//------------------------------// // A Dark Turn For New Beginnings // Story: Spike's Turnabout // by PonyJoel //------------------------------// It's been an hour since Twilight and her friends decide to plan a surprise party. Rainbow Dash just returned from Cloudsdale with a new edition of the Power Ponies comic. Rarity gallops to Sugarcube Corner with a haul of rare gems. Pinkie Pie has already set up the party in her room. Fluttershy, Applejack, and Twilight come in at the same time. Twilight made sure everything is setup. She checks off the apples Aj brought, the new edition of the Power Ponies comic, the cakes, the gems for Pinkie Pie to bake into a cake, the tea and tea cakes, the decorations, and everything else needed to make Spike happy. All they need now is to bring Spike. Rainbow Dash volunteers to search and grab Spike. Rainbow dashes out of the house and begins her search for Spike. "Nice work, girls. Everything is coming along perfectly." "Thanks, Twilight. Spike is going to love love looove this amazing party! Wooo!" Confetti explodes behind Pinkie as she jumps back. "I hope Spike is alright. The poor thing must be fuming with all that has happened today," Fluttershy sincerely states. "I'm pretty sure Spike just went out for a walk to cool himself down. I would do the same if I were mad," Applejack said. "Oh," Twilight said anxiously. "I hope this party goes well for him. He must be so upset with the way I treated him earlier today," Twilight starts to twitch again and hold herself. "What if he doesn't accept my apology for how I tried to bribe him? What if he hates me? What if..." "Twilight, darling. You are overdoing it. Stay calm. Spike will come around and accept your apology. He doesn't hate you. He loves you." "You're right, Rarity. Thank you. I don't know what I was thinking." Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all hug Twilight Sparkle. Their comfort sooth Twilight's panicked state and ease her mind. Rainbow Dash comes crashing in with a worried expression on her face. "Uh, girls. We have a situation. I am unable to find Spike." "What?!" Twilight shouts so loud that the birds around Ponyville fly away. "What do you mean you are unable to find Spike?!" Twilight said frantically. "I checked around Ponyville. I even flew into the Everfree Forest. Zecora hasn't seen Spike. He's not at the Castle of the Two Sisters. I have no idea where he is Twilight. I'm sorry," "This is an OUTRAGE!" Twilight shouts in anger. "Twilight, calm yourself. Let's not do anything hasty now." Twilight shuts out Applejack and leaves the room. She is now on the search for Spike. Rainbow and her friends decide to go on a search party. Spike's disappearance is now putting Twilight at disarray. Everypony searched all of Ponyville and found no traces of Spike. Twilight is now at the Castle of the Two Sisters. Searching every room but there are no signs of Spike presence anywhere. Spike! Where are yoooooooooooooooooou?! Twilight starts crying. It's only been 2 hours since Spike left Ponyville. He doesn't care where the train will take him as long as it's far away from the ponies who abused him. Who used him. Who left him behind while they have all the fun. Several ponies were chatting with each other as Spike sits alone. He searches for his journal to write but couldn't find it. He groans in the realization of leaving the journal behind at the library. "Whatever, I'm alone anyway. Soon I'll be making new friends, find a new home, work for a living, and start a new chapter in life." The train stops and pulls into a station. Spike grabs his belongings and gets out of the train. The train leaves. There is a trail in front of him. Spike takes a deep breath and walks down the path. Hoping it'll take him in the right direction. Spike gaze upon the trees and the wilderness. It's beautiful. As Spike sightsees the area, he found a town similar to Ponyville. He smiles and hopes that his decision is the right one. Spike walks down the path and sees a Lemon Tree Orchard. Spike couldn't help but stare at the lemon tree. It reminded of the apple tree he sees back in Ponyville. Spike notices that an earth pony is watching him. She waves at Spike. Then she walks up to him. Smiling and reaching her hoof out. "You must be new here. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Lemon Zest. What is your name?" "Oh..um...My name is Spike. It's a pleasure to meet you," Spike shakes Lemon's hoof. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Spike." "So, is this a lemon tree orchard?" "You got it. Also, here in the Zesty Fields, it's where I host parties for the entire town of Pony Central." "Pony Central?" "Yes, Pony Central. Since you are new here, I can give you a tour of our town if you like?" "That sounds wonderful." "Splendid. On with the tour." Lemon Zest walks with Spike giving him the grand tour of Pony Central. As the two walk down the street, a fast-flying pegasus swoosh near them and lands in front of them. Spike mutters. "Rainbow Dash..?" The Pegasus wasn't Rainbow Dash it was- "Hey, Indigo Zap! What's up?" Lemon said. "Ah, nothing much. Just flying and training is all," Indigo sees the baby dragon. "So, who's the baby dragon?" "Oh, this is Spike. He's new around here. I'm giving him the grand tour of Pony Central." "How nice of you, Lemon. May I tag along with the two of you?" "Sure," Lemon said with a smile. "Yes, you can tag along. It'll give us the chance to get to know each other better." "Awesome," Indigo said as she gives Spike a nuggie. Indigo and Lemon continue to give the grand tour to Spike. They show him several stores that he'll like, show him several food restaurants he'll enjoy. They stopped in front of a tall pine tree building. "This is the town's library, Spike. The library has every book you need in any situation," Lemon said. A light blueish gray unicorn with glasses walks out and greets. "Hi, Indigo. Hi, Lemon." "Hi, Sugarcoat." Lemon and Indigo said in unison. "Hmm, a baby dragon is with you two," Sugarcoat walks up to the baby dragon. "What is your name?" "Spike. I'm Spike. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you, Spike. I reckon you are new here and looking for a new place to call home?" "Yup," Spike said as he nods his head. "Well, you've come to the right place. Here in Pony Central, all living creatures live together in peace and harmony." Spike is enjoying his time in Pony Central already. He can't believe he's making all sorts of new friends. Then his stomach growls loudly. "Spike, are you hungry?" Sugarcoat asks. "Yea, I am." "We know the perfect location for you to grab a bite to eat. Follow us," Sugarcoat said. Sugarcoat, Indigo, and Lemon walk with Spike to the best bakery in all of Pony Central. It can be the best bakery in all of Equestria. As they enter the bakery, the aroma of freshly baked goods made Spike drool. Nothing this good can compare to the bakery back in Ponyville. The girls and Spike sat down at a table nearby. An earth pony came up to the table to take their orders. "Hi, Sour Sweet." "Hi, Indigo, Sugarcoat, and Lemon. How are you doing today?" "We're doing fine, thanks for asking," Lemon said. "So, what's your name, baby dragon?" "I'm Spike. Nice to meet you, Sour Sweet." "Nice to meet you as well. So what will you all be having?" "For Spike here, we'll be having the traditional ice cream pancakes." Sugarcoat said. "One order of ice cream pancakes coming up!" Sour Sweet whistles towards the kitchen. "Mr. Pudding! We have a newcomer! We are making ice cream pancakes!" "Alright then, let's get baking!" Mr. Pudding shouted. Sour Sweet jumps over a table and enters the kitchen to help bake. "So, what's this bakery called?" Spike asks. "Sugary Skies Bakery. The Pudding family owns the bakery. They allow Sour Sweet to live with them since she is an orphan," Lemon said. "She is?" "Yea, but that's a story to tell on a different day." In ten minutes, Sour Sweet returns to the table with four plates of ice cream pancakes. "Enjoy!" Sour Sweet said as she smiles. Sour Sweet, Indigo, Sugarcoat, and Lemon watch Spike take the first bite out of his ice cream pancake. His eyes widen as he chows down. The ice cream pancake is by far the best dessert he's ever eaten. "This is delicious, Sour Sweet!" Sour Sweet chuckles. "Thank you, Spike." "You're welcome," Sour smiles. "Anyway, my shift is over for today." "Hey, Sour. The tour I'm receiving isn't over. Want to tag along with us?" "Sure. I can even show you my favorite locations in Pony Central." "Sounds good to me." Lemon, Indigo, and Sugarcoat eat their pancakes. After a while, everyone left Sugary Skies Bakery and continues with the grand tour. They walk down a steep hill heading into the fields of Pony Central. A pegasus in the skies is managing the weather. Making sure there is nothing but clear skies for the rest of the day. She sees her friends and lands down. "Hey, Lemon. Hey, Indigo. Hey, Sugarcoat. Hey, Sour Sweet." "Hi, Sunny Flare." They said. "Who's that baby dragon behind you all?" Spike approaches Sunny Flare. As he looks up at the pegasus, he can't help but smile. "I'm Spike. Spike the Dragon." "Nice to meet you, Spike. I'm guessing your new and want to live in Pony Central?" Spike nods his head. He couldn't help but smile more. Being surrounded by new friends breaks the chains of his loneliness. Finally, he found a place to call home. "Yes. I want to live here. Everypony so far has been kind to me. Treating me as I'm one of them and not dirt." "Huh?" The girls said in confusion. Spike sighs, then he spoke. "Yea, back home, all I did was work, clean, sleep, repeat. I used to live in the Golden Oak Library. I was living with Twilight Sparkle. She and I used to be friends. Every day she would learn the magic of friendship. She would go on epic adventures, go out and party, have fun, sing, laugh, and create memories. I was her number one assistant. I would clean up the messes she makes when she stays up all night studying. I would go on errands for her. I do a lot of work but no appreciation. Not even a thank you." Spike begins to tear up. "My so-called friends would leave me behind whenever they were having a party in town. I missed special events and birthday parties. I never get to hear the end of it whenever Twilight makes me write down letters to Princess Celestia. It makes me so mad! There was this one time on Winter Wrap Up Day that I was sleeping on a block of melting ice in the lake. Instead of my friends coming to help me, they laughed at my misery when the ice melted. Due to me being cold-blooded, I was nearly drowning in the freezing lake. They were laughing when I nearly died," More tears stream down on Spike's face. "I suffer from physical trauma. I'm tossed around, used as a pincushion, used as a test subject, used for sporting. I get hit with open doors, books falling on top of me, falling off a ladder, being drop by levitation. Then I get mocked for being who I am...I'm sick and tired of the same routine every day." Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, and Sunny Flare could not believe what they are hearing. They are distraught, horrified, and disgusted. They can see the devastation on Spike's face. They all comfort him by giving him a group hug. Spike wails in sadness. After a long while of hugging, Spike finally calms down. The girls looked at each other, then at Spike. "Spike, mind waiting for a few moments. The girls and I need to have a quick meeting," Lemon said. "Sure, I can wait," Spike sniffs a little. Lemon Zest, Indigo Zap, Sour Sweet, Sugarcoat, and Sunny Flare walked a few feet away from Spike to have a quick discussion. "That poor baby dragon has to be scarred for life. Being used and abused like that," Sour said. "I know, Sour. No child should ever go through what he went," Sugarcoat stated. "I'm surprised that nopony called the CPS on Twilight Sparkle," Indigo said. "So, what shall we do?" Sunny said. They looked at Spike and back. "He has no other family now that he's left them," Lemon said. "No, he has a family. A new family," Sugarcoat said. "He now has us for a family. We'll take good care of him." "Yea, we will!" Indigo shouts with pride. "So, where will he be sleeping at?" Sunny questions. "In our homes on a daily weekly basis. Every week, Spike will spend the week with one of us. He's been lonely for a long time. It's time to change that," Sugarcoat states. Everypony nodded in agreement. "So, who wants to take him in first?" Indigo asks. "Hmm, how about I take him in first," Lemon suggests. "Seems fitting since I was first to greet him." "Makes sense. Then I'll be next in line," Indigo said. "I'll make the library feel more like home for Spike. Also, he'll be free of chores and work." "I have a spare bed in my room. I'm pretty sure the Pudding family doesn't mind adding one more in their household for a week," Sour said. "Then I'll be last to take him in for the week. I'm pretty sure he'll love the open space and fresh air." "Then it's settled." The girls nodded in agreement. Then they walk back to Spike with important news. "Hey, Spike. We have news for you." Sunny said happily. "What is it?" Spike asks. "First of all, where are you planning to sleep tonight?" Sugarcoat asks. "Oh...um...at a cave near Pony Central since I am a dragon after all." "Oh no, you won't," Lemon said. "Oh, I guess you know a better place for me to sleep?" "Yes, we do," Lemon smiles at Spike. "You are going to live with me this week." "I am!" Spike said excitedly and full of joy. "Next week, Spike. You'll be crashing by my place," Indigo states. "Following week, you'll be living with me at the Pine Tree Library. Also, you won't be doing any chores or work." "Then, the following week, you'll be in my room with the Pudding Family. They won't mind having you around for a week." "Last but not least, you'll be living with me for a week. Then the rotation will restart. Starting with Lemon all over again." Spike is overwhelmed with joy and happiness. He now knows that he'll never be alone ever again. He made the right decision. From Ponyville to Pony Central, from Tartarus to Haven, Spike is at ease. He yawns as he's getting sleepy. Lemon Zest smiles and picks up Spike. She places him on her back. "I'll bring Spike to my home at Zesty Fields so he can rest. I'll see you, girls, later tonight." Lemon said as she bites Spike's bag and trots off to Zesty Fields. "We'll see you tonight for sure!" Indigo shouts. Then she flies off to her home. "I'll see you two later. I have to report to my bosses about the weathering," Sunny Flare takes flight. "See you around Sugarcoat. I have to prepare the cake for tonight's party." "Will do Sour. I'll see you around." Sour Sweet and Sugarcoat trots in different directions. Lemon Zest carefully balances herself with a baby dragon on her back. Spike is gazing around Pony Central as Lemon trots. Spike couldn't believe that earlier today he was in Ponyville, now he resides in Pony Central. Yet, he wonders how Twilight and her friends feel about his disappearance act. Spike shrugs it off his mind. Not looking back but looking forward. Besides, they go on epic adventures saving Equestria. They don't need him. It's been three hours that Spike been missing in Ponyville. The search has gone critical. Everypony in Ponyville is helping Twilight locate Spike. In their best efforts, nothing has been working. Twilight is at the library searching for any notes that Spike may have been writing. Key locations of where he might have run off too. The Golden Oak Library looks like Discord's doing when it comes to chaos. Books scattered everywhere, papers flying around, personal items tossed around in search of any hidden clues. All is lost until Twilight stumbles on a book. She uses her magic to lift the book. Her eyes beam wide open when she read the title of the book. "Spike's Friend?" Twilight opens the book and reads the first page. Her heart sank as her eyes start to water. "Dear Journal, Today has been awful. I'm home while Twight and our friends are having a fun time partying. Yesterday was Gummy's birthday party. Pinkie Pie invited Twilight but not me. I was left behind to clean up a mess Twilight made when she was studying downstairs. Twilight didn't even suggest that I come with her. Today, Twilight didn't even bother to invite me to help set up for Pinkie's Surprise Party at the Apple Barn. She gave me a list of chores. A long list of chores. I never heard the end of Twilight saying how much fun she had at Gummy's Birthday Party. I never heard the end of Pinkie's Birthday Party. She made me write a letter to Celestia explaining what she learned and how much fun she had. What Twilight doesn't know is how lonely I have been feeling. She doesn't even care to ask how I'm doing. How I am feeling. All she has to say is that I need your assistance, Spike." "Sp-Spike never told me about how he felt..." Twilight reads the next page. "Dear Journal, I am lonely once more. Earlier today, Rainbow Dash was in dire need of support. Fluttershy hasn't shown off her loud cheering spirit for Rainbow Dash. The Best Young Fliers Competition took a toll on Rainbow Dash. Twilight and our friends decided to go to Cloudsdale to cheer on Rainbow Dash. Twilight used a spell so we all can walk on clouds. Twilight specifically tells me to stay home and clean up the library. Books were scattered everywhere. Hundreds of them. I would end up missing the Sonic Rainboom Rainbow Dash performed. Once again, I am lonely and missing out on all the fun that Twilight and our friends are enjoying. I missed a trip going to Cloudsdale to clean up a mess I didn't make! " "Spike...I'm sorry..." Twilight continues to read as more tears stream down her face. "Dear Journal, It's getting worse. Earlier today, before writing and sending a letter to Princess Celestia, my friends were laughing at me when I was sleeping on a melting ice block in the lake! I am cold-blooded. Coldwater doesn't suit me well. When my friends were laughing at me, I was drowning! They were laughing at me when I should have died in the ice-cold water! How dare they laugh at me for nearly dying in the lake! Why didn't they took the time to warn me or help me before the ice melted! I'll tell you why! They don't care about me! If they did, then they'll save me instead of watching me drown! It's like they wanted me to die already!" "Th-Th-That's n-n-not...true..." Twilight pants heavily. Her heart feels heavy. "He's my number one assistant...He's my friend...I...I...I...wouldn't treat...him...like this..." Twilight continues to read. "Dear Journal, I'm back home from the Gala. Despite my friends telling me their stories of how bad their night was, I still had a bad night. Instead of doing what I wanted to do, they left me. Ditch me as they tried to have fun. It's still no excuse for their behavior. All I did was sit alone and eat donuts until the night was over. I never felt so lonely while traveling with my friends to the Gala. Am I worthless to them?" "Wh-what..? Worthless?" Twilight is starting to have a heartache. She feels butterflies flying in her stomach. Her eyes are getting red from the tears. "Spike...what have I done to you..? What...have we done to you..?" Twilight read more journal entries. Each one is worse than the last. Twilight is starting to understand Spike's motives. Wanting to run away seems plausible. Twilight cries uncontrollably. She finished reading the book. All she wants to do now is apologize for being a monster. Rainbow Dash and her friends check on Twilight after hearing her wails. "Twilight! Why are you crying?" Twilight uses her magic and levitate Spike's journal. "Spike's Friend?" The girls said in unison. An hour passed as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy read Spike's journal. Tears stream down their faces. They felt like monsters for doing this to Spike. After a while of crying their eyes out, Rainbow speaks. "Twilight, what are we going to do..?" "Rainbow Dash, how fast can you fly from here to Canterlot?" "At the least, ten minutes with the Sonic Rainboom. What you have in mind?" Twilight takes a quill and writes down her letter to Princess Celestia. Twilight hand over the letter to Rainbow Dash. "Fly to Canterlot. Let Princess Celestia know what's been going on. She'll know what to do." "You got it, Twilight." Rainbow sniffs and flies as fast as she can towards Canterlot. She does the Sonic Rainboom for more speed. "Uh, Twilight? What should we do?" Pinkie asks. "Go home and rest. I have a mess to clean up."