//------------------------------// // Quick reunion // Story: Legends of the past: A Power Rangers Story // by TheHardie-Boy //------------------------------// “Um...what...WHY DID YOU JUST COME THROUGH THE PORTAL TO EQUESTRIA?” shouted Sunset Shimmer at the four humans that just came through the portal. “It’s kind of a long...Wait, are you Sunset Shimmer?” asked one man. “Yeah, how do you know? And who are you?” Sunset retorted, taking a step forward. Tommy stepped in front of Sunset. “Hold on, Sunset. I know these people. This is Connor, one of my old students from Reefside,” he said, pointing at one human. “This is Trent, another one of my old students.” “Nice to meet you,” the human Tommy had called Trent said. “They’re also the red and white Dino Rangers,” Tommy added, making Connor’s eyes go wide with shock. Sunset pointed at the other two humans. “And these two?” “This is Casey, and...I’m sorry, I don’t believe we’ve met,” said Tommy, facing the fourth human standing next to Casey. “It’s fine. I’m Jared. It’s an honor to meet you,” the man responded. Connor shook his head, braking himself out of his trance. “Okay, now that we’ve got introductions out of the way, maybe we should discuss keeping our identities a secret,” he said to Tommy. “It’s fine. In fact, Sunset, get the others and meet us at the base,” Tommy told Sunset. “Um, sure thing, Mr. Oliver.” With that, Sunset ran off. Tommy turned back to the four. “So, mind giving me an explanation?” “Sure, as long as you give one too,” said Connor. “Connor, calm down. I’m sure this will all make sense...eventually,” said Trent. “It will, I promise. But seriously, why didn’t you guys tell me you went to another dimension?” Tommy asked. “Would you have believed us?” Trent deadpanned. “I might’ve.” “Really? Hey, Dr. O, we just defeated an enemy war thought was destroyed three times in another dimension full of ponies,” Connor stated. “Okay, so I might not have,” Tommy admitted. “And why didn’t you tell us that you went to the exact same dimension?” Connor asked. “I had some investigating to do,” Tommy explained. “But why did you just come back from there?” “We’ll explain later,” said Casey. Later “Why did Mr. Oliver want us to meet here again?” asked Applejack. “It’s kind of a long story that still doesn’t make a whole lot of sense,” Sunset responded. “So let me get this straight. Four humans just came through the portal, and Mr. Oliver knew them?” Rarity asked. “As far as I know,” Sunset admitted. Just then, Tommy and the four humans that came through the portal entered the base. “Girls, I have a bit of explaining to do,” said Tommy. “First, these are all rangers just like you, so there’s no reason to freak out about them coming through the portal.” Tommy turned toward the four humans. “Why don’t you four introduce yourselves.” “Alright,” said Casey. “I’m Casey, the red Jungle Ranger. It’s nice to meet all of you.” Trent stood up. “I’m Trent, the White Dino Ranger. I used to work with Dr. O. Like Casey said, it’s nice to meet all of you.” Jared got up next. “I’m Jared. I work with Casey here.” Connor looked around the room and saw what looked to be familiar faces. There was a amber-skinned girl with red and yellow hair, a farm girl with blonde hair and a cowboy hat, a white-skinned girl with dark purple hair, a girl with pink skin and pink hair, a girl with yellow skin and pink hair, a girl with lavender skin and glasses, and another girl that almost made him trip: a girl with cyan skin and rainbow colored hair. “I’m, uh, Connor. Red Dino Ranger,” Connor said quickly. “Now, as you girls know, I used to teach at Reefside High before I taught here at CHS. While there, I met three teens, two of which aren’t here. The three of them became the Power Rangers Dino Thunder, and Connor here was the red ranger, and Trent came on later as the white ranger. Anyhow, apparently, the four of the made a trip to Equestria by accident and didn’t tell me when they got back,” Tommy said, emphasizing the last point. “That’s right. You told us that two teams of rangers have been to Equestria to stop a few of their old enemies,” Twilight said, standing up. “Now,” Tommy said, turning to the four guys, “after I got back from Equestria, I did a little investigating around here, and I met these seven girls. They all have some form of magic from Equestria inside them that a few other villains wanted. So with no other way to defend themselves, I offered to make them Power Rangers. That being said, I’d like to introduce you to the Power Rangers Harmony League. Why don’t you girls introduce yourselves?” “Sure thing. I’m Applejack, the Green Harmony Rangers,” Applejack said, reaching out her hand. Trent shook it and gave a nervous smile. “Nice to meet you,” he said slowly. “I’m Rarity, the White Harmony Ranger,” said Rarity. “I’m Pinkie Pie, the Pink Harmony Ranger.” “I’m Twilight Sparkle, the Magi Ranger.” “Sunset Shimmer, Red Harmony Ranger.” “Name’s Rainbow Dash, the Blue Harmony Ranger.” As soon as Rainbow Dash said her name, Connor felt like he was gonna faint. Trent took notice and held Connor up by the shoulder. “It’s uh...nice to meet you all, but almost all those names sound a bit familiar,” said Casey in a nervous. “Let me guess, you met six ponies of the same names in Equestria,” assumed Sunset. The four exchanged glances and slowly nodded. “That’s because almost every being on Equestria has a human counterpart here on Earth for some reason. Don’t ask me to explain, I still don’t really get it.” “So, for every pony in Equestria, there’s a human counterpart on Earth,” Trent said to clarify. “Exactly.” “Now, why did you four just now come from Equestria?” asked Tommy. “That’s actually a whole other story that I’ll try to explain as best I can,” said Casey. A bit later “So you two were really turned against your friends?” asked Applejack. “For the millionth time, yes,” answered Casey. “How did Snapper and Scorch even know where you’d be?” asked Rainbow. “Patience.” “Well, that is a bit confusing, but I guess it explains why you were back in Equestria,” said Tommy. “Yeah, well we’d better get going now. It was nice meeting you all,” said Trent. “Where’re you guys going? Why don’t you stick around?” offered Rainbow. “I, uh...I just really gotta get home,” said Connor. He was all too eager to leave and test the device Trent made him, which thankfully, no one had noticed. “And we gotta get back to the Pai Zhua Academy. You guys are welcome there anytime,” Casey added. “Well, I’ve got nowhere to be, so I guess I’ll stick around for a while,” said Trent. As Connor, Casey, and Jared began to leave the base, the alarm sounded, signaling there was an attack going on. Tommy rushed to put the attack on screen. What showed was something that made Trent and Connor gasp. There was a black, two-legged being with a blue dot on the side of his face. “That’s literally impossible! We threw him into a black hole!” said Trent. “Who is that?” asked Twilight. “That’s Zeltrax, the first villain from Earth to enter Equestria. That’s who we went there to stop,” explained Trent. “What do you mean you threw him into a black hole?” asked Twilight. “Exactly what it sounds like. He opened a black hole, and we threw him into it with our Dino Gems,” said Connor. “Wait, if you used your Dino Gems to throw Zeltrax into a black hole, wouldn’t that mean...he has your Dino Gems?” Casey said. Sure enough, there were four gems lodged in the front of Zeltrax’s armor. “Dr. Oliver, I know you’re out there!” Zeltrax shouted. “If you do not give me your black Dino Gem in one hour, I will unleash my fury upon the innocent!” Trent looked around at everyone else. “Okay, we all know that he’ll just use the Dino Gems to attack people anyway right?” Everyone exchanged quick glances before nodding. “I can almost guarantee he doesn’t know we’re here,” said Casey. “He didn’t say to come alone,” said Sunset. “How you guys wanna do this? Ambush? All at once?” Connor suggested. “Let’s go with ambush. He’ll probably just be able to adapt if we all attack at once,” said Trent. “Mind if we help too?” asked Jared. “Zeltrax is really strong. We could use all the help we can get,” said Trent. “Looks like I’m the bait then,” said Tommy. He got up to leave before suddenly losing his balance. Trent and Connor quickly ran to him and sat him back down. “Are you alright?” asked Trent. “I’m fine, just a little woozy is all. I’ll be fine,” Tommy assured him. “I’m not sure. Maybe you should sit this be out,” said Casey. “No way, I’m the one Zeltrax wants.” “They’re right. If you go out there and fight now, Zeltrax’ll probably get your Dino Gem easier,” said Twilight. “Are you guys suer about this?” Tommy asked the girls. The girls exchanged glances and slowly, hesitantly nodded. “Alright then, I’ll sit this one out. But at least morph now before you go out to face Zeltrax,” Tommy said. “Okay, we’ll go first,” said Jared. Jared and Casey stepped up as Casey pulled out a pair of red sunglasses. He put them on and pressed a small button on the side. “Jungle Beast! Spirit Unleashed!” Casey and Jared became the two rangers they were known for; Casey’s suit was red with black striped patterns, and Jared’s armor was black with golden edges. “You girls go next,” said Trent. “Will do,” said Sunset as she and her friends stepped up. “It’s Morphin’ Time!” The seven girls all morphed into their respective suits and made room for Trent and Connor. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” “White Ranger! Dino Power!” Trent’s suit was white with black triangle patterns and a red visor, while Connor’s suit was red with white triangle patterns. “Everyone ready?” asked Sunset, getting nods from everyone in the room. Unfortunately, it was at this time that Connor’s suit began to flare brightly until there was a loud boom. After the fact, Connor and Trent were both on the ground, demorphed. “You gotta be kidding me! Why didn’t that happen before?!” said Connor. “What exactly were you using as a power source?” asked Tommy. “I was using an electronic replica of my old morpher, and Connor was using a gem he found in Equestria,” explained Trent. “I think the gem from Equestria was just too unstable to be powered up here,” Sunset said. “I guess that makes sense. And great, my morpher’s busted too,” said Trent. Sure enough, the white device on his wrist was broken and sparking. “I guess that mean you guys’ll be on the sidelines with me. Don’t worry, it’s not that bad,” said Tommy. “Alright. Good luck, you guys,” said Trent hesitantly. With that, the nine morphed rangers exited the base. “You know, Dr. O, we could probably try to contact Ethan and Kira,” suggested Connor. Tommy stood up from where he was sitting and started fiddling through a few files on the desk. “That’s a good idea. I’m sure I have their contact info somewhere.” Tommy heard the sound of running footsteps. He looked back to see that Connor and Trent were gone. “I was hoping they’d surprise me.” Meanwhile “You must be Zeltrax,” said Casey as he and his friends approached the warrior in black armor. “Who are you? I wanted Dr. Oliver,” Zeltrax yelled. “You’re just gonna have to settle for us,” said Sunset. “Fine. Once I’m finished with you, Dr. Oliver’s gonna be sorry. Tyrannodrones, attack!” The green creatures charged at the rangers, and they met in the middle. Sunset and Casey leapt over the Tyrannodrones and fought with Zeltrax. Zeltrax swunghis sword at Sunset, who blocked it and held it in the air with her own for Casey to land a kick. Sunset slashed at Zeltrax with her sword, but he swept her off her feet and nearly landed another shot while she was on the ground. Luckily, Casey blocked it with one of his own sabers. Jared punched down one Tyrannodrone before getting hit in the back by another. He was used to fighting Rinshi, who were slower and clumsier. A pair of daggers flew past Jared to bring down an oncoming Tyrannodrone. Jared looked to see the source of the daggers was Rarity, the White Ranger. “Thanks. I’m not used to fighting these things,” Jared admitted before sweeping down another Tyrannodrone that tried to attack from the back. Casey used both his sabers to push back Zeltrax, only to trip over him. He tried to get back up, but Zeltrax fired a laser at him. “What kind of warrior attacks their opponent when they’re down?” Sunset asked, trying to strike Zeltrax down with her sword. Zeltrax caught Sunset’s sword in his hand and pushed it aside as he kicked her down and fired a laser at her as well. “The kind of warrior that wins.” Fluttershy blocked an attack with her shield, but she was kicked from behind. She dropped her weapon and hit the ground. Pinkie tried to force her way over to help her, but a couple Tyrannodrones held her staff in the air, causing her to trip and hit the ground as well. Applejack slashed her way through one enemy, only to be bound by the arms of another one. She managed to break free, but more and more piled up on top of her until she went down. Rarity used her agility to slip past a few attacks, but she lost her balance and took a shot to the back, joining her friend son the ground. Rainbow Dash used her speed to dash past attack after attack, blasting as many enemies as she could. Eventually, she got cornered and had nowhere to run. She was quickly taken down. Twilight used her wand to lift a few Tyrrandrones into the air while she took down a few more, but she couldn’t keep up with the Tyrannodrones. She was forced onto her knees. Jared did his best to stay on his feet, but he too was overwhelmed. The seven of them were forced into the middle of a circle of enemies. They did their best to prepare to fight, but they knew they wouldn’t last long. A Tyrannodrone charged, seemingly at Rainbow, but it was stopped short by a hand over its shoulder. It was thrown back to reveal Connor. Another Tyrranodrone swung at him, but he ducked under it and punched it in the gut. The other seven rangers broke out of the circle and began to fight. Twilight managed to strike her way over to Connor. “I thought we told you to stay with Mr. Oliver.” “If you knew me better, you’d have known that was never gonna happen,” Connor responded. “Oh, and I brought a few friends.” Twilight looked over to her friends and saw three more people fighting. One was Trent, another was boy with black skin, and the third was a girl with blonde hair. The boy blocked a shot from a Tyrranodrone and delivered his own punch. The girl spun under an attack and swept another Tyrranodrone off its feet. “That would be Ethan and Kira, my other teammates,” said Connor. The boy, Ethan, helped Fluttershy and Rarity to their feet as the girl, Kira held off any approaching Tyrannodrones. The two of them made an excellent duo. Casey and Sunset tried attack Zeltrax from different sides, but Zeltrax jumped as the two accidentally clashed weapons. Zeltrax landed on the two blades, knocking them to the ground, and quickly blasted the two red rangers point blank. “This is too easy,” said Zeltrax. He aimed his sword at Sunset to fire a lightning bolt, but he was hit in the gut by an unseeable figure. The four Dino Gems that were lodged in his armor were removed, and Zeltrax was knocked off his feet. Tommy appeared, morphed and still holding the Dino Gems. “Nice to see you again, Smitty.” “You have no right to call me that. Now give me back the Dino Gems,” Zeltrax retorted. “Yeah, not gonna happen,” Tommy said. With that, he slashed them apart with his Bracheostaff and caught the four gems. “Heads up!” Tommy threw the Dino Gems one by one to their rightful owners. Connor leapt up and caught the red one. Trent pushed a Tyrannodrone out of his way and got the white one. Ethan reached out his hand and caught the blue and yellow one, the latter of which he tossed over to Kira. The four gems glowed and quickly rushed to each of their wrists before their Dino Morphers appeared once again. “Dino Thunder! Power Up!” “White Ranger! Dino Power!” The four of them all morphed into their respective suits. Connor was red, Ethan was blue, Kira was yellow, and Trent was white. Tommy pushed Zeltrax back and joined his team. After fifteen years, the Power Rangers Dino Thunder were completely reunited. The nine other rangers ran up to join them as Zeltrax regrouped his forces. “With the strength of a tiger! Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!” “With the spirit of the mighty lion!” “Tyranno power!” “Tricera power!” “Terra power!” “Brachio power!” “Drago power!” “Element of Kindness! Harmony League, Yellow Ranger!” “Element of Generosity! Harmony League, White Ranger!” “Element of Honesty! Harmony League, Green Ranger!” “Element of Laughter! Harmony League, Pink Ranger!” “Element of Loyalty! Harmony League, Blue Ranger!” “Element of Magic! Harmony League, Magi Ranger!” “Element of Empathy! Harmony League, Red Ranger!” “Destroy them!” Zeltrax shouted as he and his forces charged into battle with the fourteen rangers. The fight was over almost immediately. Casey drew his Jungle Sabers, Jared used brute strength, Connor drew his Tyrannostaff, Ethan used his Tricerashield, Kira used her Pteradaggers, Tommy used his Brachiostaff, Trent used his Drago Blade, and the harmony rangers used their individual weapons to plow right through all of the Tyrannodrones, leaving Zeltrax on his own. He wasn’t going quietly, however, as he aimed another laser. It was simply countered by Tommy, who fired a laser of his own. “I say we put ‘em all together!” shouted Connor. “Sounds good to me,” said Casey. “Let’s do it!” agreed Sunset. “Z-Rex Blaster!” “Claw Canon!” “Harmony Canon!” All three canons fired at once, each one hitting Zeltrax and causing him to finally go down and explode. Tommy powered down and walked over to where Zeltrax just was. He picked up one of the remains of the helmet Zeltrax used. “Well, that just happened,” Tommy said. Later “Wow, that’s confusing,” said Ethan. “I know right. But that’s just how it works,” said Tommy. Ethan and Kira had just learned about how the whole counterpart-thing works with Earth and Equestria. “I still have one question. Why did Casey go all that way to see Connor for the first time exactly?” asked Twilight. Casey and Connor both looked away and blushed. There was a moment of awkward silence until Casey motioned for Tommy to lean in a bit closer. Casey whispered something into Tommy’s ear that made Tommy’s eyes grow wide. “Well, it was nice meeting you, but we really gotta get going,” said Casey, standing up. “He’s right. I told Camille we’d be back by now,” added Jared. The two of them shook hands wit everyone and left the base. “We should go too. It was really nice meeting you all, even though w technically already did...? I don’t know,” said Kira. Three of the four Dino Rangers stood up and shook hands with the Harmony Rangers. When Rainbow Dash went to shale Connor’s hand, he instead hugged her. Rainbow was confused and simply patted Connor on the back. “S-Sorry,” Connor said. He then walked swiftly to one of the tables and picked up a device he had put their before. “Huh, they must be then,” Tommy muttered to himself. “Who must be what?” asked Twilight. “I’ll explain in a minute,” Tommy told her. With that, Connor, Ethan, and Kira left the base as well. “I guess I should be going too, then,” said Trent. “Tell your dad I said hey,” Tommy said. “Don’t worry, I will.” With that, Trent left as well. Tommy turned to his current students. “Girls, I just learned something new about Connor and Casey. You may want to sit down for this. I’m not sure how you’ll react.” The girls did as instructed, taking seats on ether chairs or the floor. “So, when my former students went to Equestria, they obviously made close friends with your counterparts. However, Connor and Rainbow Dash, the one from Equestria, formed a more...intimate bond.” “A-Are you saying...Connor and the other Rainbow...fell in-?” Sunset began “Yes,” Tommy cut her off. A collection of gasps and chuckles could be heard throughout the room. Rainbow Dash, however, was confused. “I don’t get it. What are you talking about?” “Darling, really? A more intimate bond?” Rarity said. Rainbow simply gave her a confused look. “You really don’t get it?” Twilight asked. Rainbow shook her head. Applejack sighed, “Sugarcube, they fell in love.” “Oh,” Rainbow said before realizing what Applejack said. “What!?” “How does that even work?” Pinkie asked. “Same as between two humans I would guess,” said Rarity. “It doesn’t matter. I for one am happy for Connor. Back when he was my student, he always had...subpar luck with romance,” said Tommy. “Yeah, and what does it matter if he’s a human and she’s a pony? That shouldn’t make any difference,” said Twilight. “Exactly. Take Flash Sentry for example. He and Princess Twilight had a...thing for each other,” Applejack added. Sunset seemed to wince at the mention of Flash and Princess Twilight, but made sure not to show it.