//------------------------------// // The New Attraction // Story: Enter if you Dare-ing Do // by MrDankEngine //------------------------------// The Humane 7 often travel to different places around their hometown in Equestria City. But one of the most fun places they go to is a theme park called "Equestria Land". Rainbow Dash can tackle any thrill ride in the park, except for the tall roller coaster she took Fluttershy to face her fears and ended up getting scared. When she looked through the park map one day, she noticed there was something missing. "This is a big theme park, but it needs to have a Daring Do themed attraction!" Said Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is a huge Daring Do fan, but ever since Equestria Land opened to the public, the park didn't include a Daring Do attraction which really disappoints her. "I wish they could build one." She thought. "Perhaps they could build a new roller coaster, which could be a Daring Do roller coaster!" As she walked around the park, she noticed a billboard poster with a volcano that was about to erupt. The poster said: The volcano's erupting, and it's gonna be a blast! New attraction opening next summer. Rainbow Dash could hardly believe her eyes. "That volcano must mean there's a Daring Do attraction coming next summer!" She said excitedly. "When was this poster been put up?" She asked a park worker. "Oh, that volcano picture?" Asked the worker. "It's to tell the park guests about the Daring Do attraction opening next summer." Rainbow Dash gasped, she was so thrilled that she couldn't wait to go on the new attraction when it opens. "Oh yes!" She shouted. "I can't believe it's finally happening for real! They're actually building a Daring Do attraction! I hope it's a roller coaster where you go up the volcano, and you drop down into the boiling hot lava!" "If you wanna know more about this attraction, why don't you ask Vignette." Said the park worker. "She's the lady in charge of this place." Rainbow Dash sped off running to Vignette's office, and saw her open the door. She couldn't wait to tell her about the Daring Do attraction. "Vignette, is there a Daring Do attraction opening next summer?" She asked excitedly. "Why yes there is." Said Vignette. "Haven't you had a read through the poster that's been put up yesterday?" "Yes, but is it a roller coaster?" Asked Rainbow Dash hopefully. "Yes, it will be a new roller coaster." Said Vignette. Rainbow Dash couldn't believe her eyes, the Daring Do attraction is going to be a new roller coaster ride. "That's awesome!" She shouted. "But there's one thing I wanted to ask, can you make the roller coaster 200 feet tall? Because the tallest one is 400 feet tall, and I don't really like that roller coaster, to be honest. I once took Fluttershy onto that roller coaster and I got scared when we were about to go down." "Don't worry, Rainbow." Said Vignette calming her down. "I'm sure the volcano won't be as tall as the Rainbow Rocket coaster." "Phew, that sounds good." Said Rainbow Dash in relief. "I better go and tell my friends the exciting news!" And with that, she ran off to tell her friends about the new attraction that's going to open next summer. Rainbow Dash gathered her friends at her house and inside her bedroom to have an important meeting. "Why are we in Rainbow Dash's bedroom?" Asked Fluttershy nervously. "I think she's got something important to say." Said Twilight Sparkle suspiciously. "Good evening, my friends." Said Rainbow Dash. "Thanks for coming to this important meeting I planned for." "What is it that you have to tell us?" Asked Rarity. "Well, today I went to Equestria Land, and I stumbled upon this billboard poster and it had a volcano on it!" Said Rainbow Dash. Fluttershy gasped in horror. "A volcano?!?" She cried. "Yes, Fluttershy." Said Rainbow Dash. "This volcano is going to be part of a new attraction that's going to open in Equestria Land next summer!" She continued. "And not just that, it's gonna be the best ride yet!" "What ride is it?" Her friends asked. "A Daring Do roller coaster!" Answered Rainbow Dash. The girls couldn't believe what they heard from Rainbow Dash. But Fluttershy and Rarity weren't so sure. "I don't like the sound of this!" Said Fluttershy. "Me too!" Cried Rarity. Both Fluttershy and Rarity were scared, they didn't like the idea of a volcano being added to the theme park. "What if the volcano has real lava?" Asked Fluttershy. "What if we go off the tracks and we go into the lava?" Asked Rarity. "Not to worry, I'm sure everything will be just fine when this attraction opens." Said Rainbow Dash. "Besides, the lava won't be real. They'll use some special effects on the ground to make it look like the floor is lava." "When does the new roller coaster open?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "It says on the billboard that it's opening next summer." Said Rainbow Dash. "When can we see this poster?" Asked Sunset Shimmer. "I'll take you girls tomorrow and you should see what it looks like." Said Rainbow Dash. The girls went back to their homes while Rainbow Dash went to sleep dreaming about her hero. The next day, Rainbow Dash took her friends to the theme park and to the billboard poster that had the volcano. The girls were amazed, whilst some were worried. "Is that new attraction opening next summer?" Asked Twilight. "Yes it is!" Said Rainbow Dash. "Vignette told me it's gonna be a Daring Do roller coaster!" "Why yes I have." Said a voice from behind. It was Vignette, she saw the girls and told them about the Daring Do attraction. "This volcano attraction will be based off the latest Daring Do film." Said Vignette. "We were stars in the last film!" Said Pinkie Pie. "Will you let us be the first ones to ride the roller coaster on its opening day next summer?" Asked Rainbow Dash. "I'll decide on that as soon as the construction is almost complete by next spring." Said Vignette. "Right now, I have to guide guests round Equestria Land, BYBB!" "How long do we have to wait?" Asked Pinkie Pie. "About a year." Said Rainbow Dash. "It takes a really long time to build one gigantic roller coaster." "In fact, it also took a few years to build this entire park." Said Twilight. The girls had to prepare for the Daring Do roller coaster to open next summer, as they had to wait for a year long.