Rainbow dash’s awesome daring adventure

by Rainbow sparkle1

In The Temple

Dash was now inside, and she was a bit surprised at what she was looking at, it was covered in crimson red paint. Dash nearly recoiled until she realized it was just paint, so she continued on into the temple.

When she got close to where she needed to be, dash heard screaming from behind, so she turned to look behind her, nothing, although the scream sounded familiar.

"Fluttershy?" dash said, still looking behind her, "is that you?" Then she heard the voice again.

"Rainbow, help!" Dash was puzzled and scared at the same time, why was Fluttershy here in the first place? she hesitated, thinking that it was a trick, but the voice sounded too legit for it to not be her, and she didn't want her filly friend hurt. so dash galloped the way she came to save her.

When dash arrived at the place where she heard the screaming, she was shocked at the sight, all her friends were tied together and were hanging from the ceiling. dash was shocked and confused.

How did they find and capture the girls? dash thought to herself before coming closer to them.

"How did you get in here?" dash asked.

"Look out!" Twilight warned her right before she fell into a pit full of spikes.

"Well well well, the blue pegasus has come to save her friends," a voice from behind said. Dash instantly turned around to see dr. cabalaron standing right behind her.

She wanted to say something to him, but the words just wouldn't escape her mouth. she was too worried for her friends sake.

"You have a choice to make miss," Cabalaron told dash, "You can either continue through the temple to find the statue and let your friends die, or you can save your friends and never come back to this temple."

She was surprised with both choices. Either she would continue down the temple and finish what daring had started, but never see her friends again. Or she would save her friends, and if daring was still out there, she would finish the job. Dash didn't know what to do, then she remembered that time when ponyville qualified for the equestria games all because dash was loyal to her friends. but this was worse than that moment. she hesitated, then got an idea, so she started to fly towards her friends to tell them her plan.

"Dashie," pinkie pie pleaded.

"We have to save equestria if any of its biggest enemies come back," Twilight said to her, "We need you. please rainbow, don't do this."

"I know," dash said, stopping right in front of them, "i know what to do now."