//------------------------------// // Chapter Ten:A Friendly Confrontation // Story: Time Stops For No Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// Time Stops For No Dragon Chapter 10-A Friendly Confrontation "I see that you are back." Princess Celestia said. "Did you accomplish what you set out to do?" Spike fiddled with the pendant around his neck. "Sort of. I figured out what happened to Fluttershy, at least." Celestia raised an eyebrow, interested in this new development. "Oh, really? Please, tell me what you have learned." "It turns out, that Discord corrupted her with a piece of his soul. If we can get it out of her, our problem would be solved!" He announced, excitedly. "Do you know where she is?" "I can't say that I do, unfortunately." Celestia admitted. All of the sudden, a flash filled the room, leaving behind a beaten Twilight. "Princess…It's…Fluttershy…" She coughed between breaths, before passing out. "Twilight!" Spike exclaimed, running to her side. He breathed a sigh of relief, upon realizing that the unicorn still had a pulse. "I wonder what happened to her?" "Well, she mentioned Fluttershy, so that's probably who did this." Spike nodded in understanding, turning to look at Celestia. "Can you please, help her? I would do it myself, but I need to go find Fluttershy." Celestia nodded in agreement. "Of course, do what you have to do." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Spike teleported using his draconian magic, into the center of Ponyville. Even though he could use any spell that a unicorn could cast with enough practice, it usually took a lot out of him if the spell was more complicated, so he didn't always use those abilities. Teleportation wasn't too hard, though, so it didn't take much energy, and besides, this was an emergency. Ponies surrounded Fluttershy, who was covered in darkness. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash were staring her down. A wave of darkness knocked them back a few feet, off of their hooves. Rarity tried to help, despite not being much of a fighter, firing a blast from her horn. The shot was small and weak, however, easy for Fluttershy to deflect back at her. The unicorn was thrown back with a cry of surprise, slamming into the wall of a building behind her with an audible 'crack'! Pinkie Pie was next to attack, producing two pies that she threw at the pegasus, shouting, "Take this, you big meanie! Give us our friend back!" The pies changed course halfway in their flight, causing the treats to splatter into the face of the pony that launched them. The pink pony blinked, before licking all of the pie off of her face in delight. "Mmm, Strawberry flavor!" She just disappeared after that, probably doing whatever she usually does. Applejack and Rainbow Dash were the only ones left, and Spike could only look on in horror, anticipating what his possessed ex-marefriend would do next. Applejack decided that she'd had enough of this, not enjoying the fact that her friends had been hurt. "Fluttershy, if you can hear me in there, I'm real sorry for this. I don't want ta do it, since you used ta be our friend and all, but you leave me with no choice." The farm girl tipped her hat and charged, preparing to land a hit on the pegasus. At the last possible second, Fluttershy back-hoofed Applejack into a tree, digging a rut in the ground. A few apples fell and hit her on the head, with a sound similar to a coconut 'bonk'! Spike was scared out of his mind, not sure what to do, but desperately wishing he could do something. Rainbow Dash was actually fast enough to land a hit on Fluttershy, but she wasn't able to get away. Fluttershy pinned her to the ground, so she couldn't move, staring her in the eyes. Rainbow looked behind her, and noticed Spike standing nearby. "Spike, call off your marefriend, would ya? You have to do something!" Rainbow pleaded, as she was tossed away, landing on her left wing with a yelp. Fluttershy was only interested in the dragon now, moving toward him with haste. When she was a few inches away, she stopped. She was shaking uncontrollably now, and Spike smiled. He knew that she was fighting back, and this gave him hope. "Sp-Spike…I-I…R-run…You n-need to r-run n-now…I d-don't want t-to hurt y-you…" She gritted her teeth, in pain and concentration. "No, Fluttershy! I can't leave you, not now! I-I love you." Spike pleaded, "You can fight it!" Fluttershy smiled. "I l-love you too…I-It's too strong…I-I'm sorry…" She ran away, still struggling, in the direction of the Everfree forest. Spike sighed, staring at the spot she had just been in. "Why does nothing go the way I plan for it to?" He thought, forlornly. He felt a hoof on his shoulder, turning to see Rainbow Dash. "Spike, we have to go. Most of our friends need medical attention, including me." She said, gently, chuckling lightly at the end of her sentence. Spike nodded, sadly. "All right, let's go." Rainbow helped the dragon gather the other two ponies from their spots. Now that they were all together, Spike teleported them into the lobby of the Canterlot hospital. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX He managed to find a big room they could share, instead of being in separate ones. Twilight was already inside, since the Princess had brought her here earlier, and reserved the room for her. Rainbow was the only one awake, and Spike hoped that they weren't in comas. Rainbow soon fell asleep for lack of anything else to do, leaving Spike to watch over the others. Pinkie popped up in front of him, but for once, he didn't jump. There was an awkward silence, as they both remembered how their last encounter ended. "So, uh…how's it going?" She grinned, awkwardly. "Well, not very great, given the circumstances." Spike replied, irritably. This dampened her smile considerably, as she knew the seriousness of the situation, but was trying to lighten things up. "Oh…right. I guess, things didn't go well, when you confronted Fluttershy?" "No, I couldn't save her. Not only that, but all of our friends are injured, because I couldn't stop her. I'm a failure, for not being able to protect them!" Spike covered his face with his hands. Pinkie Pie frowned, not wanting to see a friend, especially him, sad. She lifted his face, removing his hands from it, while he continued to stare at the ground. "Spike, I want you to look at me." The dragon brought his eyes up to look at her. "You're NOT a failure. I know you can think of something, if you try! If only you could change the past…but you can't! That would make it, easy-peasy!" Pinkie said, truthfully. Spike smiled. "Pinkie, you're a genius! Say that again!" "Say what again? If only you could change the past? It sure would be cool if you could, wouldn't it?" "Pinkie, that's it! Oh, I could just kiss you!" "If you won't, I WILL." She muttered, under her breath. "Pinkie, what…" His eyes widened in surprise, as she made her move, pressing her lips to his. Her lips were warm and velvety, tasting of sweet candies. Pinkie broke the kiss, blushing heavily. "What did you think?" He was dumbfounded, and a little dazed. "You taste like Strawberries…" She giggled, cutely. "Does that mean, you liked it?" Spike shook his head, not dazed anymore. "I liked it, but I-I'm not sure…I need to think." "Okie Dokie Lokie! Take all the time, you need!" Pinkie patted him on the head, before leaving the room, bouncing all the way.