//------------------------------// // Excerpts of A Drifter // Story: Through The Grapevine // by Unknown Ficwriter //------------------------------// Life in Equestria is amazing: parties, friends, family, and docile animals galore. It's hard to be sad in such an overwhelmingly accepting society. However, when the sun goes down and everypony goes to sleep. That's the stretch of time that takes its toll. We fill the emptiness with routines and bedtime habits but we remain alone in the end. I watch the shifting of celestial bodies and observe the slow change of atmosphere. In this regard, we are the same. Basking in the joyous marvel of the day and presence of ponies we've grown accustomed to. Yet suffer alone in the dark void of loneliness. Never being one to remain in one place, I set off down the road. With fond memories and established friends in mind, I leave Ponyville. Desiring to discover everything the world offers and new friends to make. The bright green flash, my farewell for now.