Final Fantasy: Warriors of the Crystal

by shadowfalcon76

The Wild Rose

The Wild Rose

Azure Vessel and Highwind galloped towards the source of the scream, both readying their weapons just in case it was something that warranted intervention of the town guards. Not much happened in such a small town as Cornelia, and what little did wasn't something that required readied weapons, but the two youthful stallions were still on edge from the day, and neither had a chance to wind down much from their respective battles. Azure had sincerely hoped it was nothing more than some mare coming across a rat or dropping her basket into a puddle of mud or something equally silly, but the tone of the scream hinted at some form of actual danger in his ears. A quick glance over to Highwind seemed to show a similar thought forming in his mind, judging from the look on his face.

As the two ponies rounded the corner of the street, the sight they were greeted with gave them reason to pause, and quickly. Before them were two mares and a stallion, all three dressed exquisitely, all three unicorn, but that is where the similarities ended. Azure took the measure of the scene before him to gauge his next action, as Highwind did much the same. One of the mares and the stallion stood together on one side of the street, the mare standing behind the stallion, who was leading down slightly. He was favoring his front left leg, a thin line of red visible on his orange coat, slowly dripping a crimson fluid down his leg and onto his rather fancy looking jacket, which had a similar gash at the same location as the wound. He held in his magical aura a fencing rapier, pointed at the second mare, who stood across the street from him, facing him with a rapier of her own.

She held not some posh showpiece of a sword, but a rapier that was designed more for war than for quietly collecting dust over some mantle. Its blade held an auburn hue to it, while the cross guard incorporated the imagery of a rose and its thorny stem. The unicorn mare holding it aloft in her dark red magical aura was dressed in similar elegance. Draped across her withers was a short red cape, with a clasp and chain in a similar rose and thorns motif, all of which casually concealed a red jacket that had gold buttons down the front, a turnover collar, and a white kerchief tied as the neck piece. Upon her head rested a stylish red chapeau with a white feather featured prominently to one side. Her mane and tail, which were both combed smooth and seemingly had a shimmer to them, shared a similar crimson color, but it was of a somewhat lighter shade, and her coat bore a soft pink color. The cutie mark upon her flank was that of a rose whose thorny stem was wrapped around a wine glass half filled with a dark, reddish liquid of some sort. The mare held a smirk on her snout as her lavender eyes almost laughed merrily at the stallion before her.

"My, my," the sanguine mare started, "what a delightfully dreadful way to react to a jest. Do you always show mirth by drawing steel, or was that particular punchline just a tad bit closer to home than you'd like?" It seemed that she was taunting him, and the stallion responded in kind by lunging his rapier at the arrogant mare before him. The red-clad mare simply flicked her rapier a bit and deftly parried his clumsy thrust, while continuing with a verbal riposte.

"You know, Lord Byton, if you did not want such jokes making the rounds, then perhaps you might want to keep your dalliances out of the public eye, or at least learn to hold your liquor better than you're holding your sword now." With that, she parried a thrust from the stallion, turned the blade to the side, caught the cross guard of his sword, and flicked his rapier away behind her, plunging it blade first into the wood of a nearby building. The stallion, and the mare accompanying him, both had a look of shock across their faces, which shortly were replaced with angry glares as both of their horns lit up. The vermillion mare simply held a smile on her face in response.

"Ah, then if it is a duel of magics that you want," she said in an almost sing-song voice, “all you had to do was ask!"

The shock of coming across one duel ending and another immediately beginning wore off of both Azure Vessel and Highwind at about the same time, and the two stallions knew that they had to end this before it got much further out of hoof and got innocent bystanders hurt. Azure drew his sword while Highwind drew his lance, and they interposed themselves between the dueling parties, Highwind facing the stallion and mare duo, and Azure facing the red-clad mare.

"Be careful of that one, my friend," Highwind said in a low voice to Azure, while keeping the stallion and mare steadily in the focus of his jade eyes, "She bears the trappings of a red mage, skilled in sword and spells both white and black." Azure nodded as he produced the badge of the Cornelian Town Guard from his scabbard.

"We are of the Cornelian Town Guard," Azure spoke forcefully, "We must ask you to put away your weapons, discharge your spells, and do not put others at risk. Speak with us so that we may work out your problems together, or leave town and work out your grievances in the wilds." The red mage looked at Azure and once again took up a smirk on her lips.

"Aren't you a little young to be a town guard? I was unaware that Cornelia drafted colts to wash its streets clean of rabble such as this." She flicked her head, motioning to Byton and the mare with him. Byton's response was simply to growl and snort back at her while the mare with him continued to hold a look of horror at the whole affair. Azure, for his own part, wasn't sure how to respond to her insult, but he kept a steady eye on her all the same, looking for any sudden movements. After a few tense moments, the mare with Byton had calmed down enough to managed a hurried and scared whisper into his ear.

"Sugarplum, dear," she worriedly exclaimed while eying Highwind, "isn't that one of those so called dragon knights? The ones we hear about from the north? Do you really want to antagonize one of them? That uncouth mare is one thing, but I really don't want to be eaten by a dragon. Let's go, please?" She tugged at Byton's sleeve for slight emphasis, accidentally tearing it further at the cut from the red mage's blade. Byton took one annoyed look at the mare, then back to the junior guards ponies in front of him, and then finally to the red mage.

"It seems today is your lucky day, Vintessa," Byton taunted, "the town guards have arrived to save your sorry flank from the righteous beating it is due." Byton and his mare began a hasty retreat as he continued, "You won't be so fortunate the next we meet." As he made his way down the street, he momentarily tripped on a cobblestone, nearly falling flat on his face, before catching himself and disappearing around the nearest corner. Vintessa, as Byton had called the red mage, merely laughed a delightfully merry laugh, so full of life that is nearly made a tinkling sound as it rang through the air. Azure Vessel and Highwind looked on at her in confusion. After what seemed like a minute or so, Vintessa regained her composure.

"Oh dear, it seems Byton has once again gotten it into his head that he can simply lift a sword and assume he is a master bladespony." Vintessa looked towards Azure, "I doubt he could live twenty lifetimes and gather but a fraction of your skill. Hello, allow me to properly introduce myself. I am Vintessa LaRouge, red mage, master swordsmare, and connoisseur of the finest spirits and wines this side of Everfree. However," She paused, taking a moment to cast a critical eye over Azure, "I suppose a strapping young stallion such as yourself could oblige me and simply call me Vin for short." With that, Vin sheathed her sword with a flourish, and in the same maneuver, managed to take off her hat whilst giving Azure and Highwind an elaborate bow. After a moment, her hat found its way back to her head, and Vin turned to look about the place.

"So, where would be the best place around this quaint little town of yours to find a relaxing drink?" Azure, still not quite certain what to make of this unusual mare, shot a quick glance to Highwind, who was carefully hiding his bewilderment beneath the draconic face of his helm, and then returned to Vin, who wore a warm, if somewhat mischievous, smile upon her face, awaiting an answer. After fumbling for an moment, Azure managed to gain a hold of his voice.

"W-well, my lady, a good place around here would be the inn. My friend and I were actually o-on our way there, actually, and if you'd like, we would like- err, I would like- I MEAN... We could take you along with us. Perhaps you can explain why you were dueling Lord Byton in the middle of the road along the way?" Why was this mare making him so nervous, Azure thought. He really had no reason to be wary of her much more than any other armed adventurer that occasionally made their way through Cornelia. What made her so different?

For her part, Vin simply smiled at Azure and giggled a slight bit, "Perhaps I shall, although I can assure you anything pertaining to that oaf is certain to put you to sleep where you stand." Vin turned to follow Azure and Highwind as they made their way to the inn, "I hear there are actually some black mages that use tales of Byton as the verbal components to their Sleep spells, and swear it makes them more effective. I am fairly inclined to believe them, knowing the lout personally."


Evening had long since set, and the night had taken hold of the lands, yet Vin, Azure, and Highwind continued to travel down memory's lane. Vin related the latest tale of Byton's attempts to claim the title of master swordstallion by virtue of not stabbing himself, figuring out which end of a blade to hold, and him foalishly challenging her to a duel. Azure and Highwind, their stamina not quite the equal of Vin's, were rapidly beginning to feel as if she were casting Sleep upon them just by continuing to expound Byton's virtues, or lack thereof. It also did not help that Vin's speech was slightly slurred from all the connoisseuring she was doing of the inn's finest, stoutest ale.

Just as the need for rest was about to claim Azure in the heady fragrance of sleep, Vin asked him a question that managed to drag him back for the precipice of unconsciousness.

"Have either of the two of you ever heard tell of the Cave of Wishes?" At the mention of this, Azure and Highwind both perked up a bit, brought to wakefulness at Vin's asking of an old tale they both thought was just a local myth. The two stallions had lived in Cornelia for only a few years each, but they had been around long enough to almost be certain that Vin wasn't from around the area, so they were unsure as to how she came about such knowledge. After a moment's consideration, Azure spoke up.

"We have, indeed," he answered, "but we were not aware word of such a minor local story had spread much beyond the rocks and birds here. It is thought to be nothing more than a simple foal's game, meant to entertain the young as they waste time searching for something that isn't there." Azure held a slight blush as he told of his knowledge of the tale. If Highwind had any sort of reaction himself, the visage of the dragon upon his helm hid it, and wasn't going to tell. Vin chuckled a little before continuing.

"Oh, I assure you it is more than some foal's errand. Legends speak of a great treasure within the cave, hidden away only to be found by adventurers with the keenest of eyes and sharpest of minds. Nopony really knows what, exactly, this treasure consists of, but it is said to grant the wildest dreams of the pony that finds it. A treasure such as that, well, it would be worth quite a fortune, should it be found." Vin leaned back, her ale mug held firmly in the grasp of her magic, and imagined the vast wealth with which she would be bestowed upon finding the treasure. A small laugh escaped her lips as Azure and Highwind looked to each other.

"My lady," Highwind began, "while the Cave of Wishes would be worthy of searching for, I believe you've come here on time lost. Some have come before, as I am told by the elders, looking for this treasure you seek, and all have either left empty-hooved, never having found the cave, or not left at all, becoming as lost as the cave itself. While I would wish you luck, I would not hope to expect to find much in some dusty and half-forgotten hole in the ground, were I you." Azure gave a slight nod in agreement as Highwind finished.

"I would agree," she responded, "were it not for the fact that I have knowledge of a part of the tale that is not well known, even around here." Vin held a knowing smile upon her lips, her eyes on the two stallions. The two of them shot each other a quick glance before Azure spoke up.

"What knowledge would that be, that would grant you what the cave would deny others?" Azure couldn't imagine what Vin could know that would suddenly make the Cave of Wishes appear before her and no others.

"Ah ah!" Vin retorted with a laugh, as she set down her mug, "That is for me to know! I wouldn't do well to simply give away my secret. However," she continued to eye the two stallions before her, "I might be convinced to share it with you if you two were to be my personal guides as I search the area. While I am capable of taking care of myself, it would be a much faster process if I had the able help of someponies as obviously talented as the two of you." She held a smile and shared a wink as Azure and Highwind suddenly became rather self aware of themselves. Azure's blush deepened, and Highwind turn to the side slightly, scratching the back of his head under his helm. Having gotten the reaction she had hope, Vin let out a small, giddy laugh.

"I'll take that as a yes, then," she continued, "Lovely, excellent, then perhaps I shall turn in for the night. We have a full day's worth of exploring to do, and a mare needs her beauty sleep. Until the morn comes, my guides." With that, Vin stood from the table, carrying her drink with her as she made her way up the stairs of the inn towards her room. It was a minute before Azure and Highwind could bring themselves to even move, so rife with confusion over what just happened.


It was morning when Azure heard the news from Sergeant Pansy. Highwind's patrol suffered a major setback, with almost the whole unit laid up in the white mage's tents, unable to go on patrol for quite some time. Highwind and Sergeant Biggs were the only ones relatively unhurt, and the two of them were given some time off to rest and recover. However, that had left the town short a unit to do patrols, and so the rest were going to have to work harder to cover the shortfall. Azure wasn't too keen on the idea of extra shifts, but he knew it had to be done. Sergeant Pansy, to Azure's surprise, had a different assignment for him instead.

It seemed an adventurer had come into town recently, seeking the Cave of Wishes or some such, and the town elders weren't keen on having this one getting lost on them. Azure had a fairly good idea who it was, but he kept silent on the subject, letting Pansy carry on. He told Azure that he was assigned to be the guide of this adventurer, as he was one of the best fighters the town had. While Azure wasn't certain of that statement of his skills, he agreed to the assignment nonetheless. The spark of curiosity as to Vin's mystery knowledge had taken hold of him, to some degree. He was told to meet his charge in the town square in an hour, and to ready himself for a bit of a hike in the wilderness. Azure nodded, and was off.

Not long afterwards, Azure sat by the fountain in the center of town, his saddlebags packed for travel with rations, maps, a compass, some potions and other essentials for the road. He had also gathered his adventuring gear, which he didn't often use on patrols, but rather kept in storage for when really long or arduous journeys presented themselves. Upon his withers rested a blue cape, embroidered on the edges with gold filigree. The vest he wore across his chest and barrel was slightly loose and flowing, much as he liked it, and a sky blue color, matching his mane and tail. The sleeves were white and somewhat puffed, but not to so much a degree that it interfered with his movements. Upon his head rested a beret the same blue color as his cape, with a single white feather accenting it on the side, much like Vin's hat. Across his eyes rested a blue domino mask that Clover had given him, which he said Star Swirl enchanted to help him focus his blue magic so that he could see the leylines of magic a bit easier, helping him learn. To Azure's side rested the scabbard which held his favored sword, a scimitar that was forged for him that Clover and Star Swirl had found would resonate well with his form of magic. Azure rarely used this sword on his patrols, seeing that the standard stocks the Town Guard carried to be more than adequate for simply walking around, but he very much preferred his own personal blade for when he was out farther away from town. It simply felt right to him, in a way.

As Azure waited for his charge to arrive, all but knowing that it would be Vin, Highwind landed softly some distance away, his purple armor and lance at the ready, and his own saddlebags packed and upon his flanks. He walked towards Azure, giving a light greeting.

"Azure, I'm glad to see you have not yet left," Highwind started, "I was almost assured that I had missed your departure."

"Highwind? While I am glad to have you here to see me off, I was told you had been given time to rest and recover from your fight. Don't tell me you actually intend to come along on her foal's endeavor. I'm the only one that really needs to be sent on this ridiculous quest."

"I admit," the dragoon responded, "that there is much that leaves one to wonder whether or not this is the wisest course of action, but are you not the least bit curious as to what secrets she hides that gives her the confidence that this quest is all but assured success? I know I am, and I would like to find out. I do have the time given to me by the rather... unfortunate encounter yesterday, but this is how I choose to spend it. I would not be able to rest knowing you were out proving legends true while I sat on my haunches."

"Well then," came the laughing, sing-song voice of Vin from across the square, "I am most delighted that I have the two most dashing protectors of Cornelia at my side." She moved to join Azure and Highwind at the fountain, admiring Azure's manner of dress as she did so. "That is an unusual outfit for a guard to wear on a journey. Might you honor me with the privilege of knowing what manner of warrior you are?"

"I am a blue mage," Azure responded. The look of confusion on Vin's face revealed the need to explain more. "A mage capable of learning the magics of others by studying the leylines of magic as they use their abilities."

"Hmm," Vin pondered, "It almost sounds as though you were a red mage yourself, what with your sword to your side and magics at your command, but the way you describe it... Tell me, would you learn my magics if you were to watch me?"

"I'm afraid not, my lady. It seems my magic only responds to the abilities of the various monsters in the wilds. I am incapable of learning white or black magics." Vin's eyes went wide at the mention of this. She looked to Highwind for confirmation, as if Azure had outright lied to her about it, and looked back in complete shock as the dragoon gave the nod that she sought, verifying his friend's tale. She sputtered for a moment before finding her voice again.

"W-while it is odd and rare to find a unicorn such as I that can cast both white and black magics while wielding a sword, it is rarer still to find one that can't cast any such spells at all, even the simplest of cantrips. But to have it replaced entirely by such an ability..." Vin trailed off, looking at Azure, before coming to a conclusion. "Well then, it seems I have truly found something special here this day, and that might just be the kind of advantage we'll need on our journey. Perhaps you care to tell me more of how this... blue magic... works along the way?" Vin motioned for the two stallions to walk with her towards the edge of town, and Azure Vessel and Highwind agreed, taking the first steps of the long journey ahead of them.