//------------------------------// // Winter Fun // Story: Through The Grapevine // by Unknown Ficwriter //------------------------------// Winter time, the last few months before the new year. Whether they were sledding, making snowponies, of snowball fighting, everypony was enjoying the weather. Deserving a rest from their recent adventure, Twilight, and her friends were currently engaging several colts and fillies in wintery warfare. Without warning a snowball struck Twilight's shoulder, surprised she turn her head to see who'd thrown it. Unable to see anything but snow, she focused back on the game. Again a snowball struck the same spot, however, this time would be different. Having spotted the general direction from the corner of her eye, she teleported. Reappearing several feet away she immediately spotted the familiar quadri-colored mane and tail poking from under the snow. The snowball fight came to a halt as Celestia and Twilight were heard wrestling. After a few minutes, with Celestia trumping Twilight, both mares searched their surroundings as another snowball struck Twilight.