?" asked Fluttershy.

Uh-huh." answered Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash returned to sobbing.

"Oh, you poor, poor, thing." said Fluttershy tearing up.

Fluttershy now began to cry.

"I can't bear to see Fluttershy cry!" sobbed Rarity.

Rarity joined Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"It's just heart-wrenching!" sobbed Pinkie.

Pinkie joined the crying ponies.

Twilight turned to Applejack.

"You too, Applejack?" asked Twilight.

"Nope. I'm good." answered Applejack.

"You okay, Twilight?" asked Sunset.

"Yeah." answered Twilight.

Twilight stepped forward.

"Look everypony, I know how hard it is to say goodbye." said Twilight.

"I'm mostly sad because you're not sad!" cried Pinkie.

Pinkie grabbed Twilight.

"Me? What about Applejack?" asked Twilight surprised.

"Applejack cries on the inside Twilight!" declared Pinkie.

"It's true." admitted Applejack nonchalant.

Rainbow Dash managed to calm down.

"It's alright Fluttershy. It's alright." said Rainbow.

Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie calmed down.

"You think she's done or she's getting a third wind?" asked Applejack hushed.

"No clue." answered Sunset.

"Rainbow Dash, are you okay?" asked Twilight.

Rainbow Dash sniffled.

"I think so. I feel better. Really, I do. Thanks everypony. I don't know what I'd do without you." said Rainbow.

Rainbow began to tear up.

"Or him..." said Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash hugged Tank.

"Oh, Tank. I'm sure going to miss you." said Rainbow sadly.

Rainbow accepted Tank needed to hibernate and the tortoise was finally able to do so. The Mane 7 and Spike where able to have fun together enjoying the winter weather. Whether it be playing in the snow or ice skating. Once the night arrived, the fun was over and the ponies departed to head home. Twilight, Sunset and Spike returned to their castle in the Everfree Forest. Spike headed off to his room while Sunset and Twilight headed to their room.

"That was quite the day." said Twilight.

Twilight threw herself onto her bed.

"Twilight, why can't you forgive yourself?" asked Sunset.

"I was really hoping you'd forget." muttered Twilight.

Sunset Shimmer got onto the bed.

"Please tell me." requested Sunset concerned.

"I...can't." said Twilight upset.

Sunset let out a sigh.

"I won't force you if you're not comfortable. But, when you do feel comfortable, then tell me right away." replied Sunset.

"Okay." agreed Twilight grateful.

Sunset felt a ping in her bladder.

"I gotta use the bathroom before bed." revealed Sunset.

Sunset Shimmer got up and left for the bathroom.

"I'm so lucky to have her." said Twilight lovingly.

Twilight got under the covers, ready to sleep.

"I just wish I could make it so this whole mess with Sombra never happened." said Twilight.

A thought came to Twilight which she mulled over until she fell asleep...