Feeling Alone

by KikoGamez

It's my fault [remade]

"Guess neither one of you confessed?" Sandbar asked.

Yona grunted while stomping a hoof on the ground, "Headmare Twilight said, wait here."

"Maybe they’re changing their minds about sending us home," Silverstream said.

"Why would they?" Smolder said. "Face it; we're stuck here."

"But... but I have to go home!!!" Ocellus said, tears swelling up in her eyes.

"My mom makes the best kelp fritters," Silverstream said, also tearing up.

Sandbar looked at Yona and Smolder, who looked like they didn’t care. "How can you be so cool about this?"

"We’re mad. Some of us just show it differently than others," Smolder replied.

"More like you don't show it at all," Sandbar said while he gave a stern looked at Smolder

Yona went over to Sandbar with an angered look on her face "What pony getting at?!"

"Maybe it wasn't just one prankster,” Silverstream said, "Maybe they were three of you. And you’re trying to hide your guilt by not being upset!”

“It does make sense," Ocellus agreed with what Silverstream said.

"Guys, stop it,” Gallus said, not trying to argue about who did it.

"Or maybe whoever did it is only pretending to be upset to throw us off!" Smolder said, pointing at Ocellus.

"Me? but I didn't!" Ocellus said.

"Come on, let it go," Gallus said, still trying to break up the argument.

But what use was it?

His friends kept on fighting about who ruined the Hearth's Warming Tree, blaming each other for what had happened. Gallus was the only one who wasn’t fighting as he was the one who actually ruined the tree. He kept trying to tell them, but he was unable to break up their bickering. He didn’t know what to do, and he covered his ears to try and block out the fighting, unable to take it anymore.

Sandbar reached the end of his rope. "YOU KNOW WHAT?” he yelled at the others, “I WISH I NEVER MET YOU GUYS IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!"

"AND YOU KNOW WHAT?" Smolder angrily responded, "I DON'T WANT TO BE WITH YOU ANYWAY!!!"

"Yona never want friends who blame Yona when Yona did NOTHING!!!" Yona said, stomping a hoof on the ground. "AND HIPPOGRIFF IS THE MOST ANNOYING CREATURE EVER!!!"

Silverstream gasped at Yona’s comment. "You take that back!!!"

"NO!" Yona replied firmly.

"You know what? You guys are just UNGRATEFUL. I’m leaving!!!" Ocellus said as she opened the door to leave

"FINE!!!" They all yelled in response, proceeding to leave the room one after another.

Everyone, that is, except for Gallus.

Gallus was heartbroken. He couldn’t believe what he just saw; his friends broke apart all because he ruined the Hearth's Warming Tree. He wished that he hadn’t done that; he wished he had confessed and told them that he did it.

Gallus tried to go to each of his friends individually to explain himself, but it was to no avail... Smolder just breathed fire on his nose, telling him to leave; Yona just pushed him; Silverstream just walked past Gallus, pretending that he wasn’t even there; and Ocellus gave him a hiss that said "Do you want to lose your head?

Sandbar wasn’t any better.

"Please, Sandbar, don't do this," Gallus pleaded as he started to tear up. "Please, we can work this out becau-" but Sandbar put a hoof in his mouth before he could finish.

"Forget it, Gallus," he said. "Why don’t you just act like you don't care and fly away. It's what griffons do best." As he finished, he turned to walk away.

"WAIT... GUYS!" Gallus tried to call out to his friends, but his tears got the better of him, and he sat on the ground in defeat. "I was about to tell you... I did it," he said softly between sobs, proceeding to completely break down.

Twilight, Rainbow, and Spike had heard about the argument and decided to check on the others. When they opened the door, they found Gallus.

Twilight walked to him. "Gallus... are you okay?"


The three of them stood there shocked as Gallus flew away crying. They knew he was the one who ruined the tree in the first place and had hoped they could have used this opportunity to strengthen things between his friends. But it backfired, and they were at a loss as to what they should do next.

Gallus was in his room, crying in his bed. He had just lost his friends and had no one to talk to. Applejack said that "Friends are like family,” and that couldn’t be truer for him. He never had a family; he lost his parents a long time ago, and Grandpa Gruff wasn’t his actual grandpa; it was just a title. He felt abandoned; there was no one left to talk to.

Gallus walked to his nightstand and opened the drawer, picking up a picture of his family. While griffons are usually grumpy and never talked to each other, even on the holidays, his family were the only happy griffons from his town. As he looked at the photo, he was reminded of a painful memory, one he couldn’t forget: It was when his family died in a house fire. Gallus lays on his bed with his family in his claws as a voice calls out to him in the darkness, “You are worthless,”

He lifts the picture as the voice continues, “What makes you think that you desire to live after what happen?”

Gallus’s heart sinks into his chest as he sits up, staring into the picture. As he does, a tear falls onto the picture, "Mom, Dad: I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he said, still crying. "And I wish that I could see you again."

“And you never will. Do you know why?” Gallus drops the picture as more tears fall, “Because it is your fault!” Gallus sobs rubbing his eyes, “But you know there is a way for you to end the everlasting pain. A way to finally end the nightmares,” Fear echoes through Gallus body as he stares deeper into the nightstand.

“No,” he says quietly,

“It is the only way. You cannot deny it,” Slowly Gallus reached back into the drawer, and stops, “What is wrong? Don’t you want to finally find peace in this ungrateful world?” He then pulls out the knife. It was a knife from his house that he picked up after it burned down. Every time he began to think about his parents, he would pull the knife out, observing it. But this time it was different. This time instead of putting it away he pointed it at himself “What are you waiting for? After all, why else would you keep it, if not for this very reason?”

Tears returned to his eyes as he started remembering the good times he had with his friends: when they hung out at the Castle of the Two Sisters, performing in the play, saving Applejack and Rainbow from the Bite-acudas, as well as many others. Now, they were nothing.

"Goodbye, guys," he said through tears. And without hesitation, he plunged the knife deep into his chest, the life starting to fade from his eyes. With every breath, he sank more and more.

Until after one last breath, he closed his eyes; life held on for one last moment, and then finally let go.

(To be Continued)