//------------------------------// // A Claw-terlot wedding Part 2, Part 4 // Story: Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 2 // by TDR //------------------------------// Twilight Gets a Puppy Season 2 By TDR A Claw-terlot wedding Part 2, Part 4 [Canterlot Throne Room, Morning of the Royal Wedding, Friday] “OBJECTION!!”Spike bellowed being lifted into the air by Rahs who was grinning like a fool at the perfectly timed drama. Big Mac was trying to crouch down behind the seats as everyone in the, very large, room turned to stare at the four seated on the bench. Twilight was ignoring them as she cast her spell. The glow of her horn attracting the notice of a number of ponies who hadn't been distracted by Spike's bellow, or the brothers antics. Oddly neither Shining Armor nor Princess Celestia were paying attention to the group. The energy around Twilight's horn faded without seeming to have done anything, though her eyes locked on the pink alicorn with a frown. “You're not Cadence.” she stated flatly. Her voice cutting through the mummer of the crowd. The pink alicorn glared back at her. “I 'really' did not want you at this wedding.” Cadence snapped. “Tough.” Twilight snarled, “What have you done with the real Cadence and what did you do to my brother?” “I see, so we're going this route. Excessive confidence that you're right, proud you solved what you see as a puzzle. No consideration for the idea you might be wrong and I am Cadence in a bad mood due to stress.” Cadence sneered. “You really are cake flank's student.” The mares glance shifted from Twilight to the looming white alicorn who had hefted her weapon in here magic. The golden war hammer's head as big as an average ponies head and the shaft of it as long as the Princess was tall, it was almost a pole arm in fact. “Seems we are going with plan B....” Cadence growled out shifting a little to keep an eye on the Princess and the Sparkles. “That's not an.....” Twilight yelled back, her cry trailing off as the room lit up with flashes of green flame that seemed to consume over half the guests leaving behind a collection of black carapaced pony like creatures with mostly blue compound like eyes, eyes that were still all staring at her. The few remaining pony guests screamed out, rapidly trying to get away. “ The 'B' is for this is all Bucked up, which is what plan A has become.” Cadence sighed as the screams got louder when the collection of bug ponies set to work capturing and taking out the guests that remained well all the pony guards, all of the Heart Guard and a number of Royal Guard were bug ponies “Changelings.” Celestia swore lashing out with her war hammer at Cadence. The pink mare whirled about with the sound of tearing fabric, the strike blocked by a pair of green etched scimitar blades gripped in glowing green magic. The etchings made little sense to any one other than Celestia, who narrowed her eyes. “Chrysalis.” Celestia growled. “ Hello again cake flank, you miss me? I sure as crap missed you.... with every assassination attempt so far.” Cadence growled. “Hey Sparkle give my regards to your seamstress friend, this dress is perfect and roomy enough for my swords, a couple cannons and a small naval destroyer. It was like she was designing the dress for Celestia's measurements. Interesting to note, Celestia, means 'WIDE LOAD' in the Changeling language!” “Changelings don't have their own language, you're not even a proper creature, you're nothing but foul muck that bled from a crack in the world from the dark between spaces.”Celestia snarled shoving her weapon forward and forcing Cadence to rear up on her back hooves to avoid a strike from the long staff of the hammer. “Oh that's big talk from a species who wiggled out of the muck at the bottom of the ocean before deciding that it was to wet for them and flopping up on land.” Chrysalis growled back. “Buck before you started tinkering with them they all looked like long legged sway back pigs with spots.” Celestia took a step back dodging a swipe from one of the blades and countering the other with her war hammer before bringing the golden weapon down in an arc to squash the pink alicorn. Chrysalis dodged the attack which struck the marble floor and blew a hole in it easily a pony length deep into the rock under the palace chamber. “My, My, aren't you testy today, almost as if some ones been keeping you up all night with insane demands and false alarms so you couldn't sleep. I wonder who that could have been? “A green fire erupted around the sneering Cadence, revealing a black carapaced figure with a greenish blue mane and a gnarled looking horn. Fangs sprouted from the creatures mouth and various parts of her body seemed to be filled with holes as if chunks of her were missing. She was still wearing the wedding dress however, and she was also as tall as Princess Celestia. Rahs, Spike, and Big Mac had seen enough and launched into action. The trio lashed out at the closest Changelings,keeping both the bug ponies and the real ponies, who were still suspect, from getting any where near Twilight so she could focus. Twilight's horn was glowing brightly and with the fake Cadence away from her brother and Celestia she saw a chance and took it. An arcane beam lanced from her horn at the impostor. The Changeling Queen however saw it coming and brought both her blades around to take the hit of the blast, the runes etched in the metal glowed briefly before the energy reflected off of them towards Celestia. The solar mare side stepped and the blast shot past her, vaporizing the podium and blowing out all the stained glass windows and most of the wall and ceiling at the back of the chamber, opening the view to one that over looked Canterlot and the glowing shield around it. “Stars dammit mare I wasn't even going to do anything to you.” Chrysalis hiss glaring back at Twilight. Just visible in the distance were countless black dots around the barrier shield Shining Armor set up, all of them hammering and striking at the shield. Shining Armor himself didn't seem to even notice the goings on around him as he wobbled shakily on his hooves. Celestia rushed back at Chrysalis smashing aside a couple of Changelings that got in her way. Chrysalis in turn rushed back at her doing the same with a number of pony Guards, the armored earth ponies flying through the air as if they were made of paper before hitting the walls with as sickening crunch. Despite the blows Twilight noticed she used the blade flats, she probably would have cut the armored ponies in half had she not with that level of power. The pair met in the middle of the room , their weapons impacting as they snarked at each other horns clashing in a shower of arcane magic. “I see you have a new toy cake flank. Opted to trade out of the clay-more?” Chrysalis snarled.” Bet you named this one too.” “Of course I did cheese legs. And I'm going to use MC to make sure you're destroyed.” Celestia snarled. “Only a ponce names their weapon. “Chrysalis snapped back. ”And I'll take a quick destruction over generations starving to death while trapped in a bucking volcano any day. Of course it's not like you're going to be able to do either of those things.” The pair broke away from each other their horns glowing brighter as the weapons they had flashed through the air in a blur of steel and iron, the hammer and blades clashing as they whirled about looking for an opening. The clash of weapons seemed more an after thought to the pair as they suddenly both tried to blast each other, the magic meeting in mid air with a horrendous crash of sparks and flame. The marble floor under the connected beams of energy starting to bubble and boil as the arcane energies met and rippled the very air around them while blades and a hammer continued to seek blood. Twilight herself was kept far too busy to help Princess Celestia. She was forced to quickly raise a shield over the front of the chamber. Her shields were no where near as good as her brothers, but she could keep the energies from striking any of the guests or her brother who had yet to move. Rahs, Spike, and Big Mac seemed to be enjoying themselves and any changeling that even looked their way found themselves, set on fire courtesy of Spike, smashed for a grand slam by a pew wielding Big Mac, or learning to fly for a brief moment before they hit something ala Rahs. Usually they hit the ground or the bench Mac was swinging but occasionally they impacted a wall or another Changeling. The sound of a pair of deafening booms filled the chamber, stilling the battle for a heartbeat as Princess Celestia was flung back against a side wall. The impact causing several tons of brick and mortar to collapse as the wall gave way crashing down on Celestia along with part of the roof. Standing triumphantly in the middle of the room was Chrysalis, a pair of still smoking party cannons resting on either side of her. “I told you the dress was roomy.” The Changeling Queen cackled. She glanced at Twilight's shield lashing out at it with one blade as the other was placed at Celestia's throat as the white alicorn pushed her head out of the wreckage. Twilight screamed as her shield was sliced through, the backlash making her drop the spell and stagger to knees. Rahs looked to his sister then glared at Chrysalis, barreling towards the Changeling Queen with a roar flinging anything in his way out of it as he pounced fangs bared and claws out for the bug ponies throat. Chrysalis reflexively brought her free scimitar around only for Rahs to grab it in the air and bite down on the aura around the weapon bringing a pained cry from Chrysalis. The blade fell to the ground with a clatter as her magic faltered. Rahs however didn't manage a counter attack as the moment he landed he immediately doubled over and managed to fall over one of the benches near Shining, letting loose with a massive barfing sound as he was shown a number of things he certainly did not recall eating. “Oh good, it is my magic making you sick.” Chrysalis winced as she reached a hoof up to rub her head.” That was an unexpected benefit to be sure. If I had known that was the cause I wouldn't have been so careful working the spells into your brother so they wouldn't trace easily down the link you share. I'd have done this instead.” Her gnarled horn glowed and a beam lashed out striking Shining Armor. The stallion's whole body tensing up before he sat down hard, the glow around his horn that had been keeping the big shield up fading to barely a flicker of itself around his horn. Rahs promptly threw up again. Outside, visible through the new hole in the wall the shield dome ruptured, and black forms rushed into Canterlot like locusts. “This day is going to be perfect.” Chrysalis cackled.