//------------------------------// // Chapter 4. Needs more chaos. // Story: The Discordiens. // by Guardian Blade //------------------------------// Fluttershy didn’t usually like pranks, but she knew that Discord would. And she was trying to show him that causing smaller amounts of chaos could be a lot of fun if he just had somepony to do it alongside as well as enjoy it with. Kind of like Pinkie and RainbowDash now that she thought about it. On the subject of RainbowDash, their next little escapade was going to be aimed at the weather pony. The problem was that Discord didn’t want to pull one over on just RainbowDash, but eventually they came up with a plan that would suit them both. And though it wasn’t anything amazing, she hoped it would do. It was two days after the unusual events in Canterlot. Fluttershy had awoken with a smile, humming to herself as she walked to her kitchen to make herself a quick dandelion sandwich. After she was done eating, she checked on her animals then opened her door and stepped outside, ready to head into town. Fluttershy paused when she saw the bouquet of flowers sitting right outside her door. “Right on time,” she thought as she put on a confused expression, making sure to hide her smile. There probably wasn’t anypony around, but better to be safe then sorry. The flowers were honestly quite beautiful and arranged in a lovely way. Fluttershy herself had spent a few hours the day before to make sure they were just so. There was a note attached to the flowers, and Fluttershy couldn’t help but chuckle a little when she opened it and read what it said. “To the kindly coo-coo mare, who really needs to lighten up and have some fun once in a while.” “Sincerely, D&D” Discord had decided to sign them “D&D”, which Fluttershy had originally a thought stood for “Discord and Discord” (referencing their antics in Canterlot), but according to him while that was true it also stood for something else, though apparently she just, “wouldn’t get the reference,” and it, “wasn’t very interesting anyway.” Fluttershy took a deep sniff from the flowers, which had quite the lovely smell! Though that was of course, the plan. “Ah, ahhh chooo!” *pop pop pop* She rubbed her nose as she felt another sneeze coming on. “Here we go,” She thought, as she walked into town sneezing bubbles. RainbowDash was not having a good time. She had been cloud busting, and thinking she was done she had been about to leave when she saw a cloud she’d somehow missed. Annoyed that she’d somehow missed one, RainbowDash had dived bombed it. And now she was sneezing bubbles. The cloud hadn’t felt right when she’d blasted through it, like it was more of a powder instead of the usual fluffiness. And RainbowDash bet she knew who was behind that! Especially since a note had been somehow hidden in the “cloud” which read. “To the crazy adrenaline loving weather pony of Onypay-illevay.” “Sincerely, D&D.” “Onypay? illevay? What dose that e- even- Ahhh AH CHOOO!” *pop pop pop pop pop* RainbowDash inched her muzzle, “this must be another stupid riddle of Discord’s.” “Ah choo!” *pop pop pop* “I’d better show this to Twilight. I guess being an egghead dose have some advantages.” And with that thought she took off flying towards the Golden Oak Library. Twenty minutes later five of the main six were gathered in the library, all of them still sneezing bubbles. Rarity hadn’t shown up yet but they figured it was only a matter of time. “To the stubbornish apple mad mare.” “Sincerely, D&D.” “Ah Choo!” *pop pop* “To the only sane pony of the elements. Keep up the good work.” “Sincerely D&D.” “Eha, wa chooo!” *poppoppoppop* “To miss nerd pony. You should really get out more, you’re likely to get a paper cut one of these dah daaaa Ah choo!” *POP* “days. Sincerely D&D.” Twilight finally finished reading the notes that were spread out on her table, the intensity of her sneezing being sporadic. RainbowDash spoke up immediately once she was done, still being very annoyed by Discord’s antics, “so, any idea what he’s u- ah- Ah choo!” *pop pop* “up to now? And what dose my note even mean?!” Twilight looked over at the note RainbowDash had received, “Onypay-illevay means Ponyville, it’s just an odd way of writing that involves sometimes rearranging the beginnings and endings of words and making every word end in a “ay” or “yay” sound,” she got an annoyed look on her face, “however he spelled Ponyville as two separate words! Couldn’t he at least have done a little research!” Fluttershy watched as her friends tried to figure out what in Equestria Discord was up to. Little did they know that the main cause of all this was sitting quietly only a few feet away from them. Sure she’d told Discord he could write whatever he wanted on the notes, but the idea had been her’s. Discord had thought her plan was a little underwhelming, but had decided to go along with it because she “needed the practice”. “Wait a minute!” Pinkie yelled, getting everyone’s attention, “if we’re all here because we all got thes- th- Ah Choo!” *popopoppopopop* “these notes with bubbly sneezing power on them, then where is Rarity?” There was a moment of silence before RainbowDash spoke up, “we gotta get to the boutique!” And with that she flew though the door in a multi colored blur. “RainbowDash wait!” Twilight called, but realized she was to late and her friend was already long gone. She sighed before starting to trot out the door herself, “she’s right, we- Ah choo!” *pop popop pop* “should probably check on Rarity. But she really shouldn’t go off by herself like that with Discord being involved in all this.” Everypony followed her out, Fluttershy taking up the rear as they stepped over Twilight’s now shattered door. As soon as they were a little ways from the library Fluttershy glanced back and gave a flick of her tail. Hiding a small smile she continued trotting behind her friends. Twilight’s door was now reconstructed, but it now had a giant door knocker on it in the shape of Discord’s head, minus the beard of course as she didn’t have one when she made herself look like Discord. Upon reaching Rarity’s boutique they found an annoyed looking RainbowDash and a worried looking Rarity who was holding a beautiful bouquet of flowers with an equally beautiful note attached to it in her magic. “RainbowDash told me what’s going on,” Rarity informed them once they had trotted up, “I’m terribly sorry to hear about everypony’s condition, but I’ve been smelling these flowers all morning and haven’t had even the tiniest sniffle.” “Not only that,” RainbowDash interjected, “listen to this!” Grabbing the bouquet from Rarity’s magic she sneezed again and began to read the note. “Ah-choo!” *pop pop* “To the wonderous fashionista of Ponyville. We thought you might like some ordinary flowers, as we know you’ve probably become a little weary of them due to a certain sneezing powder incident, so rest assured that nothing was done to these other then a bit of magic to help enhance the smell.” “Sincerely, D&D.” Fluttershy smiled a little as RainbowDash continued. “Seriously, he stole my prank! You’d think the lord of chaos could come up with something better.” Twilight looked around, hoping to spot something out of the ordinary, “well I doubt this is all, it’s probably just a distraction from whatever he’s actually planning. So we’d better keep an eye out for anything that looks odd.” As her friends kept talking and sneezing, Fluttershy’s expression became worried. Everypony assumed it was because of the Discord situation, and they were right, but for completely the wrong reason. RainbowDash was right, Discord could have done better, and even though he’d agreed to her plan there was no way he would be pleased with the current outcome. Things weren’t going as well as Fluttershy had hoped ether, she didn’t know why she thought this had been a good enough idea, but what she did know was that things couldn’t stay the way they were! Hiding her newfound determination, Fluttershy checked to make sure no pony was looking, then she gave the ground a firm tap with her back hoof, letting lose her full power into causing the first most random idea that came to her. A moment passed, then a coconut landed squarely on RainbowDash’s head before making a “sproing!” noise and bouncing off harmlessly. At the same time the coconut landed on her head Dash gave a giant sneeze, producing a large amount of bubbles that spelled “The Sneezels”. Everypony just stared at the coconut as it finished bouncing along the ground, coming to a stop a short distance away. “Well that was weird” RainbowDash commented, “but at least I don’t feel like sneezing anymore.” Twilight looked at her, “wait, are you saying that coconut stopped the-oof!” Another coconut dropped and landed on Twilight’s head causing her to sneeze out “The Sneezels”. Then another coconut dropped, and another, and another, and before long it was full on raining bouncing coconuts. Everypony stared at the chaos around them after they’d all been hit on the head and subsequently stopped sneezing as well, the coconuts turning into bubbles after sitting on the ground for a few seconds. Pinkie was the only one who seemed unaffected, bouncing around laughing as she played in the bubbles that were rising into the air from the dissipating fruits/nuts (pony scientists still couldn’t make up their minds on which they were). Fluttershy’s original plan was to make Rarity’s flowers cure the sneezing, her being the one to sniff them and “discover” this, if nopony else did. In hindsight that being the end of things for the day was rather dull, at least for what she needed to accomplish. On second thought, why had Discord even agreed to her idea in the first place? As they watched, some foals started playing around as well, bouncing the coconuts off their heads and back and fourth between each other until they burst in a shower of multi colored shimmering bubbles, causing the foals to laugh as they played. Several ponies looked worried, but a few actually joined in, figuring that wail it was kinda weird it wasn’t as crazy as Pinkie’s “Crazy Day” party (a holiday she had made up herself). Suddenly Rainbow Dash yelled in surprise as a giant bubble swept her up inside of it and swiftly carried her off through the air, the five ponies left barely had time to react before the same happened to them. Pinkie was the only one who seemed to actually enjoy it as Rarity was brought back inside her boutique and the rest were also quickly carried to their respective homes where a note would be waiting for them which read, “That’s all folks” with a picture of a tiny Fluttercord (what Fluttershy had taken to mentally calling her Discord form with the higher voice and no beard) in the corner winking and giving a claw up. She didn’t know why, but she’d found it a little fun to leave a tiny hint like that, kind of like how Discord had told them where the Elements were without actually telling them where the Elements were. Fluttershy’s bubble zinged through the air, but instead of bringing her home it dropped down and zipped into a back alley where she quickly tapped her hooves together and vanished before anypony could see her. Fluttershy appeared on a cloud made of coconut flakes next to Discord, who was munching on it while looking down at the ponies playing in Fluttershy’s chaos. “Congratulations! You passed!” He said as he stuck a gold sticker to her chest that read ‘Congratulations Chaos Graduate’. “I knew you could do it.” Fluttershy blinked, “um, thank you but, what did I pass?” Discord set a green army helmet on his head, “basic chaos. In other words you went out and completed the mission without me helping in the slightest. You also added in something that had no place, was completely unplanned, and in no way made sense being combined with the notes and the bubble sneezing powder. Wail adding all that stuff won’t always be necessary, being able to improvise like that shows you are worthy of that sticker on your chest. I salute you my dear.” Fluttershy returned the salute, “thank you sir, I will try my best to be worthy of such an honor.” She held the salute for a few seconds before she started to laugh (though her laugh was closer to a chuckle) before flopping onto the cloud looking down at the ponies below, “I’m so glad things worked out this time.” Discord didn’t want to admit it, but he was actually a little bit jealous of fluttershy’s accomplishment. She had managed to get some ponies to enjoy the chaos she’d caused, and while he tried to convince himself he should feel proud because he was the one who’d taught her, or that he shouldn’t even care at all, it was still bugging him, so he just shoved it aside to deal with later. “Discord” Fluttershy spoke up, “if something’s on your mind you shouldn’t just shove it aside like that. If it’s something you’d like to talk about-“ Discord cut her off with a wave of his paw, “I’ll do what I want, and it’s nothing important anyway. Now, what say we plan out how we’re next going to liven up the lives of these little ponies.” Fluttershy gave a small smile, “I may have a few ideas, I don’t know how they’ll turn out, but I guess we’ll just have to roll with whatever happens won’t we.” “Exactly right” Discord responded as Fluttershy looked back down at the ponies playing in the now dwindling coconut storm. She took a bite of their coconut cloud and chewed a few times before swallowing, “mmmmmm, cabbage flavored.”