//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: The Fire of a Thousand Suns // by Android55555 //------------------------------// The Badlands The room I see when I wake up surprises me as I was expecting to awaken in the crater that must've been left from my impact. The room itself is dark and appears to be made of a dark stone almost like volcanic rock, there is no noticeable furniture or even a door, at least none that I can see, shifting my focus onto myself I find that my wrists and ankles have been shackled as well as my leg being put in a crude cast. A hole in the wall opens up and someone walks in, surprised I stare wordlessly as the hole closes up again. "You are a very interesting creature aren't you?" they say with their voice shifting, "None of my scouts across Equis has ever seen something like you." "Well I did fall from the sky didn't I? Almost like I was cast from Heaven." I laugh before I start coughing up blood. "So you can speak then, we thought so when we did scans on your physiology, though I can now see that you have some internal damage." she walks over to me and cups my cheek in her hand. "To think that you could survive such a fall is impressive, my drones probably couldn't, but your skin is so soft. How did you live?" "Luck, really. How long have I been out?" "Around three days, tell me do you know where you are?" The woman asks. "Underground? Other than that no, being thrown through spacetime does mess with your head some. Where am I and should I be afraid?" "Many would be in your position, you are in the Badlands, specifically you are in the main Changeling hive." "Pretend I don't know where that is please? The woman sighs before the wall opens up again and two short men walk in and pick me up off the wall and start carrying me through a massive series of tubes that remind me of organic ant tunnels before we replaced them with robots. After being thoroughly lost the ceiling open up and the two people carrying me start flying with a buzzing noise like a beetle that took flight. Once outside I see nothing but scorched earth and dead shrubs. "Welcome to my kingdom." the woman solemnly says. 3 months later Being briefed on Her Majesty's plan for the assault on Canterlot was time consuming, after all of the infiltrators got through the shield and Her Majesty has taken the brides place it's my job to remove the main threat of Twilight Sparkle, the sun here is weak, so weak that I can barely use most of my favored attacks from Earth, mainly breathing fire, I was also warned about all of Miss Sparkle's friends. Most seem like they'll be no issue to deal with, but two could be problematic, Rainbow Dash and Applejack both are athletes and are quite strong compared to the rest. Everything else should be taken care of by the royal guard. "PY! Everypony has started to move out we're waiting on you before we can move out!" Commander Formic shouts from across the hive, "Her Highness can barely wait! Just imagine all our people well fed and fit, A new dawn for all Changelings will rise." "Yeah yeah I'm coming just getting some last things done before we go!" I holler back before quickly turning and shoving some stolen bits into a pouch just in case the plan goes awry and I need to make a quick get away and need to hide among the normal ponies. Tying it to my belt I run down to the main opening and see Formic tapping his hoof on the stone. "Any longer and I would've sent a messenger to the Queen saying you had deserted, let's get going and feed our people." "Yes sir!" I still don't get how they eat love, it just confuses me that you can eat an emotion. But who am I to question the logic of this place, I live with giant sapient insects. Walking out of the hive and out into the Badlands proper we start the long march to the nearest train station so we can get to Canterlot and intercept the so called Princess of Love before she can get married. Man, Canterlot looks just like the kind of place you'd see from a high fantasy novel, a city built into the side of a mountain, with towers and spires coming out at impossible angles and beautiful gardens. So full of nice flammable plants and ponies, I feel kind of sad for them, not knowing what will happen to them in the coming days. Most likely they become slaves to feed the Empire or work in mines to collect resources to fuel our growing armies. Not that any of it matters, everything is built on all of us doing our parts at the right times. Lucky for me I get to run around following this purple unicorn try to figure out what's wrong with the bride. It's both sad and amusing that she can't tell. She is supposed to be a magical prodigy and she can't even tell an illusion is going on right in front of her. Pitiful. Unfortunately even after these past months my flames aren't as strong as they used to be, so I can't just burn her right as the conflict starts, I need to be more cunning than I used to be. A massive explosion that rocks the main castle cuts my train of thought. Guess it's showtime.