//------------------------------// // Chapter 8: The Questioning // Story: Temporal Disequilibrium // by Wild Wire //------------------------------// "So, what are you?" Cadence asked, tilting her head in a child-like fashion. "Human." I answer as nonchalantly as possible. "And most might find it quite rude to be asked what they are, before who they are. Luckily, I'm not most." "What is your name?" Celestia asked next. I'm just gonna be completely honest with them, my name, my abilities, all of it. I'm here to make friends, not make lies. "Turner Youth, but I prefer to be called Ty." I say with a smile. "What are your weaknesses?" Luna asked, gaining herself a look from Celestia. I actually had to think about this one. "I don't know, anything that can catch me off guard? Like a poisoned cupcake, or hitting me in the back of the head with a large wooden plank. Anything that could knock me out in one hit. I can't really use my powers if I'm out like a light. Although if you DO poison me and I find out before I pass out, I could probably undo it." I shrug. "That's really all I can think of." Luna looked at me very intensely for a few moments, before backing off and nodding. "He's being honest." She said. Must have been a test or something. "I've never seen your kind before, what region of Equus are you from?" Cadence asked, and now I gotta tell them I'm an alien. Let's get this over with. "None, I'm not from this planet, or even universe! Next." I say, trying to keep the normal questions going. "What?" They all simultaneously ask. I groan. "I'm an alien, and I don't feel like staying on that one subject, can we move this along?" "An alien? If you're an alien, how did you get here?" Celestia asked next. "No idea, I just woke up in the Everfree forest with nothing but the clothes on my back and small box of stuff from my future self." I state. "Future self?" Luna asked. At this point it's just going in a circle. "Yeah, I have time powers." "What can you do with them?" Cadence spoke. "I can rewind time, go back or forward in time, freeze time, slow time, fast forward time, steal time and events, place stolen events, and use my own brand of close-enough-to-teleportation." I list off. "What does teleportation have to do with time? Would that be more space than time?" Celestia asks. "Actually, I read somewhere that you guys teleport by basically removing distance. I do it by stealing the time it takes to travel that distance. It has to be somewhere I can reach though. Also, time and space are linked, why do you think its called a time-space continuum?" "Hmmm, what is the difference between rewinding time and going back in time?" Luna asks. "Travelling back in time allows you to instantly go to a past event and even interact with your past self, while rewinding time just makes everything go backwards." I explain. "Can you show us, like, proof of your powers?" Cadence asked. I was already behind her, but I was also still standing where I was. My other self grinned. "Omae wa Mou Shindeiru." "What!?" They all turned and saw him. I pieced together how he was here, then used my time travel ability to go back to the past, and I warped behind Cadence simultaneously. I was already behind her, but I was also still standing where I was. I grinned. "Omae wa Mou Shindeiru." "What!?" They all turned and saw me. My other self pieced together how I was here, then used his time travel ability to go back to the past, and he warped behind Cadence simultaneously. I laughed. "Man, time travel sure is great!" I said. They all relaxed a bit, still a bit shaken at the surprise. "What did you say?" Celestia asked. "It translates to you are already dead." I said. "It's just a reference though, so don't worry." They sighed. "So, any more questions?" "Yes, in your universe, do you have any advanced future magic?" Luna asks. "My universe doesn't have magic, at least, not that anyone knows of, anyway." "Wh-Then who moves the sun and moon?" Cadence asked. "A little thing called Gravity. The laws of physics work differently there, so does the solar system. The sun stays in the middle, Earth, my home planet, orbits around it, and the moon around Earth. The sun is a giant ball of gas that's really really really far away, and also counts as a star." I explain. Luna just looks at Celestia. "Anything else?" "We've run out of questions." Luna said. Cadence just frowned and nodded, while Celestia looked like she had one more, but didn't say anything and nodded as well. "Good, because I have a question of my own." They sat and waited. "Can I be royalty?" I ask. They all just raised their eyebrows. "I mean, Celestia, you rule the day, Luna rules the night, Cadence is the princess of love, Twilight Spar- wait, no that hasn't happened yet." I subtly add on purpose, and Cadence eyes widened. "Anyways, can I just be the ruler of time? A timelord, if you will, even though I don't watch that show." "No." Celestia and Luna said together. "But-But Discord gets to be the lord of chaos! Why cant I be the lord of time?" "Because we said so." Celestia added. "...What if I said please?" "No." "Fine." I say. "Now is that finally the end of these questions?" "Twilight becomes a princess!?" Cadence shouts, Celestia and Luna finally noticing I added that bit in her presence. "Yep! Princess of Friendship! She even gets a giant crystal castle from the Tree of Harmony, and opens a school! But don't tell anyone I said that." Celestia looks like she's about to let out some tears of joy, while Luna just hmmms in thought. "Well, I think I'm gonna go now." I say, walking to the door with my hands in my pockets. "Wait, how do we contact you if we need your help?" Luna asks. "Trust me, you wont." "But-" Warp to random location. That wasn't even that many questions, but it felt like it took forever. Landing myself in the Everfree forest once more, buy complete accident, I hear a cry. Not one of fear or pain, but an angry war cry. Suddenly, a bunch of timberwolves jump out of the bushes, running past me and whimpering. I turn to the direction of the voice. "And stay back, birches!" A familiar voice calls, walking out of the bushes. No way. No fucking way in hell. "Wait, Turner?" "...Daniel?"