Enter if you Dare-ing Do

by MrDankEngine

The Dooming Drop

Outside the volcano, Sunset Shimmer and Spike waited for the girls to finish the ride but it took longer then they expected.

"How long are your friends taking?" Asked Spike. "It feels like they've been gone for ages!"

"Spike, it's only been a few minutes ago since they went down the volcano." Said Sunset Shimmer.

"But what if they might get hurt?" Asked Spike.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they'll be just fine." Said Sunset.

Meanwhile, the girls continued their journey through the dark tunnel, but they didn't realize they were going up and reached the ground but they were still inside the volcano.

"I can't take it anymore!" Cried Fluttershy.

"How long is this tunnel?" Called Rarity.

"I think we're slowing down!" Said Rainbow Dash.

And she was right, the ride cart was slowing down. And then, it finally came to a stop. But the girls weren't back in the ride station.

"Where are the doors?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"Relax, Pinkie." Said Applejack. "I'm sure we'll be out of the volcano soon."

"I don't think we are." Said Twilight Sparkle

Just then, a shadow appeared out of nowhere and it revealed to be Stalwart Stallion. The girls screamed after he laughed evilly, but not Rainbow Dash. Even though he wasn't real, a camera recorder hidden in the ceiling was used to show footage of the actor playing the villain seen in the Daring Do films on a special green screen effect.

"You leave my friends alone!" Said Rainbow Dash. But of course, Stalwart wasn't real.

"You shall all enter your doom!" Said Stalwart in the footage, then he started laughing.

After he was done laughing, the girls felt something inside the cart.

"What's happening?" Gasped Twilight.

"Are we moving again?" Asked Pinkie.

The girls were starting to realize the ride cart was going backwards.

"I think were going backwards!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Hold on!"

The girls gripped the handlebars just as they went down another steep drop backwards. This time, they went out of the volcano and back into the jungle. The girls wouldn't stop screaming again as the cart went over hills, around tight curves and up and over a 360 loop that was hidden behind some trees.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Cried Rarity.

And with that, Rarity snatched the last paper bag off Pinkie Pie and vomited inside it. When she was done, she dropped the bag and it landed on the ground. The girls didn't know that they were behind the volcano and away from the entire theme park. Finally, they stopped going backwards as they went inside a mine shack. They were really far away from the volcano, and the theme park.

"How did we end up here?" Asked Twilight.

"I think we're lost!" Cried Fluttershy.

"No we're not lost, there should be a navigator screen somewhere that tells us where we are." Explained Rainbow Dash.

The navigator screen turned on and it showed the park map of Equestria Land, and the new attraction. Then the navigator moved northwest into the jungle and then northeast, finally it stopped where the girls are. The girls were shocked that they went far away from the theme park.

"How did we travel that far?" Asked Rarity.

"It's okay, girls." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'm sure there's a way back to the ride station, just be patient and enjoy the ride."

"But we're not going anywhere." Said Applejack. "Surely Vignette is up to something... again."

"How are we gonna back home?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"There's no way out!" Cried Rarity. "We're never gonna get back to Equestria Land!"

Just then, the girls realized they were in a turntable as the cart span around facing the opposite way. Then some mysterious doors opened from above, the girls looked up and saw a blue circle at the top.

"That blue circle must mean it's the sky!" Thought Rarity.

Just then, the girls didn't realize the turntable turned into an elevator as they were going up.

"I don't like the sound of this." Said Applejack. "I hope we don't crash into anything."

"What's at the top?" Asked Pinkie Pie.

"I don't know Pinkie, but whatever's up there, you'll never know what it could be." Said Twilight.

"It's okay, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'll protect you."

"I want to get off!" Whimpered Fluttershy.

When the girls reached the very top, they realized they were in for trouble. When Fluttershy looked down, she screamed so loud, that her voiced echoed causing a flock of birds to fly away. The girls were at the top of a really high rock which looks exactly like Pride Rock from the Lion King.

"How did we end up here?" Cried Rarity.

"I think the elevator must've took us to the top of this tall rock!" Explained Twilight.

"Is there any explanation of why this rock exists?" Asked Applejack suspiciously.

"I think I recognize this rock in one of the Daring Do films." Said Rainbow Dash. "In the film, Daring Do tries to escape from some hyenas that were chasing after her. She climbs up a high rock so that way the hyenas wouldn't catch up with her. But when she was safe at the top, the hyenas climbed up the rock and caught her. But then suddenly, Daring Do jumps off the rock falling down and grabs a vine that was dangling on the rock. She swings around the rock nearing the ground and landed to safety, and then she got away from the Hyenas."

The girls weren't interested in Rainbow Dash's story, but they were worried about going down the big rock.

"How high are we?" Twilight asked Applejack.

"According to my calculations, we're approximately 300 feet high!" Responded Applejack.

"We're a hundred feet higher than the volcano?" Cried Rarity. "Oh no, we're doomed!"

"Everything's going to be okay, Rarity." Said Rainbow Dash. "Once we go down this enormous drop, I'm sure we'll go over the pointy bit on the edge of the bottom that's heading north."

But then, the cart slowly tilted forward and suddenly there was a hole at the bottom of the rock.

"Hold on girls, prepare to SCREAM!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash.

And when the cart started to go straight down, the girls screamed really loud and long. They went down into a tunnel over 600 feet. And when they got to the bottom, they landed in water with a mighty splash. The girls were now going down an underground river as they were getting splashed all over. The cart went faster than a speedboat, and did a corkscrew in a U-turn. The girls were still screaming as they went faster, and faster still. Suddenly, they crashed through a stone wall and into a hidden cave as they splashed into the water and went underneath it. The cart floated out of the water and the girls were all soaked. They went up a small ramp and into a small part of the cave as the doors shut behind them. They went up another elevator and went out of a shack and with surprise, they returned back to where they started in the ride station. A drying machine inside the shack made the girls dry in no time, Vignette was in the ride station when she saw the girls return.

"Hey girls." Said Vignette. "How was the ride?"

"That... was... AWESOME!!!" Shouted Rainbow Dash. "I had a great time riding this beast, who else enjoyed it?"

When Rainbow Dash turned around, her friends stood silent. Then Rarity bursts into tears when Twilight and Applejack looked at her.

"You can stop shaking now, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash. "We're not even moving anymore, we're back where we started!"

But Fluttershy was still shaking in fear, then Rainbow Dash looked at Pinkie Pie who was still silent.

"Uhhh, Pinkie Pie?" She said. "Pinkie, hello?"

"Hold on, I got this." Said Applejack as she flicked her fingers to distract Pinkie Pie.

"THAT WAS THE BEST RIDE EVER!!!" Shouted Pinkie Pie as she jumped in the air.

"I'm glad you girls enjoyed new attraction." Said Vignette. "Your ride photo is just near the exit where the photo stall is."

"Thanks Vignette!" Said Rainbow Dash. "I can't wait to show our photo to Sunset."

When the girls got off the cart, they went to get their ride photo from the booth and they met up with Sunset and Spike. Sunset Shimmer was happy to have her friends back.

"Hey girls!" Said Sunset Shimmer. "How did the Daring Do ride go?"

"Oh it was HORRIBLE!!" Complained Rarity as she stomped her way to the change room. "I'm never going on that ride again!"

"Don't listen to Rarity." Said Twilight. "That's just her thoughts on the Daring Do ride."

"I loved it, and so did Pinkie!" Said Rainbow Dash. "She doesn't care what ride she goes on."

"Can we go to the change room now?" Asked Applejack.

"Not just yet, Applejack." Said Rainbow Dash. "I'm not done talking with Sunset just yet."

"I'm so glad you girls rode the new attraction." Said Sunset Shimmer. "Poor Fluttershy, is she frightened?"

"I don't want to go on the Daring Do ride ever again!" Said Fluttershy. "I'm going!"

And with that, Fluttershy went to the change room to put her normal clothes back on.

"You should've seen the looks on our faces when we went down the volcano!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Luckily I have the ride photo in my hands."

When Rainbow Dash showed Sunset Shimmer the ride photo, she couldn't help herself laughing.

"You girls do know how to make these funny photo faces!" She laughed.

That night, Rainbow Dash returned to her bedroom from a long day at the park. She placed the ride photo on her bedside table and smiled.

"I'm so happy I'm the first one to ride the Daring Do coaster." She thought. "I hope I can be the first person to ride it on its opening day."

And with that, Rainbow Dash went to sleep and dreamed about further adventures of Daring Do, the new attraction, and of course, her friends going with her on her jungle journeys.