//------------------------------// // Chapter Fourteen:Uncertainty // Story: Time Stops For No Dragon // by FluttershyLover55 //------------------------------// Time Stops For No Dragon Chapter 14-Uncertainty Spike walked down the stairs, as Twilight looked over at him. "Hello, Spike. What were you doing upstairs? I thought I heard voices." Spike was a little nervous, but relaxed, when he realized that she wasn't on to him. "I, uh, was taking a nap." He replied. Twilight was frustrated at his behavior, believing that he had been lazy. "Spike! Did you even do all of the chores?" She grabbed the list off of the table telekinetically, floating it in front of her face. "Of course, Twi! I wouldn't have stopped to rest, if I wasn't done!" Spike assured, and the unicorn was surprised to see that every item on the list had a checkmark beside it. "Wow. Good job, Spike! That's why you're my number one assistant!" She smiled with her eyes closed, proud of her friend. Spike smiled, wondering why she hadn't said anything about his new jacket, but then he realized that he wasn't wearing it. "Thanks, Twilight. I'm heading out for a bit, if that's all right." Twilight nodded in agreement. "Sure, Spike, just be back by dark. I'll see you, later." The lavender unicorn sat down and began reading a book, as he walked outside to do other things. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Spike decided to go see Fluttershy, traversing the familiar dirt path that lead out of Ponyville to the outskirts of the Everfree forest. Along the way, the black jacket reappeared on his body. Apparently, it had made itself invisible when he didn't want anyone to see him wearing it. "I wonder what else it can do? Discord must have given it some magic powers, or something." He thought. As the cottage came into view, Spike stopped himself. "What am I DOING? As much as I love her, I can't get close to her. She'll be in danger, if we're together." Spike turned around, about to go back into town, but was stopped, when a familiar voice called out to him. "Hi, Spike!" Spike really didn't feel like talking to her at this moment, but he didn't want to seem rude. "Hey, Pinkie." He replied, turning around to face her. "Whatcha' doin'?" "I…uh…" Spike stuttered. A look of realization dawned on Pinkie's face. "Ooh, I know! You must be here to ask Fluttershy to join your biker club!" She exclaimed, excitedly. Spike face-palmed at her randomness, and sighed. "Whatever gave you THAT idea?" "Your awesome black jacket, of course! Where did you get it?" "A good friend gave it to me. And, there IS no biker club, there never was." He replied. "Awww, okay…" Pinkie Pie was a little disappointed, but she kept smiling, anyway. "There was actually something I wanted to tell you, but I forgot what it was." The party pony thought for a moment, then gasped, seeming to have remembered what she had forgotten. "Now, I remember! I was going to invite you to Fluttershy's birthday party. It's in a few days! I would give you an invitation, but I think Fluttershy has a 'special' one for you. Anyway, Spike, I'll see you later!" Pinkie bounced away, as Spike watched her. "Hmmm…I wonder what Fluttershy is planning to do? I really want to visit her, but…Would it really be so bad, if I got close to her? Maybe, I shouldn't worry so much." The dragon couldn't decide what to do, so he headed back into town. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX A certain yellow pegasus backed away from the window when she saw him leave, more than a little disappointed in herself for not being able to go outside and speak with him. "Oh, I wish I wasn't so shy. It probably doesn't matter, anyway. It's not like he feels the same way. I just don't know how to express my feelings towards him. What should I do, Angel?" Fluttershy thought aloud, turning to look at her pet bunny. He tapped his foot on the floor, and pointed to his mouth. Fluttershy giggled at his display, understanding the message that he was trying to convey. "Oh. Silly me, I almost forgot to feed you your dinner!" Before heading to the kitchen, she took one last look at the window and sighed. "Someday, you'll know how much I care about you." XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX The rest of the evening was spent in the park, watching the ponies pass by. A few were holding hooves, obviously, a couple, and Spike could barely stand to look at them. He was lying on his back in the grass with his hands behind his head, when a chilly wind blew through the area, and caused each individual blade of grass to sway to the beat. The dragon had no idea when the day had switched to the night, but he assumed that it had been that way for a while, since no ponies could be seen. "Maybe, I should try to talk to her. Luna said that I shouldn't try to prevent the future, or I would cause it. So, I think I'll try to talk to her tomorrow, if nothing happens." The moon's rays shone down upon him as he stared up at it from the ground, not quite ready to go back home yet. The rustling of grass sounded from behind, and a dark shape blocked his view of the glowing orb. A slightly frustrated unicorn was now, staring down at him. "I've been looking everywhere for you! What are you doing out here, all alone?" Spike sat up and answered, "I was just thinking about some things, and I lost track of time. Sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry." Twilight sighed, feeling all of her frustrations be replaced with concern. The librarian could tell when something was bothering him, but she had no clue what it was. "What kinds of things were you thinking about?" She inquired, hoping that she could help. Spike thought for a minute, deciding on how much he should tell her. "Twilight, what do you know about love?" The lavender mare wasn't expecting this, and now, she wasn't so sure that she could help. "I, uh…Spike, it's a little chilly out here. Why don't we continue our discussion at the Library?" He nodded, standing up to follow her. He turned to face the direction of Fluttershy's cottage and muttered, "Someday…" "What was that?" "N-Nothing!" Spike replied, as they headed for the Library.