//------------------------------// // Into the Volcano Fortress // Story: Enter if you Dare-ing Do // by MrDankEngine //------------------------------// The next morning, the girls woke up as they got out of their tents. However, they slept in their safari outfits because they were on a wild jungle adventure. "Is everyone awake?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "Not quite." Said Twilight Sparkle as she yawned. "Are we going to the volcano fortress today?" Asked Sunset Shimmer. "Yes, to bring back the emeralds!" Said Rainbow Dash. After when the girls packed up the tents and gear, they put on their shoes and their safari hats so they can continue their jungle adventure. "I'll carry the gear." Said Applejack. "How are we gonna get to the volcano fortress from here?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "Oh well, we tried!" Said Rarity. But just as she was about to walk away, Rainbow Dash grabbed her arm. "We'll have to run." Said Rainbow Dash. "But there isn't anyone attacking us." Said Fluttershy. "Relax, the volcano fortress is only half a kilometer from here." Said Rainbow Dash. "Well girls, what should we do?" Asked Twilight. But of course, the girls chose Rainbow Dash's idea. Later, they ran through the jungle as fast as they could. Applejack carried all gear with her might. They ran through mud, jumped over small gaps and fallen branches from tall trees. Then there was trouble, Rarity ran through a spiderweb and she tripped over. "RARITY!!" Cried the girls. Their beauty friend was covered in cobwebs and some mud splats. "Aaahh!! Help me, somebody!" She cried. "I ran through a spiderweb! Get it off me!" "Don't worry, I'll help you." Said Twilight. But as she did, her magic accidentally caused a carnivorous plant to grow into a giant man-eating plant. The girls screamed in horror, so did Twilight and Rarity. "Hold on girls!" Cried Sunset. "I'm coming!" She pushed Rarity out of the way, but the giant plant ate Twilight and Sunset alive. Rarity survived though, but she had to get back. "That plant's eaten Twilight and Sunset alive!" She gasped. Twilight and Sunset were still alive, but they were trapped inside the carnivorous plant. "This isn't good, Twilight!" Cried Sunset. "We're trapped in a monstrous plant!" "I think some of my magic must've spilled onto the little plants which causes them to grow into a giant eating plant!" Said Twilight. The plant slowly sinks into the ground squeezing the two trapped friends tightly and very nearly digesting them. "I've got an idea!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Applejack, I need your jungle knife to cut the plant open." "But be careful." Warned Applejack. "The knife is really long and sharp." "I know what I'm doing!" Called Rainbow Dash. "Stay back everyone!" Applejack protected Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity as they watched Rainbow Dash try to rescue Twilight and Sunset who are still trapped in the plant. "Twilight, I think we're sinking!" Cried Sunset. "The plant is squeezing us tightly!" Groaned Twilight. Rainbow Dash ran towards the plant, she jumped over a rock and used the knife to cut the plant's roots out. "Uh, oh." She said. "Everyone take cover!" The plant grew bigger, and bigger and suddenly it exploded! Twilight and Sunset were shot into the air, and they fell down just as Applejack and Rainbow Dash grabbed them before their bones break. The girls all cheered as Twilight and Sunset were free from the plant. "We're free!" Cheered Sunset as she got her feet back onto the ground. "Eww, you're both sticky!" Exclaimed Rarity. "Never mind." Said Twilight. "At least we survived from the plant." "How many wrong things happened on our adventure?" Complained Rarity as she went on from what happened yesterday. "First, we were driving in a jeep but a thick tree was blocking our way. Second, we had to take a boat that took us down a dangerous river and plunged down the waterfall. Third, we had to stop our adventure just to camp overnight by the bottom of the waterfall. And now, we almost got attacked by a giant man-eating plant!" "Relax, Rarity." Said Applejack calming her friend down. "None of this, isn't your fault. These things happen all the time if we go on a wild jungle adventure." "That's the point!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Every jungle adventure is always exciting and dangerous! Now let's continue our journey, and this time we'll walk slowly just to watch out for some strange things that could happen." And so, the girls continued their journey through the jungle. When they arrived at the volcano fortress, the gates were locked. "How are we going to get in?" Asked Sunset Shimmer. "We'll hide behind some rocks, and wait for the gates to open." Said Twilight As the girls hid behind the rocks, they saw a person running out of the jungle, just as the gates opened. "Quick, now it's our chance!" Whispered Rainbow Dash. The girls quietly went through the gates but as they were inside the fortress walls, the gates immediately closed. "We're trapped!" Shouted Pinkie Pie just as her friends shushed her. "Sorry." Luckily, the friends were the only ones standing in front of the volcano as there was no one else to hear Pinkie's scream. "There's no way out!" Whimpered Fluttershy. "Don't worry." Said Twilight. "We will find a way out after we retrieve the emeralds." "Who was that person running from the jungle?" Asked Sunset. "I think that person was Stalwart Stallion!" Said Rainbow Dash. "He's the thief who stole the emeralds!" "I'll go inside to look for the emeralds." Said Sunset. "Rainbow Dash, you stay here to watch your friends." "But, I'm supposed to find the emeralds!" Said Rainbow Dash. But Sunset Shimmer had already gone inside the volcano itself. "This is just great!" Complained Rainbow Dash. "Why do I have to keep an eye on my friends while Sunset goes to find the emeralds? That would've been me that's doing the hero work!" "I think she wants you to protect us from swarm enemies that are in the fortress." Said Applejack. "Hey, what are those henchmen doing back there?" Asked Pinkie Pie. When the girls looked over the fence, they saw the henchmen shooting poison arrows around the trees as they were hunting for the girls. "Oh, no! It's the henchmen with the poison arrows!" Cried Rainbow Dash. "Quick, we have to find a hiding spot so they don't see us!" "Ooh, I know a hiding spot!" Said Pinkie Pie. She took her friends to a cart, that was shaped like a wildebeest. It was sitting on some rails and it had seats inside. "Pinkie Pie, do we have to sit down in this wildebeest cart?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "Yes, it looks like fun!" Said Pinkie Pie cheerfully. "Ugh, fine." Moaned Rainbow Dash. "But we're not going anywhere, we'll just sit in the cart and wait for Sunset to come back with the emeralds." The girls sat in the cart: Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are in the front, Twilight Sparkle and Rarity sat in the middle and Pinkie Pie and Applejack sat in the back. "Does this look like we're on an amusement ride?" Asked Twilight. "Yeah, I agree!" Said Rainbow Dash. "It does look like we're on a roller coaster. But where do these rails go to?" The rails went through some thick bushes, but the cart wasn't moving though so the girls had to wait. Meanwhile, Sunset Shimmer was inside the volcano holding a torch. She looked around to find the emeralds, but then she saw them up ahead. "The emeralds!" She cried. But when she ran to get the emeralds, she was caught by Stalwart Stallion. "Well, well. Are you trying to take your precious emeralds back?" He asked. "Looks like I caught you right where I want you." "Oh, no." Cried Sunset. "I'm really in trouble now!" Sunset Shimmer had been captured by Stalwart Stallion, and was taken to the edge of a lava pit. "As soon as your friends drop down into the lava, get ready to say goodbye to your loved ones!" Teased Stalwart. "No! What did you do to my friends?" Cried Sunset. "Let me go!" "Oh they'll be alright." Said Stalwart. "As long as they'll have to survive the ride of doom!" He laughs evilly, then he pulled a lever. Meanwhile, Sunset's friends were still waiting in the cart when suddenly, the cart began to move. "We're moving!" Cried Twilight. "But how?" "I don't know how that happened, Twi." Said Rainbow. "But you have to hold on, we'll might be in for a bumpy ride!" The lever had caused the ride cart to move, as the girls went through the bushes. When they got out of the bushes, they were going up the volcano! "Oh no, this is bad!" Cried Rainbow. "Hold on girls, get ready for the big drop!" The girls were terrified, but Pinkie Pie didn't seem to care. "What's with all the scaredy faces, girls?" She asked. "It's the volcano!" Said Applejack. "The second we go down, we're doomed!" "I'm scared! I want to get off!" Cried Fluttershy as she shook in fear. Rainbow Dash tried to hug her, but it was no use. The girls were going in for trouble as they got higher, and higher! Then some lava shot out the volcano. "Aaahh!! Real lava!!" Cried Rarity. "Don't worry, Rarity." Said Twilight. "Everything will be okay, you just have to brace yourself!" When the girls reached the very top, they were in for the dangerous ride of their lives. "HOLD ON!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. Then, the girls dropped down into the volcano as they were screaming their heads off while going down into the boiling hot lava. Sunset heard their screams, she saw them go down a twisty track that went around, up and over the lava pit. "NO!!!" She cried. Just then the girls saw their friend, she was trapped by Stalwart. "Say goodbye to your friends!" He said evilly. The second the girls reached the final drop, they went straight down into the lava pit! "GAAAHH!!" Screamed Rainbow Dash when she woke up in her bedroom. Rainbow Dash had a terrible nightmare, she was suffocating in great shock as she realized what had happened. "I've got such a bad dream!" She said sadly and went back to sleep.