Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 46: Hardball

"Train as you will fight and you will fight as you have trained."
-Military Proverb-

Three sets of hooves and a set of boots slipped through the underbrush quickly and silently, the four figures hunched over low to the ground with their weapons held low but ready. Four sets of eyes scanned their surroundings rapidly as equine ears flicked back and forth listening for the slightest rustle of brush or the snap of a twig. All they could hear however was their own motions and the sound of the occasional branch they brushed up against. An arm moved out slowly causing the movement to slow to a halt and the figures hunkered even lower to the ground till their legs threatened to get in their way.

Eyes turned to the furry arm that had moved out and followed its motion as it focused their gaze to the left. All eyes were intently focused on the location pointed out but there was no movement to catch their eyes at first but continuing to focus on the spot, eyes narrowed with doubt until another heavily covered arm moved slowly and pointed to the same spot. A nod was exchanged between them and with a movement of the hand the hunched figures began moving to circle their newest target.

Three in front with one hanging back they circled around as their enemy began moving again. There were five enemies and only four of them but their enemies movement indicated a lack of knowing where to focus their attention. Slipping in behind them they halted again before continuing to move around them to the opposite side and once more hunkered down to watch and wait.

A striped arm was held up by the other party and they quickly pointed to a small mark on the ground, a trail leading off to their front left. Watching them whisper quietly before nodding the other group began slipping off into the bush following the trail leaving the four behind to watch them. Looking at the others from under their wrapped hood one nodded and pointed with their weapon, rising up slightly they hurried after their quarry. Following close behind them at a short distance ears would occasionally flick back to listen but they would always freeze and wait before moving again, each time they moved the gap closed a little more.

Staying to the other groups left the signal was given and two broke off rapidly closing the gap between themselves and the rear guard. As the zebra's ears picked up on their movement the rearmost long white ears turned quickly and the head began to rotate towards them. A set of hangs grabbed them by the muzzle forcing it shut as a swift motion of the other arm ended them with one swift stroke across the throat. Their accomplice grabbed their victims legs and the two quickly and quietly carried the zebra into the brush where it could not be seen.

Going over them like a filcher bird they took their victims weapons and passed around what they could no longer carry. The four were burdened with multiple weapons to where they could barely carry their own shields while hanging onto the rest, a silent hand argument had taken place over the matter but the cloaked one had only glared and shaken his head. They would keep all they had taken for later use. Ignoring the last four they moved on quickly and swung out and far to their right before dropping low and waiting.

A few minutes passed before a second, larger group emerged from the bush, strung out and searching. Smiles were exchanged between the small band of four as the watched the ten walk past them, they knew the other patrol was strung out enough to find the body and when they did a call would go out. It was what they had hoped for and satisfied that it would work out they removed themselves and left a new trail for them to follow leading deeper into the bush and to a location they had found earlier.

As they ran the shouting started behind them but they did not slow their pace as they blasted through the brush. Reaching the first rocky location they halted only briefly and making a few quick motions they broke off and raced in different directions. The ground was too hard and rocky making it difficult to track or discern exact numbers if their pursuers made for time and after the number of stabs they had made at them today, it was doubtful that they would slow down to count tracks. What mattered was that the boot-print was visible once in a while along with the hurried motions of one set of hooves, a little trick one of them had come up with to obscure their actual numbers.

It resulted in a shuffled run with an exaggerated amount of steps required but the effect would hopefully pay off allowing the second group to escape notice. Ending the facade they slipped around and circled back on the trail from a fair distance and waited while hoping the other group was already in their first ambush location. Minutes ticked past slowly before the first scout emerged and followed the trail with others hot on their hooves, their enemy was moving faster now but the larger patrol was nowhere to be seen.

This was expected and when the hooded figures compatriot looked at him curiously he shrugged and motioned to prepare the first attack. Entering their range the two stood rapidly and hurtled their weapons into the oncoming patrol hitting one but missing another before dropping low and running. Shouting followed them and unable to outpace them was expected and prepared for in advance. Racing past the second groups hidden location they never looked back but hoped they were ready, anything less would mean being caught and run down almost immediately.

Charging down their enemy the reduced patrol was joined quickly by the larger group that had begun swinging in from the left quickly in the hopes of outpacing them and getting ahead of the fleeing fugitives. Pounding their hooves harder to close the gap and streaming past the hidden position two sets of eyes watched and counted before popping up and hurtling their weapons into the mobs unprotected backs before ducking away. Racing for another position they ran for their lives down an arroyo following their enemies flank.

Two shouts of pain had filled the air as one zebra was hammered in the hip while the other was struck in the back. Their sudden loss had the effect of causing the leader of the group at large to turn some back in order watch their unprotected rear and flank, while the rest continued their charge. Still running for their lives but loosing ground rapidly the two turned sharply right and made a wild leap over the arroyo with the zebra making it and the other falling just short. Grabbing them quickly before they slipped into the arroyo the zebra yanked the hooded figure up and they spun to face their enemy.

Out of the entire mob only two over eager zebra's made the jump but were quickly stabbed down by the two defenders. Waiting at the edge of the arroyo they waited before side stepping and stabbing from the side and forcing them either onto the ground or back into the arroyo. The rest were less eager to make the leap and stood back calculating quickly as the uncertainty of where the other two were still raged. Pointing to a dip in the terrain that allowed easier passage of the arroyo the eight zebras raced to the shallower and narrower crossing.

As they ran down and into the shallower part of the arroyo the missing two struck at them again before making a running jump at the side of the arroyo where the other two helped them cross if they fell short. The small attack had taken its toll on one more and now the other group quickly fanned out and raised their arms to throw again. Simply making the motion forced the other group to slow as they either ducked behind their small wicker shields or tried to make themselves a smaller target. With a shout the four focused their aim onto an area that was less protected from shields and hit two more before rapidly repeating and hitting one more in the chest, another in the legs sending them sprawling.

The group that had broken off had rejoined the mass and as the four prepared to attack they caught sight of more coming quickly. Five more were running for all they were worth to join the coming fray and not wanting to wait on them to form a larger mob the order was given to attack.

Racing forward into their disorganized enemy the first made a stab at the closest target but it was deflected and as it was brushed away the Arabian to their right stabbed left and drove their weapon into the rib-cage dropping them. The next three were less inclined but drove their assault forward anyway as the final five were just reaching the arroyo. They each moved against an individual target and as they did the forgotten zebra stabbed one in the leg, an opening formed and pushing forward and inside of the reach of their spear the Arabian closed the gap quickly. With a solid punch they drove the other back towards the arroyo where their compatriot stabbed them from behind.

To their right the others were fighting beside each other, trading stabs before the two enemies stabbed at the same time and using their shield the cloaked one caught both and forced the weapons up and into the air. This allowed the other to drop low to the ground and stab into ones stomach before making a side slash into the last's leg. Limping back a bit the cloaked one used their shield to batter away the enemies spear so the other could stab them in the side.

Turning back towards the five that had crossed they could see the other two of their group being pushed back as two more broke off towards them. Not waiting they charged into them with one dropping in behind the other as they used their shield to absorb the impacts once more. The shield gave out and shattered from the harsh impact but one of their enemies immediately flanked them and tried to stab in from the side, it failed when the Arabian behind the first smacked the spear away and bowled them over.

With their spear caught in the shield the cloaked figure twisted hard and brought his spear up and smacked the other as hard as he could sending a strong shiver down the staff. Letting go of the shield and stepping into the others immediate space they swept their spear at their legs causing them to jump, as they jumped a fist caught them sending them backwards. A quick stab from their spear put them down for good and turning to his beleaguered Arabian ally and rushed to help.

Slugging it out on the ground the two were trading blows back and forth, but a solid blow to the side from the cloaked one pushed them off freeing the Arabian who sprung up and grabbing a spear laying on the ground. He raced into the last three who had driven the other two back a good distance, a trade of giving ground in exchange for survival. One turned to face him and made a stab but as they did it was deflected by the other following the Arabian. As the blow was pushed up they dropped low to the ground and slashed across others unprotected stomach.

There was no hesitation as they charged in from behind on the last two who's ears turned and one spun rapidly to protect the others back. A quick shout stopped the fight as the four backed away and moved closer to each other while holding the last two with their backs together and one side flanked the arroyo. Ordering them to wait a minute the cloaked figure walked away quickly and grabbed several spears before returning and handing them out.

"You are honorless bastard!"

Verik looked at the two zebras a moment before motioning to the others.

"No, I am a practical. Throw."

"Enough! Training over."

Raswan, Shahid, Altayih and Verik held their weapons back before lowering them, around them the defeated stood back up and continued to nurse their bruises or sit on the ground rubbing their legs.

"Well... That is our first, solid win."

Sefu furrowed his brow and glared at Verik as he pointed to the others.

"You getting very... "Mean" during training."

"All things considered we wouldn't stand a chance without getting mean. Twenty against four is rather steep odds and your own warriors are getting just as dirty with their tactics during the same as we are."

"Training is to improve skill not cause harm."

"No one any worse harmed-"

"That not kind of harm I speak of. Way you fight, train, make others very nervous or angry. But since you speak of injury, you hitting so hard some need time to heal or medicine. Lucky this not with real weapons or many die."

Verik stared at Sefu a moment before a light went off in his eyes. "Ah, I get it now... Even how you train is so ritualized that this is out of the ordinary."

"Out of ordinary yes, you one who ask for training like this and I agree but not to this."

"No I get it, where I am from... Let me share with you what an old German sword master said about training: It is better to take all of your blows, accept all the broken bones and pain now because when you step outside of my academy the pain and agony you will face on the battlefield will be nothing by comparison. Accept the pain now but remember that pain suffered here for on the field of battle you get no second chances." Verik stopped a moment before twisting his head to the side slightly. "That is more or less what he said."

Sefu stared at him a long moment before nodding slowly. "We very different then. Already know you train for something more than just defend Wete but now I think you have eyes set on far more."

"I would prefer it if you kept that to yourself but yes. This is the best chance we have at preparing ourselves for it and also it has helped you considerably as well."

"True. You learn many things from books you read once, my warriors learn much from this but also cause problems."

"Ritualized warfare is having a clash with... Modernized, warfare."


"A long, long time ago on that other world armies clashed that held two different ideals of how battles should be fought. As individuals or as one cohesive mass working as one, this little training session is what happened when those two met. I also find your little double standard amusing, you fight each other one way but a bandit much like I am fighting you."

"Hm." Sefu narrowed his eyes. "Still not see anything like this when I travel many years ago. But also must warn you... Wete not here so you experiment on us to learn war."

"If you want to learn what I know just ask and I will share the information, it may not work however as those first few sessions proved..."

"Lost very quickly but know why, you not have enough for what you plan."

"Have you been studying me?"

"Yes. Wete not fool, we learn too."

"So YOU were the one who suggested they work in three groups and move to flank on contact."


"I find is a bit scary really... Only here for a short time and then after two months of these training excursions and without a word we are adapting to each other without even thinking about it."

"Not agree with what you do and how you do it but also know this chance to learn much, chance to learn new things that maybe help Wete. Not going to turn back on chance to gain knowledge."

"So is your chiding me on our brutality because we are too violent or-"

"You merciless. That why I chide, yes you too violent towards the others who volunteer to train but way you "kill" everyone make all nervous."

"The last two we pinned."

Sefu nodded. "Could demand surrender rather than kill them but not first time you trap others and kill rather than capture. Showing no mercy make everyone very worried, some say you have black heart, no honor."

"I do not have the option of taking prisoners if that helps explain anything. Even those two would be a burden on us after the battle and in the event we suddenly had to fight again."

"Hmm. If this was battle in Wete and you trap those two, you take them prisoner then or no?"

"Depends... If Wete was attacked by bandits I really dont care to keep them alive but I understand they could be interrogated for information... Then again if for whatever reason a much more dangerous enemy came after Wete say another country or heaven forbid, Fareed. Then I would probably not take them prisoner because of the risk of their escape. But... I might? I dont really know Sefu, never taken prisoners before and wouldn't really know what the to do with them either way."

"Prisoners good for information but also for more. Trade prisoner for prisoner or sell prisoner. Dead prisoner no use to anyone, live one have much use."

"Very true... Sell them? I thought the Wete did not believe in slavery."

"We not but years ago bandits get too close, we capture many and decide to sell them rather than kill... Tendaji call it "cruel irony" and allow it, needed coin for food anyway."

"So sell the bandits for a bounty and use it to safeguard the tribe. Well that's one way of dealing with bandits but I would prefer to take the more direct and permanent approach."

"Yes but Wete not do that to others, selling bandits was good punishment for them."

"Not arguing against it."

"Now you explain something else. During fighting you sometimes fight in group or do that trickery thing, see you hold one while Altayih duck under and attack."

"Oh that... Eh... Actually, and its rather embarrassing to say this, but I learned that one from a work of fiction, a fake story. Thought it was actually a good idea on a smaller scale like this and we practiced it in private to see if it would work when the numbers were right."

"Work very well, make many angry by doing that but it good idea. Others say it not honorable, cowardly but Jelani and I think different. Your ways very different but..." Sefu sighed. "This not like long ago, enemy not care who they kill. Say our way of fighting is ritualistic, true. Is what we taught and know but time change for worse and we must change to." Scowling at Verik the zebra's tone became harder. "Shahid is problem I refer to though."

"My little furry equine mercenary of anger, fury and self doubt. That would be my fault."

"How it your fault?"

"Well a few months back I hammered it into his head that he will probably never see his sister again unless he becomes a damn good fighter. Guess he took that a little more than literally."

"Shahid take it too seriously... He have sister?"

"I am now straddling the line here on what should and should not be said Sefu."

"And I tell you now that you not say I find out anyway..."

Verik stared up at Sefu as the giant zebra stared him down before closing his eyes and sighing.

"My promise to help the Wete stands and I have no intention of ever dishonoring it but I also made the promise to help find Shahid's sister. Unfortunately I know where she is and you will not like hearing that."

"That act of war."

"Actually its a kidnapping... Or is it theft when you steal a slave?"

"Law say one and same with same punishment: slave or hang."

"Right. Well in order to pull it off without getting caught it means training harder and harder."

"Tell him to stop or he no longer allowed to train with Wete. He break arm's or legs if he not."

"I will and I have some ideas for the future to dispel this problem."

Sefu nodded while staring Verik down for a moment before walking away and calling for everyone to return to the village. The other watched him for a moment before smiling to himself a little, for the first time his little band of four had managed to truly win a battle in its entirety without a single loss. Not only that, but they had done so with the odds heavily stacked against them. Yet despite this a part nagged at him: the Wete were not the well oiled mercenaries that he would one day face but as he mulled it over, everything started somewhere and today was a good start.