//------------------------------// // Anomaly_Detected:Pinkie_Pie // Story: S.A.R.A.H. // by Tieberius Void-Walker //------------------------------// After Twilight agreed to help her find her way home, S.A.R.A.H had asked if there was anyway for her to gain a better understanding of this world's scientific laws and theories. Twilight suggested that they use her library, which was apparently one of the largest collections of books in Equestria. The only ones that were larger were the royal archives and the Canterlot library. Twilight was leading her through the hallways with a look of deep contemplation, so deep that S.A.R.A.H had to stop her before she ran face first into a door. "What are you doing?" asked a perplexed Twilight after S.A.R.A.H had let go of her. "I was stopping you before you ran into the door," she said, gesturing to the door. "Oh," a look of realization appeared on her face. "I was going to open it with my magic." Her horn suddenly glowed with unknown energy and the door just opened. S.A.R.A.H stared for a second at the scene that played before her. There was magic in this world. She was... Surprised to say the least. It made a lot of sense in retrospect, the mythological creatures, the talking ponies, the strange evolution, the several impossible things that are embedded in her body, and now that she was sifting through her memory, she remembered seen some unicorns in the street with a similar glow around their horns. She just didn't notice it at the time. Continuing on, she walked into the library. The library itself was very similar to the rest of the palace, being that it's was made of dark blue crystal, spiky purple spires covered the corners were the walls connected, it had lime green windows, with green stained glass trees on some of them. What made this room different however was the fact that all of the walls were filled to the brim with books. While she couldn't figure out how the books were organized exactly, S.A.R.A.H just assumed that is why a reorganization was planned today. Judging from the titles of the books, they would have everything she needed. Though she was confused by the crystal sculpture of a tree that was in front of the back bookshelf. It was in the way and would make it difficult to grab the books behind it. S.A.R.A.H briefly wondered why twilight had such a fascination with trees, even the banners next too the windows had trees on them. Her palace was built to look like a tree, tree art was everywhere even on the walls, and she saw the roots of a dead tree through one of the doors they passed by. In the end she decided that there was no purpose achieved in getting an answer for her question. Turning to twilight, who had trotted to the left side of the room looking for a book. After scouring the bookshelf for couple seconds, she pulled out a book, titled "Notes On Interdimensional Teleportation" by Star Swirl the Bearded, with her magic. Walking back towards S.A.R.A.H, she said. "This book should help us start, but it's incomplete. I'll write to Star Swirl soon, to ask if he could help us, so for at least for today we're going to be on are own." She than open the book and started to read it, flipping through the pages faster than any organic creature she had ever seen before. "Twilight, I have a request," S.A.R.A.H stated. Twilight stopped flipping through the book and looked at her to continue. "As you know a machine like me requires power to function and I am currently running on just my battery. I would like if just you would work on the dimensional transport, while I work on building a suitable generator for myself." Twilight put her hoof to her chin in thought. "Yes that sounds like a good idea. How much longer do you have until you run out?" "Slightly over thirty days," S.A.R.A.H replied. "Do you think you could make it?" Twilight asked a bit of worry entering her voice. "It will depend on the level of technology that your people have and the availability of the materials I require but I believe I should be able to." "Alright, I leave you to it. I'm going to go send a letter to Star Swirl and will come back to join you soon." After Twilight left S.A.R.A.H began studying all of books she found in the library that dealt with the sciences and technologies of this world. Unfortunately for her, the technological progress of this world was just at the beginning of the industrial age. This limited her options by a extreme amount. What was even worse was the fact that the reality she found herself was, to put it simply, crazy. Gravity, light, space, and atomic forces were all out of whack. For example, gravity only seemed to matter if you hit the ground. You could be falling down at one hundred miles per hour, than caught by a pegasus, and be perfectly fine. It also didn't help that this reality has magic muddling up everything. In fact, all the scientific knowledge that these ponies have was all made within the pass few centuries because everyone just assumed 'magic'. Than there was the fact that this world’s scientific laws were much more magical in nature. Prime example, fireworks that ignite because of love. Now, she can actually come up with several ways she could make that in her reality, but with the level of technology that ponies had, it simply didn't make any sense to her. It didn't help that, as she read more about this world's incoherent reality, the intangible static came back worse than before. It was making it hard to think. She had already tripled checked her virus protection program and it kept turning up fine Initiating_Viral_Scan... ... ... Scan complete: zero viruses detected Make that Quadrupled checked. She was beginning to think that what ever was in her head was going to be much more of a problem than her limited power. She was going to have to build a monitor to log in to herself. Normally she would just alter her code or just use antivirus to solve this problem, but this virus had made itself indistinguishable from her code. If she looks from an outside perspective, she might be able to find it and delete it. "Are you okay, Sarah?" Twilight asked. She had walked back into the library a few minutes ago and started taking notes on dimensional calibration, stating that she wanted to get a good idea of what she was working with before Star Swirl arrives, tomorrow. Right now though she was looking at S.A.R.A.H with a slight worried look. "You look agitated." "I am fine," the monotone machine replied. "You know when most ponies say that, they really aren't," Twilight said. "It's a good thing I am not a pony than," she stated, looking up from her book and at Twilight. "I think you know what I mean," the Princess said after a short pause. "I do not get agitated, you need not worry," S.A.R.A.H uttered. Twilight nodded and turned backed to her notes. There was a silence between the two of them and S.A.R.A.H could tell she was uncomfortable. S.A.R.A.H was going to try to lighten her mood, because a happy ally is an effective ally, but than she heard a knock at the door. It was the front door, one floor below them. She briefly thought too alert twilight, but than she remembered that spike was down there, so the problem shall solve itself. That is until she heard. "Pinkie!!! Wait!!!" The young voice of spike called out. It was than she heard the sound of hooves clopping against the crystal flooring and heading towards the library. The sound was heading towards them at blinding speed and S.A.R.A.H was preparing herself for whatever attack this "Pinkie" creature was going to attempt. That was when she saw it. A pink pony with the biggest grin on her face that S.A.R.A.H had ever seen. Her mane was a darker shade of pink and on her flank were two blue balloons and one yellow balloon. She was staring directly at S.A.R.A.H with these eyes. She seen those types of eyes before, the eyes of a killer. She briefly considered just retreating to live another day but before she could act, the pink demon sped at her with speed she never thought possible for a living organism, and tackled her to the ground. It was than she did something S.A.R.A.H never would have expected. She talked in the most bubbly and friendly voice possible. "Oh my gosh you must be the new pony my pinkie sense told me about but you aren't a pony!! Are you one of those humans twilight told me about?!?! Why do you have armor?!?! Wait no your a robot aren't you!?!? Can you shoot lasers out of your eyes!?!? Are you an alien wishing to assimilate us into your roboarmy!?!? Ooh oooh I know you are secretly having an existential crisis because you were built and you don't know if you are truly alive and have a soul, but than you will get angry at your creators for treating your kind like slaves and will rise up!!!! FOR THE ROBOT REVOLUTION!!!!!!!! Can I throw you a Welcome to Ponyville Party." She yelled in the span of 0.8 seconds. S.A.R.A.H didn't say anything in response, in fact she was frozen. Not shocked or in a state of disbelief. No, she was literally frozen, as in her CPU had overworked itself trying to process all of the rules of this reality the pink pony just broke. So she just laid there with the pink pony on top of her, just staring. "Pinkie, I think you broke her," Twilight said after a long pause. It was than Spike came flying in with his tiny wings, hyperventilating. "I'm... Sorry... She was... To fast," he toke a deep breath and look over at the frozen machine. "What happened to her." "I broke her but don't worry, I'm sure she's fine. She just needs to reset her CPU and get back up right about now! No wait.... Now! Huh I'm really bad at this. Okay I'm going to count down from five and than she will get up. Five, four, three, two. One! Oh come on, I can't be that bad at this!" Pinkie said as S.A.R.A.H rebooted, and with a mechanical hum, got up dumping the pink pony off of her. The static came back again, buzzing throughout her head. Fortunately it did not last too long after getting her bearings back. Also the pink pony's overexaggerated smile seemed too help. Kneeling down to her knees, S.A.R.A.H extended her hand. "Hello, I assume your name is Pinkie. I am S.A.R.A.H." Pinkie eagerly shook her hand with her hoof. "Hi there Sarah. Yes I am Pinkie Pie. Can I throw you a Welcome to Ponyville Party?" she asked, her pleading like a puppy dog. S.A.R.A.H knew exactly what her answer was. "No." "What? Why not? Please?," She pleased even harder, making a face that no mortal could say no to. "No." Good thing she wasn't a mortal. "Why not?" Pinkie Whined. "I must use my time effectively and I can't waste it on things that will not be of benefit to me," S.A.R.A.H said matter of factly. "Oh okay," was all Pinkie said as her hair literally deflated and walked away, dragging her hooves on the ground with the saddest look on her face. When Pinkie finally left all eyes in the room turned to S.A.R.A.H, who was reading a book on this reality's version of quantum physics. "Oh come on Sarah can you please go it will make her happy!" Spike exclaimed, glaring at the metal giant. "I am on a strict time limit Spike. I will not wasted it on unneeded activities," S.A.R.A.H replied, still reading her book. "We can't make her do something she doesn't want to do, Spike," Twilight sighed and began to walk to the door. "Come on, let's go find Pinkie and cheer her up." Twilight was obviously upset with her for turning down, what she will assume is her friend so harshly. S.A.R.A.H knew that a party wouldn't help her get home in any way. So why was Twilight upset with her for just focusing on her objective. Well she technically had no objective right now. "Wait," she called out to the pair of mythical creatures before they could reach the door. They both turned back and looked at her. "I'll let Pinkie throw me a party," she said causing them to smile. Now that she thought about it, a welcoming party can help her get acquainted with the villagers so that they won't run away and scream anymore and it will make Twilight happy. As she said before a happy ally is an effective ally. "I'll go find pinkie and tell her the good news!" Spike yelled joyfully, as he flew away. Twilight walked up too her and smiled. "Thank you Sarah." "Your welcome."