//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: The Day Princess Gets Pranked // Story: Temporal Disequilibrium // by Wild Wire //------------------------------// Canterlot is beautiful. That's really all I can say about it. I know I've seen it before through a screen, but that really doesn't do it much justice. It's not the most fantastical amazing thing ever, but it's IS very beautiful. It's like VR, nearly every youtuber on the internet always freaks the fuck out when using the HTC Vive, but once you get one of your own, it's not as good as it seemed. Yeah, it's still super fucking awesome, and much better than normal gaming, but not quite to expectation either. Anyways, with time frozen, I immediately march my way to the castle. All the time stealing I've been doing with my fast travel trick has upped the time limits a bit. Not too much, but quite a bit. I can completely freeze time for a while now, nearly half an hour, and it recharges quickly. I can hold time frozen in a bubble for almost a full hour, but it takes a bit more focus to keep my time energy condensed in one spot like that. I wonder if I can get those Quantum Break visions where I can gaze into past events? That's something to look into. Thud. "Gah! Fucking, OW! The hell are these doors made of?" I ask, having just bumped into the castle doors. I decide to try stealing an event that's already happened, something I haven't done yet. Instantly, I was on the other side of the door, the pain having numbed and faded away. I must of stolen the collision instead of the pain of that collision. Neat. I snatch a map from a nearby guard, because for some reason they all have maps. Do they get lost in the castle too? I thought that only happened to the main character in the fanfics. The whole this castle is a maze thing happens way too often in those stories, but I guess it makes sense. If this guard here actually needs this map, then tough luck buddy, it's mine now. Following the map, I head straight to the throne room, to see if I can mess with Celestia. Probably not the best idea, but I can always rewind time. That time limit has increased too actually! I can rewind back about fifteen minutes. That's a lot of time. Entering the throne room, I take a moment to look at the windows. Nothing we haven't all seen before, but it looks pretty with the light coming through. Too bad the world is currently in black and white. Maybe that's dampening the beauty of this city. I think of a prank for Celestia as I pace around the throne room, before getting a simple idea. I walk around the throne and hide behind it, unfreezing time. "Hello, Princess Celery!" I smoothly say, putting on my best Discord impression. "Who's there!?" She asks, getting up and walking around to look behind her throne. I warp to behind a random pillar. "My my, it seems I've been forgotten, huh? That's quite rude of you, especially after all that fun you've had! You know, putting me in stone and all that. But alas, it's my turn to have fun once again." I freeze time to check her expression, and see her eyes widening in realization, with the nearby guards I didn't even notice also searching the room for me. Walking behind another pillar, I unfreeze time. "Show yourself, Discord!" She demands. "Oh, but why would I do that? Could it be you want to see my beautiful face once again?" My Discord impression seemed to be working, despite it not being all that great. Maybe she realizes I'm not really Discord and is tricking me into thinking that I'm tricking her, so I get an idea. "And I must say, this new vessel is quite a nice one! A unique body for the lord of chaos, how fitting, but its not mishmashy enough for my taste." "Discord, what did you do!?" She yelled, the guards still trying to find me. I decide it was time to reveal myself, so I froze time once again, stole all the guards weapons, and lounged myself onto the throne. When I unfroze time, I was already looking at a spear with boredom. "This spear looks so bland, not even a simple design on it! I would like to speak with whoever designed these, I have some choice words for them." I say, ignoring her question. "Discord." She turned around, seeing my new form. I'm gonna see how long I can keep this going. "Bah, never mind! I think I'll just get rid of it." I ignore her again, and I bite down on the part connecting the wood to the tip of the spear. Freezing time again, I quickly break off the piece and store it in my back pocket. I get back into position and unfreeze time once more. The guards all look completely confused, and Celestia looks... oh shit, she looks angry. I fake an innocent smile to mask the intimidation I'm feeling. "Discord, you cannot rule Equestria again, I will stop you from spreading your chaos." "You and what army?" Celestia turns around to see all of her guards gone. What I did is I froze time and placed them in the hedge maze. When she looked back, I was also wearing her crown and necklace thingy, spinning one of her fancy shoes on my finger like a basketball. I was really getting into this. "Discord!" "Would you NOT tire out my name, please? Even I'm getting tired of it, maybe a new one is in not order, new body new name after all." I blink. "Oooh I think I like Disorder, that sounds like the opposite of what you want after all." Celestia frowned. This frown though, looked more sad than angry. Now I just feel bad. I think I've had enough fun anyways. "Hey, don't frown too much, your face'll freeze that way." I say in my natural voice. Celestia turned to me in surprise. "Yeah, not actually Discord, Just decided to play a small... well, large prank actually but never mind that. Was that a good impression though?" I ask. I like to do impressions, but it would be nice to get some honest feedback for one. "You're not Discord?" She asked. "Nope." "But you have chaos magic?" "Bleh, no, chaos magic sounds gross." I joke. She just looks at me quizzically. "Well, since I'm done here, you can have your crown back, and all the guards that were in here are in the hedge maze now." I inform her, tossing the crown back to her. SMASH! "Oh." I frown at the floor. Maybe I shouldn't have tossed that. Celestia glares at me. "UhIcanfixit!" I quickly shout, and try to isolate my time rewinding powers on the now shattered crown. It forms back together and slides through the air, back into my hand. "See? Good as new!" I jazz my hands with a nervous smile, still holding the crown. Celestia levitates it out of my hand to look at it, and turns back to me. "How did you do that?" She asks sternly. "Maaaaaaagiiiiiiiiiiiic." ... "I have time powers." I give in at her unamused gaze. As I said that though, a certain six ponies barge into the room. You can probably guess who they all are. "Stop right there, Discord!" Twilight shouts, all of them wearing their elements. "I turns out it wasn't Discord, Twilight." Celestia tiredly sighed. "What?" Twilight asked. "Wait, did you send them a letter when I wasn't looking?" I ask, confused at how they knew. "Yes, I did." Celestia says. "Huh, nice, now I can get back at the pink one for biting me." I freeze time, walk up to Pinkie Pie, and bite her arm, before walking behind them all, in the open doorway. I unfreeze time again, and chuckle at the quiet ow. "Well, this has been fun, but I gotta get going, so bye!" I say, simply rewinding the entire prank and everything that happened. I freeze time at the end... wait, maybe it's beginning? Back to before I even entered the throne room. I freeze time at that point, and after a few moments of thought, I decide to leave Celestia wither memories. I don't know if that will work, but I try to steal the event of me rewinding time, but isolate that in her mind. Then I warped home. Celestia was confused. No time had passed from a moment ago, but she suddenly remembered something strange, something that didn't happen, yet it did? A strange being pretended to be Discord, smashed and un-smashed her crown, then it told her it has time powers, and... what did it do? She was back where she was before? Did it send everypony back? She decided to check. Lifting a scroll, she sent a quick message to her student Twilight, asking if she remembers anything regarding a strange bipedal creature with clothing and strange abilities. She got a response quite quickly, as expected from her student. "There was an incident about a week ago, when a creature like the one you described tried to walk into Ponyville. Me and the girls tried to capture it, but it somehow avoided Applejack's lasso without even moving, and then it outran Rainbow Dash. Spike, make sure you put emphasis on outran. Spike, cross that out. It ran into the Everfree forest after that, and we haven't seen it since. Do we need to go find it? Was there an incident at the castle? Your now worried student, Twilight Sparkle." Celestia sat for a moment, simply thinking. So the creature decided to only leave her with memories of what happened. Why? Maybe she was immune to it's abilities? She doubted it. Maybe the creature isn't all bad, and wanted her to remember the interaction? She doubted that too. All she knows is she remembers, and that she has to make a choice now. Levitating another scroll, she wrote her next message. "No my student, there wasn't an incident, I was simply curious is all. I only now heard about this being when I overheard a pony from Ponyville earlier today, and decided to ask you if you've seen it. You don't need to find it though. Your teacher, Celestia." She chose to trust it.