Enter if you Dare-ing Do

by MrDankEngine

Another Wild Adventure

That night, Rainbow Dash was getting ready to go to bed. She looked through her Daring Do books to see if they have anything to do with the new roller coaster that's going to open next summer.

"I hope this new roller coaster will be a lot more thrilling than any other coaster I've been on." She thought.

As she fell asleep, she began to dream about going on another jungle adventure. In the dream, Rainbow Dash was with her friends as they drove into a jungle in a jeep. Rainbow Dash drove the jeep with Fluttershy sitting beside her looking worried. Twilight and Rarity sat behind them whilst Pinkie Pie, Sunset Shimmer and Applejack sat in the back. The girls were wearing their safari outfits as they were going on a mission to bring back some stolen emeralds as they were hidden inside the volcano fortress.

"Uhh, Rainbow?" Asked Twilight. "Do you have to make us come on your wild adventure?"

"Yes because you're my friends." Said Rainbow Dash driving the jeep. "Friends always have to stick together."

"She does have a point, Twilight." Said Applejack who was sitting behind.

"I hope I can find some animals in trouble." Said Fluttershy nervously.

"We're not going off looking for animals, Fluttershy!" Said Rainbow Dash. "We're going to hunt for some stolen emeralds from the volcano fortress and it's up to us to bring them back to the museum!"

Just then, Rarity noticed something big and blocking the way up ahead.

"Rainbow Dash, stop the jeep!" Cried Rarity.

Rainbow Dash saw a large tree blocking the way, and she hits the brakes and stops the jeep just in time. The bumper was just a few inches between the fallen tree, the girls got off the jeep to investigate the large tree that was blocking their way to the volcano fortress.

"I can't move that tall thick tree!" Said Applejack.

"Then how are we gonna get to the volcano fortress to bring back the lost emeralds?" Asked Sunset Shimmer.

Just then, Pinkie Pie noticed a small river when she looked to her right.

"Hey, what's that down the river?" She asked.

"Pinkie Pie, where are you going?" Asked Rainbow Dash.

"Come back, Pinkie!" Cried Twilight.

But Pinkie Pie didn't listen, she was too busy wondering what distracted her by the river.

"I'll stop her, you girls stay here by the fallen tree." Said Rainbow Dash.

And with that, Rainbow Dash ran off after Pinkie Pie leaving the rest of her friends behind.

"Should we catch up to them in case something bad happens to them?" Fluttershy asked her friends.

As Pinkie Pie got closer to the river, she saw a red and yellow lifeboat with a blue windscreen in front, and there were 8 seats inside. The seats looked like the boat was from an amusement park ride, as there were safety bars to hold on.

"Oooh! That looks like fun!" Said Pinkie Pie. "I can't wait to tell the others."

"Pinkie Pie, there you are!" Said Rainbow Dash. "What are you doing by the river?"

"I found this red and yellow boat and it's got seats for us to sit in!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"Pinkie Pie, you're a genius!" Said Twilight Sparkle as she arrived with the others.

"Am I?" Asked Pinkie.

"With this lifeboat, I'm sure it'll take us to the volcano fortress quicker than travelling by jeep!" Explained Twilight.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Said Rainbow Dash. "Let's all hop into the boat and we can travel to the volcano fortress much quicker!"

"I'll go back to the jeep to fetch our gear." Said Applejack.

"I'll come too, in case if you need a helping hand." Said Sunset Shimmer.

A little while later, the girls hopped into the boat as soon as Applejack and Sunset returned with all the things they brought on their journey. There weren't any life jackets though, but the girls didn't mind. They sat in the same spots as they were when they were in the jeep, but Sunset sat with Applejack and Pinkie Pie sat on her own with the gear at the back.

"Is everyone on board?" Asked Rainbow Dash when she turned her face back to her friends.

"Yes, that's everyone!" Said Twilight.

Then all of a sudden, the boat started to move. It drifted slowly forward along the river, due to the weight inside.

"I can't see the volcano!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Because the trees are too tall which makes it hard to see the sky." Said Fluttershy.

"Why are we going so slow?" Complained Pinkie Pie. "There should a river that's going really fast!"

"Relax, Pinkie." Said Sunset. "There should be a river that'll take us straight to the volcano fortress."

Later, the girls came to a two-way river but the boat didn't stop. The left way led to danger, but the right way led to who knows where.

"Which way should we go?" Asked Fluttershy.

But of course, the boat wouldn't stop. As it turned left, the girls didn't realize they heading for trouble.

"Why are we going left?" Asked Rarity nervously.

"I think the boat just drifted left without stopping!" Said Twilight.

The girls didn't know the boat was taking them to a rapid river with rocks sticking out of the water.

"Oh, no!" Cried Rainbow Dash. "Hold on, girls! Prepare to get wet!"

As the girls grab hold onto the bars in front of them, the boat went straight down a small waterfall and onto the raging river. The girls screamed as they kept getting splashed as the boat dodged the rocks. Somehow Pinkie Pie seemed to enjoy getting wet as she cheered while her friends were screaming in fear. After they dodged the rocks, they went into a cave as there were bats everywhere. After the cave, the boat went faster and faster still. Suddenly, the girls were about to go down a giant waterfall!

"Aaahh! We're doomed!" Cried Rarity.

"Everyone hold on!" Twilight cried.

And with that, the girls went straight down the waterfall and landed in the bottom with a mighty splash. After a wild river ride, the boat stopped moving as it ran aground. The girls were completely soaked from head to toe. Their safari gear fell off the boat while going down the waterfall, but luckily they were in boxes as they floated along shore.

"I will NEVER go down a waterfall again!" Complained Rarity.

"Don't worry, Rarity." Said Rainbow Dash. "We'll camp out here tonight and I promise we should get to the volcano fortress by tomorrow morning."

"Where's our camping equipment?" Asked Twilight.

"I've got them, Twilight." Said Applejack.

She had set up a tent and lit up a campfire, so that way the girls would be dry immediately.

"Excellent! A campfire is what we need to make ourselves dry!" Said Twilight.

That night, the girls gathered around by the campfire as they snuggled nice and warm.

"Why do we have to camp out here tonight?" Asked Fluttershy.

"Because the water from the river makes us feel cold." Said Rainbow Dash. "It's best if we rest here tonight and continue our adventure tomorrow."

"Does anyone have any marshmallows?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Here, have some." Said Sunset.

The second she gave some of her marshmallows to Pinkie, she gobbled them up straight away.

"Does this look like we're in Camp Everfree?" Asked Applejack.

"Yes, but we're near a tall waterfall!" Said Twilight.

"And we're in the middle of an actual jungle!" Said Rainbow Dash.

And so, the girls told each other stories about brave rescues and heroic missions from their past adventures for the rest of the night until they fell asleep in the tents.