//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: A Desert Tale // by Seanessy //------------------------------// As the white unicorn and the pink earth pony hiked on, the temperature started to drop. Night time was approaching soon and Rarity found herself starting to become concerned with their well-being. Pinkie, on the other hand, was bouncing as merrily as always, still rambling on about Applejack’s Pinkie Promise. “So in theory, if we had a brunch, Applejack would have to tell us half of the story! Because brunch is a combination of-“ “Pinkie Pie!” “Yes?” “Aren’t you the least bit concerned? It’s going to be dark soon and we have yet to find any sign of shelter, or anything for that matter.” “Nah, we’ll be alright!” Rarity shot a look of disbelief and shock towards her pink friend. “How can you even say that? The day is almost over and we have no place to sleep, no water,” the unicorn’s stomach growled, “And no food either! Tell me, how can you possibly be sure we’re going to make it through this?” “I don’t know, I just know!” Pinkie said eliciting a growl from Rarity. “Sometimes, you just gotta smile and say: ‘Everything’s gonna be alright!’” “Pinkie, you know sometimes you can be a royal pain in the- whahaaaaaaa!” “In the whahaaaaaa? What’s that?” The unicorn sat up and spit out a mouth-full of dirt. She had fallen in a relatively deep ditch. As the pink pony slid down seconds later, Rarity raised her hooves in the air and screamed. “Ugh! Can my beautiful coat get any dirtier?!” She was suddenly bombarded by a clump of dirt to her face from the earth pony. “Yes, it can!” the pink pony giggled as she dusted off her hooves. The white equine turned red with anger. She took a deep breath and spoke to herself through gritted teeth. “It’s... fine, Rarity… she’s just… being… Pinkie Pie!” the unicorn told herself. At least they had some kind of shelter now, it wasn’t much, but it would do. As night time fell upon Equestria, the two friends huddled around the small fire they were able to make out of tumbleweed and a few twigs. “Good thing Twilight taught you how to use that fire spell, or we’d be two extra frosty frosted pony popcicles!” Pinkie exclaimed. “We wouldn’t be in this mess had you not jumped off the stupid station wagon so carelessly in the first place…” the unicorn thought. She shook her head to avoid such negativity. Even though it was her fault that she was now cold, dirty, hungry, and thirsty and not home in her nice warm bed, Pinkie was still her best friend; her excessively hyper, overly cheery, best friend. “Hey, Rarity?” “Yes, Pinkie?” “You think they ever found out what was wrong with Applejack?” “I’m not sure darling, but whatever it was, it better had been worth leaving us like this.” Pinkie Pie yawned as she lay down, resting her head on folded hooves. “I’m sure it probably was.” Pinkie dozed off, Rarity lie on her back awake. Although her pink friend didn’t realize, she knew it all too well, they had been forgotten. The question that remained, when would their so called “friends” remember? The unicorn’s worried thoughts eventually faded as she drifted off to sleep. The crackling flame slowly burnt out as the night passed.