//------------------------------// // Chapter 16: The Case of the Missing Bluejay // Story: Heart of the Force // by fluttershyfan17 //------------------------------// Coruscant, Approximately Four Years Ago He knew that he was going to lose this sparring match. Kaleb gripped the lightsaber hard, the blue blade humming with life. As tense as a board, sweat drifted from his forehead, as he moved his Padawan braid out of his face. The dojo was filled with light, flowing in through the walls with wooden beams as supports. The sparring area was clean, despite small amounts of burn marks from lightsabers. The whole room reflected a minimalist area, but none of that would help him now. Master Johanna called out to him. “Kaleb, relax your form. You’re as tense as a blast shield right now. Relax your shoulders, make the blade an extension of your arm.” She was watching the two of them closely, leaning against the wall on the other side. Kaleb tried to take her advice and keep his eyes on his sparring partner. Ahsoka Tano; friend, sometimes rival, and apprentice as of recently, kept a stance that was both still and relaxed at the same time. She moved slightly, making Kaleb flinch and readjust his stance. “Still adjusting to land after your flying lesson, I see?” she said with amusement and sarcasm. “There’s a difference between flying and doing death-defying formations, and it’s large,” Kaleb countered calmly, though he could still feel the ground shake. “We should begin…” She moved quickly, jumping up into the air and aiming for a strike. Kaleb rolled on the ground, just barely avoiding Ahsoka’s blow. He brought his lightsaber up, blocking every attack in a quick and rigid way. The two green lightsabers moved in sync perfectly, a style that was only characteristic of Shien, which made use of counterattacks well. As the match continued, Master Johanna let out a sigh. She heard footsteps walking towards her, and another figure leaned next to her. She looked and saw Anakin Skywalker. “It seems the match is going well.” “For your apprentice, yes. Thanks for letting me borrow Ahsoka for this session.” They both kept their eyes on the match. “But not for Kaleb. He’s improved slightly since I started to introduce Ataru, but is still too rigid. My wrist had been acting up, so I asked Obi-Wan to help out with training. It seems that it only helped a little.” Anakin glanced at Kaleb. “He’s rigid in his footwork, which is delaying his rolls by a second. I think also how he uses his eyes is affecting his timing.” He looked at her. “I’m sorry about your wrist, hopefully the medical team can help with it.” “Thank you, but I think I’m just going to have to adjust my fighting style,” she replied, looking at him. “The nerves from my old injury are acting up. It’s only a small adjustment. I just want him to hold his own against unorthodox fighting styles. I can’t let him go into this war unprepared.” “Luckily, he has a pretty great Master. You two seem to get along pretty well,” Anakin said, as Johanna chuckled. “Do you mind if I stop them? I think I can help him out.” She nodded. “Sure. Also, next time you two have a flying lesson, try to take it easy on him. I didn’t hear the end of the next day.” “I’ll try and keep that in mind. Granted, he’s better about those maneuvers than Obi-Wan.” Kaleb kept moving around, blocking every strike with the accuracy of a Soresu fighter. He waited for the perfect opportunity, and used Ataru to attack her. Sensing his movements, Ahsoka aimed for his legs and kicked them, knocking him off balance. Just as he was falling, he felt the Force grad him mid-fall. “Snips, Kaleb, I’m going to stop this spar for a moment. Now, shake hands and play nice. Both of you did well.” Both apprentices rolled their eyes slightly, but she grabbed his arm and pulled him up. They shook hands. Anakin’s war armor was a stark contrast to the lightness of the dojo. He crossed his arms, looking at both of them. “Kaleb, Obi-Wan helped you out with Soresu, am I right? Go into your fighting stance.” “Yes, he did.” Kaleb moved into his starting position, trying to relax his shoulders the best that he could. “Am I doing something wrong?” “No, but you’re getting into a habit.” He moved in front of him, taking up the same amount of distance Ahsoka did when they first started. “Your field of vision is too narrow. Try to widen it, and follow my movements.” Anakin paused, and then moved to the left suddenly. Kaleb flinched, and followed a half-second later. “There are different ways of using your eyes. Keeping it narrow is good for small battles, such as sparring. Widening it is good for large battles, such as Geonosis. It might seem that keeping it narrow is good in this situation, but that’s not always going to be the case with different weapons and fighting styles. Try for a balance, so that you can keep your focus on your opponent, but not too focused that you lose sight on what’s happening around you. “Ahsoka, take up your stance, but don’t ignite your lightsabers. Mimic your movements. Kaleb, dodge them and mimic the blocking patters of Soresu.” The two apprentices nodded, and moved to their positions. Kaleb relaxed, keeping his eyes on fixed on Ahsoka. Still, he widened his field of vision, using the Force to see what was happening around him. “Start whenever you’re ready.” Ahsoka moved first, but Kaleb sensed it. He dodged it faster than before, mimicking blocking her sabers with his own. He moved back, getting ready for the counterattack. She went for it, and he blocked it. She smiled. “Good job, better than…” A large beeping sound made them both look up, interrupting their fight. It was the comlinks from Johanna’s and Anakin’s wrists. “They want us both at the Council, Anakin,” Master Johanna called out. “Just as it was getting good,” Anakin grumbled slightly. Master Johanna turned to the two apprentices. “This could take a while. If I’m not back within twenty minutes, the session is cut short. Take the time to rest and recover.” She and Anakin both moved quickly out of the dojo. Ahsoka looked at him. “Well, that’s the one time I’ve seen Sky Guy obey the Council.” Kaleb laughed. They both moved out of the dojo, into the small sitting area. They both sat down, looking out on Coruscant below. “It looks so different, doesn’t it?” “What do you mean?” Ahsoka asked. “I think that it looks the same.” Kaleb shook his head. “What happened on Geonosis has created an impact, even here. During my meditations outside, the birds and wildlife around the tree tell me things are changing. People are more tense, the roars of engines and gunfire echo throughout the planet, people are arming themselves. They are afraid of what might happen, what is coming.” “I don’t think the war would ever reach here. It’s far too peaceful. This is the center of the Republic, the Separatists wouldn’t dare try.” She turned on a holomap, setting it to the Outer Rim. “The battles are going to be happening in the Outer Rim, where there’s no control.” “And that’s my worry,” Kaleb said. “Many families are in those regions. These children are going to experience things that they are too young for. It will be total chaos, with pirates and warlords taking control. Slavery still exists in the Outer Rim, it’s going to be dangerous.” Ahsoka's expression changed to something compassionate. “That’s why we have to save them. If no one else can or will, we have to step in.” She looked at him. “Do you really think that this will affect the children of the galaxy?” “Yes, in more ways than either of us can imagine.” He sighed. “I wish I knew a way with Soresu to deal with different fighting styles. Even combined with Ataru, it takes the skills of a master to deal with it.” She thought for a moment. “Have you ever considered trying to learn those different styles such as mine? I know you don’t have a lot of time, but it could come in handy.” “That’s a good idea,” Kaleb responded. “Thought I don’t know if two lightsabers are the best option.” He held up his hands when Ahsoka glared at him slightly. “Not that it isn’t cool, but too complex for my taste. Although, I’ve always admired your skill to throw your blades like that. It seems very useful.” “It is. I’ll teach you sometime. It takes a large amount of control of the Force and timing, but I think you can handle it.” She looked over at the wall. “You might also consider talking to the Temple Guards. Their fighting style with the double-blades is comparable to no one.” “You know, I think I will. I’ve seen staff-fighting skills, and I think it might just be adaptable.” He looked at the time. “They’re not coming back, are they?” She looked over her shoulder. “Nope. Want to get some tea?” He nodded, and they got up, walking through the hallway. A tree root came out of nowhere, and tripped up Kaleb as he was running. Deep in thought, he rolled, using his hands to brace himself from the fall. He brushed the dirt off of his pants, and looked around. He was in one of the many parks of Canterlot, running on the path. Or he had until the tree root had tripped him. It was the day before the wedding, and only a few ponies were out here. Some were running, just like him for different reasons, or young fillies and colts were playing out in the fields and on the playground equipment. He closed his eyes, remembering the memory. What happened at that Trial should never have happened. I was off-world at the time, and never got the chance to say goodbye. I wish I could have seen you one last time, Ahsoka, even for one last cup of tea and a sparring match. I don’t know if you survived, but part of me has to believe. Wiping the tears from his eyes, he glanced upward. Two young colts were shouting, as their ball was moving out of play towards the street. Reacting quickly, Kaleb jumped up and ran over towards the street, using the Force to retrieve the ball before it could hit the oncoming carriages. The two colts gazed with amazement as the ball flew into his hands. He moved over towards them and knelt down to their level, placing the ball at their hooves. “You both need to be careful. The street is very dangerous, it’s never worth saving a ball to put yourselves in danger.” He nodded, indicating it was over. “Dashfoot! Cumulus! How many times do I have to tell you, don’t run after the ball.” The familiar voice made Kaleb stand back up. Thunder was walking over to her two sons. “I swear, you two. Go back up to where your aunt can see you.” The two colts ran back with the ball. Kaleb chuckled, and Thunder turned around. “Kaleb! It’s good to see you.” The two friends hugged briefly. “How are you?” “Not bad, I’m just in town for a wedding.” Kaleb replied. “I was out for a run today, and I managed to catch the ball.” “They are quite a handful,” she admitted. “But worth it. Can I talk to you in private?” The tone in her voice changed to one of concern and worry. Kaleb nodded. They moved over to a small set of benches in the shade of an oak. “I can tell if we are being listened to or watched, so don’t worry. What is it?” Thunder shot him a concerned glance, lowering her voice. “You haven’t been here since the holidays, have you?” “I haven’t. Did something happen?” Kaleb looked at her. This has to be about the hauntings around Canterlot. She took a deep breath and began. “Dr. Bluejay has been missing for the past nine weeks.” Shock formed in Kaleb’s face. “What…. nine weeks. His office told Lyra that he was on vacation, though they didn’t say how long.” “That’s what we all thought, too. But his office has been closed, locked up as usual. No sign on any of the doors indicating he was on vacation.” She looked around. “They decided I should be the pony to send in a missing pony report. I sent it into the police, and they said they would get back to me.” “How long ago was that?” Kaleb asked. “Nine weeks ago, about forty-eight hours after he disappeared,” she answered. “Everyone is on edge.” Kaleb nearly swore but stopped himself remembering Thunder didn’t like it. “Have you tried searching anywhere he could have gone? Businesses, restaurants, even his home?” “We tried, but it seemed that the only places he went to are the Castle and his apartment. He was very secretive, so none of us have clue where it is.” “Give me a minute.” He thought back to his intake appointment with Dr. Bluejay, all the way back in December. Going into a light meditation, he examined his memories of that day. There was a paper, it must have been for medical research. It had an address on it. Wait, it was a letter from an old friend, he must have brought it to the office. Kaleb opened his eyes. “I have the address. I know where his apartment is.” Thunder’s eyes widened. “That’s great? Can you tell me where it is?” “No, not here.” Kaleb looked at her. “This could be dangerous, and I don’t want to endanger you or your family.” She raised an eyebrow. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been in combat, and I know what I’m getting into. There have been stories of ghosts haunting Canterlot for weeks now, flying through the night. Nopony has seen them, and they could be hiding in the shadows. The only reason that I brought my kids out here today was so they can get fresh air and have fun. If I can find Dr. Bluejay, then I can convince myself that I am doing the right thing for them.” “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Kaleb apologized. “I suppose that two of us are better than one. But we need to be careful. I’m not telling you to follow my lead, but I’m asking you because I don’t want anything bad to happen.” He added in an undertone, with his hand outstretched, searching for anything trying to overhear them. “If this is connected to something else, I need to know.” She nodded. “Consider it a deal. Let me tell my sister that I’m going to catch up with an old friend.” She walked over to her sister, who was on a bench. Kaleb double checked the leather bag, with the communicators and the book still inside. The lightsaber was still inside the leather pouch. I can’t risk it falling into the wrong hands, Kaleb thought. Thunder came back a moment later, holding a camera. “This might come in handy.” She handed it to Kaleb, who put it in his bag. “Let’s go.” Kaleb nodded. “Talk to me normally, we need to act inconspicuous.” She and Kaleb started talking as they moved out of the park, with Kaleb taking a slight lead. Sweetie Belle stared at the stitching before her. The white lace was not easy to maneuver, all it did was get in the way. This was the dress one of the bride’s mares, and it was supposed to be uniform. But it wasn’t. She snorted in frustration. I can’t believe I’m stuck here, the day before the wedding. I would rather be outside. It’s a beautiful day… Her thought was cut short when Rarity walked by. “Sweetie Belle, I think your stitching is off by half an inch. Let me fix that.” She took the dress, working furiously to fix it, while her sister stared out of the window. “Are you okay? You’ve seemed a little bit tense over the past few days.” “Well, yeah,” She replied, trying not to hurt her sister’s feelings. “I guess I’m just tired. Princess Cadence’s request for these dresses are challenging, and take a lot of work. There’s so much detail in the stitching, and I feel like I’m going in circles just to get the lace set up right. I feel like I would…” “Rather be any place than here?” Rarity responded, looking at her. “Yeah…but how did you know?” “We’re sisters…we have a special connection.” Sweetie Belle tried not to glare at her, but it came out. Rarity realized her mistake. “You’re angry at me, I get that. I might have gone a little too far…” “So, you just now realize this?” She took a deep breath, trying to figure out the words to say. “Rarity, you yelled at me, in front everyone in here a few days ago. I get that sometimes you are stressed because of work and deadlines, but you take it out on the ponies you love. And it hurts them.” Tears started to form, but Sweetie Belle blinked them away. “It hurts me.” Faster than she could blink, Rarity pulled her into a hug, holding on as she stroked Sweetie Belle’s mane. She resisted at first, but then leaned into the hug. “I’m so sorry for that, I should have never taken it out on you. You are amazing, kind, and caring, Sweetie Marie Belle, and you are the best sister I could ever have. Anypony is lucky to have you as their friend. How can you ever forgive me? How can I ever make it up to you?” Letting out a deep breath, she looked at her. “This is a good start. I think we both need to be more careful with our words, and try to do better. Also, if you could maybe give me the rest of the day off?” Rarity chuckled. “Consider it done.” She let go and brushed the tears from her face. “I’ve kind of known that fashion isn’t as interesting to you as it was three years ago. Maybe after the wedding, you could show me some of your new interests.” Sweetie Belle smiled. “That would…be nice. Maybe you can your lift the rule on Power Ponies comics?” “Technically, it was our parent’s rule. By the way, you’re not the only one who snuck contraband comics into their house.” Rarity said this with a wink, and laughed as she saw her sister’s face. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself. I will, as long as you don’t stay up too late reading them. I swear, Twilight and Spike both stay up too late.” She nodded. “Can I still come to rehearsal dinner?” “I’m afraid not, it’s for grown-ups only.” She pointed to the door with her hoof. “You can head out now. I can finish up here.” Sweetie Belle nodded enthusiastically, waving to her sister as she left the room. Running through the halls, she started to move downstairs looking at the main decorations. It’s going to be a beautiful day outside, I can’t wait to see the birds fly and all of… Her thoughts were interrupted by a call through the Force. It was a feeling, one that called to her. The Force, what does it want? She looked around the empty hallway, wondering where to go. Slowly, she moved towards the feeling, getting stronger with each step. She moved down another set of stairs to a dark hallway, only lit with lamps. She opened the door in front of her. The room was dusty, with piles of wooden furniture piled up. Broken pieces stuck out of the piles like spikes, and created an ominous atmosphere. Sweetie Belle gravitated towards the giant wardrobe in the corner, which stood separate from the rest of the piles. She outstretched her hoof to it. Before she knew what happened, the entire room became dark within the second. A jungle emerged from the darkness, and was quickly surrounded by a cave. A fire emerged, and with it a series of figures. There was one who stood out to Sweetie Belle, whose form was similar to Kaleb. Her orange skin glowed in the fire, along with the tails on the top of her head, which had alternating stripes of white and blue. Sweetie Belle looked with curiosity and moved closer. She tried calling to them, but they couldn’t hear her. The figure began to speak. “We were lucky that the darkness helped us escape. We should move closer to where those ships are by morning.” One of the other figures looked at her, a young man. “Why should we trust you? You don’t know what we’ve gone through, what we’ve seen. How can we fight when we have nothing?” The others looked at him, and then at the figure. She sighed. “How many of you were taken from your homes? How many of you are refugees?” The others slowly raised their hands. “I know you’re afraid, but we need to have hope. It’s the fire that keeps us warm through these dark times. It can give us the confidence we need. To speak out against tyranny and oppression.” A small child spoke up. “How do we know that we can trust you? We don’t even know who you are? You just told us to move when the hunters came.” She moved close to the child, with Sweetie Belle following close behind. The figure took the child’s hand, and spoke to her quietly. “My name is Ahsoka Tano, and I am a Jedi Padawan. I made a promise, to protect you and everyone here. I would protect you, even with my own life. You’re safe with me.” The child huddled closer to her, and whispered a question. Ahsoka chuckled. “Yes, I will protect the animals of this planet. You know, you remind me of my friend Kaleb. He has a special connection with them.” She let go of the child, and turned to the rest of the group. “Because of my master, I did survive. He taught me to never give up. And I will lead all of you to survive as well. All of you need to rest. I’ll keep watch.” After that one interaction, it seemed to put the group at ease. As they all settled down to sleep, Ahsoka moved to the edge of the cave and sat down. Sweetie Belle sat down right besides, nearly jumping as she spoke. “Kaleb, you were right.” And with that, the cave disappeared into darkness. Sweetie Belle jumped, hyperventilating as she fell to the ground. The room was the same as it was before, with the piles of furniture and the wardrobe still in their spots. Her mind was in shock. What was that? Could it have been a vision…but it can’t be, I don’t know. I have no idea how powerful the Force is. She used the breathing techniques to calm herself down, and backed away from the room, turning around and sprinting back up into the main hallway. Was Ahsoka the apprentice Kaleb was talking about? They winded the streets of Canterlot with ease, or so they made it seem. Even with their combined knowledge of the city, it was difficult to find the neighborhood. Kaleb could hear the stories Thunder was telling, but he had his hand still outstretched, although he tried to hide it. Nobody seems to be following us so far. That’s good. We should be there in the next few minutes. Thunder gave him a sly look. “So, I heard you and Fluttershy are now a couple.” “Where did you hear that from?” Kaleb asked, slightly alarmed that she knew that. “Applejack is an old friend, and we exchange letters on a regular basis. I know Fluttershy from visiting Ponyville. She helped my dog and cat get along,” Thunder explained. “You two seemed right for each other, down to your personalities. Both shy but caring.” “I never really thought of it like that before,” Kaleb admitted. “Also, I don’t know how long that will be the case. We’re kind of taking a break.” “Sorry to hear that.” She shrugged as they made their way across a busy street. “Why, if you don’t mind me asking? I could give relationship advice.” I do need the advice, but I’m not sure how tell her without letting her know everything, Kaleb thought. There’s still much that is unknown. But I’ll do my best. He took a deep breath and begin. “We had a disagreement over the treatment of an animal, who died because I was worried about Fluttershy’s safety. She blames both herself and I for its death, and that I couldn’t understand why she needed to protect it. Things have been shaky ever since, even though we tried to talk recently.” Thunder nodded with sympathy, listening. “It’s difficult for both of you. From what Applejack has told and knowing Fluttershy, she is very protective of the creatures that she’s cared for. And that’s including you. Have you ever thought that this would have been the first animal to die under her care?” He paused, shaking his head. “No, I’ve never really thought about it before. Now that you mention it, she did say that she has never had an animal die under her care, or even get harmed.” Kaleb rubbed his hand through his hair with frustration. “I can’t believe I was that cruel, I would have helped her if I knew that. In the moment, I was so concerned for her safety…” “This was a misunderstanding, that was all. You’re one of the most caring friends I know, you wouldn’t be cruel to those in need.” She paused, looking around as they went through another side street. “Sometimes it feels like I’m back in war, with this different mindset that affects my own decisions. This is separate from the person I am now, but sometimes it isn’t. I was taught to always to value life and that difficult decisions would be made. I just never expected it to come up from this,” Kaleb expressed, as he stopped and leaned against a wall, looking at a building from across the street. “I know the feeling, believe me,” Thunder said. “That mindset put a lot of stress on my children and my friends, and it can be difficult for those who don’t understand. My advice would be to keep talking; don’t close off communication. The conversations are going to be frustrating, but relationships are never easy. There are things that you two don’t know about the other, and they need to be talked about. You’ll both get through this, even if your relationship changes.” She looked at him. “Are we here?” Kaleb looked out at the brick building, his hand outstretched. “Yes, but something’s off. Do you see a small ripple in the air, or is that just the heat?” Thunder looked closely. “I don’t…wait, I see that ripple. It’s warm out, but I haven’t seen that with any other building in the city. What do we do?” Kaleb thought for a moment, reaching into his bag and taking out the camera. “Take a picture. Pinkie Pie has this type of camera, it should print instantly.” She took a picture of the building, as the polaroid printed out from the front of the camera. She took it and waved it around, looking at the finished picture as it emerged. “You’re right, there is something. It could be magic, but why would it be around his apartment building?” “I don’t know,” Kaleb answered. “Either way, we need to be careful. If we’re to enter normally, we should go in the front of the building.” “Good point.” They walked casually across the street, keeping their eyes locked on the apartment building. They passed below the shimmer, and Kaleb felt a change in power through the Force. At the same moment, a Canterlot police pony walked out of the door. Thunder’s eyes widened. “I know him, he took my statement at the station.” She waved to him. “Hey, it’s me, Thunder. Do you have any updates?” He looked confused. “I don’t think I know you. You should check in with another officer.” He walked away, with Thunder now being the one confused. “I don’t understand, how could he not recognize me?” She asked. “Perhaps we’ll find out soon, Thunder. Very soon.” Kaleb answered. They walked into the building, closing the door behind them. It was an older building, with brick walls all around the first floor. There was an office to the left of the stairs, where the landlords were at their desks. “We can ask the landlords, perhaps they know what has happened.” “I’ll ask the landlords, they’ll probably won’t be as surprised to see me.” Thunder said. “The mailboxes have seen better days, but should still work. Find his.” Kaleb nodded, and walked towards the mailboxes. Thunder sighed and walked to the open door, knocking. “Hi, I’m looking for a friend of mine. He hasn’t gotten back to me recently, and I’m just wondering where his is. His name is Dr. Bluejay?” The two landlords looked up at her. They were husband and wife from the looks of it, both Earth Ponies. The husband had tan fur with a light brown mane that reached down over his ears, while the wife had a light green coat with a navy-blue mane that was braided. Their voices had no expression. “We don’t know where he is,” the wife responded. “He’s probably having a great time on vacation. It’s a great time of year to travel.” The husband chimed in. “It is a great time. We have some work to get done, but you can have a great day.” He closed the door in her face. Thunder walked back to Kaleb, who was looking at the box of mail. “They don’t know, and they don’t care from the sound of it. What did you find?” “Lots of mail, it hasn’t been opened or even looked at in weeks,” He observed. “Let’s take a look ourselves, then.” He started to go up the stairs, and Thunder followed. Both of them moved quietly, but quickly, going up four flights of stairs. The walls were still brick, but changed as soon as they entered onto the desired floor. The hallway had limited lighting, with lime-green walls and only a few lanterns were turned on. Kaleb outstretched his hand, and they moved quietly down the hallway. After a few moments, they arrived at a doorway in the middle of the room. “This is his apartment,” Kaleb remarked. “Nothing seems to be wrong in this hallway, besides the lighting…” “Wait, look at this,” Thunder interrupted, pointing to the wall opposite of the door. “The wall looks like it was cracked in a few places, extending down the hallway.” She followed it. “It stops here, but it seems to have been repainted. The shade doesn’t look the same.” Kaleb turned on some of the lamps. Both of their eyes widened as they saw the wall. The new paint couldn’t cover up the damage, where several high key impacts left zones. “This doesn’t look like regular wear and tear, not unless you were hitting the wall with a bowling ball.” Kaleb turned to the door, putting his hand on it. He tried to open it, but it wouldn’t budge. “Is it locked? Maybe he kept a spare key.” She checked under the mat, but nothing was there other than dust. “Just don’t break your shoulder trying to look cool.” Kaleb acknowledged the joke with a respectful nod. “It’s not locked, it’s stuck, hang on.” She began to take quick photos of the hallway. He put all of his weight onto the door and pushed, but it was no avail. He put his hand to the doorknob, but let it hover over. Reaching out to the Force, he pushed both his body and the door with the power, and the door shifted open. Kaleb opened the door slowly, and they were both greeted to a sight they didn’t expect. It looked like a tornado had gone through Dr. Bluejay’s apartment. Bookshelves had fallen to the floor, broken glass strewn about along various books and magazines. Pieces of silverware scattered across the floor, along with broken plates and glasses. Kaleb swore, as Thunder’s eyes filled with shock and confusion. “What happened here?” Kaleb shook his head. “I don’t know. Close the door, make sure that it’s locked.” As she went to the door, he put a hand on the pouch to make sure that his lightsaber was still there. The moment the door locked, he spoke. “There was a fight here. It started out in the hallway, and moved in here.” “Kaleb, the blood.” Thunder pointed out, keeping her voice as calm as possible. There were spots of dried blood on the floor and all a major impact zone on the wall. “There’s red and green. That can’t be possible for ponies.” “Not from what I know.” Kaleb responded. “Look at the crater, on the wall. There’s a large concentration of red blood on there. It’s large enough for a pony’s head. Whoever attacked Dr. Bluejay must have bashed his head into the wall. That would have been enough to knock him unconscious, or at least subdue him.” “My training talks about a lot about glass breaking,” Thunder explained quickly. “Kaleb, the glass from the window was broken from the inside. I can tell from the shatter pattern.” “Then the intruders were already inside of the apartment when Dr. Bluejay was attacked. There’s no way they could have broken into any other apartments.” “There’s a lot we don’t know,” she pointed out. “But it seems the police didn’t do their damn jobs, and that the landlords know more than they let on.” Kaleb paused for a moment. “Whoever did this, they knew exactly what they were doing. The paint that covered up the walls was to cover up the fight. The police would have checked this place immediately after you submitted the report, but there’s no markers to indicate it. We must be the first people to check this apartment. So that leaves the question: why have the police not even entered this place, and why have none of the residents or the landlords come forward or even checked it?” “I saw inside the landlord’s office. There’s a can of green paint in the corner that seems to match it.” She glared at the door. “I want to ask them some questions.” “I agree,” Kaleb replied, looking out at the window. “I think that the shimmer in the air has something to do with this. It’s localized to this building. “ Thunder shot Kaleb a disturbed glance. “Do you think…. he’s…deceased?” Her voice faltered a little, but recovered. Kaleb took another look around. “I don’t know. The perpetrators would have had to transport the body out of the building, and possibly out of Canterlot. It’s not impossible to do, but difficult. Someone would have had to noticed.” He closed his eyes. He knows about Canterlot’s security, along with being a former member of the Equestrian Guard. I might have sensed someone else when I felt the disturbance in the Force, I need time to reflect. Kaleb opened them. “Let’s assume that he is alive. Even if it gives us the smallest amount of hope, we’ll take it.” “You know, I was also trained in intelligence,” she pointed out quietly. “And I know that you know more than you’re telling me.” Kaleb sighed. “You’re right, but I am sworn to secrecy. I couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. Based on what I know, I can tell you there is a chance that he is alive. But I need to know for certain.” He sat down. “Keep your eyes and ears sharp, I need to think.” Thunder nodded, keeping her focus on the door. Kaleb sat down on the floor, and began to meditate, going into the state within a minute. I need to know for certain, maybe if I look back at that moment. Reaching out to the Force, Kaleb engulfed himself into his memories, examining the disturbance in the Force at the train station. There were voices hushing the female voice, as if trying to silence her. I swear, there could have been another voice. Maybe if I look closer. Kaleb looked deeper, trying to single out her voice. He did so for a few minutes. Damn, I can’t… Before he knew what was happening, he felt the Force reach out to him, the waves ancient but yet familiar. A male voice reached out to him. Your friend is alive, but in grave danger. You must hurry. Look beneath the path in front of you, and the distrust will always be in the eyes… The voice faded, and Kaleb snapped out of the meditation. That feeling of the Force…I haven’t felt it since meditating in the deepest chambers of the Jedi Temple. He shook his head, and looked at Thunder. “He’s alive. We need to talk to the landlords now.” She looked like she was going to ask a question, but shook that out of her head. “Let’s go.” She opened the door, with Kaleb right behind her. They walked at a fast pace down the hallway, the lights almost flicking from their speed. Opening the door, they moved down the stairs at a breakneck pace, Kaleb making sure that his lightsaber was in its pouch. Thunder reached the door first followed by Kaleb by a few seconds. She opened the door and barged in, slamming her hooves on the desk of the wife. “What do you know about Dr. Bluejay’s disappearance? We saw the apartment, and the paint that you used to cover the wall.” She seems unphased by the question, and she gazed up at Thunder. “He’s probably on vacation, it’s a good time of year to get out of the city. Isn’t that right, dear?” “Yes, it is. The sun is just fantastic out, and the flowers are blooming.” The husband looked at the two of them. “There’s this nice little place by the coast…” “We know you’re stalling, tell us where he is or I swear…” Thunder said quietly. “Do you want me to bring in the police? Because that is what I will do.” Her threats had no avail, the couple just kept talking about places to go for vacation. Kaleb hung back, observing. His eyes widened. Wait a second… it can’t be. He moved up to Thunder, stopping her from grabbing the stuff off the desk and throwing it. “Wait, they’re not going to talk.” “Oh, so you just noticed that now?” Thunder replied, glaring at him. “Not like that,” Kaleb said, more slowly this time. “No matter how hard we try to get them to talk, they won’t. Not even if they are tortured; they will still talk about the weather.” He indicated to the two. “Look at their eyes.” Thunder gazed into them, and turned her head in slight shock. “They’re blank…almost like their programmed to say the same thing. There’s no expression.” “Exactly.” A thought raced through his mind. “Something is controlling them. Or someone. I haven’t seen this in a long time.” Not since the Clone Wars… Thunder looked alarmed. “I don’t know what type of magic is at play, but it’s dangerous.” She noticed a vanilla envelope on one of the desks. “Wait a second, I recognize that. It’s one of the envelopes for the Canterlot Police, but the logo is blacked out.” She took the envelope, handing it to Kaleb. “You don’t think they are recording us?” He opened the envelope, looking at the contents inside. Shit…this is bad. He closed it shut. “We need to get out of here now. I don’t think they are, but I don’t want to take the risk.” He moved quickly, with Thunder following behind him. Kaleb opened the side window and jumped into an alleyway, stopping to help Thunder. They walked quickly, nearly running as Kaleb navigated through the different areas of Canterlot with ease, keeping his hand out in front of him. He casted a wide range out of the Force, making sure they weren’t being followed. They continued this way for half an hour, until Kaleb stopped just a few blocks away from the park. “Was it necessary to go this far?” “It was, believe me.” He opened the envelope, showing her the file. “This is the missing pony report you filed for Dr. Bluejay, filed by the officer who walked by us. He must have dropped off this file so it wouldn’t be found. His eyes had the same expression as the landlords. Look at what is says, at the top.” “No way…” Thunder read the report quietly. “Case is to be shuttered, by the order of Captain of the Royal Guard Shining Armor and Commander Alpine.” She looked at Kaleb. “Is this related to your…” “Yes.” He spoke quickly. “Go back to your home, make sure your kids are in. Lock every door and window, close the blinds. Don’t let them go out, and make sure your neighbors do the same.” He cast her a thankful glance. “You have done more than enough, but you and your family could be in danger.” She nodded. “Please be safe.” She gave him a quick hug. “Watch your back, you never know what’s ahead.” She turned and moved down the street. Kaleb put the file in his bag, where Thunder’s pictures were nestled safe. He turned in the opposite direction and moved towards the castle. I need to test one thing. Canterlot is in danger, and there is no time to waste. Keeping one hand to the ground and the other gripping the bag, he sprinted through Canterlot. Kaleb tried not to attract any attention, using every method taught by Master Johanna on how to avoid detection. He snaked his way through smaller streets and alleyways, making his way up to the busier streets. Disappearing into the crowd he slowed down and jumped into groups of ponies like they were boulders in a stream. He eventually made his way to the gates of the castle, which he ran through as the guards approved his entrance. Stopping just short of the castle doors, he opened them and went through. Just as he was about to move forward, Sweetie Belle ran up to him. “Kaleb, I need to ask you about something…” “It can wait.” Kaleb looked at her. “There’s something else I need to check first.” He and Sweetie Belle both looked up as they heard shouting from the main dining hall. “Whatever that is, it can’t be good.” They both followed the shouting to the reception area, where Kaleb recognized the voices of Twilight and Cadance. They slipped in through a side door, and saw what was happening. Twilight and Cadance were in the center of the room, with the rest of the Mane Six on Cadance’s side. “You’re not the foalsitter I knew! Stop manipulating my friends, and turning my own words against me. All this time, you’ve done nothing but berate them. I am so sick and tired of it.” “On the contrary, you have brought this on yourself, Twilight.” Cadance hissed. “Accusing me of trying to get to the Elements of Harmony, without the even slightest bit of proof. They’re locked in the tower, only Princess Celestia and Luna have gotten to them. “ The two princesses were behind Cadance as well. Celestia spoke first. “She’s right, I would know if the Elements were in danger.” Luna said nothing, but turned her head towards Kaleb, shooting him a warning glance. Kaleb drowned out the shouting as he focused in on the surroundings. He focused in on the energies of the remaining Mane 6 and breathed a sigh of relief. They’re not under any type of control. I sensed a certain barrier on the landlords and that police pony, different than the one surrounding the building. That must be around their minds. There’s nothing around Cadence or Twilight, or any of the princesses for that matter. Those thoughts were interrupted when he noticed Twilight’s horn starting to glow with energy. Knowing what was about to happen, Kaleb was about to move in, but Sweetie Belle was faster. She sprinted forward and outstretched her hoof just as Twilight’s blast flashed light. There was a bang, and Twilight was pushed back by Sweetie Belle. Kaleb knew that she had used the Force, but it was hidden by the blast. Everyone looked shocked as she spoke. “ENOUGH! Don’t do this, not today.” She looked at Twilight, and then Cadance. “I know my sister, and how stressed she can get. You have done nothing but made snide comments from behind her back. You think I wasn’t listening, but I was. Stop manipulating her.” “Interesting theory, but do you have any proof?” Cadance said sweetly tinged with bitterness. “Tell me, did anypony else who was working on the dresses hear anything?” The staff members on the side of the rehersal hall shook their heads. “I’m afraid you have no proof.” Rarity spoke up. “Sweetie Belle, stop making this up. This is ridiculous, nearly as much as Twilight’s claim. If you don’t stop this, there will be big consequences back home.” Sweetie Belle’s face turned white, nearly biting back tears. But still, she stood her ground. “Someone once said that they made a promise, to protect others, even at the cost of their life. To help others survive, leading them out of the darkness, just as their master did for the. I shall do the same.” “Admirable words, but no one will help you now.” Sweetie Belle continued to stand her ground, shaking. Kaleb hid his shock. That story…it was Ahsoka’s. Those were her words. But how… His thoughts were interrupted by Shining Armor moving in. “Twilight, what the hell is going on here?” He moved forward. Shining Armor tripped, and Kaleb helped him up. He ignored him and ran over to Cadance. “Did you just attack my fiancé?” Twilight didn’t have any words. Shining Armor snorted in disgust“By tomorrow morning, you shall leave the castle grounds or be escorted out by force.” A guard pony entered the room. “Alpine, escort Sweetie Belle back to her room.” Kaleb shot out his arm as Alpine began to move. The Jedi’s face had a veiled anger with his quiet words to the guard. “Stay right where you are.” He put his arm down and moved forward, stopping only a few feet from them. “I do not appreciate my friends being treated this way.” “Tell me, whose side are you on?” Cadance asked innocently. “The only side I’m on is one of preventing further harm.” Sweetie Belle ran out of the hall before Kaleb could have a chance. He cursed silently. I can’t afford to give away my position, but I need to say something. I should have spoke out sooner. “If Twilight’s claims are true, then you have a lot to answer for. But with no evidence, I cannot support her claims.” Keeping neutral in public is the only way out of this. Twilight began to walk out of the hall with defeat. The others watched as she moved out of sight, moving out of the reception hall through the side door. This left only Kaleb, Cadance, Shining Armor, Alpine, Celestia, and Luna. Kaleb spoke. “Forgive my words, but that was the worst thing you could have done for this wedding.” He turned around and walked right out of the hall. Moving through the hallways, he sighed. Shining Armor is under some type of control, I can tell from his eyes. Alpine isn’t. This keeps getting more complicated by the second. What happened in there was something I did not know about, with Elements and the manipulation of her friends. I need more information. After today, I don’t think contacting Flash is good for his safety. As he turned a corner, he spotted Twilight at a desk by the window, sitting down. She was looking at a blank page. I can’t ask her directly, we would be overheard. Perhaps there is another way. Kaleb reached out to the Force, noticing Twilight’s consciousness. He moved forward, and started to speak through the Force. Twilight. She jumped, startled a little. Don’t speak, just think your words to me. So now you’re just beginning to speak up for me? Twilight thought. Unbelievable… You were right. Kaleb interrupted. Something is going on here, more than either one of us knows. I need more information to confirm a few things, and you have it. I don’t think that Cadance is innocent. If she isn’t directly involved, she knows more than what she says. I had to keep neutral in the reception hall, to not give away my position. Twilight paused for a moment. I might be a little annoyed at the moment, but I trust you. I’m not sure this is the safest place to talk. You’re right. Meet me in your Canterlot library at one in the morning. Make sure you are not followed. Okay, but I still expect an explanation. Stay safe. Kaleb withdrew from her mind, and walked in the opposite direction.