//------------------------------// // Left Behind // Story: Spike’s Dog Tale // by Phantom-Dragon //------------------------------// It all happened so fast and so suddenly. The question is why did it happened? How could it have happened? And how could they have not realized Spike was missing? One moment, Spike was with the Rainbooms, sitting around a campfire, celebrating over their recent successful show at a charity fair to raise money for Camp Everfree and for all the animal shelters in Canterlot. Next thing he knew, the little dog was left behind and was forced to take shelter within a knocked down garbage can as his makeshift den, out in the cold, beneath the heavy rains. But how did it get to that? And will the young pup find his way home? Only time will tell. A Few Days Ago It was another one of those days, when the Rainbooms had traveled over long distances to perform another one of their songs at a charity fair, raising the moneys for Camp Everfree, Animal Shelters, and all other kinds of their favorite charities. Spike, of course, came along, for support and to cheer his owner, Twilight Sparkle, and her friends and fellow bandmates on. "Ooh, there's so many people out there," Fluttershy hyperventilated. "I don't know if I can handle it!" "C'mon, Fluttershy," Rainbow Dash said, putting a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. "We got this! I mean, just think about the animals, or that one time where we were facing against the Dazzlings and we came out on top! Or how about those other times where we were facing loose Equestrian Magics and impeding dooms? We came out alright." "Dash is right," Spike barked. "So what's an audience of people out there like compared to how you girls had foiled Wallflower Blush? Or Juniper Montage when she was possessed by a magic mirror? Or when that internet celebrity Vignette Valencia's phone got enchanted by loose Equestrian Magic and it made her go crazy? Or how about that spring break trip where you girls had to rescue an entire crew off a ship because of an Equestrian enchanted storm?" "Wow, you certainly know a lot about what we've been doing, Spike," Applejack commented. "Though how did you even know how it happened?" Rainbow asked. "It's not like you were even there when it all happened." "Well, Twilight told me about them," Spike said in response. "That way, it'd feel like I was there, even though I wasn't," the dog glanced to the side, while thinking sadly to himself, 'Even though I wanted to be there so badly with you girls.' "Come on gals," Applejack hollered, getting the girls attention back on track. "The show must go on!" "Here here!" Rarity said in agreement. Twilight got down to her knees as she stroked Spike on the ears, "Wish us luck, Spike," Twilight cooed to her little puppy. "Break a leg girls!" Spike cheered, clapping his paws together for the Rainbooms from the side of the stage, behind the curtain drapes. Moments before the show was about to begin, the announcer came off and stage and shouted into his microphone, "Hello everybody! Are you all ready to shake your tails for tonight?" as an answer, the crowd all let out a chorus of cheers. "I can't hear you! Are you ready to shake your tails TONIGHT?!" with that, the audience all cheered even louder. "THEN SHAKE YOUR TAILS AND PUT YOURS HANDS TOGETHER FOR THIS ROCK N' ROLL ALL-GIRLS BAND, ALL THE WAY FROM CANTERLOT CITY, THE RAINBOOMS!!!" with that, the curtains drew back, revealing the Rainbooms. Tapping her drumsticks together, Pinkie Pie started the band, "One, two, three, four!" From behind the curtains, Spike was shaking both his head and rump as he dances to the upbeat rhythm of the song. Without a doubt, the Rainbooms songs are so good that they could even make a dog like him dance. Shake Your Tails [The Rainbooms] We've just got the day to get ready And there's only so much time to lose Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party So let's think of something fun to do We don't know (we don't know) what's gonna happen We just know (we just know) it's gonna feel right All our friends are here And it's time to ignite the lights! Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, shake your tail Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, shake your tail [Twilight Sparkle/Sunset Shimmer] So what you didn't get it right the first time [Pinkie Pie] Laugh it off, no one said it is a crime [Rarity] Do your thing, you know you're an original [Applejack] Your ideas are so funny that they're criminal [The Rainbooms] Ohhh-ahh! We've just got the day to get ready And there's only so much time to lose Because tonight, yeah, we're here to party So let's think of something fun to do We don't know (we don't know) what's gonna happen We just know (we just know) it's gonna feel right All our friends are here And it's time to ignite the lights! "Woo-Hoo!" Spike howled, driven so wildly the song that out of impulse, he came running out to the stage, and dance around, while singing together with the Rainbooms, much to the girls and the audience bewilderment. Nevertheless, they carried on with the show. Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, shake your tail Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, shake your tail Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, shake your tail Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight Shake your tail, shake your tail Shake your tail 'cause we're here to have a party tonight! At the end of the song, the audience all clapped their hands and cheered in applause for the Rainbooms. The announcer was just about to say something in his microphone, when Spike leapt up and took the speaking device and howled, "WE LOVE YOU EVERYBODY!!" with that, the applause came to a sudden halt as the audience looked up in surprise. "Did that dog just talk?" someone in the crowd asked, and all the people started to exchange glances and chatters amongst themselves. Realizing what he just did, and looking up, seeing the looks of unease on the Rainbooms face, Spike tried to break up the awkward moment with a simple, "Woof woof?" unfortunately, the audience don't seemed very convinced about that. Later "I'm sorry about what I did back there," Spike whimpered as he followed the girls back to their RV. "I was just....lost in the moment there." "It's okay, Spike," Twilight reassured, kneeling down on one knee to give the dog a gentle stroke behind his ear. "No one's blaming you for anything." "Still, just be glad we convinced everyone that Spike talking was just another one of Rainbow Dash's 'ventriloquism,'" Pinkie Pie commented. "Because if words got out that we've been keeping a talking dog who was enchanted with Equestrian magics, then it'd be like that movie where some weird men in black come to take Spike away, wouldn't it?" the Rainbooms all exchanged glances with each other and looked at Pinkie Pie in bewilderment. "What? It can happen? These things always happen to us." "What's wrong with me being able to talk?" Spike asked. "It's not like we've never seen talking dogs before, haven't we?" "That's because those kinds of dogs only exist on TV," Sunset replied, having anticipated another Scooby-Doo, Martha Speaks, and VR Troopers references. "But still, they were dogs, and they talk," Spike barked. "And weren't there also one of those talking cat videos that you humans are so fond of?" he barked in disgust at the topic of cats. "Those are a little...different," Twilight frowned. "Look Spike. It's not that it's wrong for you to talk so...advance and fluently like us, but it's just...it's going to take some people some getting used to having a...gifted dog like you around." "I'm just getting tired of being left out on a lot things that you girls get to do," the little dog frowned. "I mean, it's not fair I can't go to the malls with you, or Equestria Land, or on that ship, all because they have signs that reads: No Dogs Allowed. And excuse me if fleas just can't get enough of me, or if I like to chase squirrels. But deep down, I'm just like all of you girls, right? We're friends, aren't we?" "Well of course you're our friend, Sugarcube," Applejack reassured. "Don't take all that the wrong way. It's not like we meant to leave ya behind. There were just some....restrictions." Spike took in what the country girl had said, before he looked up and asked, "So by restriction, are you suggesting you should put a muzzle over my mouth, or put me on leash, so that I would never talk in public again?" "Oh goodness, no!" Fluttershy gasped. "Where would you get an idea like that?" "Well, that's something a lot of us dogs have felt." Wanting to get out of the awkward moment, Rainbow Dash suggested, "Look. We'll talk about this tomorrow. Right now, who's up for marshmallows?" "Count me in!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly. With that, the girls all followed into the RV to set up the campfire for s'mores, while Spike was left, still feeling unsure of himself. "Why me?" he asked. "Why do I have to speak?" Later, the girls were sitting around the campfire, roasting marshmallows, and putting them together with graham crackers and bars of chocolates for their delicious s'mores. "Mmm-mmm, a toast to us, Rainbooms!" Pinking Pie cheered, holding her marshmallow stick to the air, clicking it together with her fellow bandmates. Spike, meanwhile, was only given a sausage to snack on. However, the little dog remains unsatisfied, "Aw, I still wanted so badly to taste your s'mores!" he whimpered in dismay. "The way Pinkie Pie describes them just makes it too unbearable for me to resist!" "Sorry Spike, but you know chocolate's not on your diet," Twilight frowned. "But what if I can eat chocolate?" Spike tried to reason with the girl. "If Equestrian magics can let me talk like you girls, then I could at least have a tiny bite, can't I?" "Again Spike, I wouldn't want to run the risk of having to take you to the vet, all because of a malnourishment caused from feeding you chocolate," Twilight replied. "Look, just eat your food. It's good for you." "Yeah, whatever," Spike sighed, as he got up and took his leave. "Where are you going Spike?" Twilight asked. "Just....clearing my head," the little dog said solemnly. Twilight was about to pursue the little pup, when Applejack stopped her, "Let him go, Twi," the country girl insisted. "Maybe some alone time is just what he needs." "It's not fair!" Spike ranted to himself. "I can talk, yet I'm still just a dog. Or am I even a dog anymore? Either way, it's not fair I can't do anything the girls can do. And what is it with those No Dogs Allowed Signs? What did I ever do? And why can't I even eat chocolates? Why can I talk like humans, but I can't be treated like humans? Isn't the whole point of a dog's life being man's best friend? I'm Twilight's best friend, aren't I?" Upon looking up, Spike finds himself out in an open meadow, surrounded by fireflies, under the lights of a full moon, far away from where the Rainbooms had set up camp. "EQUESTRIAN MAGIC, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!" Spike shouted to the sky, while knowing it was futile to find the answer that way. "Why am I a talking dog? Can't I be more than just a talking dog? Why do I have to feel so...so...different? Why do I have to be different? Why....am....I...different?" Exhausted from his ranting, and overcome by the spell of the night, Spike slumped down to the ground and fell asleep. Next Morning The next morning, the sun was climbing up to its peak in the sky, and the distant crow of a rooster woke Spike up from his slumber. Spike let out a yawn, stretching his legs and arching his back, "How long was I asleep?" he asked, looking across the meadow to see blurs of cars, trucks, and vans driving across the street. Among them, he caught sight of an RV with the insignia of the Rainbooms painted on the side. Spike's eyes widened, stricken with panic and fear as he remembered, "Oh no!" with a kick of his legs, Spike sprinted as fast as his little dog feet could carry him. "Wait, girls! Hold on!" Spike called out, as he desperately runs after the vehicle. "Stop! Wait!" but it was no use. The girls couldn't hear the little puppy's cry, and the little dog watched helplessly as the RV disappeared over the horizon. Knowing it was futile to catch up to them, and already out of breath to pursue any further, Spike slowed down, panting heavily and collapsed in exhaustion. But with another car blasting its horn in the air, Spike immediately jumped to the side of the road, avoiding the risk of being run over. Knowing it wasn't safe to be out on the busy street, given to the rush hours, Spike made a quick dash into the woods, where there are less roads and less cars.