The Fire of a Thousand Suns

by Android55555


Earth year 2073

The glowing signs and giant holograms advertising trivial items like toothbrushes and lighters towered over my city. A city of huge apartments and massive buildings where the lower leveled Gifted worked in their cubicles making sure society could run smoothly for those of us who choose not to subject ourselves to such trivial matters. I on the other hand was making sure nobody was trying to do anything stupid like start a gang war or blow up a whole city block. Low and behold nobody was, which was exemplary and also quite upsetting, I was starting to get bored. That's when HE showed up.

“You remember what I said I would do to you the next time I saw you in MY city?” I stated my words laced with venom.

“Oho no I don’t Pyrathis though it's not like you could do anything to me anyway.”

“Oh no god please anything but using water my only weakness, NOOOOO” I shouted dramatically while falling to my knees, this served the purpose of not only being fun but also warning all the civilians in the area to get the fuck away, which they did in a very timely manner.

“Stop with the acting Py we are only here for you.”

“You and who else Zandar? Not like you could convince anyone in this city to fight me.”

“Good thing she isn’t from round here then you can come out now Freya” A tall and fair skinned woman with blonde hair came out of an alley behind Zandar, her beauty could only be described as godly though.

“Oooo you got a fake goddess to come fight me I’m soooo scared” I said but then I looked into Zandar’s eyes and saw that he actually seemed afraid of this woman, which could only mean that she was at least as powerful as I am.

“Py I ask this of you not as a high tier but as an old friend please don’t fight her, I’ve seen what she can do and its beyond both of us combined please don’t fight back,”

“You know I won’t Zandar not after what you did last time you said that,” Then he did something I wasn't expecting.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “but you brought this on yourself”

And with that he jumped at me his hand wrapped in a soft blue glow as he tried to have it make contact with my face. Seeing this coming I opened my mouth and a line of fire no more than an inch thick came out of my throat aimed for his fist and right before they collided with a small white dot appeared and my stream of fire disappeared into it. Now without anything in his way Zandar’s fist met my face with a loud crunch knocking me back and almost lifting me off my feet and while I was still surprised he tried to get me in a sleeper hold but I wouldn’t allow that, Burning off my shirt a pair of wings made of flame sprang up from my back and I heard Zandar shout in pain before letting go of me allowing me to take to the air and when I got into the air I couldn’t see where Freya had gone, then I felt a tingling sensation on my back and the comforting heat I normally feel when flying had disappeared replaced by a massive wave of dread and loneliness followed by gravity taking hold of me once more sending me towards the sidewalk and probably a sprained ankle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zandar running toward me surrounded by a vortex of water and ice, and a smirking Freya.

“WHAT DID YOU DO!” I screamed while falling, “HOW DID YOU DO IT?!”

Landing on the ground with a sharp crack I screamed in pain while Freya slowly strode from behind Zandar, “I simply sent your flames to the space between dimensions,”

“THAT’S BROKEN AS FU-”I was silenced by her hand covering my mouth.

“We know sweety that's why I’m here, because some powerful people wanted you gone and gone you are now.”

“I tried to warn you Py I really did,” my focus shifted to Zandar, “Now look where you are now broken and in pain about to be floating around in between dimensions forever” what he said next made me furious, “After all no one will miss you”

The last thing I saw was both of them laughing before everything disappeared into a white blob...

Have you ever been falling asleep and a sudden sensation of falling takes over your whole body? That's what this place felt like, constantly feeling like you're falling but aware that you aren't but that doesn't take away from the terror of wondering when you may suddenly stop falling and splatter across the ground that may or may not be there, and it certainly doesn't help that my ankle is still broken and sending painful shocks throughout my whole body.

The area its self was a blur of colors and old memories as well as whispers and screams of both pain or pleasure, I'm not good at telling the difference, but none of that was the strangest thing I could see or hear, that honor belonged to the floating blue police box that I saw fly right by me on my left. Seems like the Brits weren't joking or crazy when they made Doctor Who. But the TARDIS just flew right on by me and as it did it left a hole which I could see though, and on the other side was a dark and damp forest almost on the verge of being a swamp which then changed to a mountain with a massive city on it and it shifted again to a barren waste and that was when I fell right into the rift and left the void.

I was expecting to appear close to the ground but lady luck decided to give me the finger today as I flew out of the rift and was thousands of feet in the air. My first instinct was to make my wings but when they wouldn't form I just ignited my hands and feet which became covered in a soft flame but failed to slow my decent any reasonable amount, shouting in anger and fear I tried igniting my whole body burning the rest of my clothes and finally managing to slow my fall to a point where I would survive impact with the ground, but DAMN it still hurts.

Meanwhile in Canterlot

The solar princess was getting tired of the daily ritual of the day court, some snotty noble would walk in complain that something didn't go his or her way and want her to fix it she'd say no or yes depending on if it should be fixed and have a happy or angry noble leave only for the next one to come in and do the exact same thing. Her only hope of salvation was that Twilight would send her a letter or that a message was received from an ambassador that required her attention. But a new thing was added to that list today as a large fireball came into view across the valley and past Ponyville in the Badlands.

I wonder what could cause that? she thought And it must be quite powerful to be able to be seen from here.

"Princess! What should we do?" asked one of the guards.

"Send a squad of guards to escort Twilight and some other scholars to go see if they can recover anything from the landing site,"

"At once your highness!"

Sighing the solar diarch stood from her throne and teleported to her chambers where she started a letter.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,
As you have probably seen an unidentified object has crashed in the badlands, due to your inquisitive nature I have sent a squadron of guards with some other scholars to see if they can find any object of interest. I have sent for an airship to pick you up in one weeks time, I hope you have a fun and inspiring journey.

With love your teacher Celestia.