//------------------------------// // Chapter 60: The Mirror // Story: The Life of Penumbra Heartbreak // by Unwhole Hole //------------------------------// Deep within the Crystal Citadel, all was quiet. Even the hum of machines had grown distant, their full energy beginning to transfer to somewhere remote and unseen. Only distant explosion could sometimes be heard, either from the battle outside or the storm overhead. Red lightning flashed, illuminating a nearly empty room. A room that contains a mirror. Suddenly, in the darkness, runes began to glow. They were those cast by Twilight Luciferian, a device intended at first to allow the mirror to operate and later to shut it down. They were designed and carved with precision care, drawn from one hundred and twenty six separate arcane alphabets. Several defense golems turned slowly, their attention attracted by the sudden source of magic. The runes began to flicker. Then, in an instant, they shattered, overwhelmed by a different set that quickly subsumed them- -a spell of infinity greater complexity, forged from the lexicon of four hundred eighty six individual languages, including six that had not yet been devised. The mirror shimmers and a pony stepped through. The golems immediately took a defensive stance, but hesitated, not understanding what exactly they were looking at. That hesitation was their demise. Yellow runes danced across the floor, forming circles around each of them- -and the golems exploded from within in plumes of ice. As they collapsed to dust, she walked past them silent and alone.