Fallout: Equestria – Find Your Spark (Audio Files)

by MuseoSansPony

Audio Log #005: Quid Pro Quo


(Zim Zee) Ok, Spark, let me do the talking.  It's sort of a secret the Calzones are in Friendship at all.  You want to live another day of you will follow my lead.

Ok, ok.  Yes, Aglow this is the best way to get passage on a boat.

(Zim Zee) Yeah, avoid talking to yourself in there too.  Crazy ghouls are bad business.

**door opening**door closing**

(Unknown Pony) Who goes there? Better be here for a god reason.

(Zim Zee) Rad C...Um...Radical Carnage...its me, Zim Ze–

(Radical Carnage) Ah the fucking zeeb delinquent. My sources in the guard say you've been stealing again.  We don’t want you getting caught. Ya get caught, the city finds out about our operation. You are a liability, I should have shot you the day your shit fam left you on the docks.

He came with me to ask a favor.

(Zim Zee) Spark, no!

(Radical Carnage) You brought an outsider! Glock, shoot to kill!  Both of them.

**ethereal chime**

(Aglow) **Echoey** You will not hurt my charge!

(Glock) **Pained screaming** Boss she set me on fire! **more pained screaming**

(Radical Carnage) Hmmm, intriguing.  An earth pony who can make my bodyguard think he’s on fire.  How did you do that?

(Aglow) **Echoey** You were supposed to be seeing and feeling that too.  Few can see through my...our power.

(Radical Carnage) That’s my secret, miss–

(Aglow) **Echoey** Aglow, but my charge, Static Spark, speaks for me.

(Radical Carnage) Well, well, you have my attention.

I...I need passage to The Hoof.

(Radical Carnage) That all? Rather mondrian, easy even.  It just so happens a boat is set to departure this afternoon.

I don’t have any caps.

(Radical Carnage) Let’s trade a favor for a favor.  Quid pro quo if you will.

(Aglow) **Echoey** Be weary my child, these ponies don’t have the best intentions.

What do you need?

(Radical Carnage) Well the boat we are so graciously allowing you passage on it will be carrying some merchandise for the family in the Lunar Commonwealth.  I ask you see this package to its destination at Hoofington University.  If anypony tries to look into the product have your glowing illusion make it appear to be something common...dealer’s choice.  

I agree to your terms.

(Radical Carnage) Good.  Tell no pony where we operate from here.  Zim Zee, you shall go too. Kill anypony whom might have true sight like myself and can see through her illusions.

(Zim Zee) Y–yes sir!

(Radical Carnage) Return to the market.  Glock will help with buying any supplies.

(Zim Zee) Understood. Let’s get going Spark.
