Zebrican Warlord

by Arelak

Chapter 56: Foalcare

"What did we get ourselves into."

A small sneeze forced his hair shift and eyes to snapping open he stared into the darkness of the hut, shifting around so Asha was not death hugging his head nose first he began untangling himself. Verik sat upright and moving away slowly he blinking owlishly as his eyes took in the grayish and dimly lit surroundings. Moonlight streamed in through the small window and around the door frame allowing him to see well enough and after peaking outside at the sinking moon he knew it would soon be time. Two days was nowhere near enough time to take care of things but his warband had been quite easily handled thankfully. Salted fish hung outside on the rack drying which gave the air surrounding the hut a unique, salty smell mixed with a hint of dried fish. Being awake also meant that today was the first day of their new assignment and while being partially curious as to what taking care of foals would be like, another part of him dreaded it.

"Not time yet, sleep." Asha's mumbled words sounded extraordinarily loud in the small hut despite it being but a whisper.

"Dont mind me, go back to sleep."

Asha slowly sat up and stared at him trying to adjust her sleep hazed vision so she could see him and after a minute grabbed his shoulder and tugged him back down.

"You sleep, need sleep."

"Everyone needs sleep but few are getting enough of it."

"Then close eye and sleep."

"Easier said than done."

"You worry too much." Asha worked an arm over his chest and pulled up against him tightly.

"The moon is about to set and we have to get up soon anyway."

"No. Different task now, allowed to sleep longer."

"We get to sleep in?"

"Hmm... Still need to get food... Sleep."

Asha's mumble was the last words he caught and being unable to fall asleep again all Verik could do was stare up at the huts ceiling for a time before closing his eyes. No sleep came however as distant sounds that were now quite normal to him floated on the air, strange animal calls, insects and other signs of life that were only active at night. However, it was always the incessant whispering that his ears just barely registered that kept him awake at times and now that he was awake his mind was grasping desperately at all the strange sounds. Did they ever stop whispering or did their tone get quieter so as not to disturb their host next door?

Keeping his eyes closed and trying to fall back to sleep proved fruitless as every little snap, crack and rustle of the mixed reed and grass roof made his focus sharpen on the most recent sound. Sefu was very good at teaching paranoia to the recruits but he had to admit that he was always more on the attentive and paranoid side of things. It helped when dealing with the neighbors long ago but now it served a new purpose that was more crisp and clear which seemed to always put his senses on edge. Nothing he ever tried worked, his mind ever continuing to drift back to their new job and it remained stuck there until the sun came up. Asha sat up not long after and stared at his rigid form, eyes stuck open and staring straight up. Giving him a smile she patted his head and went about her morning busy work leaving him to stare. When she returned from her last trip Asha stared at him a long moment before squatting next to him and prodding him in the arm.

"Time to get up, up. Food first then rest again." Asha began pushing when he did not respond.

"Asha, I have no idea what we are doing, I have no idea what I am going to do or how to do it."

Giving him a large smile Asha leaned down and gave his forehead a quick kiss before glaring. "Up. Now. We learn."

"Sefu probably only agreed to this so he could keep an eye on me." Sitting upright and sighing Verik gave her a small hug before scooting so he was out of the way. "Cant say I blame him though considering how we whipped the hell out of the recruits and others combined."

"He not that mean. Very nice stallion, hard... But nice. If Sefu not trust you he never allow you to help with foals, never." Asha shook her head as she began setting things out for breakfast. "Risk big trouble by helping us many times, no start doubting him."

"It is not that I have any doubt about him..."

Asha turned her head and watched with some curiously. "Then what?"

"Thats exactly it... He is risking a great deal for little to nothing in return, it has all been one big gamble on his part and he has yet to stop dealing out the chips or cards."

"If he gamble on you it mean he trust you and think it worth something then yes?"


"Then no doubt."

Opening his mouth to say something Verik closed it again, she was right in her own way. Sefu had gambled on them both over and over again to not include the other two "mercenaries" that now inhabited Wete. He was playing a dangerous game but then again his ace in the hole was Sefu's brother Tendaji who was chieftain and a certain neighbor of theirs who commanded powers beyond reckoning. Was it because he could afford to lose a hand if it so happened?

"Asha?" She hummed in response, "what exactly do we do anyway?"

"Already tell you, whatever Sefu and his wife say. We learn."

"Yes but-"

Asha cut him off as she measured out water for cooking their corn mash. "Maybe they have us help feed them, give water, walk, play-"

"So are the foals pets or house plants?"

"No! Why you say something so mean?"

"That is what it sounds like. Walk, pet, play, feed, water and clean up after. You can stop glaring at me." Asha turned back and Verik watched her carefully pour the ground meal into the cooking jar. "Is it me or has the rationing been getting a little scarce lately? And when did you summon the ration, we usually have to stand in line-"

"Things always... What you say? Tight? Come this time of season. Crops soon be ready but supply run very low now so have to ration with great care so not run out before harvest come. Crop go bad much trouble, big trouble, bad, bad trouble and many starve. Maybe die. Better to cut ration and make certain it last to be certain yes? Also I get morning ration yesterday, now that we taking care of foal we get ration sooner. There is how you say... Order to who goes first?"

"Fair enough but Asha, its not like the amount of work has been cut back to any great extent, in fact I think the amount of work has tripled now that the walls are going up and while I do not know to any great extent what is needed to keep you lot healthy this measly little portion can hardly be good for you."

"Things improve with harvest, what left of old storage replaced with new and must be used so things improve for time."

"So Tendaji opens the food stores and fattens everyone up before slaving in the fields again only to start dropping dead from over exertion all over again?"

"Why you so mean this morning?"

"Dont know." Verik paused and leaned against the wall. "Just got a knot in my stomach, something is off lately and I just have this feeling something aint right."

"Worry about your "warband" yes?"

"Them to but its not that, they are doing well enough after that little foraging expedition I sent them off on so its not like they are going to starve anytime soon. Having Raswan go along certain helped out."

"Very lucky, also you getting better at fishing and bring more fish so things not so bad for us now. You still worried though?"

"Yes. Namely about you Asha. I know you got shifted off hauling duty and left to field work since that seems to be your specialty but I swear you have been looking a little more lean and tired lately. Most around here have but-"

"I okay but you too look different now, thinner, also very tired looking."

"You try keeping up with Sefu's regimen and then fight one running battle after another for a few weeks and see how tired you are and Asha, you look more tired than I do. We are not exactly the best recipe for success here as we become skin and bones waiting on the crops to mature and be harvested while still having to keep up a rapid pace."

"Maybe but plants growing better now thanks to you, more water. Better plant mean more food, more food mean Wete healthy."

"Right up until the tax man comes and takes it all away. Reminds me of "home" actually."

"Eat well before that happen. Also not think they take your fish."

"Well he can take all my fish because its not like I wont be getting it BACK from him within a day or two. Still, we need more time to actually just lay down and rest for a longer period of time than this. Getting to "sleep in" even though we didnt is great but an extra hour is spit in the river. We need a good, long rest."

"That not happen. Too much work and no time, Tendaji want canal finished immediately and walls up."

"Maybe he has the same gut feeling but the canal is almost finished.."

"Gut feeling?"

"Yes, right down here." Verik motioned over his stomach. "Tells you something is not right."

"Have that before, gut say everything be fine."

"Lucky you."

"Things improve after harvest though, not plant for time because rains come and then flood, impossible to work fields so everyone just sleep. You get wish then. Lots and lots of sleep." Asha smiled at him but the look in her eyes said something else would be happening other than sleep.

"If only it were so easy."

"Doubt too much."

"Becoming second nature lately."

Asha finished cooking their breakfast and after scrapping the jar out added more water and swished it around to rinse the stuck in bits out. Pouring the watery and cloudy water out into the bowls so not a single bit of mush went to waste, but also cleaning the jar out at the same time they sat in relative silence and partially spooned or drank their breakfast. When the mash had disappeared more water was added to the bowls to rinse them out by drinking down whatever had stuck and after putting the bowls away Asha gently tugged him towards the exit. Out of habit he grabbed a spear on the way out and she did not realize it till they were halfway there.

"Worry foal try and eat you?"

"More that something might happen and I will need but not have. Better to have and not need than to need and now have. Also it will probably be the other way around for worry about who will be eating whom."

Raising an eyebrow she gave a small, lazy shrug before tugging on his cloak to pull him along towards their destination. A number of locals gave them odd looks or suspicious glances as they walked towards the creche but most were to busy to stop and stare. A great more still needed to be done in order for the canal to be officially finished but Tendaji had taken a greater interest in getting the support walls up now that all the fields were being irrigated to some extent. As he looked down from the village and as the snaking line that wormed its way around he could understand why Tendaji was perfectly fine with leaving it as is for the time being. It worked, freed up labor and time but also meant the workers could be set to fortifying the village itself under the guise of housing.

Which was entirely true, the bricks were being stacked up rapidly and every effort was being put into getting the support walls up so the adobe houses could be built atop and thus provide justification before the tax collector came. If the walls were all that he saw there would be no end to the hell that the agent would bring back with him but so long as the houses sat up on top the ruse had a good chance of success.

Making a bend down a small side trail that led towards the chieftains hut the two were met with the sight of Sefu standing outside a larger hut waiting on them. Approaching him the stallion waited until they were close and after looking them both over opened the door and motioned for them to go inside. Verik looked around the spartan, dirt floored interior of the creche and examined things one at a time from the high up shelves that were well out of the reach of small arms to Sefu's scimitar which was neatly jammed up into the ceiling and well out of the reach of most.

A tap on the shoulder made Verik look at Sefu who motioned for him to hand over the spear and after taking it the towering giant did with the spear as he had done with his own weapon. Verik watched as he neatly jammed the spear in between the support beams so it could not be removed unless one needed it and turning his attention away he checked the room again. Other than the mats of all shapes, sizes, dust covered to new and clean things were indeed quite sparse for a place meant to hold and keep foals entertained all day.

"I take it you Wete dont put much stock in children's toys."

Sefu looked around before shrugging. "No time to carve and not enough cloth."

"You could always make them out of grass, just bind it all up like a doll-"

"No." Verik missed Sefu giving a small flinch at the description. "No one make doll from straw. Foal not need much anyway, play with each other not toys."

"Sounds kind of sad really."

"Maybe. We now responsible for foals who are brought, need to follow rules."

"How many parents took their children and ran for the hills?"

Sefu's eyes narrow a moment. "Some. Now that canal free up workers the old now stay at home more, too old to haul stone so they watch foal. Make things easier for us."

Asha looked out the back door before looking inquisitively at Sefu. "You alone? Wife not come?"

"She come later." Sefu pointed to the mats nearest the door and sat down. "You not sleep in though, that good."

"Want to but think it good to come early. That one," she glared at Verik. "Not able to sleep, just sit up or lay awake."

Verik waved her off, "I have a lot on my mind."

"I explain your duties now," Sefu pointed to the front door. "Foal not allowed through that door unless you go with them. Foal allowed out back door but one must always stay and watch, they not allowed to climb fence, dig under fence, set fire to fence, tear fence down, make hole in fence-"

Listening to Sefu drone on about what the foals were not supposed to do became a lengthy documentary of what he guessed had already happened and might happen again if one did not keep a constant eye on them. Some fighting was permissible, but only to a degree and by the time Sefu was finished Asha and Verik looked at each other quietly wondering why and how the building had not been burnt down months ago if they could get this rowdy.

Verik whispered but Sefu's ears twitched. "Asha... When you were back in your home village were they this rowdy?"

"Only look after family not others and they handful but-"

Sefu interjected quickly. "Two or three is easy. When hut full of foal they go wild and need careful watching."

"Maybe if we got them some straw dolls that might- Right, never mind." Verik caught the meaning behind Sefu's dead stare. "So do we just let them go at it or organize them to do things?"

"Do what things?" Sefu and Asha stared at him.

"Right, point taken but there must be ways to occupy them and keep them from tearing the place apart."

"Yes, many ways." Sefu stood and opened the upper part of the door and looked out before returning. "They play games, run, tell them story, many ways to keep them calm or wear them out."

"Well in this place I think a bag of plastic soldiers would make one god come unto earth."

"What plastic soldiers?" Sefu furrowed his brow in curiosity.

"Long story short, imagine either metal casting or wood carvings of soldiers which foals play with by lining them up and playing out mock battles."

Sefu hummed. "Sound very useful for training."

"Oh indeed it is, not limited to any age group if one simply updates the rules with which you play with. You know, I have two weeks and the smith fixed that knife I got a good ways back... Maybe if I had some wood to whittle on I could try and carve some out."

"Think we not have time for that, only four and be very busy keeping track. But..." Sefu shrugged. "If you have energy to deal with foal and still make little soldier carving go ahead. Not leave carving bits on floor though hm?"

"Of course but there are still only three of us here as of yet."

"Awe coming, foals not made get up so early."

"Wouldn't that mean they miss breakfast?"

Sefu shook his head. "No, there is fire-pit outside beyond fence, used for cooking food for foals. We feed ones who left with us in morning, family feed them at home if they stay there."

"Has anyone ever fed them at home and then sent them here for a second breakfast? Double dip the system?"

"Yes, some try but Nuru make threat and they stop."

"Wouldn't your brother be the one who makes the threat and not Nuru?"

"Sometimes but brother in charge of Wete and other things, not in charge of creche."

"Let me guess, Nuru is in charge of the creche."

"Sometimes yes, sometimes Subira."

"So have the highest power in the village watch over the daycare center and I suppose if anyone tried to cause problems those bolts of lighting would resolve matters for both sides."


"So then, where is Awe?"

"Coming soon, soon they all come."

There was an exhausted note in Sefu's voice as he remarked that "all" of them would be coming but Verik did not bother to inquire as to what exactly he meant by that. He figured both Asha and himself would have ample opportunity to find out for themselves soon enough and as the three sat waiting in relative silence the first of many small, childlike voices drifted their way and through the open door window.

Verik looked to Asha who just smiled at him happily, ears perked upright while Sefu's ears seemed to droop a little, two perfectly opposite reactions to what was coming down the trail. Listening to them come closer he wondered if these two weeks would either extinguish any desire to ever have children of his own or cement that desire as fact but how would Asha fare? She was most eager of all and had been looking forward to this more than anyone and while two weeks would probably be telling he also knew that a measly two weeks would be nothing compared to more than a decade spent caring for a single child. A single child, if Asha had her way it would not be singular but plural by a considerable margin and as the young voices became clearer and clearer he began to realize why Sefu was looking both happy and depressed all at the same time.