Never Let Me Go

by Argenti Luna

Chapter 6 - This Terms First Sleepover

“Applejack darling not the back row, we don’t want to be so far away that we can’t see, but also not so close that I get covered in mud,” Rarity complained as she climbed the steps of the bleachers following Applejacks lead.

“Alright, this here’ll do,” The farm girl replied as she started to walk across one of the rows, sitting down in the middle and handing Rarity one of the two drinks she was carrying.

“Thank you Applejack,” Rarity spoke taking the drink, “I must say I expected the others to be here by now, we didn’t exactly come straight here.

“Um I’m already here,” came a hushed voice from behind them.

“Goodness Fluttershy I must admit I didn’t even see you,” Rarity apologised as she assisted the girl in climbing over the chair onto their row.

“I was here first and didn’t wanna draw attention to myself, so I kept low,” Fluttershy squeaked, an innocent smile on her face, “I hope the others get here on time I think it’s starting soon.”

“Nah I can see Pinkie and the others now, so I think they’ll make it,” Applejack pointed out using her extra height to scope out the area.

Rarity gave a small wave flagging down the group to join them up on the bleachers. Once they were all seated, and Pinkie Pie was done handing everyone snacks out of her bag they sat and chatted for a while the excitement brimming within them as their thoughts bounced over what they would get up to that night. The chat was cut short when a whistle blew silencing the group of girls as they scanned the pitch for the appearance of the team. One by one they all walked out of the changing room in a line and onto the pitch where they gathered in the centre stretching. They sifted through the crowd for their friend’s trademark rainbow or fire coloured hair having Pinkie excitedly shout when she had seen them drawing her the attention of all the girls on the pitch.

“Woooo Dash and Sunset we’re here!” Pinkie shouted jumping up and down in her seat.

“Please keep still Pinkie dear you are shaking the whole row,” Rarity complained trying to hold her chair steady.

Rainbow Dash and Sunset took the currently absent coach as a chance to go and greet their friends, rushing over to the bleachers and up a few of the steps.

“What are you guys doing here?” Sunset asked with a big smile on her face.

“We thought it would be nice to come and observe you,” Twilight answered

“Hey Flutters,” Dash said climbing over a row of seats in order to get closer to her, “Didn’t expect to see you till later,”

“It was Pinkie’s idea.” Fluttershy shyly responded looking away to hide her blush.

“Well I’m glad she did, it’s so awesome that you are all here, and who knows maybe I’ll get my old cheerleader back,” Dash laughed at the thought of Fluttershy cheering for her from the side-lines.

“Oh I don’t know Rainbow,” Fluttershy said meekly her cheeks glowing redder.

“Either way it's so cool you guys are all here, I'm guessing this means we’re all heading to Sunsets together?” Rainbow asked

“Your deductions would be correct we have it all calculated,” Twilight responded as if she was answering a teacher’s question.

“Well I’m putting my faith in you since I haven’t exactly had time to plan, “Sunset said awkwardly rubbing the back of her neck.

“Not to worry darling between me and Pinkie Pie here we’ve got more than enough things planned,” The fashionista proudly reassured, resting her hand over her mouth as she laughed.

“You bet ya, I got hundreds and hundreds of super fun things,” Pinkie called excitedly between uncontrollable fits of giggling.

“I can’t wait to hear about it all,” Sunset started but was cut off by the sound of whistleblowing, “but I suppose its gonna have to wait.”

The two soccer players hurried back down the bleachers to re-join their team on the field narrowly making it back in time before the coach opened a door out of sight to the group of friends and could only hear his voice.

“I want you running a lap of the pitch to warm-up meanwhile Spitfire, Rainbow get in here and help me carry the gear out.” The coaches voice called echoing across the stands.

Fluttershy’s mind raced at the sound, why did that voice sound familiar? She could have sworn she’d heard it before but where. As if a lightbulb had switched on inside her mind she knew, a face had appeared in her mind to match the voice. That was Rainbows Dad, he was the new coach, now it all made sense as to why the whole soccer team was suddenly being pushed so hard.

“The new coach is Bow!” Fluttershy blurted out in a tone much louder than her usual one but it still couldn’t be considered shouting.

“Yes Fluttershy, it is,” Rarity answered, smiling weakly.

“I do hope he isn’t too hard on them all,” Fluttershy said her face showing concern.

“I think we all hope that,” Rarity declared taking a sip of her drink, her eyes narrow.

“I am going to be honest, I still haven’t a clue why you seem so on edge about him,” Twilight interjected curiosity staining her face.

“I’m sure you’ll figure it out in time darling, you’re a smart girl.” Rarity scowled the memory of her interaction with Bow yesterday still fresh in her mind.

The group watched as the soccer team was set up to partake in a friendly match to help gain some practice in preparation for the upcoming games. Fluttershy’s eyes were drawn to her Rainbow haired friend watching her duck and weave through players as she made progress up the pitch passing the ball back and forth between Sunset.

“It’s rather impressive watching them work together, they are quite something,” Twilight observed.

“Yeah, she is,” Fluttershy silently said to herself unaware of the smile that had grown on the fashionista beside her.

Rarity looked at Applejack with the pair of them giggling between themselves having to pinch each other to keep their composure. Rarity had a sneaky idea to tease Fluttershy leaning in and whispering into her ear, “You might be thinking aloud there darling.”

Fluttershy’s began to find herself getting flustered letting out an eep and pushing all of her hair forward letting it cover her face as she hung her head in shame, causing Rarity to let out another giggle and nudge her shoulder, “I’m just teasing dear no one else heard it, so you can keep gawking at Rainbow which by the way I think she noticed,” Rarity said urging Fluttershy to come out from her hiding place to which she could see Rainbow Dash looking directly over at them giving a small wave unaware that she had let another player slip the ball past her and was rushing forwards towards her goal.

“RAINBOW WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AT,” Bow shouted from across the pitch ripping Rainbows attention away from her friend.

Rainbow snapped back to what was happening, charging after the player in the hopes of reaching the ball, but it was too late. They had already scored, and Rainbow was to blame, she had let the ball get past her. Rainbow Dash looked around at her teammates each of them dumbfounded as to how she hadn’t stopped the ball, her eyes were drawn to the coach, her father. Bow Hothoof was stood arms crossed glaring straight at her, his eyes enraged, after a few seconds his attention turned to the group of girls on the bleachers that Rainbow Dash had waved at before looking back to his daughter shaking his head. Rainbow felt a blast of emotion wash over her; she knew what this meant, her friends were going to suffer because of something she did.

The game went on for another forty minutes with Rainbow Dash's game now permanently messed up, she was missing shots, passes, even tripping over her own feet at one point. Fluttershy watched in horror, she’d seen how it had gone downhill since the look Bow had given to Dash, its why she now sucked. The pressure Rainbow was receiving from her father was getting to her, it was messing up her game and her concentration. Fluttershy had this reinforced by the constant checking Rainbow would do looking over at her dad to see if he was still glaring at her his anger being portrayed through his eyes. It wasn’t just Fluttershy that had seen this, all of her friends had noticed it and a few of the soccer players like Spitfire and Cloud Chaser were feeling the negative energy between their star player and the coach.

The game wrapped up and Bow called in all of the players to gather around giving a commendation to the player that had scored against Rainbow and her half of the team. He also asked for Rainbow to stay behind for a short while as he needed to speak to her. He waved the soccer team into the changing rooms with a smile wishing them a good weekend waiting for the final player to fall out of sight before he spoke.

“What on earth was that!” Bow angrily shouted instantly on the attack.

“You should be proud of the team they scored,” Dash said dodging the question in an attempt to defend herself.

“Don’t smart-mouth me,” Bow spoke as he rubbed his eyes, “You were too busy waving at your friends than to pay attention to the game, I’ve told you distractions will cost you your future and they almost cost your team this game.”

“Dad this was a practice game, I wouldn’t do it in an official match.” Rainbow defended still fighting back.

“I’m putting a stop to it now before it gets any worse,” Bow started stopping himself as he saw his daughters’ friends arrive behind her along with Sunset fresh out the changing room.

“I’m sorry if I distracted you Rainbow Dash I really didn’t mean too,” Fluttershy guiltily spoke.

“It’s not jus you’re fault sugar cube, we were all here today,” Applejack said pulling the blame from Fluttershy aware of how angry Bow could get.

“Hmm,” Bow grunted, “This better not happen again, have fun with your friend's Dash I’ll see you Saturday.”

Unexpectedly that was it, just like that Bow walked away having gone from 100 to 0 just like that, Rarity stood bewildered, as this attitude did not match her expectations considering his mood when they first arrived.

“Well erm, we should probably get going,” Dash said awkwardly looking at her friends.

“You’ll be travelling with Applejack and Fluttershy. Twilight, Sunset and Pinkie Pie are with me,” Rarity cheered saving the mood and leading her group away so they could get to Sunset’s first.

“Lemme just get changed AJ and I’ll meet you in the car park,” Dash said waving off her friends as she headed into the school.

Sunset walked up the steps of her apartment putting her key into the lock and opening the door, “Feel free to leave your stuff over by the far wall,” She said pointing to space at the rear end of the room.

Pinkie went running in her face full excitement throwing her bags up against the wall and spinning in a circle in an attempt to get a full scope of the room.

“Be careful Pinkie you’ll make yourself sick,” Rarity warned her eyes drifting around the room admiring the decorum and style as she sophisticatedly placed her several bags and carrier down against the wall, “I must say the design is simple, but it just screams you, Sunset.”

“Yeah this place is super amazing Sunset you are super lucky,” Pinkie said toppling over from dizziness.

“Yeah I like it too, you’ve got so much space and your bed being above your desk is kinda neat,” Twilight added her face full of wonder, feeling drawn to Sunsets bookshelf curious to search its contents.

“Thanks guys,” Sunset said slightly embarrassed as a small blush appearing on her face, “Feel free to get out what you need and make yourselves at home while we wait for the others.”

Pinkie immediately jumped into actions running over to one of her several suspiciously large bags and pulling out a few metal poles and some string.

“Uh, Pinkie what is that for,” Sunset asked her face hesitant to know more.

“Making a sort of tent fort thingy for us,” The party girl cheerily replied

Sunset giggled a smile beginning to brighten up her face, “Well let me know how I can help,”

“I got loads more blankets in that bag so grab em,” Pinkie said excitedly pointing towards the bag besides Twilight.

“Oh let me help too,” Twilight added keen to join in on her first activity.

“You girls enjoy, I shall simply watch the madness,” Rarity commented, a light chuckle escaping her lips as she took a seat in one of Sunset’s chairs.

The three girls got to work piecing together as large a tent as they could in the corner of Sunsets room, despite Rarity’s earlier comment the three still found themselves being given her input, giving tips on how to make the fort more homely, advising them to use one of the plusher duvets from her bag to make the floor more comfortable. Once the girls felt they had done, they all joined Rarity in sitting down, cramming themselves onto the couch to marvel at the creation, it looked a little rough around the edges but comfy enough to suffice for its purpose.

“So what exactly is the tent for?” Twilight asked, curious of its purpose.

“Well it’s for later when we play some of the games like truth or dare or tell scary stories, it’ll make it more fun being in such a small space, and of course we can sleep in it too,” Pinkie said listing off only a small number of things she had planned for them.

“Let’s keep the scary stories fairly tame please, I don’t want us scaring Fluttershy,” Rarity warned.

“You can’t trick me Rarity you get just as scared as she does,” Pinkie giggled, teasing the fashion lover.

As Rarity was looking rather frustrated at a laughing Pinkie Pie the doorbell rang signalling their missing friends had finally arrived. Pinkie ran over to the door and pulled it open seeing Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy standing in the doorway, each with bags over their shoulders and arms open to greet their friends, well two of them had their arms open Fluttershy’s were wrapped around her blanket and pillows as they couldn’t fit in her bag.

“Pinkie it’s rude to welcome people into someone else’s home, you should have let our host do it.” Rarity tutted.

“Nah its chill Rares,” Sunset started, “and you guys can leave your things over there with the others.”

Fluttershy dropped her things and headed over to the couch realising there was little space for her and decided to sit on the floor near it instead, something she didn’t expect though was to see Rainbow Dash make the same judgement sitting beside her rather than cramming herself into any gap she could find.

“Your stuff is here Rarity,” Applejack said lowering her own bag and two others that looked a little out of the cowgirl’s style.

“Thank you, darling, I would have brought them myself, but my car was getting a little cramped,” She said thanking the farmer with a smile.

“Don’t mention it, now what are we all up too?” Applejack asked pulling her hat forward as she leaned against the arm of the couch.

Sunset ran through a few suggestions with the girls deciding that it would be better to leave watching a movie till later for when they were getting ready to go to bed having them all settle on playing a few of Sunsets video games, grabbing a controller and getting ready as Sunset got it all prepped.

“Okay we are gonna play Mario Kart first it’s pretty simple, use the stick to steer, A to go forward, B goes backwards and the triggers throw your items and let you power slide, it can be pretty challenging so I’ll go easy on you,” Sunset said smugly inserting the disc and taking her seat back on the coach.

The girls went through picking their characters all mainly based on appearance with Dash picking Yoshi as she thought he looked the fastest, Rarity picking Peach the most glamourous looking one and Fluttershy picking Mario in a cat costume because she thought it was adorable. Pinkie instinctively chose metal peach who was essentially just all Pink leaving Sunset to pick the character that had the best stats. Meanwhile Twilight and Applejack had picked at random since they weren’t at all fussy.

The game commenced with Sunset’s earlier confidence at her skills in the game earning her the position of fourth place being beaten by Dash, Pinkie, Twilight and surprisingly Fluttershy who was well ahead in the first place. Fuelled to not let her earlier statement fall flat she kicked into overdrive spending the next lap trying her hardest to get to the front, by the midpoint of lap three Sunset had managed to get herself into first place the goal in sight when she heard the dreaded words.

“I got this blue shell what does it do?” Rarity asked confused looking over at Sunset.

“Just throw it and find out,” Pinkie giggled knowing full well what was about to happen.

Sunsets ego hit an all-time low as she heard the blue shell approaching her character, she knew what this meant. Like fate had decided, it collided into her kart sending her up into the air allowing the other racers to start overtaking her when she had finally finished the race she was in sixth. She had only beaten Rarity.

“Woah Fluttershy you’re pretty good at this. Have you played it before?” Twilight asked amazed at how she had managed to come first.

“Um no, this is my first time playing this game,” Fluttershy whispered slightly embarrassed at all the attention she had brought herself.

“Teach me!” Sunset pleaded jumping over to the girl who had so easily outraced her.

“Well um okay, I guess I pushed A and went forward,” Fluttershy conceded confused over how dramatic Sunset was being.

Sunset buried her face into the ground she’d sunk hours into the game and been defeated by her friends so easily, the blue shell shall rue the day it messed with me Sunset thought as she awkwardly got back up and into her seat starting the next race. The group played a few more races before Sunset offered to switch to a fighting game, Rarity quickly decided this game wasn’t for her and along with Fluttershy and Twilight backed out and moved to away to a space in the room.

“You guys sure you don’t wanna play, I can change the game?” Sunset asked a little unsure as to how to handle some of her friends being left out.

“Not to worry dear I’m going to give these pair a makeover,” Rarity excitedly declared dragging the two more docile girls to the side.

“Well, you three have fun and let us know if you wanna jump back in.”

“Likewise darling you are all welcome to getting a makeover, it is a sleepover after all,” Rarity laughed to herself seeing the slight fear in Applejacks eyes.

She dragged her willing test subjects away pulling a bag to her side, unzipping it to reveal the large stash of makeup inside ranging from foundation to concealers, you name it Rarity had it.

“Woah Rarity you’ve got a lot there, did you bring everything you had?” Twilight asked sarcastically.

“This is about half I’d say,” Rarity proudly responded dismissing the sarcasm.

“Now then,” The fashionista began grabbing Twilight by her shirt and pulling her in close enough to speak at a volume Fluttershy wouldn’t hear, “Twilight wanna help me make Fluttershy look simply wonderful.”

“I’m not great at makeup, but I can give it my best,” Twilight whispered in return the eagerness in her voice bringing a smile to Rarity’s face.

“I like your passion, we have someone here that we need her to impress,” Rarity smiled winking at Twilight, with them both turning to look at Fluttershy giggling.

“Um, why are you laughing at me,” Fluttershy said feeling uncomfortably exposed.

“We were simply giggling over how stunning we are going to make you,” Rarity answered opening a container and dabbing a makeup brush against it.

“Why me?,” Fluttershy asked curiously one eye visible through a gap in her hair.

“Because we are gonna do you first silly,” Rarity beamed as she passed a bobble to Twilight to tie Fluttershy’s hair back.

Fluttershy sat as still as she usually would when Rarity needed to practice some of her techniques, but this time felt different like Rarity had an ulterior motive, she pursed her lips as Rarity often requested in order to better work on her, having gotten a little experience in having makeovers when her mother had taken her to a few fashion shoots last year.

“One more round, one more I can totally beat you this time,” Rainbow cried competitively shaking her fist in Applejack’s direction.

“Sugar this is the fourth time Sunset and I have wiped the floor with you and Pinkie you really think this will make a difference,” Applejack said tipping her hat to her teammate Sunset, all the while sticking her tongue out at Rainbow.

“It would help if Pinkie stopped throwing items at me, we’re on a team Pinkie!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed throwing her arms into the air.

“I turned the friendly fire off two games ago Dash what’s your excuse now,” Sunset teased while fist-bumping Applejack.

Rainbow Dash screwed up her face in frustration her competitive side getting the better of her, it wasn’t that she needed to win she just liked to win, she liked to win a whole lot. A smirk broke through her lips which turned into a smile and then laughter causing all four of them to begin laughing.

“AHEM,” A voice called from behind them causing all four girls playing the video game to turn around seeing the source of the noise. There Rarity stood with Twilight and Fluttershy at her side all three of them having had their makeovers.

Rarity didn’t look much different probably because she already wore makeup to school every day as is, but Twilight and Fluttershy looked fairly different, not too much that you wouldn’t recognise them, but they’d gone from cute to jaw-dropping cute. They had their eyes and eyelashes enhanced making them more defined along with a nice base of makeup just to make their complexion fairer, they each had a small amount of lip gloss dabbed against their lips that perfectly matched their skin tone causing them to gleam, highlighting just how prepared Rarity was for each of her friends.

“Wow guys you look great,” Sunset said her mouth open at the talent of Rarity,

“Yeah YOU LOOK SUPER CUTE,” Pinkie cheered jumping over the couch and diving on Twilight.

“You all looked pretty before, but y’all belong on the cover of a magazine,” Applejack said nodding to Rarity.

Fluttershy blushed hard hearing all of the compliments pushing her hair in front of her face to hide it, she could peer through the gaps between the strands of her hair letting her still slightly see her friends, they all looked so impressed even Rainbow Dash. Rarity had done such a good job if only she had the confidence to match it, maybe then she could really impress her athletic friend.

Rarity aided in plying Pinkie Pie away from Twilight before sitting down on a chair beside the couch her stomach rumbling as she did.

“I think someone is hungry,” Pinkie said giggling.

“I might be hungry, yes, but a lady’s stomach doesn’t rumble,” Rarity admitted trying to hide the embarrassment.

Just then both Applejacks and Pinkie Pie stomachs began to rumble causing several of the girls to break into laughter, “Well I’m a farm girl, not a lady and I am starved,” Applejack chuckled.

“LETS ORDER PIZZA,” Pinkie declared excitedly.

“Oh I don’t really have that much money for pizza, this place is pretty expensive,” Confessed a red-faced Sunset.

“Not to worry dear you provided the locale we shall provide the food,” Rarity began, “now what pizza do you all want.”

“I can pay for my own don’t worry,” Fluttershy added softly.

“Nonsense darling I recently did a big order of costumes for the town halls theatrical showing of Romeo and Juliet I can handle it,” Rarity contested taking out a pen and paper to write down what people wanted.

That’s Rarity the element of generosity, Sunset thought as she chuckled to herself, asking for a pepperoni pizza.

“Can I just have a margherita please,” Squeaked Fluttershy earning a nod from Rarity.

“Yeah go on I’ll have a plain cheese one too,” Rainbow Dash called out.

Rarity noted down the rest of the girl’s order noticing something, “Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, you both want a plain pizza right?” Rarity asked earning a nod from both of the girls, “Well, in that case, I’ll get a large one that you can split meanwhile us four can have the meat feat and pepperoni to share between us,”

Everyone seemed happy with the decision keeping quiet while Rarity made the call. Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie had dashed over to the back of the room and began rummaging through her bag mumbling to herself as she did.

“Alright, it’s all sorted,” Rarity began before Pinkies overpowering voice interrupted her, “GAMES!,”

Everyone turned around confused to see Pinkie Pie stood with various boxes of games that they could play.

“I don’t mind what game we play as long as it ain't monopoly I ain't havin a repeat of last time,” Applejack announced glaring intensely at Rainbow Dash.

“Hey, it’s not my fault I was a little tipsy and frustrated,” Rainbow battled, rubbing the back of her neck out of embarrassment.

“Yeah tell that to the judge, it took us ages to gather all the pieces back up,” Applejack teased, attempting to push a few of the athlete’s buttons.

“Yeah, Sure,” Rainbow moaned, rolling her eyes at the farm girl, “Now Pinkie what you got.”

“Well I suppose we could start with charades,” The Pink haired girl replied tossing a box that looked suspiciously liked Monopoly over her shoulder.

“Sounds perfect,” Twilight and Sunset said in unison causing them to start laughing.

Pinkie prepared the cards placing them face down on the table between them all dedicating the first turn to Sunset since she was the host. The flame-haired girl stood up and took a card beginning to act as an Anteater in the best way she could, it took the girls a while since Sunset actually had no idea that an Anteater was an animal and so she just looked like she was eating peas from a plate. Upon the group's revelation that Sunset Shimmer had no idea what an anteater was they all burst into uncontrollable laughter with Sunset nearly falling over the table from her laughter causing the girls to laugh even harder.

“MY TURN MY TURN,” Pinkie said jumping excitedly knocking a few cards out of place as she took one from the top of the pile, she looked down at her card examining it and settling on the action she would perform, she placed her fist over her mouth and then clenched her other hand into a fist to spin around her other hand almost like she was squeezing icing into her mouth. The girls made a few mechanical based guesses when a quiet voice could be heard, “Mosquito,” Fluttershy said in her hushed tone not wanting to interrupt anyone.

“Someone said it!,” Pinkie gasped frantically looking around for the person.

“Um…Mosquito,” Fluttershy repeated her voice somehow sounding quieter in the silence.

“That’s right,” Pinkie said high fiving the meek girl who was looking a little embarrassed to receive the attention.

“How did you get Mosquito from that?” Sunset asked her confused expression showing just how bewildered she was.

“She was doing sign language,” Fluttershy replied.

“You and Pinkie know sign language?” Twilight asked.

Fluttershy nodded turning to Pinkie Pie, "Pinkie and I took lessons at school so that we could talk to Vinyl better since she uses sign language a lot.”

“That’s actually really cool of you,” Dash praised patting Fluttershy on the head.

“Oh thank you,” Fluttershy replied looking down at the floor to try and hide the fact her cheeks were a crimson red.

“Fluttershy darling it’s your turn,” The purple-haired fashionista cut in, pointing to the stack of cards on the table.

“ okay,” Fluttershy conceded taking a card as she stood up, she looked at what was written on it.

*A bunny*

Fluttershy knew how to act like a rabbit she had angel bunny as her example. She placed the card face down on the table as to not give away what she was going to be. Closed her eyes and tried to get into character. When they next opened all she could see were groups of eyes staring at her. The whole rooms attention was on her, she felt her hands begin to sweat, her breathing intensifying, these were her friends, she shouldn’t be struggling with them.

“Fluttershy are you alright?” Rarity asked noticing the discomfort growing on the shy girl’s face.

“Come on Flutters you got this,” Rainbow cheered.

Fluttershy’s heart rate quickened but not because of the pressure but because of the support, the feeling of having Rainbow Dash and her friends support her invigorated her, giving her just enough confidence to stick out her butt and hop around.

“OOH a Kangaroo,” Pinkie shouted earning herself a no from Fluttershy.

“Is it a rabbit?” Applejack asked to which Fluttershy told her she was very close.

“Oh. Oh. a bunny,” Sunset called out nearly falling out of her chair as she leaned forward itching the answer out of herself.

“Yes it was a bunny,” Fluttershy smiled taking the opportunity to quickly sit back down.

The girls laughed as Twilight struggled to pull Sunset against the force of gravity, using all her strength to stop her from falling the ground when the doorbell rang. The sudden sound caused each girls attention to be cast upon the door, Twilight even going as far to forget she was attempting to rescue Sunset leaving her grip to weaken on the Flame headed girl resulting in her crashing to the floor.

“Pizza!” Pinkie cried jumping over Sunset and running over to the door and taking the boxes from the delivery guy.

Rarity also rose from her chair, but she instead headed over to her bag taking out her purse and paying the delivery driver what they owed.

“Thanks for ordering, you girls all take care now,” The delivery guy smiled as Rarity closed the door turning around into a room that was now filled with the aroma of food.

Pinkie placed the boxes down on the table, spreading them out and opening the lids letting an even stronger smell begin to escape. Meanwhile, Sunset had nipped over to her kitchen area and grabbed a handful of plates, some cups and a few bottles of soda placing them on the table alongside.

“Now we’re talking,” Dash grinned grabbing a slice of pizza and chowing down on it.

“Y,” Pinkie started but upon seeing the instant fire in Rarity’s eyes finished chewing her food first, “You can say that again.”

Rarity gave a smile of relief and a sign of approval to Pinkie Pie causing the excitable girl to feel bubbly inside that she was able to make her friend happy.

The girls began digging into the pizza the volume of the room alternating between quiet and chatty as they all filled their stomachs with cheesy goodness. It was all going great until Rainbow Dash noticed something. There was only one slice of pizza left in her and Fluttershy’s box. Both girls awkwardly looked at it unsure of what to do.

“I’ve had more than you so you can have the last piece Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash decided, instantly admitting defeat upon looking at the girls’ innocent face.

“No it's okay you can have it, I'm not that hungry,” Fluttershy responded her rejection causing Rainbow Dash to have a serious need to facepalm.

“I said it’s alright, it’s only fair you have this one,” Dash argued reinforcing her earlier point.

“I mean it I’m not that hungry,” Fluttershy contested her voice remaining quiet but her persistence increasing.

“Fine I’ll have it,” Pinkie called from behind, both girls stared in shock as a hand extended from between them swiping the final piece of pizza before gobbling it into her mouth.

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stared at each other jaws dropped that the slice of pizza had slipped from their grasp, “Hey that was ours!” Rainbow angrily called out after Pinkie.

“Oh please, you pair would have been at it all night and it would have gone cold,” Rarity tutted.

Rainbow looked back at Fluttershy gobsmacked, with them locking eyes for a good few seconds. Fluttershy was staring right into Rainbows pretty magenta eyes, she felt lost looking into them like it would take forever to explore them. The reality of the situation set in and Rainbow Dash started snickering causing a smile to grow on Fluttershy’s face resulting in the both of them rolling on the floor in a fit of laughter.

Across the table, Rarity had nudged Twilight in the side indicating to look at the two girls laughing between each other a bright smile on her face. The bookworm looked first at the duo and then to the fashionista who returned the look with a wink.

“Hey Twi,” A voice called from beside her.

“Oh hello, Sunset what’s up,” Twilight responded.

“Well I was just wondering how you were since this is your first real sleepover, or is your mom gonna come pick you up early again?” Sunset Shimmer asked turning to fully face the nerdy friend.

“She’s not coming till I call her tomorrow, so you’ve got me all night,” Twilight smiled before awkwardly blurting out a second statement, “but I mean if you want me gone sooner just let me know.”

“No it's cool, I’m glad you are gonna be here for the full thing this time, it felt like something was missing when you left us all last time,” Sunset said a charming smile on her face.

“I’m glad I’m staying too, I like it here with you all,” The bookworm replied returning the smile.

“I like you being here,” Sunset cheerily said her focus drawn to the party girl coming over with a metal box.

“Whatchu got there Pinks?” Applejack asked leaning forward in her seat to scope it out.

“It’s poker, I thought we could play it for a bit,” Pinkie said her eagerness being shown as she opened the box and laid out the card spread.

“That reminds me I’ve got a few pitch up chairs in the cupboard, AJ would you mind helping me?” Sunset asked as she walked over to a door on the other side of the room.

“Yeah it ain't a problem,” Applejack responded getting up and taking two folded chairs from Sunset carrying them back to the group noticing her seat had now been stolen by Pinkie leaving a sour taste in her mouth.

Sunset followed suit pitching up a chair for Fluttershy before sitting back down besides Twilight.

“Thank you Sunset,” Fluttershy kindly whispered shifting a little to the side to ensure there was enough room beside her for Rainbow Dash and Applejack.

Applejack tossed the folded chair to Rainbow Dash who placed the legs on the ground and tapped the back with her foot causing it to spring into shape planting it down between the now sitting Fluttershy and the returning farm girl, Applejack placed the chair down and attempted to copy Rainbow Dash noticing that it wouldn’t unfold in the same way.

“Sorry AJ that must be the one that’s stuck lemme grab you another one,” Sunset said guiltily beginning to get out of her seat.

“No need sugar cube,” Applejack started urging her to sit back down as she brought her fist down onto the top of the chair forcing it to take the intended shape.

“How did you know that would work?” Sunset asked in amazement.

“You pick up a thing or two on the farm,” The cowgirl replied chuckling to herself as she positioned her chair between Rainbow and Rarity who sat in one of the actual armchairs.

Applejack sat down waiting to receive her cards when she felt something knock the side of her chair, she looked down out of curiosity to see a foot placed firmly against the side of it. She instantly recognised the owner by the blue trainers with the lightning bolt design, “Rainbow what are ya…Aaah,” Applejack shouted as Rainbow Dash drove her foot into the chair sending her falling towards Rarity.

As gravity had already decided Applejack fell into Rarity, causing the fashionista to look rather unamused with either of the two girls.

“RAINBOW DASH!,” Applejack shouted in embarrassment as she stood up taking a step towards the now laughing athlete.

“Rarity are you alright?” a concerned Fluttershy asked looking worryingly at the purple-haired girl sat opposite her.

Rarity would have said she was quite alright in her typical refined fashion but felt unable to speak as she witnessed madness occurring. Applejack took a step towards Rainbows chair putting her foot on it and pushing with all her might sending the athlete in the opposing direction. Rarity gasped as she realised the athlete was going to collide with a now panic-struck Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash saw herself heading closer and closer to her friend. The athletes quick thinking led to an attempt to grab onto the table alongside her, in the hopes of stopping or at least slowing herself down, but it wasn’t enough. She found herself colliding into the shy girl who squealed in shock as they both tumbled to the ground. The athlete using her honed reflexes to try and break the softer girls fall placing her arm underneath her head and using the other to reduce the damage.

Everyone watched in shock as the two girls tumbled onto the floor together, “Goodness darlings are you okay?” Rarity said standing up to get a better look at the pair now being found in a position where Rainbow Dash was on top of Fluttershy inches away from her face. “Applejack what were you thinking!”

Applejacks faced turned an even darker red in embarrassment as she turned to Rarity, “She pushed me into you I just pushed her back, I didn’t mean to involve Fluttershy, honest,” Applejack said in an attempt to defend herself. “Am sorry Fluttershy are you okay?” The farm girl asked stepping around Rainbow Dash’s now toppled chair in an attempt to help the pair only to stop and look up directly at Rarity a smug look on her face.

Fluttershy hadn’t responded to Applejacks question in fact she hadn’t even heard Applejack she was far too busy being lost in the eyes of the girl above her, she couldn’t believe she was so close. A bright red blush took over Fluttershy’s face as she felt her cheeks getting hotter. Her gaze drifting away from those surprisingly soft eyes to notice Rainbows cheeks beginning to turn a rose red.

From Rainbows perspective, she had started out just trying to do her best to ensure that Fluttershy hadn’t come under any harm from her and Applejack’s fooling around, but that felt like forever ago. Why she was still here holding the Shy girl below her? why hadn’t she gotten up yet?

“Need a hand,” Applejack said extending her hand to the two girls lying on the floor.

“Nah it’s alright I got it,” Dash responded snapping back to reality. She felt herself remain for a few moments her body urging her to take in the feeling of holding Fluttershy so close. She shook her head unsure as to what it was all about and carefully climbed off the girl, standing up and helping Fluttershy to her feet.

The girls all sat back down letting peace restore as Pinkie began to deal out the cards, they proceeded to play a few hands of poker having Pinkie win the majority of the rounds due to her incredible poker face and charm letting her bluff all the hands in her favour.

“Have you practised that poker face?” Sunset asked prodding the party girl in an attempt to make her smile.

Pinkie turned to face Sunset, her face remaining expressionless, “When you live with my sister Maud you learn a thing or two.”

The group collectively looked at each other nodding at the realisation that it must be a trick that runs in the family.

A few more rounds went on with Twilight going bust first followed by Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Sunset leaving Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie in the game.

“This ain't my first rodeo partners,” Applejack said tipping her hat in respect to the remaining players.

“I must say Fluttershy, I'm surprised you’ve managed to stay in this long,” The purple-haired girl admitted.

“Oh its nothing really, I’ve played a bit with my family whenever there is a power cut or storm, so I know what to do,” The meek girl said innocently, intentionally leaving out that she had practised a little on her own.

The game continued with the girl deciding that they should bet more chips in order to speed the game up, the next person to be out was Applejack having fallen for bait set by Pinkie along with a bit of luck in order to get the card she needed. This meant it was the final showdown between Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, the spectators gathered choosing their sides and sitting in silence as Applejack took up the role of the dealer for fairness. With each card drawn Fluttershy felt confident in what she had there were 2 kings on the table and 2 aces, a strong pairing and Fluttershy felt like her hand was the better. Pinkie went all in causing Fluttershy to do the same.

“HA I WIN, there’s no way you’ve beaten me,” Pinkie said excitedly as a large smile punched its way through her poker face, “I’ve got pocket kings so it’s four of a kind my shy friend, four kings.”

“What did you have Flutters?” Dash asked looking over at her in curiosity.

“Um.. two pair,” She said shyly.

“You went all this way on two pair?” Applejack asked confused considering the skills she’d been showing earlier.

“Yeah I got a pair of aces on the table and another pair of aces in my hand,” Fluttershy said a devious smile rising on her face.

“FOUR ACES!” Pinkie cried in shock her jaw-dropping as she dramatically fell off the chair, “Well done, I submit Fluttershy you win.”

Rainbow Dash moved over and tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder, “Nice going dude, you’ll have to teach me sometime.”

Fluttershy blushed at the compliment shaking her head to let her hair fall in front of her face, “Oh…um thank you Rainbow Dash.”

The girls talked for a while as Pinkie packed everything away before re-joining the group and letting out a loud gasp. This having made Rarity jump in fear turned urgently to face her.

“Guys guess what,” Pinkie said quietly causing the other girls to lean in closer to hear her.

“What is it Pinkie Pie? you nearly scared me half to death,” Rarity said while quickly fixing her hair from the shakeup.

“It’s so important, I can’t believe I forgot,” Pinkie responded this time speaking even quieter.

“What is it, is something wrong?” Twilight asked now concerned for her usually excitable friend.

“Yeah, it’s just that…WHOMP!” Pinkie shouted reaching behind her to grab a pillow and raising it above her head before slamming it down onto the bookworm’s head. “Pillow fight!”

The group instantly broke apart spreading in different directions to find a pillow to defend themselves with Applejack having the worst luck as Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle proceeded to team up on her while she was still unarmed.

“Ha-ha guys no fair, I ain't got no weapon yet,” Applejack called using her arm to shield herself all the while laughing hysterically.

“That’s the point,” Sunset started still whacking her with the pillow, “Once you get a pillow we’re doomed,”

Applejack laughed trying to grasp at one of the pillows hitting her when she felt a third strike her turning around to see Rarity now with a pillow in hand lightly hitting her on the back, “Oh three of you now,” She said still laughing.

“GET HER!” Sunset shouted between fits of laughter.

“Right now that’s it,” Applejack called out from under the numerous pillows grabbing the nearest person to her and lifting them up by their legs throwing them down on the nearby couch.

“Ahh you ruffian,” Rarity yelled as she felt herself land on the plush couch.

“Oooooh someone’s gonna get it,” Pinkie taunted as she threw a pillow at Twilight.

“Oh yeah what’s she gonna do,” Applejack began but was cut off as a pillow collided with her face sending her tumbling onto the floor.

“I’ll do just that, I might be a lady, but I’ve still got a bite,” Rarity said now looking a mix between smug and proud.

“Strike her while she’s down,” Rainbow called, taking a cheap shot as she threw a pillow at an unsuspecting Sunset.

As Rarity watched the carnage begin to unfold she spotted a pale girl creeping away into the large makeshift tent to hide, deciding she had the right idea the fashionista slipped away retracing the steps. As she got closer to the tent she reached down and pulled the flap up crawling inside to see the light pink-haired girl looking rather on edge.

“Worry not dear Fluttershy I’ve not come to harm you, in fact, I’m here to hide with you,” She said taking extra care to sound as genuine as she could in order to earn the opposing girls trust.

“I didn’t wanna get hit with a pillow,” Fluttershy admitted receding from her cautious stance and now sitting more calmly.

“Yes I agree, my hair doesn’t agree with being thrown about,” Rarity replied pulling out her handheld mirror and messing around with her hair once more in an attempt to fix it.

“I don’t know it looked like you quite liked being picked up by Applejack,” Fluttershy said innocently teasing.

“What’s that supposed to mean,” Rarity responded lowering her eyebrows with venom on the tip of her tongue.

“Oh…I’m sorry I didn’t mean anything by it,” Fluttershy said beginning to feel uncomfortable.

“It’s quite alright darling, I’ll admit to you and only you that yes she does have something admirable about her,” The fashionista said snootily.

“You all did a really good job of making this place,” Fluttershy said looking around in amazement at the creation.

“I had very little to do with its creation well unless you consider the design part of it,” Rarity replied unable to stop herself from giving a little credit to herself.

“Of course helping design it is important, you’ve done a good job,” Fluttershy beamed an eager smile on her face.

“I hope she isn’t taking all the credit,” Sunset Shimmer egged as she crawled inside the tent followed by Pinkie and Twilight.

“No, no she took very little of the credit I promise,” Fluttershy defended innocently.

“There room for two more in there?” Called Applejack, her voice muffled through the layers of blankets.

“Yeah come on in, I made sure there was room for us all,” Pinkie called back, shifting out the way of the entrance so the others could join.

“Applejack you can sit there between Rarity and Twilight, Rainbow Dash you can sit….” Pinkie Pie scanned the area trying to find a place for their athletic friend to sit.

“Fluttershy if you move a little closer to Pinkie Pie then she can fit in next to you,” Rarity added cutting off Pinkie Pie all the while giving a wink to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy groaned inside the last thing she wanted was Rarity trying to pair them together she’d already had enough contact with the athlete today to last a lifetime.

Rainbow Dash crawled into the tent having to take extra care as to not put pressure on anyone as she moved between the various limbs taking her place beside Fluttershy, “Seems we’re together again,” She smiled looking at Fluttershy.

“Um…Yeah,” Fluttershy responded blushing.

“TRUTH OR DARE!” Pinkie shouted out causing Rarity to jump in shock naturally diving towards Applejack for protection causing a few giggles and a frustrated exhale from Rarity

The girls arranged themselves to sit more comfortably in a circular formation. Pinkie had placed an empty bottle in the centre and announced that whomever the base of the bottle was facing would need to ask the person who was at the neck end the question of truth or dare.

“We all know the rules darling,” Rarity reassured.

“Maybe Twilight hasn’t,” Pinkie proposed.

“I kinda already figured it out,” Twilight added in an attempt to settle the dispute.

“Can we get on with the game please,” Rainbow Dash complained.

“Yeah I’m getting bored,” Sunset added reaching forward and spinning the bottle.

The girls watched is it spun a few times finally settling on the end result of Rarity at the base and Sunset at the neck.

“Well darling you know how it works, truth or dare?,” Rarity questioned.


“What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done at school,”

“Well besides the whole demon thing,” Sunset awkwardly began, “I once knocked my bottle of water off my desk and onto my pants making it look like I’d peed myself.”

Sunset leaned over and spun the bottle while the rest of the girls gave small snickers and giggles causing Sunsets face to turn slightly red in embarrassment. When it finally stopped it was Sunsets turn to ask Rainbow.

“So Dash truth or dare?” The flame-haired girl asked.

“I always take a dare,” She proudly responded.

“I dare you to take your socks off with your teeth,”

Dash’s face fell into confusion, it was a weird dare, but a dare is a dare. She lifted her feet up and attempted to grip her sock with her teeth. It took her a solid five minutes with the rest of the group laughing hysterically at Dash’s various failed attempts, Sunset laughing particularly hard when Rainbow ended up tipping over and falling backwards her foot still in her mouth. The next time Dash was seen upright she was there with her socks between her teeth looking rather proud of herself as she reached forward to give the bottle a spin. It was Applejacks turn to ask Sunset,

“Well, Sunset you know the drill,”

“I pick Truth,” Sunset responded still trying to catch her breath from laughing so much.

Rarity leaned across and whispered something into Applejack’s ear.

“I can’t say that," Applejack protested causing Rarity to begin egging her on to say it.

With a heavy sigh Applejack finally conceded, “Alright Sunset, who you crushing on?”

Sunset’s face reddened the colour matching the brightest streak she had in her hair, “W…what.”

“A said who you got a crush on,” Applejack repeated.

“That doesn’t constitute as a truth question,” Twilight interjected, “It has to be something she can answer yes or no too.”

“She’s right,” Applejack confirmed turning back to a disappointed Rarity.

“I just wanted to make things a little exciting,” Rarity admitted quietly sulking.”

“Okay now um let me see,” Applejack pondered, “Ahh I got, what is your crushes personality like?”

“Once again that’s not really the etiquette for a truth question,” Twilight contested.

“New rule. Ask what you want, and they answer truthfully boom,” Rainbow announced settling the issue before it began.

“But wouldn’t that,” Twilight began.

“I like it, it’s got an official pinkie stamp,” Pinkie announced silencing Twilight and causing all eyes to now fall back onto Sunset.

“Well I guess she’s really sweet and smart and although it’s probably not intentional I find her quite funny,” Sunset stated to the group with a smile as she took her turn to spin the bottle it now being her turn to ask Applejack.

“I know what you’re gonna ask and I pick dare,” Applejack said smugly as to avoid the fire being returned and her being questioned on anyone she had a crush on.

Sunset laughed a little, “I dare you to swap pyjamas with Rarity for the rest of the night.”

“What!,” Rarity cried, “You can’t expect me to give my flawless sleepwear to that ruffian and instead sleep in hers,”

“Rarity need I remind you that you made my pyjamas because you were adamant I needed new ones.” The farm girl replied

“Oh goodness you are correct; I mean after all they had a rip on one of the sleeves and legs. What was I supposed to do, let my dear friend suffer?”

“I wasn’t suffering they were comfy,” Applejack defended.

“Yes but I imagine the new ones are so much plusher and cosier.”

Applejack gave another sigh and scrambled out the tent followed by a hesitant Rarity in order for them to get changed, the remaining five girls sat in silence listening to them bicker over how they had to exchange clothes and that the green of Applejacks T-shirt matched poorly with Rarity’s complexion. The girls in the tent giggled at the arguing before witnessing them both crawl back in with their pyjamas on the opposing character.

“Do you sleep in your hat?” questioned Sunset.

“Well, sometimes I do aye,” Applejack answered.

“Then give it to Rarity,”


“You heard me, if you sleep in it then it counts so Rarity gets it for the night.”

“Now a farm girl can’t be without her hat,” Applejack argued.

“A dare is a dare,” smirked Sunset.

“Gosh darn it fine,” Grumbled Applejack roughly removing the straw hat and placing it onto Rarity’s head.

“You best hope it doesn’t land on me asking you,” growled Applejack as she spun the bottle around.

Applejack spun the bottle with it landing in the position where she would be asking Rainbow Dash.

“A assume you are gonna be going dare?” Queried Applejack.

“You know it,” Rainbow cockily answered.

Applejack grinned, “I dare you to sing instead of speak for the next few rounds.”

“Um Okaaaaaaay,” Rainbow sang causing Fluttershy to start giggling.

Rainbow Dash cracked her knuckles looking at Applejack with a devious smile reaching forward and spinning the bottle, Rainbow Dash’s smile quickly broke when there was a repeat of the previous go and it was once again going to be Applejack daring Rainbow Dash. This caused Rainbow to frown as she saw the delight appear on Applejacks face.

“So you want another dare,” Applejack questioned.

“Yes I dooooo,” harmonised rainbow.

“Let Rarity text anyone anything in your phone.”

“Alright, game on, it's not like Rarity is gonna try and get me killed.”

Rainbow Dash handed Rarity her phone only taking a second to hesitate before opting in and handing her phone to Rarity then moving back to the game and spinning the bottle this time Rarity asking Fluttershy.

“Can I have a truth please if that’s okay?” Fluttershy asked timidly.

“Come on Flutters you always pick truth why don’t you try a dare,” Rainbow complained.

“You gotta sing Dash,” ordered Applejack.


“Um okay Rarity, I’ll try a dare for Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy meekly peeped.

“Hmm,” Rarity pondered a sly grin beginning to take shape, “Since you picked dare for Rainbow Dash I think your dare should involve Rainbow Dash,”

Fluttershy began to sweat as worry took over her, what on earth was she going to suggest? She wouldn’t make us kiss right? I always wanted my first kiss to be special Rainbow or no Rainbow.

“I dare you to spend the rest of the game sitting on Rainbow Dash’s lap.”

“What!” Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy cried out in unison.

“A lady always speaks clearly so I know you heard me,” Rarity replied indirectly confirming what she had said.

Fluttershy blushed. Hard. Like magma was flowing behind her cheeks making her feel flushed as she looked between the bewildered Rainbow Dash and smug Rarity.

“Well a dares a dare,” reasoned Rainbow crossing her legs to create an impromptu seat for Fluttershy.

“Well um I guess,” Fluttershy awkwardly responded.

Fluttershy slowly began to scoot closer towards Rainbow Dash feeling incredibly embarrassed as to what she was being asked to do, she would move an inch at a time but to her it felt like a mile with each shuffle. Fluttershy’s knee knocked with Rainbows as instant regret settled in, “Why did I tell Rarity,” the shy girl thought as her athletic friend looked beside her, legs crossed for Fluttershy to sit between. Fluttershy sighed she knew this was a fate she could not escape. The pale girl rather awkwardly lifted herself into Dash’s lap struggling to enjoy a moment she’d fantasised about as she could feel the intense staring of many watchful eyes. She looked up at Rainbow Dash, how was she staying so calm and looking so cool. Well, It’s because she’s not like me.

“WHAAAAAT!,” was all that could be heard echoing around the inside of Rainbow Dash’s head, a rush of strange and unfamiliar emotions flowing over her as the quiet girl planted herself on the athlete’s lap, between the strange smile she was getting from Rarity and the rather uncomfortable look she was getting from Fluttershy, she was getting a few mixed messages, I mean she wasn’t dense. Could this maybe have a deeper meaning, Dash thought to herself having her short attention span triggered by the sound the bottle beginning to spin again.

“Are you serious,” Sunset laughed seeing how Rarity had to ask Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

“Wait how does this work?” Twilight asked her eyebrow-raising as her brain attempted to concoct an answer.

“Well duh, it’s gotta be a joint dare or they both gotta answer the truth,” Pinkie clarified.

“Is that so,” Rarity smirked a devious look in her eyes.

Fluttershy felt a wave of dread wash over, “What else could she do now,” she thought hoping the worst was over.

“Well I think we should do a truth before this gets weird Shy,” Dash suggested looking down at her friend.

“G…good idea,” The shy girl quietly whispered out causing Rarity to look rather disappointed.

“Aww, and I had such a good dare. Well alright, I suppose…” The fashionista went quiet for a moment pondering what she could ask when a eureka moment struck. “Does the person you are crushing on go to our high school.”

Fluttershy paused waiting to see if Dash would answer first, she counted the seconds in her head, “One. Two. Three. Four. Oh please answer first, Five. Six.”

“Well, I suppose if I was actually crushing on them,” Dash spoke up scratching the back of her head. “because I ain't exactly sure, but my answer would be yeah.”

Fluttershy looked up at Dash her mind racing at the possibility it could be her. However, it didn’t take long for her to begin scolding herself she knew she wasn’t going to be good enough in Rainbows eyes she’d want a strong athlete to keep up with her.

“Fluttershy you gotta answer as well,” Twilight piped up snapping the daydreaming girl back into the game.

“Oh…oh of course, I would also answer yes.”

“Damm so even Fluttershy is more in touch with her romantic emotions than me,” Rainbow muttered silently to herself so that not even the quiet girl in her lap could hear.

Dash realised one of them would need to spin the bottle and it might as well be her, she ran her arm around Fluttershy and awkwardly pushed at the bottle trying to get it to spin.

“Let me help,” The girl on her lap kindly spoke as she too reached forward to spin the bottle for them.

“No, I got it, just one more try.”

“Just let me help it won’t be an issue.”

Sunset rolled her eyes at the pair of fumbling hands trying to grab a hold of the bottle and knocked it with her foot causing it to spin,

“Hey, I nearly had that,” Dash growled as she in one last effort lunged forward to try and make the bottle spin faster but instead sending it twirling out of the tent.

“I suppose that’s the end of that, even though me and Pinkie didn’t get a turn.” Twilight sighed disappointed she missed out on participating.

“Aww not to worry, last time Applejack didn’t get a turn either and it just means we have to play it again sometime. So now its official we need another sleepover,” Pinkie announced excited that they now had to have another sleepover.

“I mean I can just get the bottle back if you want?” Sunset asked confused as to why this meant they had to stop.

“But if you went to fetch it you’d be missing out on Spooky stories,” Pinkie said sealing the small hole in the roof causing the space to dim to complete darkness.

Fluttershy was never a big fan of the dark it made her feel on edge and tense, she found herself subconsciously gripping onto the closest thing to her clutching it tightly out of fear of the unknown.


A small light flickered against the Party girl as she sat there with a small torch shining at her face, everyone’s attention was on Pinkie as she began to mimic the laughter of a mad scientist, Sunset leaned over and whispered something into Twilights ear causing her to giggle.

“Wasszipit, it’s time for me to tell you a tale,” Pinkie began ignoring the hushed laughter.

Everyone listened as Pinkie started her story detailing the main characters arriving at a cabin in the woods.

Fluttershy gripped tighter onto what she was holding feeling more and more anxious over the topic of creepy stories her eyes locked onto Pinkie when she heard a whisper.

“Uh, hey Shy, you okay there?” Came a hushed voice in her ear.

The meek girl looked at what she was holding, she’d wrapped Rainbow Dash’s arm around her and was clutching it tightly to her chest. Her face went pale not because of the horror she was hearing in the story but the horror of her own actions.

“I’m so sorry,” Shy apologised, instantly letting go, watching the arm drop to her lap.

“It’s alright Shy, you can hold onto me if you’re scared. I used to protect you from bullies I’m sure I can manage a swamp monster,” Dash whispered softly chuckling into Fluttershy’s ear.

Fluttershy felt her heart skip a beat. She remembers. She still cares. The thin girl was filled with a wholesome delight as she heard that the athlete she looked up to was still willing to protect her. A small blush began to rose her cheeks, but it was too dark for anyone to notice.

“And as they moved closer and closer to the sound in the basement they could see a small figure in the corner. Hello, are you okay, the remaining girl asked, but it was short-lived as the figure began to stand up. Stretching and contorting into a figure the size of two men, the teenager moved her flashlight to see her friends had been merged into a monster that then ATE HER!” Applejack explained as she ended her story. Fluttershy yelped burying her face into Rainbows chest her breath heavy as she composed herself from the fear, Rainbow Dash rather awkwardly looked down at her not sure what to do. Her gaze was brought up and towards Rarity pleading for help, Rarity kindly nodded motioning the Rainbow-haired girl to place her hand on Fluttershy’s head to comfort her.

“Am sorry there Fluttershy I dint mean to scare ya,” The cowgirl apologised her face stricken with guilt.

“It’s okay I didn’t mean to get so scared,” She responded embarrassed over how she was reacting.

Rainbow Dash once again looked towards Rarity for help, who motioned for her to stroke her hair causing Rainbows eyebrow to raise questioning if that would really help only to be egged on further by Rarity.

Twilight watched as Rainbow Dash began to awkwardly run her hand through Fluttershy’s hair noticing how Fluttershy tensed up at her touch before melting into the comfort it offered.

“I think it’s time we move back into the living room and stick a nice movie on,” Sunset suggested crawling out of the tent and heading over to fiddle with plugging her phone into the tv to turn on a movie, Pinkie and Twilight rushed out to join her scrolling through her collection to decide on what they should watch.

“Are you alright Fluttershy?” Rarity asked placing a caring hand on her back.

“I’ll be alright I promise,” Fluttershy meekly responded wiping away a tear.

Rarity weakly smiled exiting the tent dragging Applejack by the collar and pulling her out with her.

“How could you make it so scary, what were you thinking,” The fashionista hissed as she pulled the farm girl out of the tent, the sounds of them bickering continuing over into the main room.

“Uh, you sure you are alright Shy?” Rainbow persisted.

Fluttershy nodded removing her head from Rainbow’s chest to revel her puffy red eyes and tear streaked cheeks, “I suppose I was meant to get off your lap when the game ended.”

Rainbow let out a chuckle, “It's alright Shy no harm done and besides I doubt you would have lasted through the story if you weren’t still on my lap.”

The pair looked at each other kindly, Fluttershy leaning in a little closer, opening her arms to hug the athlete, “I can’t do this, she’ll think I’m weird,” the shy girl thought to herself recoiling from the hug an awkward expression glossing her face.

“Are you pair coming?” Sunset called to the two girls as the sounds of a movie opening could be heard from outside the tent.

“Come on they’ll think we are doing something weird in here if we don’t get out there,” Dash said with a smile helping Fluttershy off her lap and heading out the tent to join the others.

Fluttershy took a minute to compose herself taking a deep breath before she herself crawled out into the open room heading over to the group but unable to find anywhere comfy still available to sit.

“Yo Shy you can sit here by me,” Dash beckoned shuffling over to one side of an armchair to make room for the slender girl.

“Oh…um…only if you are sure, you’ve done enough,” The shy girl responded in her typical shy tone.

“It’s all good shy don’t worry; I couldn’t leave you upset so you can stick by me so I can keep an eye on you.” The athlete smiled.

Fluttershy slowly shuffled over, taking her time to step over the various legs that blocked her way before finally reaching her goal and sitting down besides Rainbow Dash. They were pact closely together their sides pushed up against each other.

“There isn’t really enough room, I’ll move,” Shy insisted.

“Shy don’t worry we just gotta work with the space,” Dash said confidently raising her arm and placing it over the shy girl allowing her to comfortably lean on her.

Fluttershy lay her head on Dash’s chest her eyes growing heavy as the light from the TV flickered against them.

“You comfy there?” The concerned rainbow-haired girl asked to which she received no reply.

“Shhh she’s fallen asleep darling,” Rarity whispered standing up and draping a blanket over the pair.

Rainbow Dash smiled in response to the gesture pulling at the blanket to make sure both herself and Shy were covered before going back to watch the movie. It can’t have been that interesting for Dash as she too found her own eyes closing for good.

“She’ll be okay now right?” The concerned athlete asked.

Rarity nodded, “You’ve done a good job Rainbow Dash.”

“Yeah Dash, looking out for your friends like that is way cool,” Sunset added throwing her team captain a thumbs up.

Rainbow laid her head back against the chair smiling to herself, looking out for her friends, being showered in praise. She could get used to this, The athlete didn’t last much longer than her the shy girl she’d taken into protection soon drifting off to sleep alongside her, the sounds of hushed talking lulling her to sleep.