Ruffled Feathers

by Serina

Heart Full Of Glitter

Featherweight was sitting at his desk in the back of the classroom as the other students were trotting around the classroom. In each of their hooves, they held colorful cards, candies, and small gifts. Featherweight looked at the small pile of cards on his desk and then looked down at the card that was hidden in his school desk. He sighed and pushed the card further into the desk. 

“Why such the glum face, Feathers?”

The colt nearly jumped out of his desk to the sound of Sweetie Belle's sing-song voice. He looked up at her. “W-what?”

Sweetie Belle nudged Featherweight. “You look all sad. What’s wrong?”

Featherweight tried to manage a small smile. “Nothing’s wrong! I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

The filly rolled her eyes and leaned in as she whispered, “You are a terrible liar. You realize that, right?”

Featherweight looked down at the wood floor. “Yeah, I know.” He shuffled his hooves together, lowering his head down, and sighing softly. Looking up he saw a concern and confusion plastered on Sweetie Belle’s face, his nerves were getting the best of him like always. This should be easy but it isn’t, it’s not easy to admit feelings to somepony even with the support from his good friend.

Featherweight shook his head and got out of his desk chair, “Sorry, Sweetie Belle, I’m just p-pretty nervous about talking to,” he leaned in and lowered his voice to that of barely a whisper, “you know who.” He pointed with his wing in the direction of another pegasus, Rumble.

Waving her hoof and grinning, “Psh, I know that!” She sat in the desk next to where the colt was standing and looked over at Rumble talking to a couple of fillies in the class and back at the love-sick pony in front of her. “I used to be nervous about singing in front of ponies but the more I put myself out there the better I became at being able to handle those nerves. So maybe this doesn’t work out but it might and you have to give it a shot, Featherweight! We didn’t use thirty-two different colors of glitter from Rarity’s secret glitter stash for nothing!”

Featherweight pulled out the colorful, glitterfied, Hearts and Hooves card out from the inside of his desk. It was a pretty good card and they did spend a lot of time on it. He smiled softly, his nerves calming for a moment. “Thanks, Sweetie Belle. It was really nice of you to help me out with this.”

A smile, along with a sprinkle of blush, spread across the filly’s face, “It’s what friends are for Featherweight.”

Featherweight looked over to where Rumble was standing, well, previously standing. He’s gone? Featherweight looked around frantically and saw the backend of the colt trotting out the side door of the schoolhouse.

“W-w-Wait!” Featherweight forced his once previously frozen in place limb to thaw and begin to race towards the door. He couldn’t let him leave without giving him the card. It would definitely be twenty percent weirder if he gave it to him tomorrow.

Leaping over the few concrete stairs in his path, he made it outside the school spotting Rumble near the front of the playground. He must be waiting on Thunderlane again, this is perfect.

Featherweight composed himself and trotted over to the small gray pony, the card tucked safely under one of his wings. “Hey, R-rumble, what’s up?” 

Rumble turned and smiled, “Oh, hey, Featherweight! Just waiting on my brother to pick me up from school. He’s late,” Rumble huffed and folded his hooves, “again.”

Featherweight frowned and sat next to Rumble, he had to lighten the mood...Somehow. He smiled, chuckling “Well if he’s this late picking you up all the time, how has he not been fired from the Wonderbolts for tardiness?

Rumble laughed for a moment, “Right? I have no idea! Spitfire must chew him out all the time!” He unfolded his hooves and leaned back. “It’s fine, the later he is the more time I have before starting homework.” He turned to Featherweight. “Seriously, who assigns a three page paper on the cultivation of turnips using earth pony methods? I’m never eating a turnip again just out of spite. Thanks, Ms.Cheerilee.”

Featherweight chuckled nervously. “Uh, isn’t that due tomorrow? I started that last week!”

Rumble raised an eyebrow, “Really? Well, then, maybe you can help me out then. Want to come over later and help convenience me I need turnip knowledge?”

Featherweight couldn’t believe what he was hearing. A study date, with Rumble! A dream come true really, wait, he hasn’t even given him the card yet. That won’t make things awkward will it?

Featherweight nodded, “Um, s-sure, if my Mom says it’s okay.”

Rumble nodded and smiled. “Awesome, thanks, bro.”

The slim pegasus sat there, butterflies invading his stomach, well better now than later, right? “Um, R-rumble?”

Rumble cocked his head, “Yeah?”

Featherweight held out the card towards Rumble, shaking glitter onto the grass below as his wing tremored violently. “H-h-here.”

Rumble took the card from Featherweight, his eyes scanning the contents while his face has a blank slate. He looked at Featherweight, “This isn’t some joke, right?”

Featherweight felt his whole body blush in embarrassment, was this a mistake, “N-no?”

Rumble nodded and smiled. “Hey, it means a lot you feel this way,” Rumble blushed and brushed a hoof through his mane, “and maybe I like you too but I just want to get to know you more, you know? You barely say to words to me every day.”

Featherweight felt his whole being shatter. Rumble had wanted him to communicate better this whole time, he had no idea. He shook his head, “I’m so sorry, I was just so nervous!”

Rumble chuckled. “Yeah, I figured. You were shaking like a leaf a second ago.”

Featherweight sighed and smiled. “Yeah, I was, wasn’t I? Well, at least we are talking now, right?”

The gray colt nodded, “Right!” He smiled. 

Suddenly a booming voice came from above. “RUMBLE, ARE YOU READY TO GO?”

Rumble winced at his brother’s yelling from the sky, he turned and saw his brother incoming from above. He turned back to Featherweight, “Sorry about him. Will I see you tonight to, uh, you know, help with turnips and stuff?”

Featherweight blushed and excitedly nodded. “I’ll do dishes for a week to get my Mom to say yes! So, yes, I’ll come over. You live in the blue house down from the bakery, right?”

Rumble nodded and took to the sky towards his brother calling back, “See you tonight!”

“See you!” Featherweight called back smiling. Once rumble was out of sight he began to trot gleefully back to the schoolhouse. He has so much to tell his friend, Sweetie Belle.