//------------------------------// // Part 1 // Story: The Evil Inside // by Steve Ott //------------------------------// It's difficullt to be me. Not because of the hundreds screaming fans wanting to my locks of hair. Not because I can only eat salad every day to keep my weight. Not even the heavy training regimen that I do every day of the year. It's because of a much darker reason. I look out my window in my cloud home. I smile as a cool breeze graces my face. I smile out of enjoyment as I stare at the lifeless moon. When I was little I always wanted to fly to the moon to meet Nightmare Moon. Even then I was very adventurous. I enhale deeply catching a familiar scent. It's sweet, empowering, and the color of red. I snap myself out of my thrance and scold myself. I need to fight the urge to just pounce on the poor, bleeding pony. Suddenly I get a searing headache. I place my hooves on my temples and try to fight it. Soon The headache and the pain subside. I know what I must do. I have to feed. I place my hind hooves on the windowsill for balance. With a single flap of my wings I'm in the air. I soon find that I'm to groggy to go at a fast pace, I decide to glide to find a meal. The cool air brushed against my face as I fly over Ponyville. I enhale more air and catch the scent of blood. I clentch my teeth as I get another severe headache. I follow the scent to an alley way. I look around the dark alley to find my victim. I hear crying in the distance, it is no doubt my next victim. I come out of the darkness to find two homeless fillies. The first was to my right sleeping in a cardboard box. The other was sitting up against the wall, crying her eyes out. She looks up to me and hlods out a hoof. I take the hoof and pull her close. I almost feel sorry for the filly She starts to cry in my arms, helplessly. She has no idea her life is about to end. My eyes start to change color. My two fangs push out of my gums out in the open. My ears start to become pointy. And finally my pupils turn completely red. Out of instict I sink my fangs into the crying filly. With my free hoof, I cup her her mouth to keep her from screaming. She starts to twitch from the emmense pain coming from her neck. The blood flows into my mouth like a waterfall. I smile as the sweet blood starts to take it's effect. I feel my energy, and endurence rise. Her blood coats my muzzle as her head falls limp. I take my fangs out of her now dry neck. Then my ears return to normal. My fangs once again receed into my mouth. My eyes return to their black state. I grad a rag and wipe my muzzle clean of blood. I once again take off, this time heading home. However I was unaware of the filly in the box was watching me the whole time. *** "What do you mean she drank her blood", Apple Bloom responded obviously not believing Scootaloo story. "Yeah, Apple Bloom is right. There is no way Rainbow killed a filly by drinking its blood", added Sweetie Belle. Scootaloo, however wouldn't hear it. See had saw the whole thing. Rainbow comforting the filly before sinking her fangs into her neck. The large amount of blood pooring into Rainbow's mouth and on the ground. How her pupils turned red. "Scoots are ya alright" Applebloom asked concerned for her friend. "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't feel so good right now. I'm going to take a rain check" she responded while fake coughing. Her rouse seemed to have fooled her friends as they let her go. She knew what she wanted to do, ask Rainbow what happend. But where would Rainbow be. Then she remembered that Rainbow was going to have lunch with Twilight at the library. She hoped she wasn't to late to ask. *** Rainbow flew with a new vigor as she blazed across the sky. She hasn't felt that good in ages. She heard clapping down below in town. She smiled as she left a rainbow trail behind. Finally she spotted her destination. The Ponyville library wasn't very special. The building was just a hollowed out tree, but it served its purpose. Also her best friend lived between the wooden walls. She landed at the doorstep of the library and gave the door a big hardy knock. "Coming", said a sing song voice from withen the walls. From her voice she could tell Twilight was in good mood. She opened the door and said,"So Rainbow, decided not to break my windows again" Rainbow let out a surpressed chuckle. Soon Twilight also let out a laugh. It was good to see Twilight be happy, especially after the Smarty Pants incident. Nopony wanted to repeat that again. "So your here for lunch" Twilight said with a sly grin across her face. "Of corse Twi, I wouldn't miss it for the world" she replied. "Alright then lets head ou-" she was stopped short by a purple and orange blur. *** In the cover of darkness, Princess Luna rested on her pillow drained from last night. Even after a year of being back she still needed to get used to it. But that wasn't the only thing that hadn't changed. Her subjects still thought of her as Nightmare Moon. Every time she would go outside ponies would run and hide, or fight back. Due to this she never went outside much. But Celestia wanted to change that. She organized a trip to Ponyville on Nightmare Night. No matter how much she pleaded with Celestia she was stuborn as a mule. Eventually she gave up trying to convince her otherwise. It was not about Nightmare Night in fact far from it. It was Ponyville itself. She had horrible memories of that area and was not to fond of forests. But what really scared her was how were the citizens react to her. Would they still hate her for what she has done. Would they try to attack her like in Canterlot. Or would they ran away and cower in fear. There was no right or wrong answer for that question. With her luck everything would happen. It saddened her heart because of this. What about the Elements. She almost entirely looked them over. Would they try to attack her. Or perhaps, thry to protect her. This was just as uncertain as the other question. Anything could happen. Lets just hope Nightmare Night ends with her in one piece.