New Girl: An AppleDash Fanfic

by Rayna Q.

New School

AN: This chap has yet to be beta'd...just a heads up
DC: I don't own MLP: FIM...only this story...enjoy~

New Girl

Chapter Two: New School

The leaves were hushed as they danced quietly in their branched homes. Their green masses like a silent ocean atop an earthy backdrop. Uniformed students filed out of a large ancient castle, those who had dorms lingered around and gossiped. Exchanging laughs and stories with friends and lovers. A blonde headed girl raced out of the packs, standing out as she shot down the long stone steps and out the iron gates that led up to the schools main entrance.

“Ah just gotta get out of here…” AJ mumbled to herself as her legs swerved down the side of the school. A rainbow haired girl watched as the new girl hurried out of the castle; taking note of the tears that softly ran down her freckled face.

“Dashie! Lets take a bath!” Rainbow sighed and let a smile form on her lips as she closed the curtain to her window.

“Ya, alright that sounds cool…just give me a sec alright Pinkie?” Rainbow didn’t wait for an answer from the bubbly girl as she walked out of the dorm. “…I need some air.”

“Ooookie dokally okky!!” Pinkie bounced into the bathing room and added bubbles to the heavy flow of water that came out of the tub. “Is it just me Pinkie, or does Dashie-poo seem to be a bit off today?” Pinkie Pie asked herself, concern in her voice. “…nah it’s just you Pinkie Pie, and besides she has a lot on her mind with the whole sporting thingy!” She started to hum to herself as she emptied out the plastic bubble container.


“How’d ya day go AJ?” Mac asked as his sister entered the apartment, his happy smile quickly faded away as he looked over the panicked girl.

“Ah am sorry Mac but there is jus’ no way am goin ta be able ta stay here with ya’ll.” She walked past her brother and into the hallway that led to the bedrooms, Mac followed behind her silently. “Ah really am sorry, but uh think ya am just goin ta have ta hightail it out of this here town and back ta Manehattan on the next iron horse…”

“Granny jus’ went to the hospital.” Mac said behind his sister causing the girl to look up from packing her things.

“What, is she alright?”

“Eeeup, fer now anyway the doctor said she was havin trouble breathin…” Mac leaned on the doorframe. “She is stable now, should be home in the next couple of days or so.” AJ relaxed her shoulders and let her head sink low. “The ol’ girl is runnin on her last leg AJ. She won’t be around fer much longer. Now ah understand if ya’ll want ta go back ta ya fancy life in Manehattan, but do ya think ya’ll can hold on out fer a few months, if that?”

“Ya…of course uh can Mac.” AJ quickly whipped away any lingering moister from her eyes onto her sleeve before making eye contact with her brother. “Jus’ a rough first day ya know.”

“Eeeup…” Mac nodded his head in understanding. “It will get better with time.” The large man turned around and left the girl to her thoughts.

“Ah really wish ah could believe ya Mac…but.” She mumbled to herself before sinking down onto her bed. “…ah really wish ah could believe.” Rainbow Dash, who in the hey are ya? Why are ya in my mind, and most importantly…She grabbed her chest tightly, why did seeing you with someone make me feel so helpless? “Oh snap out of it AJ!” The country girl sat up and slapped her face with both hands. “You were jus’ shocked to see two girls in that… uh…there situation.”

Do you like what you see?

“Ah most certainly do not!” AJ shouted out and pulled out her English book. “Now it’s time ta focus! Ah mean shoot, why waist ya time thinkin about some loud mouthed, showoff who doesn’t know how ta use her brakes, and makes out…among other stuff in the girls locker room. Not ta mention she has lack of tact, an…ah shoot ah am startin ta sound like an Orange…” She shook her head and looked back down at the work sprawled out in front of her, Rainbow Dash just who are ya?


She was awake before her alarm had even gone off. She would like to say because she was starting to get used to this time zone, however that wasn’t the case. Outside her door she could hear two voices in the kitchen…

“…and then me an Scoot were like YAHOO!!” AJ pulled her pillow over her ears in an attempt to block her sister’s talking. “…ya should have seen the look on Sweetie Bells face! Priceless I tell ya!”


“So when does AJ get up fer school?” AJ was wide awake as her sister started pounding on the door. “Ah come on sis, no wonder ya’ll were late fer ya first class!”

“Come on Apple Bloom, give AJ ah brake she’s still gettin used ta the time switch…” Mac came over to the door to pull the small girl away, only to stop once AJ opened the door.

“Ah it’s mighty alright Mac, ah had ta speak with Apple Bloom anyway…” She give her brother a small smile as she pulled the red headed girl into the room.

“Ohhh so what do ya’ll want ta talk about big sis?!” Apple Bloom half walked half jumped over to AJ’s bed and proceeded to bounce up and down on the mattress.

“How did ya’ll know ah was late fer class?” Apple Bloom stopped bouncing at her sister’s question; the young girl started to giggle.

“Well news flies mighty fast in Equestria sis, ya’ll should know about that.” The small girl straitened out her elementary uniform, the one piece dress seeming to be a bit to big. “…and ya’ll the top talk around!”

“Wh-what ah am?” AJ was a bit confused as she waited for her sister to continue.

“Ya sure are, everyone is talkin about the “new girl” with the blonde braid and cute ascent. Ya are especially popular with the RainbowPie, and Rainbow Dash fan clubs.”

“The what fan clubs!?” AJ’s eyes widened at the mention of Rainbow Dash.

“Well ya’ll familiar with Rainbow right?” AJ nodded her head slowly. “Well she has her own fan club at the school, actually Scoot was the one who told me about ya’ll bein “top discussion” in the group. Apparently they think ya’ll might be some kind of competition or conflict with the RainbowPie fan club.”


“Ya, ya’ll know?” AJ just raised a brow at her sister, who huffed. “Seriously sis ah know ya not much fer gossip but literally everyone knows who the top couple is in Equestria.”

“Top couple?” AJ bit her lip, not liking where this was going.

“Ya, ya’ll know who Pinkie Pie is right, that hyper senior gal?” AJ looked away and nodded. “Well her and Rainbow Dash are, well ya’ll know a couple of sorts. They are widely known in and out of Equestria, they are kind of like…the power couple. Even before they started goin out, though if I had ta say who was more liked I would put my vote on Rainbow!” Apple Bloom jumped up as she said the girls name. “Scoot joined the RD fan club way back in our first year at Equestria and ever sense then it’s done nothin but get bigger and more talked about!”

“Ah didn’t know that Rainbow was so well known…”

“Are ya kiddin?” Apple Bloom studied her sister’s face and let out a sigh. “So are the rumors true sis? Ah ya really making a love triangle?” AJ’s eyes widened and she snapped her gaze to her sister. “Ah mean ah didn’t see you once yesterday…were ya hangin out with a certain rainbow haired jock?”

“Apple Bloom! Of course not, there’s absolutely no way that ah would!” AJ took a breath and ran a hand through her hair. “Listen, what ya hear are just rumors started up so fan girls, and boys can get their kicks nothin more ya hear?” Apple Bloom seemed a bit disappointed but she shook her head in understanding. “Good now ah will be out in a moment and we can walk on over to that nightmare ya callin a school.”

Apple Bloom giggled again, “Ah right sis, but make it fast ya’ll don’t want ta be late again!” The small Apple walked out of her sister’s room with a hop in her step.

“Ah will be right on out…” As soon as her sister left the room AJ fell to her knees. “They are just stupid rumors that are bound to go away soon…oh dear whatever higher power there may be, please let this whole thing pass! And please, please, please don‘t have Rainbow hear about them!”
Rainbow stormed down the long stone halls, a large pout on her face…fists clenched by her sides. Students watched, not daring to get in the way of the obviously pissed off idol.

“Probably something with student council…” A dark haired Scoot said into a recorder, she shifted uncomfortably from her position in the bush.

“Ya’ll know that’s unhealthy right?” Apple Bloom sighed walking up to her dazed friend.

“…something is going down with Rainbow, maybe a brawl will happen between her and Twilight…” Scoot ignored her red headed friend.

“Don’t even bother trying to talk to her.” Sweetie rolled her eyes, the two elementary students shared a laugh as their friend hurried after the Rainbow haired upperclassmen.

Pushing the heavy wooden doors with a large bang, Rainbow entered the student council room. “What the fuck is this shit!” The jock slammed a red slip of paper just inches from the dark skinned student presidents face.

“Why good morning to you too Rainbow Dash.” Twilight moved a chunk of dark hair behind her ear. “And to answer your well stated question, that’s a final warning slip that clearly….”

“I know what it is you smartass!” Rainbow put her hands on her hips. “What I want to know is why I woke up to it stapled on my door!”

“Stapled?” Twilight looked over to her vise-president. “Rarity I specifically asked you to tape it up.”

“Oh sorry Twilight darling, I just thought it would be a bigger impact if it was stapled. I will have the cleaning crew patch up any damage to the door pronto.” The second in command took of her glasses. “I promise it wont happen again.” Twilight nodded to the fashionable girl.

“There, no more staples.”

“It’s not about the staples!” Rainbow slammed her hands down on Twilights desk. “It’s about what the fucking note said!”

“Such bad manors and taste in words.” Rarity huffed from her seat.

“Really Rainbow I know you’re the head of the sporting committee, but your still part of the student government. Meaning you are smart enough to read and understand the meaning of that note.” Twilight rearranged a few papers that were flung out of their stacks, due to the rainbow haired girl. “But if I must I will explain it to you.” She cleared her throat.

“You are a disgrace to the highly groomed and pampered wardrobe of this fine institute.” Rarity interrupted Twilight.

“Shut your mouth! Pampered wardrobe my ass…”

“Rainbow, Rarity please lets keep things civil.” Twilight shot Rarity a warning glance. “What Rarity was trying to say, is that your uniform…needs a bit of improvement.” Rainbow looked down at her uniform.

“Really I think it looks cool, it suits me just fine.”

“Well unfortunately it makes you stick out like a sore thumb.” The president said as calmly as she could. “The school is having its annual check up by the district, and we can’t have students neglecting the dress code. You are required to wear the assigned uniforms given to you at the beginning of each school year, showing both grade level and ranking in the school.”

“Oh don’t give me that crap.” Rainbow sighed. “Look, I don’t wear the “proper” girl uniform because it was designed by a pervert.” Rainbow pointed an accusing finger at Rarity.

“A pervert!” Rarity seemed appalled, “Why I never…”

“Yes a pervert who doesn’t even wear the proper dress code look at that scarf around your neck I didn’t see anything about replacing bows with scarves in the student handbook. And the skirts are way to short if I go on my morning bike rides, or even run through the halls you could see my underwear so the black biking shorts are a must!”

“You could take off the shorts once your done with the bike ride, and running in the halls is against the school rules anyway.” Twilight said as she continued rearranging papers. “And get rid of the male top and tie please.”

“Why? The female tops are basically the same as the male ones they are just so much tighter I don’t want people seeing my bra line!”

“You wear a sport bra that hardly matters…” Rarity laughed.

“See pervert even knows what type of bra I wear, and I have big enough tits so that it does matter!” Rainbow again pointed her finger at Rarity who grew red with anger. “And really be honest Twilight do you see me, Rainbow Dash wearing a girly ribbon around my neck?”

“Once you put on the jacket no one will be able to see anything, and that doesn’t matter you are wearing a ribbon.”

“Okay how about this, I will ditch the shorts and the male top but only if I can keep the tie and not wear the stupid jacket.”

“You have to wear the jacket and the student government band around your arm and get rid of your hair.”

“I will wear the stupid band and the stupid jacket but there is no way I am going back to blonde, also the contacts stay.”

Twilight took a second to think it over. “Alright but you still look to much like a tom to reach school standards, take your hair out of the ponytail and get rid of the shoes.”

“No one touches the hair Twilight, it stays up but I will put on the stupid flats.” The two gave each other a small nod of agreement. Rainbow turned to walk away. “Oh and good luck with making Pinkie change her uniform she wont be as civil as I was.”

“Ya I know, I’m actually slightly scared…I think I will have Rarity do that one!” Twilight laughed.

“What now Twilight that’s just cruel!” Rarity let out a whimper.

“Ya having a pervert change the clothing of another pervert…” Rainbow laughed as she exited the large room, feeling Rarity’s glare.


“Alright so we just have ta make a small incision here an…” AJ looked up from the lab desk over at the white faced girl. “Uh sugar cube are ya’ll aright?”

“I’m alright, just going to pass out a little…” Fluttershy said quietly before looking away from the frog and holding a hand over her mouth.

“Ah come on the thing can’t feel anythin it’s already dead.”

“D-D-Dead….” Fluttershy shivered slightly.

“Dang AJ you trying to make her fall over or what?” AJ looked up from her scalpel, a frown forming on her face as Rainbow Dash made her way over to the two.

“Why of course not, what are ya doin…”

“Want to see something cool?” Rainbow hurried over to the frog and pulled up her sleeves. AJ’s eyes widened, she looks good today better then yesterday…more girly. “And then you just cut away this thing…”

“What are ya doin!” AJ shouted as Rainbow removed the frogs heart with tweezers.

“Showing you something cool, shill out.” The jock turned on the sink that was in the middle of the lab desk.

“But we weren’t supposed ta remove the heart until step five! And what in the hey are ya doin here anyway!”

“And wala!” Rainbow stuck the heart in the steaming stream of water, AJ opened her mouth in shock as the small heart started pumping. “See cool right? Look Fluttershy I brought this small creature back from the dead, no need to worry but a thanks is encouraged.” Fluttershy looked as though she really was about to pass out. “Look at the little thing go it’s like a beating red peanut! Budump, budump…budump.” Rainbow started making noises every time the heart went up and down.

“I-I’m going to be si-sick…” Fluttershy sprang from her seat and wobbled out of the room on shaky legs, the teacher was already at the door opening it for the dazed girl.

“Ya, ya’ll just cost us the lab!” AJ shouted clenching her fists.

“Budump….budump …look its still going!”

“Hey I’m talkin ta ya!” Rainbow looked up from the heart and turned off the water, grinning at the irritated country girl.

“So what if we go out of order, it needed to be removed and washed anyway.”

“What do ya mean “we” this is Fluttershy’s and my lab and ya just can’t…”

“Actually I’m Fluttershy’s lab partner, I agreed to let you into our station because sometimes I have Student Government first period.” Rainbow pointed to the purple band that showed her high ranking.

“Ya part of SG?” Applejack said shocked, it was near impossible to get a seated position and a purple band meant that she was one of the three student leaders of Equestria’s high school division.

The ranking went Purple: President of Student Body, President of Sport and Festival, and President of School Clubs. Then there were the vise presidents who wore White, third in command wore Red. AJ looked over the purple arm band again, still in shock.

“But tenth graders can’t be one of the three…” AJ said unable to look away from it.

“Ya well I’m just that cool.” Rainbow smiled and turned the water back on. “Badump, badump…”

“Ya have got ta be kiddin me…”

“Nope, also I looked it up and we have the same exact schedule…what are the odds?” Rainbow laughed at AJ’s shocked face. “And I was amazed to find that you were held back, you don’t seem the type…”

“Ah am not the type!” AJ huffed and sat back down, getting back to the lab work.


Rainbow Dash slept through almost all of English, she didn’t even show up for Art by the time lunch rolled around AJ was starting to wonder if the rainbow haired wonder was still as school or not. “Maybe she’s having locker room time…” AJ lowered the sandwich from her mouth and let out a sigh. “That there really isn’t ya business.”

“Hey your AJ right?” The country girl looked beside her to a pink haired girl who happily sat down on the bench next to her. “My name is Pinkie Pie! But people call me Pinkie and because you’re a person, I think you are a person right? Anyway if you aren’t then what are you, a pony hahaha! So because you are not a pony or a monkey or a vampire! You too can call me Pinkie! You aren’t a vampire right? I have never met a vampire, if they sparkle I would soooo smash them up into little bits and put them all over my bedazzled dream catcher so that I could have lots of sparkly fairy dreams…do you belief in fairies?”

“Ummm, hey ya I’m Applejack…” The blue eyed girl just sat there expecting more from the freckled faced underclassman. “…people sometimes call me AJ…and no I don’t belief in fairies.”

“Ouch…you just killed a small helpless fairy! But your straight to the point I like that!”

“Ya well could ah help ya‘ll?”

“Again straight to the point! Well I have a free period, you know Seniors don’t normally have lunch with Sophomores, or Freshmen or heck we don’t even eat with the Juniors! But free period means that I can, and seeing you all alone over here made me sad so I thought I would invite you to eat with a bunch of fun cool awesome people! But seeing as though the bell is going to go off in 1 fun super party 2 fun super party 3 fun super party!” With that the lunch bell went off. “I just came by to invite you to sit with us on Monday! Also I just had to talk to you about how you would go about turning sparkly vampire wannabes into a fine powder…guess that talk will just have to wait! Byyyyeeesss!!!!” The pink haired girl giggled off with large bounces, leaving AJ completely confused.

“You will soon learn to not take everything she says seriously.” Rainbow laughed sitting down besides AJ and putting an arm around her shoulders. “Now come on shake Pinkie Pie off we are going to be late for Trig.” Rainbow grinned and stood back up.

“Gosh I hate math…” AJ collected her things, still slightly dazed.

“Then why did you take the Junior level math class?”

“Because ah am supposed to be a Junior.” AJ huffed and walked past the pink eyed girl. “Why are ya everywhere ya am?”

Rainbow put her hands on the back of her head and followed the girl. “Maybe I’m not everywhere you are, you just notice every time I am…either that or you are stalking me.”

“Ah am not stalkin!” AJ shouted, not slowing her pace.

“What a shame I would love to add another cute stalker to my list…”

“Why are ya so flamboyant about bein a skirt chaser!” AJ snapped clenching tighter onto her book bag as they walked inside the large math wing.

“Hahaha, skirt chaser?” Rainbow laughed. “That’s just great! Skirt chaser! That needs to be made into a t-shirt I would so wear it! And if you meant, Lesbian it’s because I know who I am and I am not afraid to show it!”

Who are ya Rainbow Dash?

“So I think a better question is…” Rainbow walked a bit faster to catch up with AJ, wrapping her arm around the shorter girl once again. “…who are you?”

“I-I’m…“The blonde felt her face heat to the touch, she fit so snug in Rainbow’s arms like they were meant to be side by side. “…so not interested!” AJ elbowed the bright haired girl in the side, causing Rainbow to suck in a breath.

“Oh that’s fine, I like them when they are hard to get!” Rainbow laughed and stopped. “I will see you later, by my little country green-eyed beauty.” AJ ignored the girl and continued walking, she stopped.

“Wait ah gosh darn second what do ya’ll mean “see me later” we have the same…” She looked behind her but the girl was gone. “…class. Dang what ah nescience.”

Trig and PE went by fast, without a single glimpse of a rainbow anything. AJ kept telling herself she was glad…however she couldn’t help but feeling slightly disappointed.

“Ah need ta talk ta someone about sports, me bein scrawny is startin to eat at my pride.” AJ said to herself as she locked her PE locker, panting from the workout.

“Umm…Applejack…” AJ looked up from her locker and gave a small smile to Fluttershy.

“Hey there sugar cube, I haven’t seen ya all day. Are ya feelin better from this mornin’?”

“Ummm ya I…I need to borrow notes…I mean if that’s alright with you.” Fluttershy moved her strawberry hair over her face, and looked at AJ with one pleasing eye.

“Oh of course ya can…” AJ reached for her bag, her arm shaking a bit from over worked muscles. “…with one condition that is…”

“Condition?” Fluttershy asked cocking her head to the side.

“Ya do ya’ll know who ah can talk ta about joinin the track team?”

“Oh yes of course, I mean I’m not one for sports…but I can take you to someone who is.”

“Thank ya sugar cube!” AJ said happily, handing the shy girl her Biology notebook.

“Oh no need to thank me…” Fluttershy turned away. “Um follow me…if you want.” AJ smiled up at the girl and began walking next to her.

“How did ya’ll know where ta find me anyhow? Ah didn‘t think we were in the same gym class.”

“Oh no, I don’t take gym like I said I’m not into sports so my councilor let me do band with the seniors instead…I play the triangle.” AJ let out a small laugh, the triangle…that suits this meek girl. “I remember Rainbow Dash mentioning having the same schedule as you…so I knew you would be in the gym last period.”

“Oh, so ya’ll close friends with Rainbow?”

“Yes, me and Rainbow have been in the same classes since kindergarten. She is a really nice girl once you get to know her, so just try to give her a chance…I noticed you two don’t really get along.”

“Well it’s hard gettin along with someone so in ya face all the time, did ya know the first time ah met her she crashed into me!”

“Oh yes, she told everyone that…” Fluttershy giggled into her hand, “…she made the face you made when you fell down.” AJ pouted at that. “I just hope you two get along when doing sports, if not it could get dangerous…”

“Get along durin sports?”

“Ya she’s the head of the track team.”

“Well shoot, then could ya’ll take me ta someone about the volleyball team instead?”

“She’s the head of that too.”

“Swim team?”

“She’s the coach of th…”


“Umm, she’s the president of the sport and festival so basically anything that has to do with sports and or festivals…”

“Alright where is she?” Fluttershy pointed out to the field and AJ lifted her gaze to the direction. Her eyes widened.

Rainbow in all her glory stood out in the middle of the dome building, she wore male shorts and a matching white sports bra. A whistle settled to her lips as she studied over the team of boy and girl athletes running along the second story track. She looked like a natural leader looking over all the players, calling out any mistake or fumble as they jumped over the well placed hurtles. Her body was built like it was made of marble, pale but really well toned, she was perfection…it was that moment AJ knew, she knew without a doubt Rainbow Dash was her sworn enemy she would overcome her, beat her with all she had to offer…

“…unfortunately that’s not a whole lot right now.” AJ said out loud.

“What?” Fluttershy gave AJ a confused look.

“Ah nothin, thanks a bunch for bringin me here.” Fluttershy gave a weak smile at AJ’s words.

“Of course, thank you for the notes I will give them back Monday…oh and please if you want try to get along.” Fluttershy gave a slight bow before leaving the large dome building.

“Easier said then done…” AJ was caught off guard as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her shoulders, her face heated up as breasts were pushed into her back.

“My stalker has finally arrived!”

“Damn ya ta all heck Rainbow let go of me!” AJ shrugged the girl off. “Ya’ll all sweaty!”

“Well of course I’m all sweaty I have been working out, unlike someone.” Rainbow smiled. “You were slacking last period, and if you even think for a second that you are going to make my team then your going to have to get your sweat on right away!”

“Alright ya will go dress down again…”

“No time for that, my team has just finished their two mile mark it’s time for them to hit the water. That means you get up on the track and do eight…no ten laps.” AJ opened her mouth to argue but Rainbow blew her whistle. “Durpy you finished last again, fifteen pushups! And as for you, why are you still standing there? Get a move on!” AJ frowned and reluctantly started up the stairs to the top of the track.

“Not even four laps and ah feel all tuckered out…” AJ panted as she forced her legs to go faster, fatigue making her lose feeling in them for a few paces. She looked down at the group of ten or so athletes making laps in the water. “Ah have never heard of ah track team having to do water exercise, ah guess that’s what happens when ya have a coach who does everythin.”

A loud whistle blew, “Applejack keep your eye on your goal!” AJ froze up and fell on her face, she heard a snicker come from Rainbow, “Now that’s just plain pathetic…get a move on!” AJ growled but refused to give in. She pushed herself back up and began gliding down the track a new energy keeping her going, hitting every hurtle with ease and balance. Take that Rainbow, ah can feel ya watching…an ah am doin great!

AJ caught a glimpse of Rainbow staring at her, the team having moved to alternating lunges. She is impressed…Rainbow’s face went serious and she frowned, putting the whistle back to her lips she blew. “Applejack!”

“What did ah do wrong now!” AJ shouted stopping in her tracks hands slammed on the railing.

“Just wanted to say your panties are really plain!” Rainbow started to laugh, AJ’s jaw dropped…and looked down at her skirt, from their view point… “The team and I really have not been getting a good show, you are under worked out and with gray panties…you really aren’t that good of a sight.”

“Why ya little…ya planed thi…” AJ shouted but Rainbow blew her whistle, cutting her off.

“Durpy who said you could stop lunging to laugh? Tell the pathetic one your sorry, that’s just rude.”

“I am real sorry Rainbow Daaah and to you too pathetic one…” The blonde girl known as Durpy said flatly.

“Good now give me fifteen pushups! And you! You still have four laps to go so move it!” Rainbow whistled again and her team started doing kick ups in place, then ran over to the pool to begin another set of laps. AJ sighed and began running, this time aware that the whole team could see her underwear. Damn ya Rainbow…

By the time AJ had finished her laps the team had already completed their cool down sessions and were now heading to the lockers. The blonde leaned against the railing of the track, taking time for a breather both because she needed it and because she didn’t want to talk to any of the team members.

“So today was overall a great day.” AJ looked beside her as Rainbow mimicked her stance of leaning over the rail. “You did great, I could tell that you used to be one hell of an athlete…what happened?”

AJ studied the girl but decided there wasn’t any other motive for her question. “Well ah moved away, had no time fer school nor any room to work out.”

“Well if you will have me I promise to get you back into shape in no time flat!” Rainbow grinned. “And I never…I rarely brake promises!”

“Well shoot, that’s one great promise…I’m in.” AJ pushed off of the railing and spit in her palm outstretching her hand, Rainbow’s smile widened and she did the same shaking the country girls hand.

“Stay here after gym on Monday, if you show up in your skirt again you will be running and swimming in that uniform got it?” AJ glared slightly at Rainbow’s words, pulling her hand away.

“Ya, ya ah got it.”

“Alright, Pinkie’s waiting back at my dorm got to go.” Rainbow was about to turn away but AJ’s face stopped her. “What’s wrong?”

“Well ya see, ah was just wonderin are ya and Pinkie really…the “top couple”?” AJ asked, better not to beat around the bush. Rainbow just raised a brow. “Ah mean ah have never heard of such ah thing in ma life, top couple and all.”

“Oh wow, AJ…” Rainbow backed the blonde up against the rail; cupping her cheek with one hand and pining AJ‘s right hand to the rail with the other.

“What are ya’ll doin…”

“Let me get a good look…yep I’m sure of it!” Rainbow’s grin swept across her face. “…the look of jealousy, and here I thought I was just chasing after a lost cause, you like me don’t you and you are mad that I am with Pinkie aren’t you?”

“Ah really don’t know what ya’ll…”

“Be honest with your feelings Applejack no need to hide them!” Rainbow leaned closer to the jade eyed girl, so that their lips were only inches apart. “The truth is I like you AJ…“ She’s gonna kiss me, what do ah do! Push her off AJ! But instead of pushing her off AJ placed a hand on the other girls back, her eyes closing slightly…tilting her head to the side. “…even if your underwear are super boring…” AJ’s eyes shot open and she used the hand on Rainbow’s back to pry her off by the sports bra.

“Stop joking around Rainbow Dash! How many times do ah have ta tell ya’ll before ya get the picture ah have absolutely no interest in ya whatsoever! So back off!” AJ shoved the girl away and stormed down the stairs.

Rainbow’s face didn’t carry her signature half smile, her smirk completely gone. “She actually wanted me to kiss her, that could have gone bad.” Rainbow sighed.

“A joke can only go so far Rainbow,” The jock looked up to the voice.

“Twilight what do you want…”

“…keep your head straight…” The student president said watching as the country girl sprinted out of the gym. “ don’t want anyone to get hurt.”