//------------------------------// // I Thought You'd Never Ask // Story: I Thought You'd Never Ask // by The Lord Thunder //------------------------------// Sunburst sat on his couch, his focus fully on the thick book “Starswirl’s Theories of Magic.” Starswirl was truly a magical genius, there were theories in this book Sunburst himself never even considered. He’d opted to read as a means of passing the time until Starlight came back from the Crystal Palace where she’d gone to talk to Princess Cadence about something important. Sunburst had offered to come with, but Starlight insisted it was a private matter. How private could it be? She’d been living with him for two years now. He forced the thought to the back of his mind, focusing on his reading. He knew a lot more about magic than he did how a mare’s mind worked. That was one of the intricate mysteries of the universe itself! Distracted as he was, Sunburst snapped his head up in surprise when a hoof pushed the book down. He didn’t even see that Starlight Glimmer had come home and taken a seat next to him on the couch. Typically, she wouldn’t interrupt his reading like this. It must have been something serious. “Oh. Hi, Glim, sweetie,” he said, smiling at her. She didn’t smile back. “Sunburst, let’s talk.” Sunburst swallowed a nervous knot in his throat. He didn’t know much about dating, but he knew enough to know that phrase usually meant trouble, and so soon after talking to Cadence? “Um, sure. What’s up?” Starlight shut her eyes and sighed, putting her hoof over Sunburst’s. She opened her eyes, looking him square in the face. “Sunburst, do you love me?” Sunburst gave her an assuring smile. What kind of question was that? “Of course I do! You know I do.” “Even with my past?” Sunburst scooted closer, pressing his side against hers. Suddenly he wished he’d read more books on dating. “What is this all of a sudden? I love you, Starlight. Don’t ever think otherwise.” Starlight blinked away the tears budding in her eyes. “I love you, too, Sunburst, and we’ve come a long way since that first awkward kiss four years ago. But I need to know; how can you love somepony like me?” Smiling warmly, Sunburst caressed Starlight’s face with his hoof. “Well, I think you’re the most beautiful mare in Equestria. You’re so full of life. You’re spontaneous and exciting! Life’s an adventure with you around. I can’t really explain it, but you’ve made every aspect of my life better. I love you, Starlight. More than anything.” Starlight sniffled, her eyes sparkling. “You know all about my past and you still think I’m beautiful?” “Everypony makes mistakes, Starlight.” “But not everpony’s made the huge mistakes like I have! I was so awful back then. I almost destroyed Equestria!” Sunburst stroked her mane and held her tight. “Hey. What happened in the past can stay there. The important thing is we learn from our mistakes. Now, I’ve seen who you truly are, and you’re doing your best to make up for it all. While we’re on the subject, I’d like to know what you see in me.” Sunburst stretched one of his thin forelegs and looked it over. “I mean, let’s not kid ourselves, I’m no hunk. A mare like you could be with somepony cool, like a soldier or an athlete. Me? I’m just an awkward little geek.” Starlight suddenly threw herself at him, forcing him on his back and pinning him down on the couch. She leaned in and locked her lips with his. “Oh, Sunny Gun, sweetheart, I love you so much.” Another delicious kiss. “You’re so smart and interesting, and you’re always there for me!” Twice more she kissed him on the mouth, then rubbed his cheek. “And I don’t care what other mares think, I think you’re very handsome!” Handsome? How did he deserve a wonderful mare like her? Sunburst gazed into her tearful eyes, then reached up to wrap his foreleg around the back of Starlight’s neck. He lifted his head and gave Starlight a kiss of his own. “So then what is this? Why the questions all of a sudden?” Sniffing, Starlight wiped away the wet trails on her cheeks. “Because I’m scared!” “Scared of what?” “Of losing you again! After what happened when we were foals, the chain of events it sparked, I don’t think I could take it again! I might sink lower than I did all those years ago.” Tears now started to run down Sunburst’s cheeks as an overwhelming flurry of emotions swelled within him. Starlight’s mane dangled down into his face, tickling his cheeks. He pushed her hair behind her neck and kissed her passionately on the mouth. He rubbed her cheek, looking deep into her glittering, puffy eyes. “Do you know how ridiculous you’re sounding?” “No, I’m serious. I never want to lose you again. Ever.” Starlight sobbed, lost in her feelings as she pushed Sunburst back down and pressed her belly against his, touching their front hooves together. More sweet, blissful kisses ensued. “This is why I went to talk to Princess Cadence. She said I should tell you how I feel. I want you all to myself, Sunburst! I want you by my side. I want to have your foals. I want to grow old with you. I just… can’t lose you again!”  The kisses kept coming. Starlight and Sunburst could both feel the rhythm of the other’s heartbeats with their chests pressed together. Seconds felt like minutes as Sunburst felt himself enter a sort of trance in reflection of Starlight's words. He wanted her to himself, too. To have foals with her. To start a family and a new life with the mare he loved. "Sunburst, are you ok?" Starlight asked, pulling him from his trance. “You won’t,” Sunburst assured her once he'd come back around to reality. “How do I know that?” Sunburst took a deep breath of courage, certain his heartbeat would crack a rib from what he was prepared to do. “Well, I don’t have a ring with me or anything, but…” he fell short on the courage as he stared up at Starlight. There was a beautiful, feminine sparkle in her tearful eyes that he’d never seen in the years they’d been together. “But what?” she whispered into his ear, petting his mane. Sunburst wrestled for the courage and tried again, whispering back. “Will you do me the honor of making me the happiest stallion in Equestria?" He clasped one of her front hooves in both of his, pressing it against his chest. “Starlight Glimmer, will you marry me?” Pure bliss exploded within Starlight, her tears flowing even harder now. She squeezed her eyes shut, fighting for control of herself against the overwhelming emotion as she hugged Sunburst as tight as she could, pressing her cheek against his. “I thought you’d never ask. Of course I’ll marry you, Sunburst.” They laid on the couch for a long time, savoring each other’s nearness and the swirl of blissful emotions as both got lost in a long session of kissing and cuddling For both knew this time, things would be better.