//------------------------------// // Dreams // Story: Slipstreams' Courage // by Soarin13 //------------------------------// "Wake up..." I heard nothing but those faint words. It was dark, cold, and still. I then realized that my eyes were shut. I opened them to find myself in the strangest of all positions. "I'm underwater", I thought to myself. I then felt something, a sort of pull or tug. It seemed like I was falling. Oddly enough though, I wasn't panicking. I looked towards the direction of my fall when I realized something must be wrong. It was getting brighter the farther and further I fell, I was falling upwards? Again, I didn't panic or even question it. As I fell closer to the surface I could feel myself falling faster and faster. As I broke through the waves it seemed as though that very moment was suspended in time, like everything stood still. "Wake up!" When I woke to reality I wasn't too thrilled to realize I had fallen from my bed, or that the fall really hurt. "Well, it's way more effective than an alarm clock." I got to my hooves and began my daily routine. I did about one hundred pushups, took a quick shower, brushed my teeth, and put on one of my many ties. I always wore a tie, I figured everyday there's a possibility I might die today so I want to look presentable. Before I went out the door of my tiny apartment, I grabbed my saddle bag and walked out. "Another day......whohoo", I said sarcastically as I soon stoped by my mailbox. I wasn't alone for much longer, as a grey pegasus wearing a brown shoulder bag full of letter came flying to my position. "Right on time Ditzy", I said as she stopped in front of me. "Hi slippy", she practically yelled. I didn't mind though, in fact it was kind of funny. "Headin to work Slip?" "Yeah, at least today is Thursday. Anyway how's your day been?" "Uhhh busy, I have so so so SO many letters to deliver, Not to mention I have to go to Dinkys' school today. She got the lead role in the school play!" "That is so cool, tell her I said congratulations." "Hey that reminds me, Dinky's been struggling in english since we stopped your sessions. Do you think you could possibly help her, you helped her get from a C to an A last year, your the only one that knows how to help her." "You know what, I'm available on Monday's now so sure I'd love to tutor her again. "Oh thank you thank you thank you! She's going to be so excited to hear that. We've missed you so much. Oh oh oh that means I need to make you an extra special muffin!!" "Thanks Ditzy, well I don't want to be late so adios." "Oky dokey, bye slippy."