//------------------------------// // Epilogue: Four Months Later // Story: I Love You // by BoredAuthor817 //------------------------------// Twilight leaned back in her bed, gently rocking the tiny bundle in her arms. She gently ran a finger along a tiny ear. She gently stroked the soft hair. The newborn stretched as she happily nursed. Tiny fingers reached out and wrapped themselves around the mother's. Twilight held her daughter tighter. That night a few months ago, though still fresh in her mind, seemed so far away. Despite her own injuries, the baby had been largely unharmed. They did have their moments, but in the end, she gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Still, a sorrow hung over this happy occasion. She couldn't be here. She wouldn't get to meet her daughter. Their daughter would never know the woman who saved her life; the woman who gave her own life so her daughter could have a chance. Twilight smiled sadly, thinking of how she would have to raise their child alone. Though, it brightened slightly as she thought of her family and friends waiting outside. Yes, she was alone, but not completely alone. She jumped slightly at a rapping on the door. Twilight looked at the figure standing in the doorway. “You ready for visitors?” “Yeah,” she said, “but, you and Dad get first viewing.” “Grandparent privileges, huh?” Velvet joked, “I'll tell the others. Oh, by the way, the princess is here, too.” “Princess Twilight?” “No, the other one.” “Then, she can come in with you.” Velvet smiled, “I'll be back.” Twilight's spirits were lifted as she was slowly surrounded by her family and friends. Each had brought a little something for the newborn. Everyone wanted to hold her. “You still haven't told us her name,” said Cadence. Twilight lightly chuckled, “I was waiting for everyone to be present when I announced it.” “Well, it had better be something completely awesome!” “You can do that to yer own child, Rainbow Dash,” Applejack chided. “What?” Rainbow whined, “I only want a name that she would've approved of.” “Oh,” Twilight said with a twinkle in her eye, “I'm sure she would have approved of this.” She held up the baby for all to see, “Everyone, and everypony, I would like you to meet Sunshimmer.”