Fallen Angel

by Kodeake

Chapter One; A Light on a Hill

Fallen Angel

Chapter One; A Light on a Hill

Rainbow Dash groaned, her head falling and hitting her desk with a soft thud. Furniture made of clouds didn’t exactly help when one wanted a loud noise to emphasise their misery. Not that the mare needed any emphasis; she was plenty miserable on her own, thank you very much.

“Stupid weather,” she grumbled to nopony in particular, glaring at her paperwork as though to let it know of her displeasure. She never should have taken that promotion to Regional Weather Manager. As nice as the pay raise was and as good as a management position would look on her eventual application to the Wonderbolts, Rainbow doubted highly it was worth all this paperwork.

For once in her life she missed busting clouds. The freedom to just fly around at her own pace. The exhilaration of challenging herself to do it just a little bit faster than last time. The thrill of beating her best times. Flying was the best part of her old job.

The thought struck her, and her wings twitched eagerly in agreement. Well, it wasn’t like she was getting any work done anyway. May as well go for a fly around town. The work wasn’t due until the meeting tomorrow morning, and it was… Well, judging by the moon rising into the sky, it was late. Far too late. She looked back to the dozens of scattered papers in front of her.

Rainbow Dash was out of the house in a flash, soaring through the nighttime skies with only a few niggling thoughts warning her not to be out too late. Not that she really cared; as long as she was at the stupid meeting she could spend the rest of her day napping. It was early summer in Ponyville, which meant not a heck of a lot for a weather pony to do, and this weather pony took full advantage of it. Celestia knows she put in her fair share of work during the busy seasons.

She’d never hear the end of it from Applejack if the spring or fall showers were delayed, after all. Although, she did set the weather schedules now, and her guidelines from the higher ups were usually pretty vague. Rainbow snickered at the thought of alternating Applejack’s fields between pouring rain one day and a scorching heat the next. The trees would be fine… probably. They’d toughed it out through worse. Cotton candy clouds and chocolate rain came to mind.

Not that she would, Rainbow admitted to herself with a sigh. Still, the thought was nice.

The mare was broken from her mischievous planning by the realization she was rapidly leaving Ponyville, the sleepy little town now behind her rather than beneath her. Cursing her amazing imagination, Rainbow started banking back around towards home, her brow already knitting as she thought about the work ahead of her. She was stopped, however, by a flickering light in the hills below her. Curious, she slowed to a hover, squinting her eyes to see in the darkness. Was that… a pony? Who would be outside Ponyville so late? With a big... tube… thing…

Twilight. With her nerdy telescope and her equally nerdy astrology books. Or whatever they were. She shouldn’t have been surprised; Twilight could be found stargazing outside Ponyville on most clear, warm nights.

Just as Rainbow was about to shrug it off, another idea crept to mind thanks once again to her devious imagination. It might not have been Nightmare Night, but everypony needed a little scare now and then, and Twilight was long overdue for a prank or two. She swooped down low to the ground, keeping her wings slow and quiet and ensuring she approached from behind the unicorn.

Twilight remained oblivious of course, too engrossed in her nerd things to notice the amazing prank about to be pulled on her. Honestly, Rainbow Dash wondered why she bothered when nopony was around to appreciate her brilliance. Well, at least she’d get a laugh out of it.

Landing a few steps behind Twilight, hooves rustling quietly in the grass, Rainbow slowly crept forward. The lavender mare’s ear twitched, and for a moment Rainbow feared the jig was up, freezing and holding her breath. Seconds ticked by, Twilight’s ear twitched again, then… nothing. She breathed a sigh of relief, taking another step and nearly jumping out of her skin when Twilight shouted in frustration.

“Augh! This is useless!”

Rainbow Dash was not scared by the sudden outburst. No sir. Not even the least bit startled. She was just holding a hoof over her heart so Twilight wouldn’t hear the totally normal and relaxed beating. Still, she was curious now; the bookworm wasn’t even worming in one of her books. Or looking through her telescope, for that matter. It still had a lense cap on it! Instead, Twilight seemed totally focused on something floating in front of her, the sounds of a quill scribbling filling the air.

Quiet as she could, Rainbow snuck forward until she was just a step behind the unicorn, craning her neck over Twilight’s shoulder and spying a small book with a purple backing. The writing in it was all in Twilight’s ever-elegant horn writing, and before she even realised what she was doing Rainbow started reading.  

Dear Diary, the page started, and Rainbow Dash grinned. She’d struck the motherload!

I tried to ask her out again today, but I lost my nerve and just ended up sitting down and having tea with her! I know I’ve never been the best when it comes to other ponies, but this is getting ridiculous. I don’t know what it is, but there’s something about her that just completely stops me from thinking logically. I’ll have to pick up some more books on the matter - I’ve already exhausted the library’s supply. Maybe I can find something that will help me ask Rarity on a date.

“You’re gonna ask Rarity on a date!?”

Twilight shrieked, the journal falling from her hooves as she jumped so high in the air that if Rainbow didn’t know any better she’d have sworn she had wings. However, as the unicorn remained a unicorn, and what goes up must come down, a screaming lavender pony quickly fell from the sky into the awesome hooves of an equally awesome mare.

“Hey there little lady,” Rainbow said, throwing on her best cow-pony accent from every cheesy western as she held Twilight bridal style. “It’s dangerous for a mare to be out alone in these parts.”

Twilight, after catching her breath and calming her racing heart, shot the cheeky mare a glare that felt like an icy northern wind. “Rainbow Dash!” She shouted, lighting her horn and teleporting out of the offending pony’s hooves. “Just what do you think you’re doing?”

“Scaring hopeless romantics,” Rainbow responded with a smirk.

Cheeks igniting a deep red, Twilight coughed into her hoof, turning away in a vain attempt to hide her blush. “You shouldn’t read another pony’s diary without permission.”

Rainbow shrugged. “Shouldn’t leave stuff like that out in the open.”

“I thought I was alone!”

“So, Rarity huh?”

Twilight’s indignant tirade ended before it could begin. “I-I wasn’t… it wasn’t… It’s none of your business!” She stuttered, crossing her hooves and turning her back on the pegasus. Rainbow sniggered to herself, hovering in the air and circling around in an attempt to get Twilight to look at her. She rolled her eyes when the unicorn just kept turning away.

“C’mon Twi,” Rainbow urged, landing in the grass next to her. “I’m just messing with you. It was funny.” Well, at least she thought it was funny.

A “Hmph,” was all she got in response.

Rainbow’s eyes narrowed. So that’s how she was going to play it, then? Fine. Rainbow could play her game, too.

“Dear Diary, today I-” Rainbow was cut off by a shriek as Twilight opened her eyes and snatched her diary out of the pegasus’s hooves, this time teleporting it out of sight.

“Rainbow Dash!

Again, Rainbow shrugged. “You wouldn’t talk to me. What else was I supposed to do?”

Twilight’s glare didn’t relent. “Leave?”

“Don’t say that,” Rainbow gasped, holding her hoof over her heart as though she’d been wounded by the pointed words. “I’m just trying to help a friend out. Isn’t that what friends are supposed to do?”

“I don’t want your ‘help’.” Twilight made a show of making air quotes.

Sighing, Rainbow shook her head, mostly to herself. “Eh, have it your way; I’m not exactly one for the mushy romance junk anyway. It just seemed like you needed a hoof, you know? If you’re good though, I’ll get out of your mane. Good luck with Rarity.” With that she jumped into the air with a flap of her wings, leaving the unicorn to her thoughts in the flickering light of a lone lantern.

“Rainbow, wait!” Twilight called suddenly, halting the mare’s retreat. Rainbow heard the call, and she could feel a familiar, smug grin of victory stretching her lips.

“Yes, Twilight?” She asked, as sickly-sweet as her toothy smile. She could see the war waged on Twilight’s face, no doubt regretting the sudden change of heart. How could she not jump at this golden opportunity?

“This is a bad idea…” Twilight muttered to herself, and it was a testament to Rainbow Dash’s restraint she didn’t make a quip about dating an over-dramatic prude being the bad idea.

Twilight bit her lip anxiously, and Rainbow wondered if she had time to get another jab in.

“I need your help.”

That mischievous gleam in Rainbow’s eyes sparkled like the stars in the sky. “Alright,” she said, “So like, did you just want to practice kissing or did you want the full experience?” An eyebrow wiggle was added for emphasis.

“Augh! I can’t believe you!”

Rainbow fell over on the ground, laughing. “Y-your face! You should see your face!”

“I knew it was stupid to ask you,” Twilight muttered, turning away and quickly shoving her unopened books into her saddlebags. “What would you know about it anyway?”

“Aw relax, Twi,” Rainbow giggled, still clutching her chest on the grass. “It was-” The pegasus’s words were cut short by a flash and a pop, and she opened her eyes to realize she was alone in the field. “Just a joke…” she trailed off, sitting upright.

Rainbow Dash stood up, looking around. Even the telescope and lantern had been teleported away. She stayed there for a moment, feeling the lingering tingle of magic in her wings, and sighed. Okay, maybe she had gone a little too far, but how could she resist such perfect openings? Twilight was practically begging to be messed with! Besides, the egghead had a good sense of humour; she’d be mad for a little while before coming around, surely. And it wasn’t like she really needed help with Rarity.

Twilight was many things, but a coward was not one of them. In fact, Rainbow wouldn’t have to stretch to say the bookworm was one of the bravest mares she knew. It wouldn’t be long before she realised she was being silly and just ask Rarity out. Not like she had anything to lose. Well… their friendship, in the worst case scenario, Rainbow supposed. But it’s not like that would ever actually happen.

No, it was exactly like that would happen. At least, in Twilight’s mind it was. Because the worst case scenario was always what she focused on.

Rainbow slapped a hoof to her face. Of course Twilight was worried about what might happen. Of course Twilight was nervous about everything going wrong. She was Twilight! And Rainbow had just gone and made her feel even more insecure about the whole situation that was no doubt already giving the worry-wart a heart attack.

“Horseapples,” Rainbow cursed, unable to linger on her regrets as she took to the sky, already beligning for the library. On her way, however, she caught sight of the clocktower and cringed. If she didn’t get home soon, she’d never finish those stupid weather reports in time for the meeting.

Trading looks between the clock and the tree in the middle of town, Rainbow frowned. “Tomorrow,” she promised herself, turning around and heading for home. “I’ll apologize to her tomorrow.”

For the second time in as many days Rainbow Dash found herself flying aimlessly over Ponyville in the dead of night. This time, however, she knew exactly where she was going… or at least she did, until a certain lavender unicorn had the nerve to not be at the library when she was needed. Or maybe she was just avoiding Rainbow and had Spike lie to cover for her. Honestly, Dash wouldn’t have blamed her after the last time they’d spoken.

She really had intended to apologise the first chance she got, but after finishing her dumb weather work she’d managed about four hours of sleep before being rudely awakened by an alarm clock that was… well, it wasn’t ringing anymore. Or ever again. The result of which was a dead-tired pegasus that had barely managed the flight to the nearest fluffy cloud after the weather meeting. A quick nap, she’d thought, then she’d go see Twilight.

Well, here she was; her ‘nap’ had just ended, and now she was going to see Twilight. Rainbow Dash kept her promises, after all.

If only the bookworm would be somewhere easy to find.

Rainbow sighed, banking around and readying to do another loop of the outskirts of Ponyville, hoping to spot the telltale flicker of a lantern. Of course Twilight had to go stargazing tonight of all nights. Right when Rainbow really needed to apologise. It’s like the unicorn didn’t even want the chance to forgive her!

Just as she was about to head back to the library and just wait Twilight out, she caught sight of what she was looking for out of the corner of her eye; a little orange light on a hill. Perfect. Without showing much respect for local aviation regulations Rainbow turned and bolted for the light, a little lavender speck coming more and more into focus until it was a fairly pony-sized unicorn. This time without her telescope and books. She’d given up the illusion of studying, it seemed.

This whole Rarity thing must have really been getting to her.

Not really wishing to scare her again and start off a totally awesome apology on the wrong hoof, Rainbow made sure to flap her wings louder than strictly necessary before landing a few paces behind Twilight. The mare’s ears perked, and she turned, her face instantly growing sour.

“Rainbow Dash,” Twilight greeted, her tone bringing a chill to the air.

Rainbow shifted uncomfortably under the look, wishing for Twilight to just accept the apology already. When she didn’t, the pegasus had no choice but to pony up and be the bigger mare. “Hey, Twi,” she started awkwardly. “Listen, I uh…” trailing off, Rainbow scratched at the back of her neck, looking anywhere but back at the unicorn staring her down.

Twilight sighed and shook her head before turning her attention away and back to the stars. “Go ahead; make your jokes. I can tell you’re just dying to get some off your chest. I already know you don’t have the first clue when it comes to romance.”

“I’m sorry,” Rainbow said, struggling to keep the indignant growl out of her voice. She swallowed her knee-jerk reaction to Twilight’s jab, knowing that she probably deserved it.

Her words seemed to perk Twilight’s interest as the unicorn looked at her again, surprised. “What?”

“Yeah I… look, you know I don’t really do the… feel-ey stuff but…” Rainbow grunted, searching for the words she couldn’t find, and probably didn’t even know. “I should have noticed that this thing was really bugging you, so… I’m sorry I made fun of you and-” a pause for a deep breath and a sigh “-if you still want it, I’ll help you with whatever you need to sweep that prissy unicorn off her hooves.”

Twilight raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Really?”

“This thing’s eating at you, right?” Rainbow asked, pausing as Twilight nodded hesitantly. “Then I’m here to help, because you’re my friend, and I don’t leave my friends hanging.” She looked sheepish at her own admission, looking away uncomfortably.

For a long moment Twilight didn’t answer, and Rainbow found herself unable to look away from the grass beneath her hooves. Was it not enough? Sure, she might have been pretty insensitive last time, but she’d apologised and everything! Surely Twilight wasn’t still mad at her, right?

Finally, ages after the silence had gone from uncomfortable to downright awkward, Twilight answered; “I… think I’d like that,” she said slowly.

When she didn’t continue, Rainbow forced herself to fill the void. “Like I said; I’m not exactly into the mushy junk but I have dated before, you know?”

“What, did you take a mirror out to dinner?” Twilight asked with the barest hint of a smile. It was miles better than the apprehensive frown she’d had. Rainbow chuckled at the jab, and instantly felt the air get lighter.

“Yeah yeah, I deserve it. Come on; hit me with your best one.”

Twilight took the invitation with a grin. “Practice making out on your trophies? Oh-oh! Did you tape Spitfire's face to one of Rarity’s mannequins?

“Oof, that one hurt, Twi.” She held a mocking hoof to her stomach, her tone light with laughter. “I think you owe me for that.”

“Oh really?”

Rainbow nodded, unable to keep the devious grin off her muzzle. “Yeah, really. For starters, you’re gonna tell me about this whole Rarity thing and why you’re having trouble asking her out.”

The smile melted from Twilight’s face. “That’s playing dirty.”

“I can’t help you if you won’t tell me anything,” Rainbow said, fluffing her wings once before sitting next to the unicorn and looking over at her. “Let’s hear it; I promise I won’t laugh at you or judge you or anything.”

Twilight sighed, though still couldn’t resist the temptation as the corner of her lip turned up. “Like last night?”

“Aw c’mon, I already said I was sorry for that!” Rainbow protested, poking Twilight’s shoulder.

“I know…” she trailed off, taking a deep breath. “It’s just… I don’t know. I know I have a crush on her, and have had one for a couple months now. I know what I have to do, but everytime I try I just… clam up. Rarity’s noticed something’s off by now with how often I’ve been ‘accidentally’ running into her, trying to find the right moment, but… it just never is.”

Despite this being wholly outside of her comfort zone, Rainbow forced herself to keep her own uncertainty out of her voice. “Well… there’s never really going to be a ‘right time’,” she started slowly, piecing words together on the fly and hoping something made sense. “I think you just kinda have to… y’know; go for it and see what happens.”

Twilight scoffed. “Yeah right. That might work out fine for you, Rainbow Dash, but I prefer to plan things out ahead of time. One wrong move and our friendship could be irreparably damaged.”

“Do you honestly believe Rarity would let that happen?”

Opening her mouth to retort, Twilight stopped, and frowned. “I… maybe?”

“Twi…” Rainbow groaned, rubbing the bridge of her muzzle. Smart as Twilight was, she could be dumb as a sack of her nerdy books when it came to other ponies. “You gotta know that’s not gonna happen.”

“But what if it does? How can you know for sure?”

Rainbow shook her head slowly. “Because I’m not-...” she stopped herself before the word ‘stupid’ could leave her mouth. As much as it was obvious to her, it was anything but to Twilight, and the unicorn probably wasn’t thinking logically right now, either. She had to find a way to get through Twilight’s fears and make her understand that the simple act of asking her friend out wouldn’t ruin their friendship. Her eyes widened, and she smiled. “Hey, Twilight?”

Twilight had resorted to chewing her lip nervously in the silence, no doubt spiraling into successively worse worst-case scenarios. The unicorn looked up. “What?”

Grinning, Rainbow leaned a little closer. “Wanna go on a date?”

“W-what!?” Twilight jumped away, jaw hanging open.

Rainbow just shrugged casually. “I mean, why not? I figure we’re pretty good friends- why not try dating?”

“I-I-... I just told you I… No!” Twilight shook her head from side to side rapidly. “I... no! Why would you even ask?”

“Alright,” Rainbow said. She turned away, looking out over the grassy green hills. One… two… three... a sly smile spread lips as she heard the rapid, panicked breaths next to her gradually slowing. When enough time had passed, she looked back to the unicorn. “So, are we still friends?”

Twilight’s ears perked at the words, and her words came out rushed in a frenzies assurance. “Of course we are! Why wouldn’t-... oh…” her eyes narrowed. “That was-”

“Dirty?” Rainbow offered. She chuckled when Twilight’s glare intensified. “Maybe, but look; I asked you out, and even though you said no, we’re still friends, right?”

Twilight fell to her haunches, no doubt trying to find a way to refute the obvious proof paid before her. Well, obvious to anypony not… Twilight. “It can’t really be that simple… can it?”

“Dunno,” Rainbow said simply, as lame as the answer was. She scratched the back of her head. “Look, I gotta be honest here; I have no idea how this thing with Rarity is gonna go. But I can absolutely promise you that no matter what, you’ll always be friends.”

Despite mentally rolling her eyes at the admission,faintest smile tugging at the corners of Twilight’s lips. “Because we’re still friends after you asked me out just now?”

“Because I know Rarity.” Rainbow stood and stepped up next to the other mare, their eyes meeting. “And I know you. Neither of you would let your friendship go over something like this.”

Twilight’s smile finally showed. “I… you’re right.”

“Always am.”

“Oh whatever, featherbrain.” Twilight elbowed the pegasus, breaking eye contact as they shared a laugh. When their giggling quieted, and the grassy hill was silent once more, Rainbow sighed. A crisis had been averted, thanks in no small part to her quick thinking and, she liked to think, stunning good looks. Not that they really had anything to do with this situation, but they were never a bad thing to have.

“So, you gonna ask her out?”

“I...” Twilight hesitated, and Rainbow’s hopeful smile fell a little. She put what she thought was a comforting hoof on the unicorn’s shoulder.

“Hey, it’s cool if you’re not ready; I totally get it. Well… kinda,” she admitted with a halfhearted shrug. “Look, I told you I’d help with whatever you need, and I will; so just let me know, okay? Even if you need to get… ugh… mushy.” Rainbow stuck her tongue out, and Twilight giggled.

Rainbow yelped in surprise as she suddenly found herself being dragged into a hug. “Thank you, Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said quietly, holding the embrace for a few seconds longer before allowing the other mare to pull away.

Looking away to for reasons totally unrelated to the blush heating her cheeks, Rainbow rubbed her forelegs together. “Don’t mention it. Like… to anypony; I’ll deny it.”

Twilight laughed again. “Not a soul, promise.” She sighed happily, looking to the moon high in the sky. “I should probably head home…”

“Yeah, I’ve still got paperwork to do,” Rainbow agreed. The apology had been a success, but in the process she’d volunteered herself for the long haul. Which wasn’t that bad, she supposed. Twilight was fun enough to hang around. At least, when she wasn’t worrying herself sick over problems that didn’t exist. Though that did lead her to her next question. “You wanna… I dunno, meet up again and work on this thing? You’ve got me in your corner; use me.”

“I think I’d like that.” Twilight’s horn glowed to life and a scroll was summoned in front of her. “I’ve got some time tomorrow afternoon, if you’re free?”

Rainbow hummed in thought, tapping her chin. “Well, I can usually get away from work around three, so anytime after that is fine.”

Scribbling something on her parchment, Twilight nodded. “Works for me. Can we meet at your place? I… haven’t told anypony else about this, and I’d rather not be overheard in the library.”

“You gonna be able to get up to my house?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow, motioning into the air. “It’s kinda high up.”

Twilight waved her hoof dismissively. “I can teleport.” She made another note on her list, then rolled it up and teleported it away. “So I’ll see you there at three thirty?”

Egghead. Always had to have the specifics planned out in advance. “Sounds good.” Rainbow spread her wings, stretching herself languidly. “I’ll cya then, Twi.” She jumped into the air, giving the unicorn a final wave before flying off into the night sky. Keeping an eye on the rapidly shrinking lavender dot on the hill, Rainbow nodded to herself.

It wasn’t exactly how she intended to spend her afternoons, but there were worse things to do than spend time with Twilight. Helping a friend was its own reward, or something. Sompony had probably said something like that before, and it seemed to apply. Just as long as Twilight didn’t actually want to practice kissing. There were some lines that Rainbow wasn’t quite willing to cross.