//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 : Excitement Awaits // Story: Never Let Me Go // by Argenti Luna //------------------------------// It was a new day at Canterlot high no one truly knew what happened yesterday with Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer, because no one saw them, or even heard from them. Fluttershy sat in the classroom pondering what could have happened that kept them so preoccupied, Rainbow Dash didn’t even respond to the text that she had sent the previous night. What Fluttershy didn’t know is that Rainbow Dash and Sunset would have loved to come back to the dining hall and re-join their friends, but it wouldn’t have been allowed. Bow had instantly taken over the team like an authoritarian having gathered the team that very same lunch and gone over the foundation rules. “You want to win this season! you want to be scouted for your dream team! Then I suggest you listen up and buckle up! We will meet every night after school for practice with limited exceptions, you get to school early I want to see you on the field, your lunches will be spent here on the field. Without dedication, you will lose out on your dreams!” Bow boomed as he paced back and forth in front of the line of stunned soccer players. “But Sir what if we have other responsibilities? Like I have band practice on Thursday lunch,” A girl called out from the line. “Is it the school band?” Bow asked turning towards the girl and calling her to step out in front of the line. “Yeah, I play the tuba.” She replied unsure of the kind of response she would receive. “That is a responsibility to the school, and I can accept that since it is one session a week, however social calls and recreation will not be sufficient I can’t have you running off every lunch to play jump rope when you could be practising the field.” He said firmly dismissing the girl back into her place among the line of girls. Sunset could hardly believe what she was hearing he really expected them to miss out on hanging out with their friends during every lunch, her face was struck with shock turning to look at Dash who simply nodded, weakly smiling as she understood exactly what Sunset was feeling. “I told you this would mean trouble,” The smile dropping into a look of concern, “What are we meant to tell the others?” “I don’t know Dash, but we’ll have to think of something, he’s your Dad can’t you talk some sense into him?” Sunset pleaded, trying to grasp at any chance of hope they might have. But this hope was quickly crushed before Rainbow Dash could even respond. “And I want to make something very clear,” Coach Bow started, “Just because I am Rainbow Dashes father does not mean she will be getting any extra points or let off easy, if anything she will get it the worst as team captain she should be pushed harder than her team to ensure she is able to lead them. So she’ll be the first one here in the morning and the last one to leave at night.” He shouted shifting his glaring eyes across the team before settling them on his daughter the star player that he needed to succeed. “Me and my big mouth,” Sunset whispered across to Rainbow Dash, “I shouldn’t have said anything about you being related to him.” A look of guilt on her face as she saw the frown grow further across Dashes face. “Nah it ain't your fault, this is just my Dad for you.” She moaned a tone of misery clinging to her voice as she spoke. “Now I wanna see what you’re made off so get out there and show me what you can do!” Bow yelled, signalling to all the girls to get out there on the pitch and partake in a practice match. Back in Fluttershy’s world the fact she was lost in her thoughts was becoming more and more obvious gaining her the attention of her usual classmate Silver Moon. Usually Silver would check on her friend but she chose not to say anything this time after all class was almost over and she’d be leaving Fluttershy to go on her way to her group of friends, who do a much better job of looking after her. As if by coincidence the bell then began to ring knocking Fluttershy out of her thoughts and into the world around her. “Wanna walk with me to the cafeteria from there we can split off and go to our usual places?” Silver asked as she packed her things away. “Yeah I’d like that,” Fluttershy whispered having already packed her things away and standing up out of her seat. The two girls began to walk out of the classroom wishing their teacher Ms Somnambula a goodbye and headed on their way down the winding corridors of Canterlot high in the direction of the cafeteria. They moved at a snail’s pace quietly giggling between themselves at the hordes of students rushing to get the first pick of the food, mainly the desserts. Fluttershy’s vision combed crowd finding itself captured by a girl amongst the crowd rushing past them only being noticeable due to her Rainbow coloured hair. “Hey, isn’t that your friend Rainbow Dash?” Silver asked nudging Fluttershy with her elbow to get her attention. “Yeah that’s her,” Fluttershy replied, hope in her voice as she began to realise this would be a good chance to ask about what happened yesterday. “Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy attempted to shout having no real success due to her version of shouting being at the same volume as a normal talking voice, its reach being drowned out by the many voices of louder students. Silver held back her laughter at the shy girls attempt to raise her voice since it just made her sound like she was angrily whispering when an idea struck her, “YO DASH!,” She yelled a commanding presence in her voice achieving more success at grabbing the athletes attention who upon turning around saw Fluttershy and the girl who’d shouted her, heading straight over to meet them. “Hey Flutters, I'm really glad I managed to find one of you, I need you to do me a favour and pass on a message to the group since I’m in a rush and can’t really stop,” Dash said her face still stained from the concern of yesterday. “O.. oh, of course, Rainbow, is something wrong?” Fluttershy responded slightly worried by the lack of time the athlete appeared to have. “You’ve have no idea,” Dash started as she tried to quickly explain, “Basically Sunset and I won’t be able to hang out with any of you guys this lunch or potentially any other lunch again because we have to partake in soccer practice. It sucks I know but right now we’re powerless to stop it, so if you wouldn’t mind could you pass the message on for me?” Dash asked desperation growing in her voice. “I’ll let them know,” Fluttershy replied solemnly, wanting to say more but found herself denied the chance as Rainbow Dash instantly began to sprint off down the corridor grabbing onto a locker to fling herself around the corner. Fluttershy was left in the corridor at this point basically alone since all the other students had made their way into the cafeteria and only Silver remained stood beside her, but none of that mattered. She was still trying to process what had just been said to her. Did she even hear it right? Rainbow Dash wouldn’t be able to hang around with them at any of their lunches, after only just starting to get her back? Fluttershy felt something close to emptiness, like something had opened inside of her, she’d felt it before when Rainbow Dash had stopped hanging around with them this cold empty feeling. “You wanna carry on walking Shy?” Silver piped up catching the pink haired girls’ attention. “Oh no I’ve got somewhere I need to be so I'm gonna go this way,” Fluttershy whispered, gritting her teeth as she battled off tears quickly walking in the opposite direction of the cafeteria. “But what about your friends,” Silver called after her, unsurprised by the lack of response. Silver unsure what to do carried on with her original goal and headed into the cafeteria to the usual table with Octavia and Derpy. The two girls began to eagerly wave at their friend, their faces dropping when the approaching girl stopped in her tracks at a different table. “Rarity would you mind if we had a quick word? I’m a friend of Fluttershy’s.” Silver asked awkwardly. “Of course darling is everything alright?” Rarity said answering the previous question with her own. Silver began to retell the events that had just occurred passing along Rainbow Dash’s message for Fluttershy and mentioning the sudden change in Fluttershy’s behaviour. “I’m sorry darling, are you saying Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer will not be joining us for lunch for a good while and upon being told this Fluttershy has gone running off,” Rarity questioned, her face full of worry and confusion. “Yeah I didn’t know what to do so I came to you guys,” Silver said with a panicked tone rubbing the back of her neck. “Ya did the right thing sugar cube we can deal with it from here.” Applejack spoke while tipping her hat. “I’ll make sure to come and speak to you when we solve this issue or get to the bottom of it.” Rarity added, a warm smile on her face, filling Silver with confidence that she had done the right thing and left the issue in capable hands. “Alright thanks guys, I really had no idea what was up and as Shy’s friend I just wanna make the sure the right people are there to cheer her up.” Silver finished a compassionate smile on her face. “You’ve done a marvellous job, now go and enjoy your lunch and I’ll let you know what happens.” Rarity said sharing the smile. Silver smiled heading to her original destination where she was met with delighted faces and a handful of questions. “So girls, time for a quick meeting. What do we make of this?” Rarity asked leaning over the table to close the gap and increasing the level of secrecy within the group. “No meeting needed Sgt Rarity, Rainbow Dash has hurt Fluttershy and now Fluttershy is out there all alone and upset, operation cheer up is engaged.” Pinkie said her eyes squinted as they moved between each person on the table as she stood up and charged off in search of the missing girl. “We should probably go after her,” Twilight suggested watching the party girl move further and further away from the table. “You’re right we can’t leave Fluttershy with her, she’ll exhaust the poor mouse.” Rarity said looking between Applejack and Twilight. “Well, I reckon you pair go figure out what all this business is with Rainbow Dash,” Applejack started, “An I’ll go see if me and Pinkie ain't able to help Fluttershy find her smile.” “Sounds good to me, stay in touch so I know if she’s alright.” Rarity replied getting up with Twilight and walking off in search of the athlete leaving Applejack on her own. “Now where on earth has that girl gotten too,” Applejack said aloud, attempting to follow the trail of candy and glitter that Pinkie always left in her wake. Fluttershy had headed straight out the side doors of Canterlot high and trekked to the other side of the field. Heading right to the edge of the school grounds where a lone tree sat offering an oasis of shade to the area around it. This was a place Fluttershy had visited a lot during the time when their friend group had been disbanded leaving her with no one to speak too, it was the perfect place to avoid bullies, noise and well everything. Due to it being the only tree in the area it was often visited by birds and squirrels which only made her fondness for the secluded location grow. Everything was going as planned until she rounded the tree seeing a girl already sat there with a rock on her knee and phone in hand. “Oh my, I’m sorry I didn’t realise someone was already here,” Fluttershy said shyly backing away. “it’s okay I was just talking to boulder in a place where I wouldn’t be called weird,” The purple-haired girl said now turning to look at Fluttershy, “You are my sister Pinkie Pie’s friend aren’t you?” “Yes I’m Fluttershy, you must be Maud,” Fluttershy said edging closer to the girl and sitting beside her. “You are they quiet one, my sister has suggested in the past that we would get along as we share this trait,” Maud said placing the rock on her lap at her side. “That’s a pretty stone,” Fluttershy spoke as she looked down admiring the smooth rock beside Maud. “This is a boulder, he is my rock buddy,” Maud said picking boulder back up in her hands and petting its flatter surface. “He?” Fluttershy asked tilting her head to the side in confusion. “Yes it is a he, I come here to speak to him,” Maud said her face showing no emotion. “Oh I'm sorry then I must be interrupting I can find somewhere else,” Fluttershy said her face turning red with embarrassment for intruding on something. “No it is okay, you came here first meanwhile I know other spots, you may have this one I shall move,” Maud contested gathering her things and standing up. “Oh no, I don’t want to make your move I really don’t mind leaving.” The shy girl responded, her face turning redder as she began to feel guilt welling within her. “I’m serious and besides it looks as if you need this place more than me,” Maud said her face and voice still showing no emotion but Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel like she was smiling at her. “T…thank you,” Fluttershy said softly as she weakly waved Maud off. “Goodbye Fluttershy hopefully we can meet under better circumstances next time,” Maud said as she waved goodbye. “I’d like that.” The pink haired girl said as one last thing before Maud moved too far away to hear her. Now Fluttershy was alone and could think about the thinks plaguing her mind with insecurities. “Rainbow Dash, Rainbow Dash, where might you be?” Rarity questioned aloud as she peered into each passing classroom and corridor she came across. “We should probably check the soccer pitch since that is typically where she is.” Twilight suggested looking over at Rarity who by now was almost pressed up against a window peering out onto the football pitch. “I'm afraid she isn’t there from what I can see, which means she could still be in the changing rooms, quickly let us go.” Rarity announced strutting down the corridor like a woman on a mission. “You know despite the dire situation this is kinda fun,” Twilight laughed, holding her book bag to her side hurrying after the fashionista. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was indeed inside the changing room taking her time to get changed in order to spend as little time as she could out on the field under the watchful rule of her father. “I know it’s kinda intense the regime your dad has got us on, but it can’t be that bad.” Sunset started looking over at her glum friend. “Dude we literally have no time to spend with our friends now,” Rainbow argued, tying her hair into a ponytail. “He wasn’t like serious about that right, every lunch?” Sunset asked a mixture of concern and doubt on her mind. “If I know my dad and trust me I do this is only the beginning,” Rainbow said her facial expression beginning to match Maud’s. “Rainbow Dash are you in here darling?” a familiar voice called out. “Rarity?” Sunset asked turning to see a girl with purple hair enter the changing rooms. “In the spotlight darling,” Rarity said with a dignified tone, flicking her hair over her shoulder, “Now could I trouble you for a word outside please, this room rather offends my nostrils you see.” “Uh yeah, I’ll just be a minute,” Rainbow responded as she finished dressing. Rarity nodded and headed back out of the changing room and towards Twilight confirming that Rainbow Dash would be here momentarily, which after a minute or two she did. “Hey, guys what’s up? Did Fluttershy pass my message along?” The rainbow-haired girl asked, closing the changing room door behind her and heading across the hallway to them. This question earned her a concerned look from both Rarity and Twilight who looked at each other before answering. “I’m afraid not, in fact, we had a white haired girl deliver the message in her stead.” Rarity replied. “Oh that Silver girl that’s in her history class, yeah she was with her when I told her but why did she tell you and not Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked a look of confusion on her face. “You see that’s what we came to you about, it appears your message has sent our dear friend AWOL, would you mind telling us exactly what you said?” Rarity said her eyelids closing slightly into a harsh gaze as she awaited the response. “Well yeah, I just said that me and Sunset ain't gonna be able to hang out with you guys at lunch anymore because we have to do soccer during all our lunches, and we can’t really say no,” Rainbow answered trying to remember exactly what she had told the shy girl. “And what exactly do you mean AWOL.” “Yes, I feared you’d said that,” Rarity started before being cut off by Twilight. “Well she didn’t turn up to lunch and the girl you said was Silver came over and told us Fluttershy had gone off looking really down after you left,” Twilight answered. By this time Sunset had appeared sticking her head out of the changing room door, “What’s this about Fluttershy being upset is everything okay?” She asked. “Ahh Sunset, well you see Dash here has told Fluttershy neither you nor Rainbow herself will be able to hang out with us again unless it’s out of school time,” Rarity asked motioning for Sunset to come over. “Well yeah Dash’s dad has taken over the team and those were his words, all our lunches and afterschool is now spent out on the field practising soccer.” Sunset began, “So hanging out with you guys is gonna be real hard besides that sleepover tomorrow.” “Wait, Rainbow Dash your father is the new coach?” Rarity asked her voice mixed with shock and concern. Rainbow Dash didn’t reply she simply just nodded causing Twilight and Sunset to look at them both confused. “Am I missing something here?” Twilight asked. “Well let’s just say we aren’t the biggest of fans of Rainbow Dash's father, but this would explain quite a bit.” Rarity said to Twilight before turning back to Rainbow. “Does Fluttershy know?” “No, I didn’t tell her that, I don’t want her worrying,” Dash answered with an awkward expression. “Yo guys coach wants us out on the field now,” Spitfire called from inside the changing room, “I don’t like it either but we ain't got many choices right now.” “We’d better go if he has the reputation you seem to be eluding at I don’t wanna get on his bad side,” Sunset said walking back to the changing room door. “Oh and about Friday can you let everyone know to arrive at five pm since I won’t be home till then.” “I’ll make sure everyone knows five pm you can count on me,” Rarity said with a reassuring smile, Sunset quickly returned the smile as she headed back inside. Rainbow Dash let out a sigh, “I suppose I should follow her.” “Just a moment if you don’t mind?” Rarity asked grabbing hold of Rainbows arm as she attempted to walk away. “What you said earlier, you didn’t want Fluttershy worrying.” “Yeah, what about it.” She asked raising her eyebrow in confusion. “Why don’t you want Fluttershy worrying, but you don’t mind any of us worrying.” Rarity said the tiniest of curls appearing at the edge of her lips. “Well no I don’t want any of you worrying, we were just on about Fluttershy at the time,” Rainbow responded unsure as to what Rarity was getting at. “I think what she is trying to say is why you do you not want Fluttershy worrying period,” Twilight asked catching onto what Rarity was doing. “Oh well I dunno, I guess a part of me still feels like I have to look out for her like when we were kids,” Rainbow said her eyes wandering off somewhere as she remembered how things were back then. “Do you care about Fluttershy?” Rarity asked. “Well yeah of course I do, I care about you all and trust me I don’t like this lunchtime thing any more than you guys do I’d love for us all to be able to hang out every day,” Rainbow replied sadness welling in her eyes. “Rainbow Dash where are you?,” A stern voice called out, followed by Bow appearing at the end of the corridor. “You are supposed to be outside the whole team is waiting.” “Sorry, dad I was just.” Rainbow started before being interrupted. “Talking, you were talking. Your whole team is waiting and you’re here flirting.” Bow said crossing his arms. “Dad I’m not flirting.” Rainbow Dash started once again being interrupted but this time by Rarity. “I can assure you, Sir, she was not flirting with us, we were simply discussing why she wouldn’t be able to hang out with us and our friends as she would normally do.” Rarity calmly said biting her tongue. “She won’t be hanging out with you this lunchtime or the next lunchtime because she as the team captain should be out there setting the standard for her team,” Bow began his voice sounding angrier and angrier. “You are her friends then I assume, you should be encouraging her to work harder and practice more, that is unless you want to be responsible for her not being scouted for a scholarship. “Sir, I am not suggesting she miss out on a very clear future but surely she deserves some recreational time.” Rarity said the leash on her tongue beginning to slip. “Are you telling me how to raise my daughter.” Bow said his eyes glaring down at the girl much smaller than him. “I thought she was the team captain but now she’s your daughter, maybe you should show some compassion.” Rarity hissed about two words away from getting into trouble. “Rarity,” Twilight said nudging her friend to stop. “The nerve,” Bow started before he himself was interrupted. “That’s enough, I'm going out, they need their captain after all.” Rainbow Dash shouted grabbing the attention of both Rarity and Bow. “Yes of course, and I must apologise there Mr Dash I stepped out of line a little there I shall remember to hold my tongue in future.” Rarity said snapping her fingers and regaining her composure while watching Rainbow Dash walk back into the changing room. “I’ll let it slide, but as your gym teacher I must warn you to be careful who you speak like that too, could get yourself into some nasty trouble.” Bow said his anger fading into a compassionate smile as he began to walk down the hall and back outside. “What was with his sudden change,” Twilight asked looking confused at Rarity. “Well, it would seem he remembered he must be professional since this is his place of work, wouldn’t want to get in trouble for yelling at a student unprovoked.” Rarity said tapping her foot on the ground. “I don’t like this.” “I’m not confident any of us like this,” Twilight said looking even more concerned and confused than before. “Pst guys,” Rainbow whispered sticking her head out of the changing room doors, “He gone?” “Yeah he’s gone back outside but I doubt you have much time,” Twilight said while checking to see if Bow was coming back. “Yo Rare’s, have I really upset her?” Rainbow asked a worried look in her eye. “It would seem so.” Rarity replied an equal look of worry within her. “Well, I guess I’d better go,” Dash said with a sigh before disappearing back into the changing rooms to head through to the field. “Come let us find the others.” Rarity said leading Twilight away in search of their friends. “Flutter Flutter Fluttershy, where is yooooou,” An energetic Pinkie Pie called as she bounced down the hallway in search of her friend. “Pinkie where’d ya get off too,” Applejack cried trying to track Pinkie down by the sound of her voice. “I’m here cowpoke,” Pinkie answered nonchalantly appearing behind Applejack almost out nowhere. “How in the hay did you, never mind. Any luck finding her?” Applejack asked looking around to see if Fluttershy was near them. “Nope, I can’t even find a trace.” Pinkie said her smile turning into a frown. “Ahh shucks well cheer up Pinkie I’m sure we’ll find her, we just gotta try asking about.” Applejack suggested turning her attention to Vinyl and Octavia walking in their direction. “Good idea,” Pinkie responded turning towards the duo heading closer to them. “Hiya Octavia, hello Vinyl, have either of you seen Fluttershy.” “I’m afraid I haven’t myself, but I can keep my eyes open and let her know you are looking for her if I see her,” Octavia replied, “how about you Vinyl?” She asked earning a shaking of the head from Vinyl. “Ahh well thanks anyway you two,” Applejack said looking slightly disappointed, “Come on Pinkie let’s see if anyone else hasn’t seen her.” The two girls worked together asking a few people if they had seen their missing friend with them all giving a very similar response. Almost ten minutes had gone by and the girls had made no progress only adding to their disappointment and increasing concern for their friend. “She could be outside,” Pinkie suggested. “That ain't a bad idea ya know,” Applejack added snapping her fingers and pointing towards the exit. The pair walked together heading towards the main exit poking their heads into any of the empty classrooms they passed, hoping they would strike lucky and spot their shy friend inside. As they approached the glass doors the two friends could see Pinkie Pie’s sister on the other side heading towards the building. Applejack took the charge and took a few extra steps forward holding the door open for both Pinkie and Maud to walk through. “MAUD!, fancy meeting you here,” Pinkie called the excitement in her voice being heard for miles around. “Hello Pinkie, I’m happy to see you,” Maud said her face matching her usual emotionless state, causing Applejack to question her use of the word happy. “So what are you doing outside Maud, looking for a friend for boulder perhaps?” Pinkie asked wondering if she had an excuse to throw a party for her sisters’ new friend. “No I was talking to boulder when your pink haired friend came over and I offered her my spot,” Maud said unsure as to why Applejack and Pinkie’s faces suddenly changed to show huge smiles. “We are actually looking for her, Fluttershy right?” Applejack said eagerly. “Yes, your shy friend she is over there on the other side of the tree,” Maud said extending her arm and pointing to a tree on the other side of the school field. “Thank you Maud, you’ve no idea how helpful you have been, officially the best sister EVER!” Pinkie announced bouncing on the spot struggling to contain her excitement. “Yeah Maud you’ve saved us a million there,” Applejack said a sending a sweet smile in Maud’s direction. “I’m not sure what I’ve done but you are welcome; I shall see you later,” Maud said continuing on her path. “Well, I think we know where we are going.” Applejack concluded still smiling as she looked towards Pinkie. “LET’S GO!” Pinkie shouted excitedly as she broke into a sprint, running across the field towards where they believed Fluttershy would be. Fluttershy watched as Maud got smaller and smaller the further she walked away, leaving Fluttershy to herself, finally. It had only been a short time since Rainbow had broken the news that once again their group would be split apart, and just as things had started to look up. Just as soon as Rainbow Dash was hanging out with them again, she’s had to go again, and this time she’d taken Sunset too. A small pool of water began to glaze her eyes as a single tear rolled down her cheek. “What if we all stop being friends again, this is how it started last time, one by one we were all pulled away.” She said quietly to herself. “Now why on earth would that happen,” Pinkie spoke her head peering out from behind the tree. “She got a point sugar cube; I just can’t see that happening.” Came the voice of Applejack as her head peered out from the other side of the brown bark “Girls, what are you? how did you?” A startled Fluttershy spluttered out as she slipped backwards leaving her at the base of the tree on her back seeing their familiar heads above her poking out from behind the tree above her. “Need a hand?” Applejack asked stepping out from behind the tree and extending her arm out for Fluttershy to grab. “And I’ll get the other one,” Pinkie said giddily hopping around from her side of the tree and offering her hand out as well. “I think I’d rather just stay sitting down here,” Fluttershy responded letting her hair fall in front of her face to hide her eyes. Applejack nodded and sat down her back leaning against the tree, tipping her hat against the sun to shade her face, “Now how come yer out here Fluttershy?” “Yeah we’ve all been super worried about you ever since Silver told us you’d gone off looking all upset,” Pinkie said tackling Fluttershy in a hug. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to worry any of you, I just needed some time to think,” Fluttershy guiltily responded hesitantly returning the hug. “Now what is it you came here to think about?” Applejack questioned. “It’s nothing, really its silly,” Fluttershy stuttered from behind her hair. “Well I love silly so now you have to tell me,” Pinkie Pie said excitedly while winking at Applejack. “Is it maybe about us not being friends when we totally are!” “It’s nothing guys,” Fluttershy assured pulling her knees to her face trying to hide from the pair. “You can tell us anything, we’re your friends,” Applejack said in a comforting tone. “Yeah and helping each is other what friends are for,” Pinkie added trying to hug the meek girl once more. “Well, I guess,” Fluttershy took a deep breath, “It’s just what if this is the beginning of what happened last time again and we are all gonna slowly peel away from each other leaving me pretty much alone again.” “Don’t worry Fluttershy,” Pinkie said dropping her usual happy go lucky tone for a more solemn one, surprising both Applejack and Fluttershy, “Nothing is going to come between us all now we’re best friends and none of us will have to go through that loneliness again.” “Wow Pinkie you actually sounded serious for a change,” Applejack said the surprise still glued to her face, “By the way Fluttershy this wouldn’t happen to have anything to do with Rainbow Dash and Sunset supposedly not being able to hang out with us anymore.” The shy girl didn’t open her lips to respond she simply remained behind her hair and slowly nodded. “Oh that Rainbow Dash saying such crazy things,” Pinkie said reverting back to her energetic self, “Rarity and Twilight have already gone to get to the bottom of that, so you don’t need to worry that pink head of yours.” “She’s right if anyone can figure out what’s going on with all this, it’s both the smartest one of us and the one with the most charm, working together they could solve anything.” “You think Rarity is charming?” Fluttershy asked liftin her head slightly revealing a corner of her lips, perked with a smile. “Now you know I didn’t mean it like that,” Applejack said beginning to fluster as the smallest blush appeared on her face causing Fluttershy to giggle a little. “SHE LAUGHED! Mission complete,” Pinkie shouted while joining in with Fluttershy’s light laughter. “Anyway don’t get worrying about any of this Dash business, the others are sorting it and besides we’ll be seeing them both tomorrow at Sunsets so it’s not like they are gone forever,” Applejack said that comforting smile returning. “You’re right,” Fluttershy said finding herself empowered by her friends, “I can just make sure we meet up a lot out of school times.” “I wonder if they found Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie asked aloud earning her shrugs from the two girls sat with her. “We did,” Came a familiar voice as Twilight appeared from the other side of the tree, “I can’t judge on what kind of news I bring since I don’t know as much as Rarity seems to.” “And where is Rarity,” AJ asked curiously. “I’m here, I’m here, I must say Fluttershy as pretty as this place is it was not designed to be traversed by a lady in heels,” Rarity said stumbling over a few tree roots before giving up and sitting down where she was. “How did you all find me?” The meek girl asked curiously. “Pinkie an I found out from Maud, and then I shot Rarity here a text to let her know we found you alright.” “So how was your mission?” Pinkie asked her eyes shifting from side to side like she was meeting with a high-level informant rather than her friend. “Well, I can’t say its good news but also can’t say it’s bad. From what I can gather the new coach is being a little rough on them at the moment, but I doubt it will last I mean at some point one of the team members will complain to the principal and then something will have to change.” “Oh, by the way, Sunset asked if we didn’t mind arriving a little later tomorrow since she has soccer practice first,” Twilight said recalling what she had been told. “Well, why don’t we watch them practice and we can all head to Sunset’s together,” Pinkie suggested the excitement building in her voice. “That sounds like a splendid idea but how exactly will we all travel there together, we don’t have a vehicle big enough,” Rarity contested. “We can go in separate vehicles I don’t think we will need more than two of our own,” Twilight said having quickly added up the number of people and the average number of seats in a car. “But I have things to bring to my car will be full,” Rarity said her lips slightly downturned. “Well I can fit a lot of you in my truck including space for items, so if Rarity you take Twilight and Sunset. I can have the rest of them and collect everyone’s stuff in the morning and load it into the truck to save space.” Applejack suggested looking to Twilight to ensure it was possible. “Yeah, that seems logical by my standards,” Twilight finalised settling Applejacks doubts as to whether her idea was plausible. "I suppose that’s settled then, I’ll ring Sunset in a moment and let her know.” Rarity said with a smile admittedly starting to feel as excited as everyone else, well everyone except Pinkie who at this point was bouncing around the tree giggling. “Though Applejack darling can I have a quick word it’s about sizes for your dress and it’s rude to discuss a lady’s size in the company of others.” “I mean I ain't wearing a dress but sure,” Applejack said getting up and walking a little distance away from the group with Rarity. When Rarity felt they were a safe enough distance away from earshot as to not let Fluttershy hear she began to speak, “Okay you need to keep this to yourself for now, but the new coach is Bow Hothoof.” “Rainbows Dad?,” Applejack asked her jaw almost dropping. “Hush hush, yes I’m afraid so, now the reason I dragged you over here is that Rainbow Dash isn’t keen on Fluttershy finding out as she says it’ll worry her.” Rarity said all the while keeping her voice to a hushed volume. “So what your telling me is we can’t tell Flutters that the coach is Bow?” Applejack questioned. "For now yes I suggest we keep quiet about it, Fluttershy already appears to be upset and if Rainbow Dash’s idea is correct and it’ll upset her further then I’d rather not push her,” Rarity replied a very clear level of seriousness in her voice. “How is she by the way?” “She seems alright, we’ve made her laugh a little and we seemed to have cheered her up but she’s really beating herself up, thinking she’ll never see Dash or Sunset again, an that this is the start of a chain reaction where we all stop being her friend.” Applejack said dropping her hat down to block their voices from potentially reaching the group. “She clearly seems to know more about Dash and her relations with her family since Rainbow was talking specifically about her and such. So its best we don’t tell her in case it sparks something.” Rarity said her mind wandering to how much more Fluttershy might know about Dash than the rest. “You’re right, but anyway we should get back and try to cheer her up, I’m not exactly confident she’s feeling alright yet.” Applejack said as she began to walk back with Rarity. “You’re very caring, you know that farm girl?” Rarity teased softly nudging Applejacks elbow with her own. “Well I just try to be a good friend to you all,” Applejack said hiding the blush appearing on her face with her hat. The two girls headed back to the group and collectively made it their mission to make Fluttershy feel back to her 100% shy but happy self. It took a little while but after Pinkie had pranked Applejack with a water balloon laughs could be heard from all around. Fluttershy felt like those dark ideas were now put at rest, she smiled for the rest of lunch and throughout her lessons as she conveniently shared her next two lessons with her friends. being able to sit next to Rarity during textiles and spent the final hour of the day baking cupcakes with Pinkie and Silver in food tech. All the while letting Silver know that things were okay now. Rainbow had gotten home late, much later than usual and it was all thanks to her father, he’d made her stay till every last member of the team had gone home and then she had to pack all the kit away, “Like a real team captain,” She angrily muttered to herself mocking him. However now she was home and it was now far too dark for her father to thrust any spontaneous training onto her, meaning she was safe to relax. She lay back on her bed and grabbed the remote for her tv flicking through the various channels, her eye catching onto a movie that looked somewhat interesting. From the short few seconds she’d seen, she had made the connection that this was about robots and they were gonna fight monsters coming out of the ocean. Rainbow Dash always found herself being unable to resist the call of a monster movie, something about a huge creature being fought always appealed to her. She recalled how her friend Fluttershy would always complain about her love for this genre of movie. “Tasteless violence against animals,” She would always say, Fluttershy hated seeing any creature or animal being involved in a fight even if it was a giant worm from out of space. The memories rushing back striking her in an instant, what had happened today, what she had been told. Fluttershy was upset over something she had done, the guilt washed over her urging her to check on the supposed upset friend. So Rainbow did just that, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and shot her friend a text. *Hey Shy, heard I’d upset you today, are you alright? Do you wanna talk? * Rainbow Dash stared at the screen of her phone for a good few minutes, each passing second causing her to slowly feel more and more disheartened. “Why would she want to speak to me now anyway, I’m the reason she’s upset,” Dash said with a sigh letting her phone fall onto the bed beside her and continuing to watching the movie. This didn’t last long, the sheer effort that had been demanded from her that day and the energy she’d needed was starting to catch up with her, the athlete felt as her eyes began to feel heavier and heavier, her attempts to fight it off failing. She felt with each blink her eyes would remain closed for longer and longer periods every part of her body wanted to sleep and although her mind was fighting, it was an uphill battle and she was losing. Her eyes closed to blink once more, but this time they didn’t open. Rainbow Dash had fallen asleep. Fluttershy was sat in her living room watching the ending to the latest episode of a tv series she’d been following with her mother. She lay on the couch in the dark room snuggled up under a blanket, the glow from the tv being the only light source, illuminating her face in the dark. She watched as the episode ended with a cliff hanger and the credits began to roll. “Ooh what do you think that was all about then,” Her mother asked. “I don’t know but it’s exciting to think about,” Fluttershy responded her voice only just loud enough to be heard from the other side of the room. “Well I suppose we will have to wait until tomorrow to find out,” Her mother spoke finishing off the last few bits of popcorn from her bowl. “I won’t be here tomorrow remember, I’ll be at Sunsets for the sleepover,” Fluttershy said hiding her mouth behind the blanket so her mother wouldn’t see how wildly she was smiling. “Oh yes I remember, then we’ll watch tomorrow’s episode on Saturday before Saturday's episode,” Her mother said setting the next episode to record. “I don’t know if Rainbow Dash would wanna watch this with us it’s kinda mushy,” Fluttershy said letting out a soft laugh. “Why would Rainbow Dash be watching it?” She asked confused. Fluttershy let out a gasp she’d had so much on her mind that she’d forgotten to say, “I’m so sorry I forgot to tell you that Dash is coming here to hang out after the sleepover.” “Rainbow Dash?, like the ripped jacket Rainbow Dash?” “Yeah that’s the one,” Fluttershy gasped again, “I forgot to give the jacket back!” “It’s been a while since I’ve seen that rainbow dash, make sure she stays for dinner will you.” “I’ll um try, but it’s okay if she visits right?” The meek girl squeaked. “Oh yes I don’t see an issue with it, just make sure she has enough clean clothes and I’ll have your father get the air bed out for her to sleep on in case she stops over, and about our show. She’s gonna have to suffer through it since I’m not waiting another day to find out.” Fluttershy’s mother said giggling softly as Fluttershy would. “Anyway it’s nearly eleven pm you should get some sleep; you’ve got school tomorrow after all.” Fluttershy sluggishly got up, wrapped in her blanket and slowly walked to the door stopping just as she was about to exit the room, “Night Mom.” “Goodnight Sweetie,” Fluttershy mom responded as she began to switch off the electronics and make sure the front door was locked. Fluttershy headed up to her room and collapsed onto her bed, getting comfortable underneath her blanket by wrapping it around her, she reached her arm out of her makeshift nest and picked up her phone from the bedside table to check she had an alarm set turning it on to the see the message from Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy heart instantly sank as she was reminded of the events of today and how she had acted, “Rainbow must have been so worried being told I was upset and having no explanation,” She thought to herself as she texted out her response. *Yeah I’m okay I guess, I suppose finding out I wasn’t gonna be seeing you and Sunset at school anymore since we don’t share any classes and you no longer have a lunch got to me, sorry if I worried you, and yeah we can talk anytime I don’t mind as long as you aren’t busy.* Fluttershy noticed the message had been sent over an hour ago meaning by now Rainbow Dash wasn’t sitting waiting for a reply and had probably gone to sleep. The sleepy girl plugged her phone in and left it on her bedside table retracting her arm into her nest and closed her eyes quickly falling into a slumber. Rainbow’s room was pitch black besides the glow coming from her television, by now the movie had ended and the credits had begun to roll, the athlete could be seen lying on her bed out cold, asleep with her shirt screwed up on the floor. The television slowly faded to a dark screen as the credits finished and a number of ads showed before the next movie began to start, now at this point, it was after 11 and this particular channel begins to show horror movies at this time. The movie opened up on a mansion with a couple entering inside due to storm flooding the road and they could no longer travel. *CRASH* The sound of lightning boomed from the tv shaking the sleeping athlete awake and sending her tumbling off her bed in fright. Rainbow Dash having left her sleep in a second to being now on the floor, found herself a little dazed looking all around the room to figure out where the sound had come from. *SCREAM* A woman’s high pitch scream echoed from the tv scaring the athlete once more causing her to throw herself back up onto the bed and glare directly at the source of the sound. Rainbow Dash could not have looked more unimpressed as she realised she’d been woken up by a horror movie getting up and turning it off all the while covering her eyes they felt weary of the light. She heavily moved back towards her bed, letting herself fall onto it her head slumping onto the pillow, she began to try and slip into sleep again, but something as caught on her mind like she was forgetting something. Fluttershy! Rainbow’s eyes shot open and she sat up grabbing her phone checking to see if the meek girl had replied. She had and fairly recently in the past half an hour, Rainbow made the decision and called her. Rainbow sat in her dark room switching her lamp on and setting it to a dim light as to not blind her but still grant her the ability to see. Everything was silent except for the dull chirping of the dial tone, it dialled once, twice. “H.. hel…hello,” A soft but croaky voice spoke from the other end of the line. “Oh Flutters I’m sorry did I wake you,” Rainbow said as she facepalmed out of guilt for disturbing Fluttershy’s sleep when she herself was annoyed moments ago that her own sleep had been disturbed. “Hmm, what no it's okay, who is it,” Fluttershy said with a sleepy voice her eyes glued shut. “It’s Dash sleepyhead,” Dash chuckled quietly to herself. “Rainbow is everything alright?” Fluttershy asked still not completely with it “Yeah Shy, everything is okay I just wanted to check on you,” Rainbow said still chuckling at what sounded like a zombie on the other end of the line. “Why did you video call me its pitch black on your end,” Fluttershy asked beginning to fully wake up. “Huh did I?,” Rainbows questioned pulling the phone from her ear and holding it out in front of he where she could see Fluttershy lying down in her bed her eyes still squinting as she got used to the light. “Oh yeah, my bad,” Dash added. But she gained no verbal response, all she could see were Fluttershy’s eyes opening fully and her face turning a bright shade of red. “You alright there dude?” Rainbow asked unsure as to what was happening. “Rainbow... I can see… you don’t… you aren’t wearing a shirt,” Shy stuttered out as she struggled to find the words. Rainbow’s eyes shot open wider than Fluttershy’s looking down at herself to indeed see that she was wearing nothing from the waist up, “Omigosh omigosh,” Rainbow spluttered out grabbing her blanket and holding it above her chest, “I am so sorry, I had no idea I’ve just woken up I'm so embarrassed,” Rainbow said tripping over her words all the while her face was blushing equally as red as Fluttershy’s. “It’s okay it’s okay, I was just shocked, and they were nice,” Fluttershy said not quite functioning to her usual shy level due to her still not quite being fully there. “What?” Rainbow asked a mix of confusion and shock on her face. “Huh, OH no... I said nothing it’s okay, what did you call me for anyway?” Fluttershy asked, trying to swiftly move on. “Yeeeah erm right, it was about today, Rarity said I’d upset you with what I said,” Rainbow began, slowly getting over her embarrassment and remembering why she called in the first place. “Oh yeah, that.” “So what’s wrong, how can I cheer you up,” Rainbow asked while giving puppy dog eyes to try and get Fluttershy to open up. Fluttershy sighed and took a deep breath, “You know how we were on about how we don’t really get to see you much anymore, and you acknowledged how you haven’t been around and were gonna try harder like with the sleepover on Friday. To just come up to me the next day saying that we can basically never hang out again.” Rainbow’s face was ridden with guilt she knew exactly what it must have looked like to patch up a wound and then to cut it deeper so soon, “You’re right Flutters, I just can’t fully explain it the new coach just wants us out on the field as much as possible no exceptions, me more so than anyone else since I'm the captain.” Fluttershy sighed again, “I know its selfish of me, you have your own responsibilities.” “That might be true Shy, but I’ve also got a responsibility to my friends and that includes you Shy,” Rainbow said her face now showing as much compassion as she did when she was younger and was first offering her friendship to Fluttershy. “Thank you, I needed to hear that,” Fluttershy said her heart doing little flips to hear that Rainbow Dash cared about her, sure she said her whole group of friends, but she’d singled her out. “What about hanging out together and stuff?” “I'm gonna work on it don’t worry, I’m sure the coach will come around and besides a few of the girls in the team have already complained to Principal Celestia saying it’s overkill and ruining their morale and friendships with those outside the team so hopefully she’ll step in. On top of that, I’m coming to the sleepover tomorrow and then to yours after for a bit, so if anything we will just have to hang out at each other’s houses more, saying each other’s I mainly mean yours.” Dash said taking a few breaths here and there. “Well that’s good, hopefully we will have you back with us by next week, we are all sad you know Pinkie especially since it’s like we’ve lost two of our friends, and what did you mean by saying it’ll be mainly my house,” Fluttershy replied trying to respond to each bit of what Dash had said. “Oh and of course yes I’ll see you tomorrow and my mom knows you’ll coming back on Saturday with me, which reminds me she said to make sure you have enough clean clothes.” “That sounds like your mom, always looking out for me.” Rainbow said laughing slightly, “and about my place yeah it’s just not great my parents argue a bit as you know, and I don’t want it bumming you out.” “I’m not gonna mind, it’s not like my parents don’t argue every now and then it’s just something that happens I suppose,” Fluttershy responded innocently trying to mask that she was aware it was far worse in the case of Rainbow Dash’s parents. “Yeah, I suppose you are right and don’t worry you can tell your mom I’ll even bring my own snacks,” Rainbow said still jesting to bury the conversation about her parents. “She wants to watch a series with me as well so I’m afraid you’ve gotta watch it with us,” Shy said giggling at the thought of Rainbow Dash watching a romance before letting out a big yawn. “Yeah I don’t mind, I can always just get some shut-eye if it’s too boring,” Dash said returning her friends yawn with one of her own. “You look sleepy,” Fluttershy said smiling innocently into the camera. “So do you,” Rainbow Dash responded giving a short laugh. “Pinkie is probably going to keep us up late tomorrow,” Fluttershy added an inch of dread in her voice. “Without a doubt but at least it’ll be a lot of fun,” Rainbow started as she yawning again, “should probably get some sleep don’t want her attacking us with a marker pen if we fall asleep first.” “Oh yes I’d rather not experience that again,” Fluttershy said doing her usual soft laugh. “Well I’d better get off to sleep now, night Shy, see you tomorrow,” Rainbow said getting comfortable in bed ready for her to fall asleep. “Night night Dashie,” Fluttershy said the innocent smile returning to her face as the call between them ended leaving Fluttershy to fall asleep happy that she had spoken to Rainbow and heard what she had to say spiking a vote of confidence that soon things would go back to how they should be with Rainbow Dash and Sunset hanging out with them again. Meanwhile, the athlete Rainbow Dash was just laying on her side her eyes closed happy that she had gotten to cheer up her Fluttershy, it was nice to see her smile, and yet that wasn’t the highlight. Dashie, that was a nickname Fluttershy hadn’t called her in a long time, it was nice. This was the last thing on Rainbow Dash's mind as she drifted off to sleep wondering what the slumber party at Sunsets might bring.