Mousey Harmony

by ScarletRhine

Two Travellers

But something was off

“Show me the Body.” Ayumi said suddenly serious and agent Walker left to check if there still was a body “And get Henry Jones Williams his pseudo-sister needs him” Ayumi turned to Alex “you may not like what I’m about to say but both you and Mutt need to know something Indy told My Uncle Dirk.” Ayumi sighed “that city Uncle Dirk found well he wasn’t the first to find it not even close the fourth Reich was the ones who did the same people Mutt and Indy fought back in the 80’s only this time they were smarter now I don’t want to worry you but Indy told my Uncle that he wanted his body to be burnt immediately upon discovery after his death due to the Crystal Skull. If it wasn’t burnt to ash I fear we may have trouble soon”

"I hope it's not going to involve zombies." Alex sourly said. "By the way Sensei what was the trouble with the Crystal Skull?"

“The beings in the ship were multiverse travelers to Quote Ox ‘they come from the space between spaces’ ie the void” Ayumi said “that means when Indy used the skull he was given void energy if someone learned to harness that energy in a human body they could be as powerful as my human mother who I should remind you is the merged Nightmare Moon of my equissian counterpart’s timeline”

Alex groaned as she said, "It couldn't be something mundane like zombies. It just HAD to an exotic danger. Sigh." Walker came back in a hurried pace. "We got a problem." He said. "Some creature stole Prof. Jones body before it could be put in the crematorium oven." Alex looked up with anger in her eyes

I ignited “If they desecrate his body I don't care how I’ll burn them all!” As my armor formed I looked to Alex and Daring ”girls you’re both too close to term for this. Mutt and I will bring him home”

Alex sighed. "I… alright just come back in no more than three pces." She then hugs Ayumi.

‘ Three pieces’ “Alex that’s it!” I say “Have you heard of the Multiform technique?’

."No." The mouse adventuress replied.

“It’s a cloning technique that halves the power for each clone but pregnancy won’t transfer and by meditating you can actually receive everything the clone experiences real-time,” Ayumi said “This way you can come with us and keep our kids safe”

"Ok," Alex says. "Let's go for it."

"Meditation that will allow real-time interfacing will leave the body helpless. I'll watch over Alex's body." Daring says.

Alex looks to her Sensei and asks "What do I do?"

Now the multiform is painful as you’re cutting your power in half literally the process is all mental” Ayumi said “I would suggest using dad’s clone spell but he never interfaced with his clones”

Alex nodded then asked "Could you teach me that spell?"

"Not at your current level. "

"Then you will have to use it on me."

Ayumi nodded and stepped back. The humanized anthro alicorn then cast the needed spells on the rodent adventures. True to her words, Alex felt like every nerve she had was on fire. The pain got so strong that she passed out. The last thing Alex saw was another her fading into existence.

The first thing she saw was Daring Do catching her pregnant self before she 8could get hurt. Daring looked Alex's second form then said, "I'll keep you and the little ones safe. Go find Dr. Jones."

They then left in Ayumi's car.

A short while later Alex used her newly acquired skill in magic to temporarily turn herself into her former self. When entered a run down industrial park. Putting her fedora on she got out of Ayumi's car saying, "I'm going to the black market and talk to a couple friends of me and the Doc and find out if anybody knows anything."
"The Black Market is not a safe place student." Ayumi warned. "Keep your head on streight."
With a nod, the pair parted company.

As Alex walked through the Black Market she found it had undergone a few changes Yet remained the same. It still had the usual drug dealers, Weapon salesmen, Elicit art dealers, Information brokers and slavers. She noticed a few anthros about. The sight of one slaver, who specialized in sex slaves, was a caribou anthromade her shake her head. "Figures." She mutters under her breath.
After about a half hour of searching, she found a familiar food tent. It was tan colored and had a small crowd. She smiled as she entered and looked about. Inside there was were tables placed haphazardly about around the fire pit which for all she knew may or may not be used to dispose of bodies.
She sat at one that next to a thick column and waited. Soon a heavy set man and an athletic girl joined her. What surprised her was they had somehow been turned into anthros of Coriander Cumin & Saffron Marsala. "ALI MY FRIEND!" The heavy set anthro greeted. He the wrapped Alex in a hug before setting her down. "You had better drop that form you're using. Some of our customers have gotten leary about magic." The Saffron of the pair said.

Nodding Alex shifted back to her mouse form and the three friends reminisced about their past adventures with the ancient archeologist. "And Allah has finally called Dr Jones to his reward." The Male anthro said. Alex just shook her head then said, "That's what I came here about. Someone stole Doc's body I'm hoping you and Fatima can help me and Ayumi find him, Salah."

"Father and I will help." Fatima, who resembled Saffron, said with a nod. Then her cell phone rang. "Hello? …. Sensei what's wrong? …. Miestro's dark half has been kidnapped? …. Tirek's made an appearance?! Bad day. I'm on my way!" She hung up and said her goodbyes and left the black market.

******Two days later******

Alex found herself as part of the distraction team sent out to find and defeat Tikek. They found him sooner than she liked draining some poor anthro of his magic

Tirek turned to face them after tossing his last victim asside. A smirk grew upon his face. “Ah, you again. I see that Xavier isn’t with you. Pity. I was hoping of squashing all my opponents in one fell swoop, but…” He shrugged. “What can you do?”

A shocked gasp went through them, and Ayumi realized who it was that was talking. “Ramona? You accepted some kind of deal just to get back at Phantom?”

A smirk danced upon his face. “So he’s gone and done it, eh? That makes things easier. Stand aside, and I won’t hurt you. Much.”
Alex grew to human size and moved to get some fighting room as said, "No can do Tirek. For one thing I don't surrender bullies. And you what bullies are? Cowards. weaklings."

"You had a chance to get stronger, but you threw it away by refusing to apologize Xavier. You weakened your self by bullying people who were different and surrounded yourself with yes-creatures. When they chose the path of light you cast them away." She calmly ranted. "And now you've gone let yourself be turned into a centaur. YOU THREW AWAY YOUR HUMANITY FOR WHAT? REVENGE? THAT IS THE CHOICE OF THOSE TOO WEAK TO CHANGE!"

After saying her peace Alex go ready to fight Tirek.